
(52 KB, 502x600, 502px-BibleWarningLabel.jpg)
Have any of you ever spent so much time with fundamentalists that you started thinking characters from the Bible decided to read the Bible itself to figure out what they had to do next? FUCK THE RECURSIVE BIBLE! Also, days were less than 24 hours long in the distant past, "red" was sometimes used in the Bible to describe brown objects, and most Bible-thumpers might secretly be porn addicts.
I guess I've always found r/atheism posters way, way, way, more annoying than Christians, but you do you boo-boo.
This legitimately reads as a schizophrenic break.
Part of my gf's family pretty much is, especially for German standards.

I've never really read much of it (I know what happens in the story mostly tho) so I can't comment on the first part

They are just nice people with an actually quite ok set of values

It's just a completely different world when you come from a not overly christian family with some people being atheist or way more science leaning or modern and then there's the other part where bible quotes on the wall or on pens etc and prayers before eating are omnipresent and all that

I got used to it rather quickly tho, also that my gf is more than average religious (again german standard) and also wants one or two quotes in calendars or pics

I once was surprised tho when I came up with some evolution stuff after a documentary I think and I believe it was animals developing some feature and she was, I don't know how to say it, skeptical or not all convinced it wasn't the work of God as such (pretty bad description of what happened tho)
There's a good point to it tho for sure
She won't ever be that all left political weirdo I couldn't deal with (I'm neither all right or left wing) and I won't lose her so easily since it's a Christian value to stay together and marry and all that stuff ;)
>>16231 (OP)
Lol I don't even really believe in God conventionally but I found them to be more tolerable than a lot of the retarded lefty atheists. I'm honestly at the point where I don't care what people believe, if you want believe transpeople are truly the gender they present themselves as so be it, same with Christians and their interpretation of past events.
Believe what you want to or not. Just shut the fuck up and stop trying push whatever agenda you have down people's throat.

It's always the loudmouth ones who can't keep it to themselves that fuck it up for their respective side.
True Christians try to repel our pozzed western globohomo culture.
Satan has a hot waffle iron waiting for you
>>17546 Do the opposite of whatever this guy does from now on
I'm laughing about how many of the alt-righters claim Christianity built the west, jews and atheists are destroying it.
>>17559 Ok hows it funny? I want to laugh
SJW shit is just Christianity without God.
>weakness is... good!
>all men are bro- I mean all *clap* yall *clap* are *clap* one big fami- THERE'S ONLY ONE RACE THE HUMAN RACE OKAY?!
(16 KB, 340x275, hume.jpg)
True Christians download modern drawings of fantasy bucket-helmed crusaders, add some broken Latin in MS Paint, and post it on chans
>>16231 (OP)
I think there's a horror novel with that idea
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The Holy Spirit at work...on 4chan?
Shouldn't even be controversial to say that /pol/ holds nothing sacred. I assume they believe God is a tool to keep order in society. The kayfabe is too exposed. It's like when you're watching wrestling and a guy looks into the cameraa before doing a big move.
my bible is that fat girls make my pp hard
>>17597 Don't be an asshole bruh
>>17563 I've heard about the "human race" before but in school many years ago
but that is my bible
don't disrespect my fatsexual religion
>>17599 Your fatsexual religion is a mockery and an insult to your own intelligence. As a human you should be able to do a whole lot better than what you are doing but you are blinded
>>17601 Bro I could be wrong but I think you are only making yourself laugh here.
>>17604 I dont know what nestle is. The brand. I don't go shopping. That's for women.

You are a weeb. Your jokes are dumb and your style is stale
>>17605 Bro if you think that looks good, I hate to break it to you, you don't got skills bro. But I appreciste you ruining art and the real beauty of fat women with your artistic tastes, your awful posts, and your generic artwork.

I have done all I can to express my love and admiration for fat women throughout the years because it was the least I could do as a way to say "thank you" to the all the beautiful women that looked out for me while I was younger and shared with me a piece of their heart.

You guys have destroyed almost everything in this country and you're still haven't learned how to be funny that's why fat hoes hate you. I will eventually probably end up married to a fat woman one day in order to repay them for their kindness and warmth; for all the laughter and the tears of joy that kept me going throughout yhe years. But if there's one thing I can't stand is corny guys and I don't know how much more I can bear if this site. The way the mods have allowed it yo be destroyed, banning people for racist comments instead of banning for comments that aren't funny. It's too much
>>17611 Bro wtf are you talking about? and stop posting drawings of fat women lmao. Nuns and witches? You have issues, dude. Learn how to fucking draw
>>17613 And you are doing a great job like only you can.
>>16231 (OP)
I've dealt with my share of bible-thumpers, but after using reddit I've arrived at the conclusion that your average western a(nti)theist is far, far more annoying and at least twice as stupid.

