
(89 KB, 1300x866, 84055559-fat-woman-posing-with-scales-on-a-white-background.jpg)
How many models (or people in general) got into feedism as a way of rejecting or fighting a history of eating disorders or disordered eating? Curvage Casey kind of brought this up on a podcast episode recently, and Reenaye Starr has talked about how the fetish was a way for her to take control from the traumas of diet culture.

Have you seen other people talk about this? Know any other examples of people experiencing the fetish this way?
Delicious Delilah is not a feeder but she was anorexic and used to be like 85 pounds. Eliza Allure I think talked about having issues with food when she was younger. Cowthickjay I think was also. So was IvannaEatAlot. And Aliss who there are articles about.
>>16362 (OP)

MamaHorker too. It's pretty common, especially with models who seem to get addicted to the validation for gaining as (temporary?) "cure" for their body image issues.

No accurate stats will ever be compiled on this question, but I'd be really curious to know whether this particular path is more common among women who model professionally, as compared to women who have the fetish but keep it to themselves or with a partner.
I also believe KittyPiggy once posted that one day, a "flip switched" in her brain where she wanted to go from wanting to be as thin as possible, to as big as possible.

To seriously get huge, in most cases it is a given something neurologically has to be "off" honestly. Even if it's like a matter of an autistic fetish (which is correlated just as autist women are more likely to have EDs yet also find fat "stimming" when they aren't afraid of it on them)

I'll confess I have been tempted once or twice to try to manipulate a bulimic chick into getting huge. I know, evil, but feels so good and might end well after all.
Yeah I'm very interested in how people with a former or current ED experience this fetish. Like is it really therapeutic/curative on some level? Is it just another eating disorder, in reverse? Is it neither, and just a distraction from the underlying issue, or just it's own thing?
I’m a bbw/feedee with a history of bulimia and anorexia.

In my experience, I never trusted my hunger and I was raised with trusted adults who ingrained into me that fat was bad. I was told I was a compulsive eater as a small child. I was never medically obese but my parents/grandparents thought they were saving me from a life of trauma as a fat person by getting to me early. This ended up creating a food driven shame spiral and body dysmorphia. Shame got kinked by the time I was a teenager. I was thin but wanted my “belly” jiggled by boyfriends. I wanted them to love my “fat” (I wasn’t fat). I’m sure it was weird/confusing for them.

I discovered feedism and fat erotica in my early 20s and it turned me on a lot. I watched videos of women playing with their belly fat and gaining on purpose and it turned me on.

It took me years after that (despite natural weight gain from years of destroying my metabolism) to give into the fetish. Giving into the fetish has done wonders for my self esteem and body image. Despite becoming what I feared and what my family feared for me, I feel in control of my appetite and my weight. I am certain that I’m fat now rather than constantly questioning whether that extra jiggle on my small frame means I’m fat.

I’m not as big as the other BBWs mentioned in this thread and I don’t intend to be. But I do think there is empowerment in the fetish. I acknowledge that I’m mentally unwell and maybe my weight is a manifestation of that, but it’s not devastating for me to be reminded of that by health professionals. If bloodwork shows any indication of danger to my health, I’ll listen to them.
GGG struggled with eating disorders prior to gaining, but gaining/feedism exacerbated the problem so she is in full time ED therapy now.

Feedism is exactly like anorexia, only in reverse where women end up feeling pressured to gain rather than lose weight in order to attract or hold the attention of men. Recovery is about learning to love and accept your body exactly as it is without feeling the need to change it in any way.
Thank you for sharing your experiences, I really appreciate it, especially with such a person topic. It sounds like the fetish has on some level been healing for you.
> I acknowledge that I’m mentally unwell
So feedees are mentally ill. More news at 9

You should be watching out for the ones that claim otherwise.

This is a rich thing to say on a board dedicated to feedism. The amount of condescension toward feedees that some people on this chan show is terrible.

This person was sharing a personal story of a difficult struggle, and explaining the healing role that feedism has played in that struggle. I think that deserves some respect.
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This is an imageboard, we can't be seen to care about anything.

"Men" whom are afraid to care, aren't men at all.

Thanks for sharing anon. Honestly my feeder desires are kind of in the reverse, but ones you'd understand. Family of mine had anorexia forced on them due to Accutane, and one of my parents got cancer in my teenage years, so while I had my desires beforehand after this I SERIOUSLY conflate fatness to health and contentment.
Nobody wants damaged goods, anon.

You owls got some big mother fucking eyes, don't you?
>Nobody wants damaged goods, anon.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10:
9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
>quoting the Bible on a porn board
I forget the book and verse but Jesus was asked why he hung out with thieves, prostitutes and tax collectors for the Roman invaders. He said who needs a doctor, the sick person or the one who is well? If JC were real and alive now, this is exactly the sort of place he would be and he would tell his bropostles to bring ministry to sinners like us.

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