
(39 KB, 576x1080, bbwrightwing.jpg)
Because it feels like apolitical is the best you can get with models and unfortunately, the BP movement is left and the right hits back at it, alienating fat girls. Though I'd like to know if people have know women who are into the fetish but are lean right.
Viva La Valerie turned out to be a trump supporter but I think she got WLS a while ago
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I can fix her.
Jesus Christ americans are retarded
Definitely seen a least one girl on r/ssbbw posing with a Gadsen flag behind her…she was hot but got downvoted by a bunch of soyboys who never realized that capitalism is the reason we have the food surpluses that enable obesity

You are 100% factually incorrect, but I would honestly love to hear more from you.
>>16099 (OP)

lol i wanna see someone make this a flag or shirt and bring it to the next trump rally.
You're not going to get any good answers here, OP.

Despite them ragging on Feabie leftists, this site is pretty leftist itself and hates when you complain about models being political on work accounts.
it's just too bad that conservatism will never align with body positivity or any other culturally progressive movement, huh
Progressive movements are all garbage. The fat acceptance one just aligns with my fetish. But it's cringe with fat men.
Watch me align those stars.
Cope - your conservative fat women are all gut and no ass or tits. Hell the men have more ass. May as well fuck them and hope your boot-licking gestapo doesn't find you.
Someone’s triggered.
you say that as if it's a bad thing
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What conservative anyway? I haven't seen crackdown on government debt in ages. Also, if they really cared about deregulation, the DEA would be gone.
lauren lush has just said in an instagram story that she was sad to see some her favorite comedians and philosophers hate on that plus sized sports illustrated model. since the only "philosopher" i know that commented on it was jordan peterson maybe she likes him or used to like him. a bit of a stretch but i found that interesting.
goddessofgluttony was rumored to be rightwing/trumpy but she always gave me too-stupid-for-own-opinions-i-just-like-what-my-boyfriend-likes vibes.
I used to chat with her back when she briefly returned to the scene in 2018 on Feabie. Definitely seemed right-wing from the vibes I got. In hindsight, I do have a feeling that she might have filtered some of her views since my views were opposite to hers and there were rumours floating around that she’s a white nationalist, etc. I don’t know whether that’s true though or if she just leaned right.

Regardless she was very sweet and supportive in private and we had great, stimulating conversations about various topics. She was a pleasure to chat with. Nicest person in the scene I’ve talked to.
I like Peterson, but what he said about that model was stupid.
>What conservative anyway?
• believing in individual negative rights
• understanding what men and women are
• opposed to people who want to groom and mutilate children
• wanting strong borders and only letting in immigrants who come legally and plan on assimilating
• in favor of freedom of speech
• in favor of the right to bear arms
• opposed to communism and communist narratives
• in favor of free market capitalism
• supportive of the nuclear family
• believe in supply side economics
• believe in a strong national defense
• tough on crime
• against reckless spending
That is actually a pretty accurate description of the American conservative. Opposed to "people who want to groom and mutilate children" despite being anti communism and supporting free market capitalism. While somehow missing the contraindicated every single major corporation is vehemently pro transgender
lol conservatives don't give a damn about freedom of speech or anyone's freedom. Which is why when you talk to any con for 5 secs they reveal they wanna turn America into some retarded theocracy, which is the worst form of govt ever.

And it's pretty stupid that conservatives support capitalism, probably the most radically anticonservative ideology and force ever. Capitalism doesn't care about conserving anything and has no values besides making the quickest and most convenient buck. But I guess that makes sense that conservatives being the retards they are wouldn't see that glaring contradiction.
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Southerners had a longstanding opposition to banking snd trading floors. These things are not in their self-interest.
They made this Faustian bargain for other reasons. It's a culture war roughly along religious vs. atheist lines. Which tends to get swept under the rug when libertarians gain political power.
>people who can’t tell the difference between capitalism and corporatism
>>believing in individual rights
Except for black and brown people, poor people, women…
>>understanding what men and women are
Meaning women don’t have control over their own bodies
>>opposed to people who want to groom and mutilate children
Except for the multiple GOP groomers in Congress, Matt gaetz, Jim Jordan…
>>wanting strong borders
You just hate brown people
>>in favor of freedom of speech
Banning textbooks from schools
>>in favor of the right to bear arms
This one is true actually.
>>opposed to communism and communist narratives
Maybe, highly doubt the average conservative voter can articulate exactly what that means or what communism even is
>>in favor of free market capitalism
Except for the highly regulated banking industry, the highly subsidized oil and gas industries, the highly subsidized military industrial complex…
>>supportive of the nuclear family
Again, not wanting women to have rights
>>Believe in supply side economics
Proven time and again to be a horrible way to organize an economy
>>believe in strong national defense
Until they come home, in which case 100% of conservatives will vote to ignore and dehumanize all vets
>>tough on crime
You just hate brown people
>>against reckless spending
Lol, I won’t even give this one a response, this is so insanely delusional and hypocritical
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SCOTUS agrees that money equals political speech.
Capital aggregates and becomes political power. Simple as that.
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suspected GainingGabi might be, if not Trump-adjacent, a moderate republican. She made me want to grill hotdogs for sone reason.
In a way, it's similar to Kelsey Grammar being the lead in Fraiser; the lead actor has different politics from the show's creative staff
>implying corporatism isnt the logical conclusion of capitalism
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I suspected GainingGabi might be, if not Trump-adjacent, a moderate republican. She made me want to grill hotdogs for some reason.
In a way, it's similar to Kelsey Grammar being the lead in Fraiser; the lead actor has different politics from rest of the creative staff.
Based Huey Long while getting trips poster.
Boom, got that gay nerd, nice.
>And it's pretty stupid that conservatives support capitalism, probably the most radically anticonservative ideology and force ever. Capitalism doesn't care about conserving anything and has no values besides making the quickest and most convenient buck