Think: Youtube thumbnails with some guy's shocked facial expression (literally like a Sniperwolf or Mr. Beast tier thumbnail) and a video title of something along the lines of "This one thing DISPROVES the ENTIRE BIBLE!!!"
>>16231 (OP)
I love how fedora tipping atheists always love to shit on religion (most specifically christianity) when nearly all the supposed truth of "science" is simply just mandated bullshit to push a narrative, or a massive circle jerk to falate their own ego and has nothing connected to reality. Even the narrative of Human history the push is mostly incorrect, Human civilization has been around for far longer than they claim, General Relativity and Quantum are bullshit, and there are in fact only 2 genders/sexes.
lmfao this is the best comment in this whole thread, it's so stupid I'm in awe, bravo sir
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>>16231 (OP)
>Have any of you ever spent so much time with fundamentalists that you started thinking characters from the Bible decided to read the Bible itself to figure out what they had to do next? FUCK THE RECURSIVE BIBLE! Also, days were less than 24 hours long in the distant past, "red" was sometimes used in the Bible to describe brown objects, and most Bible-thumpers might secretly be porn addicts
there is no reason whatsoever to be religious in 2022 besides cynical lib ownage theatrics
>wahhh atheism bad because i hate trannies
(35 KB, 333x500, 512vcgnH2OL.jpg)
Trads worship Mammon, same as those who control the airtime. Overlapping interests.
(1.6 MB, 950x708, 6CCD7E17-2B17-4DA6-9B19-DD163A633758.png)
>there is no reason whatsoever to be religious in 2022 besides cynical lib ownage theatrics
>wahhh atheism bad because i hate trannies

>Trads worship Mammon, same as those who control the airtime. Overlapping interests.
didn't this washed up house negro glorify HIS OWN sexual abuse on a podcast once or something
>sexual abuse
kek. Hey, don't talk like that; using those racist words. You're being too funny right now. If you're too funny then who knows what could happen? By the way I think you meant to say sexual assault or rape instead. Just trying to help you so you don't get laughed at by the rest of society. Too doo loo
and here we have some cynical lib ownage theatrics from a butthurt milo fanboy projecting about how he gets laughed at by society.
>space guy holding gun
Always has been. You ennui-stricken larpers.
>implying young people who are enthusiastic about religion don't also look like this
Most millennial men look like that tbf
>>17768 What do you mean? Wearing hairstyles that are traditional for little girls/women, and also behaving like little girls in public? No, these things are not illegal, but they are gay. Just like not all hairstyles are exclusively for women and children, I obviously can't tell you if these black dudes are actually gay because I don't know them personally, but I can tell you that they do act gay and that most people do not like it.
what little girls/women are traditionally wearing...beards and shaved heads, or shorter than ear-length curly hair, bro? also literally none of the people in the image are black

are you okay
>>17770 What are you talking about beards? I am talking about the trends of black dudes fashion being gay and girly I am talking about painted prosthetic nails boys which is trap music culture since at least 15 years ago minimum and it's gross. Most people ignore it because we are pacifists, but it is nasty and if they choose to invade or move into your town and purchase homes the greedy government will not protect you because the government is gay
(40 KB, 400x400, E6B14A9E-D20F-45C1-A81C-98FCCC924E91.jpeg)
>What are you talking about beards? I am talking about the trends of black dudes fashion being gay and girly I am talking about painted prosthetic nails boys which is trap music culture since at least 15 years ago minimum and it's gross. Most people ignore it because we are pacifists, but it is nasty and if they choose to invade or move into your town and purchase homes the greedy government will not protect you because the government is gay
I wore black shirts since 08 since before memes even existed fruitcake go suck a bbc. You are stale bread and don't force me to prove you wrong because I will smack the shit out of you infront of everybody
you responded to a chain of posts with an image of three white dudes

I ask again, are you okay
(731 KB, 1100x1100, C8CB91F3-1D74-4AAF-BB0C-D766E2B94E8D.jpeg)
>I wore black shirts since 08 since before memes even existed fruitcake go suck a bbc. You are stale bread and don't force me to prove you wrong because I will smack the shit out of you infront of everybody
>>17775 You must think you are so funny. That's probably why your art sucks dick. Some of us call it nigga art. We like to say "he nigged it up".

Being black doesn't make you auromatically funny by default, retard. Do better.
(112 KB, 826x1140, 2604FAD6-9847-4656-9712-CCB38B2A2048.jpeg)
>You must think you are so funny. That's probably why your art sucks dick. Some of us call it nigga art. We like to say "he nigged it up".
Being black doesn't make you auromatically funny by default, retard. Do better.
Conservatards really can't get through a sentence without mentioning trans or gay shit, huh
There was an interesting study I read a while back which seemed to indicate moral outrage isn't actually outrage for Conservatives. It's just how they identify each other and mob together, using a form of viral language.
(118 KB, 608x862, FCF8DDAB-0AEF-4A68-9A0A-B6B44821F81D.jpeg)
>There was an interesting study I read a while back which seemed to indicate moral outrage isn't actually outrage for Conservatives. It's just how they identify each other and mob together, using a form of viral language.
> I don't have an argument, I just think posting a picture of what you look like is a rebuttal.

You should be 18 to post here.

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