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I don't know if anyone is into stonks? I know this probably belongs on Reddit, Wallstreet bets, but I don't think I have enough Karma to start a thread.

SIGA technologies ($11.37) maybe worth a look - it has the only licensed Monkey Pox treatment..... do your own research and this is not investment advice.
Hi thanks for replying - you can have any car you want! Maybe I'll just hire the Lambo for a day and do a photo shoot for Instagram!

So the market in general is crashing - but SIGA is holding up reasonably well. Plenty of shorts on this (apparently) that is holding this down, and it is being slated for not putting out releases when it signs up new contracts with governments. Hey, maybe there is a reason, who knows.

Anyway the Monkey Pox cases continue to rise - you can watch it "live" at this link https://ourworldindata.org/monkeypox

Crypto going down the toilet, as well as tech which let's be honest has been hot for a long time. The other thing that is doing OK is energy.

Good luck all and do your own research!
Anybody work in the City or Wall Street?

There must be some BBW/SSBBW/(insert your preference) admirers that work in finance?

Or are you all after 10/10 models if you are flush with your banking bonus?

What do you think of the current situation? Recession? Recovery? Crack Up Boom? Or will it just be left to deflate aka "The Great Reset"
I live in the city and commute to CT like a fucking retard. Recession is happening but nowhere near 08. If you were smart during COVID you'll be fine. Main concern I have is the media whipping people into a frenzy so that they freak out enough to make it worse than it should be.

No one in finance is pulling 10/10 models. But having a BBW GF/wife would be insanely detrimental to my livelihood. Always curious about how many others on this board are in that situation. Even though fat is typically a low-class (as in social class, not making a value judgment here) fetish, statistically there must be some of you.

Thems an awful lot of mighty smart words there, pilgrim.
Thank you for the replies. There is a lot of talk of doom, and I think they are trying to scare the last bulls out. If the NASDAQ can get below 10,000pts, or even down 8000pts, I'll be a buyer. I took profits at 15,000pts so looking pretty pleased so far. The clue was that the market leader AMZN was going sideways for 12 months, which meant stock was being dustributed into the market. Additionally bitcoin has led the market, and tells us the overall market direction at the beginning of the week on Sunday.

I dont work in finance so my partner wont affect my career prospects. Your significant other shouldnt affect your career but I can see how it would. How is that SSBBW going to fit in that Lambo?

Niggas is crazy
Lol. Are there fat chicks in the grandes ecoles? I know quite a few Sciences Po alumnae, all stick thin.

Not just career, but life in general. It'd be like bringing home a black woman 100 years ago. They'd try to have me institutionalized. I don't think anyone in finance drives a Lambo either.
I 100% get what you mean about it being perceived as low class. wealthy people either date conventionally attractive people, or people of similar social status. and on the whole, wealthy people aren't hyper obese, so it'd definitely get you weird looks. I think they'd be fairly accepting if you said it was your type; they might find you a bit weird, but it's the sort of thing that just kind of fades into banter imo
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Oh shit, the dreaded "reverse commute to Greenwich/Stamford." If only Peter Stuyvesant had fought harder against the English and claimed Fairfield County for New Amsterdam, this interstate tax leverage wouldn't be a problem and employees could take the subway to work like a civilized person.

>no Lambo and 10/10 model gf

Why even finance, bruh?

Kidding, I have friends in finance and it's funny how different the culture actually is from the movie/TV stereotype of a "Wall Street guy" as a conspicous big baller. But that's true of every elite profession I guess.
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>Even though fat is typically a low-class (as in social class, not making a value judgment here) fetish, statistically there must be some of you.

It's not that the fetish itself is low class, although making "flaunting a weird fetish" a big part of your identity definitely is. It's just that women of an affluent/educated social class are a lot less likely to be fat. For women, the social and professional opportunity costs of letting yourself get fat are a lot higher in a major metro than they'd be in Middle America where even the rich are carrying around some extra chub. Is that what you meant here?

I'm a New Yorker with an Ivy degree, although I wasted my intellect on art world hipster crap and went into humanities academia as a career (this was a terrible decision and I urge everyone not do this), so my income and lifestyle are precariously middle class by NYC standards.

I'm out as an FA, although I don't make a big deal about it (see above re: making your fetishes your identity) and have introduced plenty of fat GFs to friends/family. My sexuality is too deep a part of my identity to try and hide it, and it would be wrong (to both the thin and the fat women) to date skinny girls while sleeping with fatties on the down low. That's scummy behavior and it poisons the well for guys like me who are actually trying to date, although as a matter of clear-eyed realism I understand that it's going to happen anyway in industries like yours. But the hard part is finding someone who could actually hold my interest outside the bedroom, and hold a conversation in my social group without coming across as cringy/tryhard. Back when I was single on dating sites, looking for a fat girl in metro NYC meant dating blue collar girls from Jersey and the island, no offense intended but that's not my demographic and I need something in common outside the bedroom to keep a relationship going.