I guess I'm "Conservative" and I totally agree with this. Lots of younger conservatives hate crony capitalism, the Buckleyites/Chicago School won the battle but they will lose the war.
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i've got mine in boots and braces. what do you guys think?
:) :) :)
As her ex from 13 years ago, back then I could assure you she was far from conservative. Backwoods and lower educated, sure, but not conservative.
Sorry if I caused offense. She gets enough shit from the "community" without me adding to her plate.
>>16099 (OP)
I'd love to know because this itself is a huge sub-fetish of mine. Despite or maybe because I'm anti-conservative a massively obese angry trad Trumper really appeals to me. Not so much a trailer type who uses a gasden flag as a curtain and has three shades of unwashed hair and jail tatoos, but a Karen who works in real estate and belongs to the PTA and local homeowners association, goes to the gun range rather than the gym, wears Lane Bryant over spanx, and pretends to diet here and there but then eats her face off with the slightest excuse or enabling and then tornado binges when no one's looking. Oh and lives comfortably with the cognitive dissonance that her Lord and Savior Donald Jesus Trump thinks she's a disgusting pig and says it, out loud and all the time.
(2.0 MB, 498x277, spongebob-challenge.gif)
Americans try not to fight about politics challenge (Impossible) (Gone Wrong)

Let's break down what the modern Republican actually believes:

>believing in individual negative rights

Wrong. "Conservative" Republicucks are still fighting the Nixon's drug war which was lost a decade ago

> understanding what men and women are

Bruce Jenner

> opposed to people who want to groom and mutilate children

All Republicans oppose most age of consent laws and have no problem with male genital mutilation

>wanting strong borders and only letting in immigrants who come legally and plan on assimilating

A common assumption, but the Republican War on Terror objectively made is less safe

>in favor of freedom of speech

Unless it involves criticizing churches, corporations, Trump

> In favor of the right to bear arms

Trump banned bump stocks and openly floated the idea of banning suppressors and AR15s, making Diane Feinstein giddy on national television

>opposed to communism and communist narratives

Republicans are the ones who sat down with Mao to open trade with the Chinese Communist Party, effectively throwing the Republic of China (known to Republicans as Taiwan nowadays in order to not upset their commie overlords)

> in favor of free market capitalism

Trumpies believe in the tenet of fair trade, which is communism

>Supportive of the nuclear family

Stormy Daniels

>Believe in supply side economics

Republicans wholly support farm and corporate subsidies, so no.

>believe in a strong national defense

Getting nearly $30 trillion in debt along with Democrats has made us less safe

>tough on crime

Jeff Epstein was Republican

>Against reckless spending

Ha, you're retard if you actually believe this

Amazing how both sides can hate you at the same time because you didn't choose one of them.
I mean, I wasn't a fan of the discord mod because I wasn't terribly attracted to her, which only sucks for me that she posts multiple times a day. Being libertarian doesn't change things.
“aCcEpTaNcE fOr Me BuT nOt FoR tHeE”
Of course, I'm special.
Get over yourself, Skits.
or you could just lighten up. Apologies if confidence offends you.

The only ones that I know of that are "confident" are those working for the dark side, and their confidence is limited to their wrongdoings.
Major "PICK ME" energy from this anon
ITT: Leftists who don't know basic economics.

But back on topic; I don't know any conservative BBWs OP, but hope you snag one or at least someone neutral or hell, left leaning but not psychotic that'll listen or at least be respectful of your difference in opinion.
Please, for your own sake and for the sake of others, delete your reddit account and stop watching any cable news(either CNN or Fox) and read an actual, physical book written before 1950.
Buddy, it's not his fault or your fault the major political parties and their loudest constituents are completely detached from the figureheads that make the decisions. Politics post 2010 is a new game, and if you're not rich you're only get to watch.

What the heck are you talking about? What happened in 2010?

I apologize. I was overseas for 15 years doing supply and inventory for the US military. You can make some good money that way. I would recommend it but only if you don't have a family. Is there a link that I can read?
I think Anon was pulling numbers out of his ass, but I'd personally regard that as the time when both sides really started ramping up division for points with their base and bipartisanship being a four letter word.
>basic economics
Beyond salvaging
ITT right wing/ conservative clowns who will never land a fat chick (who doesn't fucking hate herself) and don't understand why

Yeah. That's accurate for me anyway. Although I am not sure how you would know that about me. I remain hopeful that something will come along eventually. Fat chicks and huge boobs are on my bucketlist. Oh, that and snal sex. I have know plenty of bbw conservatives though but they are usually married.

Have you ever wanted to say something racist? Do you ever feel like saying the "n" word but you can't because you live in the US and you will get fired from your job?
I actually agree with you, I'm saying the above anon is like a guy watching football and pretending he's on the team, wearing their jersey, chanting their slogans, defending their honor at the office water cooler, when that team and their owner don't give a shit about him. That's what being on "Team Blue" or "Team Red" is, it's just sports for midwits who think they are clever. I work with a guy that I really admire professionally, he's also a great family man, all around good guy, but I hate talking politics with him because he just parrots whatever he saw on CNN last night, almost verbatim. I really hate it, it's a mass media induced modern brain rot, that's why I said he should delete Reddit and stop watching cable news, both are very deceptive in what they report and what they leave out. Think for yourself, read books, make up your own mind, stop trying to be on Washington Blue Donkeys or the Washington Red Elephants.

Wow. You sound like quite the guy. I agree though. The dark side is a deep black hole, indeed. As deep as it is vast. Sucking up everything in its wake and as the gape grows the arts and entertainment are naturally to fall right in with ease. It is how it was for many decades. They take whatever they can get and the only thing they understand is ease of access. Opportunistic by nature. Sometimes taking over whole industries.

That is why I have always said that if there is one thing that I thank God for about the internet is that it has given way to the rise of the independent man and with it comes all things that are true liberty in the arts, and communication. It may not be much but it is something that was simply not doable in past decades and frankly speaking it's something that was missing and was hurting innovation as far as the independent thinker is concerned. Being an independent thinker is about being a blessing to the ones you love. Art and communication are fundamental skills for the independent thinking man. Although evil will always find a way to utilize the internet for its own evil purposes and there is no realistic way to stop it, I am gladdened to see all the good that it has done for us in terms of art as well as education.

Says the European.
>Free Healthcare

>Pays for it with taxes
free healthcare = free at point of use. I don't think anybody is dumb enough to mean nobody has to pay for it. Conservatives only seem to be able to win arguments by misinterpreting their opponents or making up lies to smear them.

isn't 90% of american aid to Israel for military spending? I don't think America pays for Israeli healthcare lol
I can't stop laughing because that doesn't actually happen nearly as much.
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life sucks because we currently live under socialism (we have a right wing government but any kind of government is socialism, according to Ted Nugent).
Refute any of what I said, with facts and logic, I dare you.

Everything I said is fucking true. Republicans are crypto-commies
I can't believe you fell for that gross logic. Of course it's paid for by taxes. The point is since
a single-payer healthcare system is a service and not for profit (much like the postal service), the overall cost to participating citizens is LOWER than private health insurance. You're not paying premiums, copays, deductibles, coinsurance, out of pocket expenses, etc - you're just paying slightly more in taxes. That's why Democrats try to angle this by saying the overall cost is less and schmucks like you fall for "gotcha" questions about taxes.

You're only paying more if you don't pay for health insurance in the first place, which I'd envy your ass for..
all the sperging in this thread lol. From my experience, women are not political they just get riled up and manipulated by manufactured causes that are constantly propagandized in whatever they consume. And they generally align with the current winning side or whatever they perceive as something that gives them more social acceptance and/or attention. Social Media Technology fucked them up really bad in this way.

BBW model and Right Wing is a combo that if exists, it's at the moment hidden from the public eye, and there's no marketshare for it either at the moment. And mostly it's because of that that it's hidden. No money to be made from this combo.
And a BBW Woman that is RW that's not likely to be found in Social Media. There are a lot of male RW chubby chasers though. I've seen them. I'm one of them lmao.

A BBW Model with Trad aesthetics will emerge eventually probably and that's when the market will open up for more Right Leaning people. There will also probably be a lot of seething too when that happens.
I think you're missing the point. No BBW model is marketing their politics as an aesthetic in the first place. Because some FA's want a parasocial relationship with their fap material, we have to root out who has these hidden political views. I think we can all agree RW BBWs know their political affiliation isn't in vogue, so we can only compile a list from hints, snippets, and personal conversations.

I've never had a problem fapping to BBBXXL or Goddess of Gluttony and I'm pretty LW. Generally I don't care because I'm coomer scum.

I'd like to think anyone in the scene who does NO politicking or is generally pretty affluent would be Republican. Why is why it honestly wouldn't surprise me if BoBerry is right-leaning - No public political opinions I can think of seeing, rich enough to eat fancy and go on trips regularly, no outlandish tattoos or piercings... I'd hate to manifest a meme like this but again, would not be surprised.
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Too bad, by now interests are vested in the continuation of private healthcare.
1/5th of the U.S. economy is pumped up by overpriced services, prescription drugs, and administrative overhead.
Which is a real fuckin' shame. Wouldn't put anyone out of a job that did data entry or client inquiries since those would be needed to maintain the system, just the overpaid admins and execs. And those are just the types to make sure they have enough representatives in their pockets to make sure that never happens.

No one "likes" their health insurance plan, Buttigieg. There's just folks who haven't been screwed hard by it yet. Come back to them after a single hospital visit.

So tacking 'Free' to things like College and healthcare not a strategy politicians use to get votes?

I didn't misrepresent anything that's actually how it is campaigned. How is pointing out what it actually is misrepresenting it?
>I'd like to think anyone in the scene who does NO politicking or is generally pretty affluent would be Republican. Why is why it honestly wouldn't surprise me if BoBerry is right-leaning - No public political opinions I can think of seeing, rich enough to eat fancy and go on trips regularly, no outlandish tattoos or piercings... I'd hate to manifest a meme like this but again, would not be surprised.

It's probably a good heuristic going with that kind of assumptions, but IRL it doesn't translate that well, and if Boberry is right-leaning then she got even more sexier to me lmao.(I find it funny that her being rich is relevant for your conjecture, IRL the most RW Women I met do not come from a wealthy or even upper-middle class upbringing, quite the opposite in fact) I'm not convinced that she is yet. It's just that she might not be a crazy harpy like the rest.
And there are staunch feminists that share those same characteristics only difference is that they probably they're not fans of the stereotypical aesthetic of such women.

I agree though with your first assessment. It's just that considering what's happening in the publicity of products, I think that there's going to be an emergent set of women and models what will probably start to speak out their political perspectives more openly. I'm pretty sure that some do want to speak out or share their thoughts on such topics online.
Eure Politik kotzt mich beinahe noch mehr an als unsere.