When I met a woman who I clicked with in this way I wifed her up ASAP, probably too quickly although that's for reasons unrelated to her fat.

pic vaguely related
I will say this about banking bros. I've got a cousin with a finance MBA who I don't talk to often because he's a huge douchebag. He's exactly the kind of guy who went to work on Wall Street thinking it would make him a playboy big baller and is quietly very bitter because actually it means staring at spreadsheets for 80 hours a week. And sure enough, he walked right into the trap of a blonde bimbo gold digger who made him feel like a big man for a minute, then blew up by 100 pounds and divorced him for mad alimony once they had a kid together.

She cute with the weight now in a MILFy way, ngl. But they're horrible people and deserve to be making each other miserable, although I feel terrible for their kids.
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I'll agree with that. i suspect it’s very much a rat race thing. The pressure to be lean/athletic is felt among high-income people. Once you leave the office, the bodies become more diverse.
(Any 40 y.o. female tourist is obese by default. That crack the pavement wasn't there before that photo was taken.)
Bitcoin is weak over the weekend. It is at $18k as I write, and didnt hold at $20k. I expect more pain in the markets this coming week. Bitcoin has been a good indicator of whats to come. I also expect AMZN to dip beneath $100. No time to be a hero, keep your cash and powder dry for the bargains to come.

SIGA tech appears to be holding up well during this bear market, as monkey pox cases still continue to rise, and the CDC starts to get more and more concerned.

Oil dips a bit on fears of recession, but the bull trend is still intact, and I feel this is a add the dip moment, although oil and oil stocks may soften a little more.

Biden has taken a fall on his bicycle this weekend, perhaps its an omen or it heralds a big fall in the markets. Maybe the NASDAQ will be beneath 10,000 pts next week. I have my short as a hedge, and its in the money, running.

Do your own research, no investment advice. I've been in the markets for over 20 years. This is the big one.

You dont have to be made to work here, but it certainly helps.
>>16278 (OP)
I hope you can afford more than one car, a Lamborghini probably would not be able to handle a BBW.

I'm sure when you build wealth, you could buy a Cadillac Escalade limo. I'd love to drive one to the Las Vegas BBW event. We could have a wild party back there.
Well bitcoin has been threatening to drop again, I've no idea how it ia managing to hold 20k. It went down to $18k yesterday. My forecast hasnt played out yet, but certainly it can still happen. I'm buying more SIGA with my pay cheque each month, so this holding pattern in the markets might be a gift. C'mon Lambo baby. Any SSBBWs done a photo shoot with trying to get into Lambo? I d pay for that!
>I hope you can afford more than one car, a Lamborghini probably would not be able to handle a BBW.
I kinda wonder. My EVO has recaros and my FWB at +350lbs is kinda smooshed into them; She claims she's fine, but frankly with her, I doubt it because (I feel) she just refuses to speak against me. Catholic women.

Looking into buying into EV and battery techs- like Gogoro and some of the other modular battery pack designers. With oil gouging us for daring to have dems in power, prices on that should be headed up. Also hoping Amazon goes lower- both because fuck Jeff, but also because I want my stocks on fucking sale.

I have friends in finance; one is super spooked that we'll see super-high interest rates like the era of stagflation again, but the other (in the same field) isn't sure about that because hiring for most companies in STEM isn't dropping; watching CPI shows inflation is steadily decreasing except for a YOY, but to be frank I don't understand it all yet.

>Well bitcoin has been threatening to drop again
Honestly I would consider buying a little because it'll bounce back, but the coinbase sites absconding with people's money keeps me from ever seriously considering it now.
All this talk about recessions and stock market crash. I've lived through a few, crisis means opportunity. Whenever there is a bear market or insert what bad thing, there are ways to make money. Theres a link to what did well on the CNN website through the years, I'll find the link later. If we are to go through a period of like the 1970s, what did well consistently through that decade was auto makers such as GM and oil companies like Exxon.
I'm looking for a good manual Evo X. I'm sure I'll get one eventually.

Anyway, I was thinking about the electric VW Buzz. VW had to delay production to solve issues. It was designed to be like a Microbus, except all electric. It sounds great, the old Microbus was extra spacious because stuff could be located over where the engine hood would be. Bringing the concept back is great.

As much of a pain a VW can be, it is probably easier to deal with than a Tesla.

>>I've lived through a few

All of us have too. We've had 3 of them since 2001.
Evo 8 owner here, stock seats and Brides both are not SSBBW friendly.

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