PS: Der Argentinier hat recht.
>Wrong. "Conservative" Republicucks are still fighting the Nixon's drug war which was lost a decade ago
Selling drugs is not a right.
>Bruce Jenner
is a man and pretending all rightwingers support with putting him on TV to represent us is pathetic
>A common assumption, but the Republican War on Terror objectively made is less safe
What the fuck does that have to do with immigration?
>Unless it involves criticizing churches, corporations, Trump
What're you even talking about?
>Trump banned bump stocks and openly floated the idea of banning suppressors and AR15s, making Diane Feinstein giddy on national television
Trump is not Mr. Conservatism and I'm not going to defend the dumb shit he did.
>Republicans are the ones who sat down with Mao to open trade with the Chinese Communist Party, effectively throwing the Republic of China (known to Republicans as Taiwan nowadays in order to not upset their commie overlords)
Nixon was dumb to do that and most living Republicans agree.
>Trumpies believe in the tenet of fair trade, which is communism
There you go about Trump again.
>Stormy Daniels
You're like a broken record. I don't want him to run again. Ron DeSantis is a much better option.
>Republicans wholly support farm and corporate subsidies, so no.
I and a lot don't.
>Getting nearly $30 trillion in debt along with Democrats has made us less safe
Implying a majority of the spending was on defense and not social programs.
>Jeff Epstein was Republican
No source.
>Ha, you're retard if you actually believe this
Again, I'm not talking about the establishment types, who are still much better on spending than the opposing party.
I imagine most models lean left and it doesn't bother me if they don't make it their whole online personality. Some say dumb shit and I don't care. Like I remember Chubby Chiquita saying that anyone who is a Republican is not allowed to jerk off to her. Okay. Rosie Marie Feedee is very sweet in how she interacts with people even though I know that she has to be pretty left to have that tattoo on her belly, which is going to be interesting if it is indeed overturned. But yeah. The best we're going to get is apolitical mostly. I did see a few like and retweet some content from the right, but I'm not going to say who it is because there are too many dummies in this thread who would make asses of themselves. And that isn't to say that she's fully on the right either.
Those that might be wouldn't broadcast it because people like John Smith guy on Curvage would go insane.
john smith is still active? I thought he got banned for his constant spam
>Again, I'm not talking about the establishment types, who are still much better on spending than the opposing party.

If you and the rest of your ilk keep voting them in, then we can only assume that you stand for it as well. Saying no and not demanding better is having your cake and eating it too.

This goes for both parties.
>a Karen who works in real estate and belongs to the PTA and local homeowners association, goes to the gun range rather than the gym, wears Lane Bryant over spanx, and pretends to diet here and there but then eats her face off with the slightest excuse or enabling and then tornado binges when no one's looking

I unironically want this waifu
(82 KB, 750x727, dq94kli0p9d81.jpg)
INSIDIOUS PLOT uncovered to WIN an ELECTION by the ANTI-DEMOCRATIC Bernie Flanders

Dang! Who is this chick? She's cute as fuck.
Can't tell if this is a joke or not, you must be like 13 or something lol, that's reese witherspoon
I don't watch movies like that but she did sort of look familiar. She's cute as fuck though
The funny thing is, I know who Reese Witherspoon is, but still couldn't place her if you showed me a photo of her
22… never heard of her.
No. Conservatives are boomers when it comes to technology. Just look at 1/6. The presentation was just boomers playing with powerpoint and windows video maker to make themselves look competent. On top of that, conservatives frown upon porn.
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Boomers, having lived through stagflation and the Reagan Revolution, just can't empathize with it. Free love/flower power is something which was tried and shown to be a "mistake."
(And no, boomers did not pass the first civil rights bills. '57-68 saw the first major legislation, and the boomers weren't even 18 until '68. Boomers make mad grabs at what their elders did all the time.)
That’s so funny, we’ll yeah she used to be like a big actress, she was in legally blonde if you’ve ever heard of that movie, and she was in some like hiking move that came out in 2011 or 2010, and I think hasn’t done anything since then. So she’s old news but her movies were coming out when I was growing up but yeah she’s cute!
Is this how it feels to get old?

Yeah she's cute. What's the movie with that other white chick who was a lot younger and way cuter? I wanted to tear that ass up so good... What a woman. Shadow! Where you at boy? Draw something for me

Most people frown on porn. Only liberals don't. And those were the hippies that you're talking about from back in the day. You think they just left to Mexico? They're still around. Young neo hippies . Neo hippies are probably what make up most porn actresses. That's just a theory of mines though. Even most people that watch porn know that porn isn't "good". You've never seen young people smoking cigs? Do you really think that those chicks smoking they don't know that it's bad for you and gives you wrinkles? We knew that even before science was a thing.
Ha, maybe it’s me… never really watched the telly or listened to the radio or anything like that. Can’t remember much from before I turned 18 either.
Yeah, shittalking some chick and then running away from Twitter after getting pushback, that's what I expect from some teenage girl not an academic philosopher lol. Imagine Socrates critiquing some eromenos's nose, getting insulted, and then running away from assembly to sulk
>>16099 (OP)
Most porn types are less conservative for obvious reasons but I think irl it's mixed, lots of rural more conservative places are filled with fatties
Yeah but the conservative fattys all hate themselves for being fat, they are the most unbearable ones, the liberal/progressive leaning ones have learned to love themselves or at least accept themselves so it’s possible to at least interact with them without wanting to Jill yourself. But then you get the narcissists like Caitidee who take it way too far and are obsessed with themselves and are just as unbearable lol
I don't recall if Roxxie was mentioned ITT as a closeted conservative..but that's highly unlikely, she's called for cops and military servicemen to unfollow her she's lefitst AF.

I'm not sure what Aurora's political affiliation is, her retweets are quite suprising.

Roxxies a dumb commie composed of 1000% more patriotic carbs than she knows what to do with
Conservatives are too busy owning the libs and owning the Donald to care.
Nigger faggot

Honestly, just admit you're a communist. I'd have so much more respect for you.

Imagine supporting a party that collaborated with it's existential enemy (sino-communism) for cheap, cancerous products in order to fuck over the middle class. You admit I'm right on some key fucking points and yet you support the Republican Party.

There's a word for you: cuck.
While all of this ideological warfare is happening inside of this thread, I sit here assured that my political belief trumps all of yours in both morality and functionality.
you guys need to take the socialism pill
>robust social services to help care for obese women
Democrats hate socialists. Adams is supporting Hochul just to spite AOC. Dems are even endorsing far right candidates to help them win reelection, just like Hillary did with Trump
Even the fat theocracy pill is more realistic and achievable than that
Yes, tell us more how you’re morally superior, German
(267 KB, 1022x856, aurora.jpg)
>super hot BBW
>exercises and eats healthy to stay healthy and remain fat
>her boyfriend or husband is jacked
>has gotten even fatter while getting more fit
>might be sane when it comes to politics

It is like a dream come to life from a female weight gain fantasy.
Bro trumps mountain-few-mouthed americas got more Nazis than Germany rn
Well, I mean, they've criminalized Nazism in Germany. That might have something to do with it.

Also I want to contribute MassivelySweet to this thread. She's Canadian but given she supported that trucker occupation and wants Trudeau to resign, I think she'd support American conservatism.
Israel also has select immigration, some of the strictest in world,.

Israel also does not allow immigration to exceed their own ethnic Israeli population's Jewish racial majority birth rates. (No replacement migration for them.)

Israel hired many NAZIs after WW2 to build Israel, to train and build its militaries, and develop technology. Kind of ironic. One most famous was a fighter ace who flew for Luftwaffe, think his last name was Hartman?

Israel has the largest percentage of Russians by the way who have citizenship status of any foreign country compared to population. Last I read it was about 25%. Fitting as Russia has about 25% of the world's Jewish population in its borders, I believe the largest outside Israel.

Israel is also communist. Again, ironic how they lecture the world on genocide and freedoms yet they themselves were amongst the largest supporters of USSR and CCP.
>bla bla bla of the strictest in the world,.
The fuck is that.
That komma before the dot?
How the fuck do you write an entire paragraph with out noticing that, how the fuck didn't you even notice that in your peripheral vision, or did your lazy eye not catch it?
How the fuck do you not have the literal hand eye coordination to not fatfinger your shift key and press the button once, then let shift go and press it again. Or was it some scrap of another sentence of gibberish you willingly withheld from us, because you yourself recognized it was too retarded.
I loathe you, your laziness and ineptitude at writing basic sentences. Count your days.

LMFAO! I didn't know there were bbc in Germany!
The Brittish Broadcasting Centre only operates in the United Kingdom retard
Hold on. What's her name in full? Where can I find her?
Hating Israel is dumb AF. Shows that you're either an alt-right loser, a socialist fedoratipper, or a raging Islamist. And it is true that the Grand Mufti was friends with Hitler and wanted him to get rid of the Jews in the Middle East too. There's also the fact that Palestinian claims are all bullshit. I mean you can look it up. No Arabs called themselves Palestinians until after Israel became a state.
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We must have hit a nerve. In the same way the CCP whine and bitch when they are called out for the Uyghurs, or Russia when called out for messing with the Ukraine.
I'm an altright loser and Sneed mommy chubby Israeli gf to step on me and nuzzle me with her nose
There's plenty to criticize regarding Israel's history and their treatment of Palestinian refugees, just as the PLO/PA/Hamas are not entities anyone who claims to care about human rights should be waving a flag for. But the conversation is all or nothing, as usual, especially among young, dumb European leftists. They literally know nothing about the history of the region, even relatively recent events, including the no-strings offer put on the table by Ehud Barak for a cohesive, sovereign Palestine with reparations that Arafat rejected with no explanation. Yet they're sure "Israelis are Nazis." They claim it's not anti-Semitism too, but then why is Israel singled out while the countries in which they live have done a whole lot worse for a whole lot longer, and continue to do so. Goes triple for China, whom they wouldn't dream of BDSing lest they lose their precious iphone and fast fashion. (But then baseless anti-Semitism is an easy flex for Europe, as always...)
PS: The PLO and Hamas have killed more Palestinian refugees than the IDF. Fact. But keep waving that flag and fronting that kefiaya, folks, and cheer the downfall of the only country in the middle east with gay rights, equality for women, and a functioning democracy that includes representation by and for Arabs.
Whazzap. The French are very rude and attempt to dishonor me at every breath they take
I doubt it since conservatives are going gay for Ron Desantis despite Ron would move Republicans to the right and abolish civil rights, gay rights, and corporations. Despite all the hype for Ron and Kemp, the Right aren't even as powerful as the Religious Right were during the 1980s and 1990s. Ben Shapiro, Joe Rogan, and Piers Morgan are merely over compensating for their lack of masculinity.
>t.I only know about the "right" through CNN and MSNBC
You're doing a bang up job of proving him wrong, son.
I only know about the left through dailywire
But would he also kick puppies and steal candy from small children while cackling like a cartoon villain? Because that would get my vote. I vote purely to be as evil as possible, not for any rational self interest or deeply held personal beliefs, which is why I am a Republican.

You have a way with words like dark matter. But irony aside (because I didn't get all of it), when speaking specifically of political parties and agendas it is a good rule of thumb to not seem like a sore loser. I speak to you as somebody who belongs to a family of mostly Republican party voters. Can you take a wild guess as to who the few loyal Democratic party voters are? It is kind of messed up but I don't mind these sorts of "racism" discussions because we are discussing my own family and of course the topic goes way beyond being skin deep. I would never discriminate unjustly because I believe it is wrong, but there are realities of life visible in patterns that you could only understand if you've been part of a large family and truth be told it isn't all flowers and rainbows. Still, I believe it is the way God intended it to be because I have seen it with my own eyes and know that family is by design according to His word. I believe that it is good to have as many children as God puts in your heart to want to have, because as long as the desire comes from God and it is not baseless or unfounded then you can leave the rest to Him who cares for all creatures and even plants. Voting is fine, but at the end of the day how could uou ever change their hearts for the better. Only through the hearing of His word can faith be gained, and as God chooses, by his will are people saved. The best thing we can do is pray and show them love
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These "tech giants" suppressing the little guy NewsCorp!

Dude you sound sooooooo queer you have no idea. No offense. (In case you are queer, it wasn't meant to be a compliment)
But the lefties are all ugly. I echo the argentine guy's take, women are politically inert. If they do have political conviction, its probably leftist and theyre probably ugly because of it. Wgll, normal people just get it
"cohesive, sovereign Palestine with reparations" lol Barak's offer made the Bantustans look generous. don't whine about antisemitism or gay rights, Israel is nothing more than a racist American satellite state which waves the rainbow flag to distract attention as it bulldozes Palestinian villages to build the equivalent of a Houston suburb
Not whining. Israel suffers from institutional racism, as does nearly every country on earth. Yet they seem to get an overwhelming amount of criticism for it, compared to countries without Jews. Huh. Settlement construction in Palestine must stop, now, no argument there, and post 1967 settlements repatriated. But gay rights and equality for women are just a fact, baked into their democracy. No one gives rights to gays or women to make a point. How does, say, Hamas stack up in that regard...? So because it's all or nothing with folks like you, go ahead and advocate for Jews to abandon Israel, at which point that brutal theocracy (who, again, have killed more Arabs than the IDF) will fight with the weak, corrupt, well-funded PA for power. It'll be so much better than Barak's "bantustan," that 98% followed the 1967 borders, that the PLO claimed as a goal. Your lack of specifics and reliance on invective in their absence proves you know nothing about the region and are just monkeying what you've heard from other ill-informed, binary-thinking naifs.
Generally when your entire value system revolves around treating other people like shit, the people you treat like shit don't want to fuck you.

It really is that simple.
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I found her, lads

Who's the lucky guy who will give her many babies (within the bonds of holy matrimony) and watch the pregnancy weight pile on?
I dunno. I think Feminists should be more angry at Andrea Dworkin, Judy Chicago, and Valerie Solanas for destroying Roe V. Wade. Gen Z women would be liberal if the Left didn't try to censor porn. Those must be the weird Mormon and Catholics celebrating.
i'm pretty sure the majority of actually existent, not terminally online fat girls are neocon normies. its just that the alt right has very deeply staked itself in absolutely DESPISING fat women so obviously even fat girls who otherwise agree are going to feel alienated. the online right just has no place for fat girls. though yeah the normies i've noticed will still seethe over shit like fat acceptance. it could be that you can't find a lot of right-wing fat women because they won't even acknowledge that they're fat.
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Idk if I'd bet on a majority, it really depends on the part of the country. Maybe in the Midwest/South where everybody's fat, and among older people who get their politics from TV rather than the internet, but in major cities with fat girls under 35, I don't think this is true. Even if they're not hardcore ideologues they'll be going along to get along on social media.

But yeah, for any woman young enough to get her politics from the Internet rather than TV, the overlap between conservatism and fitness bro culture is going to immediately drive them away, even if right-wing politics weren't already a sausagefest and a social death sentence. If I were a rightist, I'd probably be in the closet about being an FA out of fear of what "my bros" would say. There's also the fact that women who are open and accepting of fetishes are naturally going to be allies of the LGBT community, sometimes there will be chubby religious girls like that anti-abortion protester but they ain't gonna be interested in doing any kind of hardcore feedist stuff.


Hard to find pics on nerfed modern google, but the one female in the Charlottesville tiki torch rally photos was a fat cutie in a polka dot dress, lol. She got doxed by antifa as an architectural designer in some Southern city.
Nobody knows who those three are anymore and the new left is in favor of "woman friendly" and "ethically sourced" porn. Trying to censor porn is back to being a Christian right job. Oh, like getting rid of abortion is.
>>16099 (OP)
There's AbbyGlazed, she has plenty of USA stuff in her room (flag, art, etc) and a gadsden flag thathows up in her pics sometimes. Great belly, cute face, doesn't seem to be a schizo or whatever the fuck your average feabie user is, so 7/10
Name one major famine in a socialist nation in the past 100 years that wasn't artificial and self-inflicted
unironically the case (perfect gif usage btw)
>I don't think anybody is dumb enough to mean nobody has to pay for it
Your interaction with Americans must be limited
Roxxie is in no way a closeted conservative. Look at her tumblr lol
However it is possible in the US; some people just maintain an outward appearance of being leftist for the sake of their careers (it is better for business in America, especially in tech), when in reality they are anything but. I know many of these people (I am one myself)
Joe Rogan's not a rightist
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No he only lives in Texas, goes hunting with his glowie friends, and expresses boomer opinions
lmao. please do go on if you can. I don't ever hear much about this guy. What are boomer opinions? Glowie I presume is gym bros with tans and rolexs
you're telling me socialism is so successful, they can only have famines when they're actively trying to do so? huge w
Only Austin and El Paso are liberal. The rest of the state is deep red due to Hispanics hating socialism and supporting Catholicism. Even socialists in Mexico and Cuba tend to hate America for it's sugary speeches
As a Latino I can confirm that a lot of us fucking HATE liberals for being so fake all the time, despite having much better policies. Pete boot edge, Obama, Hillary, they all put on their obviously fake speech voices when talking, it’s s transparent and a lot of us hate it. Another huge L for liberals was the fact that white trans people came up with “Latinx” and forced everyone to start saying it when no one in Spanish speaking countries use that term ever. All men and women just say Latino cause that’s what it’s always been and always will be, no matter how much white trans women from Portland and Brooklyn want it to be latinx
I genuinely could have sworn Latinx was on its way out. Same with BIPOC. It was def an overreach by the PC police.

We need regular, non-Ivy league educated people running for office, across the board. As a leftist, I can't stand how inept "my party" is at doing anything.
You all don't sound latino, you sound like womem
>starving millions of people to death because of either malintent or incompetence is a demonstration of socialism's superiority
Peak modern Marxist intellectual
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ngl every third post is this folksy flag-waving stuff but it feels misplaced and overshoots rhe circlejerk (that America has real structural problens).
hey, I'm just saying - if two of the largest countries in the world have been socialist for the better part of a century, and during that time they've never had a famine except when the regime says so, then at the very least it sounds as if those regimes are more capable than you let on

also postmodernism is a boogeyman for midwits
FWIW, the Puerto Ricans and Dominicans I grew up with mostly call themselves "Spanish," or by their ancestral nationality (PR, DR, Cuban, Salvadoran, etc). I never hear "Latino" unless its a politician, academic, or media figure talking.
Joe Rogan literally simped for Desantis. Florida is nothing but retirement homes, theme parks, with Miami, Palm Beach, Tampa, and the Beach being the good parts of the state. Texans and California, and Arizona are the only places that don't make conservatives look clumsy
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Since this has unofficially become BBWchan's politics thread, HOOO BOYYY Supreme Court speedrunning the "how to get the left to reconsider firearms" was not expected. It's infuriating, but also raises a LOT of questions. So far:
>You can no longer sue federal agents for excessive force.
>Cops no longer need to read you miranda rights.
>They are demanding federal agencies only act to their founding letter.
>Abortion is "Up to the states to decide"
>All Concealed carry bans are illegal because "It doesn't fit the nations history"
>All of this was done without new cases or reasons to set precedent. They just YEET'ed the laws, and like good fascists aren't stopping.
Aside from being (debatedly) Blatantly illegal, it also questions just how desperate the right wing is that they would make this MASSIVE power play when they don't have the senate OR house- and now, might have LOST the chance at the house in the next election because FUCK these decisions are bad. Already there are OB/GYNs in Alabama whom allegedly are defying the state laws to save women's lives, Cuckservatives can't decide how they're gonna argue "cant sue federal agents" is somehow good for people, and their new limit on federal agencies is Literally what China wants. Shit, their "Cant interfere with natural birth" is openly being mocked, because that means no more invitro fertilization or fertility treatments; but like hell a Republican slave understands any of that shit.

Either way, I'm already forming my own protest group and I'm buying guns. A lot of women on Feabie are starting to echo that opinion in the general feed; The Hill is about a step away from openly saying "Yeah, violence is the only answer" and already dem Representatives are being arrested in the protests. The Jan 6th hearing also shows how fucking close we were to an actual dictator.

https://thehill {DOT} com/homenews/state-watch/3543170-capitol-police-arrest-181-abortion-rights-protesters-outside-senate-office-building/

>As a Latino I can confirm that a lot of us fucking HATE liberals for being so fake all the time
In your opinion anon, what would make an "average" latino vote for someone more left leaning? I've seen success in my area, but I want to see opinions that aren't in the midwest.
I thought it was out too, tbh.
>Joe Rogan literally simped for Desantis.
I wonder when people will realize that Joe really doesn't have a politic or a value system at all. Like, he's all jazzed because DeSantis finally made Disney stop evading taxes for poor-ass orange county over "wokeism"; this should never have been an issue in the first place, but good luck getting a republican today to do anything other than kill people and "Their job" I suppose.
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Starting to feel like a Thiel-funded push to forment a civil war.
Those people don't believe in "public goods." They don't believe in nations (even their own). What they DO believe in is a set of rules. Whatever happens to us as a result of those rules is irrelevant to them and part of le grand experiment.
>Starting to feel like a Thiel-funded push to forment a civil war.
How tho?

In the 1850s in the lead up, you had over 10 years of open arming of the plantation, land holding class. You had no literacy amongst the poor. Economy was owned by their version of the 1%. There was no real "Federal" army and Lincoln had to make one (which is why the north sucked so hard at first, they just didn't have dick to fight back with). States had to build their own militaries, and they were also effectively their police.

Now? The fed runs the military except for the national guards, and even then they are civilian-ran to keep them apolitical (See how much pushback Barr got from the FBI trying to make them republican again). Red states make no money; Texas is one of the few, and part of that is from blue-as-hell Dallas and Austin. They don't have the house, the senate, or the White house. And worst of all, Civil Wars are extremely expensive- what billionaire is going to side with them, and fund them to build new armies while the market goes to shit?

This civil war talk is just right wing cope. Coup maybe, but even that has a massive list of Caveats- and we already undid one attempt on Jan 6th by having the NIGHT SHIFT clock in.

>Either way, I'm already forming my own protest group and I'm buying guns. A lot of women on Feabie are starting to echo that opinion in the general feed

Uhh... I hate to break this to you bro, nut the women of the Feabie newsfeed are perhaps not the best place to look for informed analysis of complex political issues.
I doubt a civil war will happen in the USA but I could see a low level insurgency happen. No large scale battles but maybe car bombs with civilian casualties, assassination attempts on political actors, political systems failing (even more than currently) and not applying the law effectively. Then people will settle into their sides and refuse to work with each other to fix the worsening situation. You're very large and economically/culturally important but you're not exceptional. the same risk of failure that every country has applies to you too.

Also, you shouldn't have relied on the supreme court this much to re-interpret old laws to create new rights/policies. This stuff always should have relied on government legislation but since your federal system is so unrepresentative of the general population and far more conservative than the people it governs the SC had to step in to liberalise laws and make you a socially modern country. None of this will be fixed until you reform your electoral/governmental system to one that isn't a 200+ year old crapped together mess.

back in the 90s every young brit's dream was to emigrate to your country to live the american dream, now you're a shithole we cringe at every night on the news. I don't think that's going to change for a few decades.
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>believing anything those glorified grifters testifying at the J6th Afterschool Extravaganza are saying

Yeah, tell me you're a complete fucking retard without explicitly saying you're a complete retard.
Ha, my bad, I meant to say "even a website full of fat gals and lazy dudes are clamoring for this". Kinda like in 2020 when you had girls in sundresses trying to order drinks while also reading on how to make molotovs; you kinda fucked up if you're to that level.

>None of this will be fixed until you reform your electoral/governmental system to one that isn't a 200+ year old crapped together mess.
For a brit, you've pretty much got it. Another Jan 6th isn't happening, both because the alphabet agencies are too good at infiltrating but also because the Trumptards were too stupid to ever succeed. Shit, banning abortion even goes against the 14th amendment and the fed has been walking on the 4th since Bush and the Patriot Act (hell arguably since John Q. Adams in 1804 even); we're overdue for a real revolution AND a new constitution.

Speaking as someone who lives in a red-fuck state and canvasses, not only is America far more progressive than people think, but honestly the right-wing doesnt realize how many biblethumpers only vote red BECAUSE of abortion. Now that it's "gone", scores might just not vote anymore, thinking the fight is over. They're largely elderly too.
Unfortunately we can't reform the court system because now, more than ever, we have a sizeable group of political actors that want no part in changing how government is run. The original interpretation is the only one. And they have control so why on Earth would they ever agree to it being reformed? The Supreme Court has historically been largely unchecked, except when the Executive Branch refuses to capitulate (Jackson: "They have made their decision, now let's see them enforce it"). So a silent war it is - at least until the left gets it in their heads the only way to fix this is through bloodshed.

Cope harder that it didn't work and your golden boy had a more active role than sitting on his hands

I'd like to believe so, but now there's the risk of it being brought back. Say what you will about abortion-only voters, the top brass know how to whip them into shape. The war is over but the fight lives on.

This does feel a bit like pre-Civil War at the federal level to me. Biden is the new Franklin Pierce desperately trying to hold the nation together but will ultimately be known for dropping the ball so goddamn hard. Since humility is not the DNC's strong suit, he will absolutely run again (even seeing the writing on the wall with the Right taking back the House) and we will be left with whoever wins the Republican Primary. I am PRAYING for a stroke.
>ywn see Stacey trying to make a molotov cocktail with a glass of summer fruits cider
The way I see it during the second half of the 20th century the US was riding a wave of cheap energy, the cold war, and billions of cars and coca-colas shipped around the world

Now that wave has ended, which is kind of good because it wasn’t sustainable and had a lot downsides for us too. The trick now is to kind of not be too resentful and kind of recover for a while and then start anew, go back to the drawing board of civilization with a new energy or whatever
Lincoln also ignored the Court, quite famously, involving his suspension of habeas corpus.
He did, but Biden is NO Lincoln.
Typical faded empire stuff. Trump is mashing the '80's nostalgia' button until it breaks. I don't understand the shitty-ass, gay, sterile music they play at his rallies. It's a combo of 80's World Wrestling Federation intros and Rocky movie montages. He literally walked out to the Undertaker's entrance music.
Farage also admitted he constantly chanted TWO WORLD WARS ONE WORLD CUP at his German wife before his 17-year marriage collapsed.
the man's mind is stuck in the '70s and '80s. No wonder he called Jane Fonda "Hanoi Jane".

All things considered, Lincoln did a lot of controversial stuff, and Biden's not one to court controversy
No, no there aren't. Being fat and a moron goes along with being a liberal.
Biden has always been the dumbest person in the Senate.
Trump is fine. Most of NY blasts 70s and 80s Rock all over the radio. Modern hip hop is just not popular despite liberals shilling it. The problem with America is that it's Senators and judges are literal boomers. Even 1/6 comes across as boomers muh greatest generation or muh Watergate.
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Anita Hill called out Thomas years ago for being a sex pest and Joe Biden, of all people, was head of the investigation.
Probably needed to be doing it in a dasheki and things would have gone differently.
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All that did was made Clarence Thomas shift to the hard right and overturn Roe V. Wade. He still enjoys Spike Lee movies, reads black literature, and owns the liberals. Best part is that Thomas is that special breed of black supremacist who is big on respectability politics.
>black supremacist
Ginni Thomas is whiter than cum.
Black conservatives tend to have white or Asian spouses.
Wait, so white supremacists want Asian wives, and black supremacists want Asian and white wives? I guess the cock is mightier than politics after all
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This is one reason why I can't have a feabie account. That place is a left wing hell hole.

Unfortunately I don't think fat chicks can be right wing, since the right believes in pulling your own weight, and fat women are narcissistic hedonists. I just wish fat women were fun to hang out with, but that's unrealistic it seems.
Not to mention getting fat shrinks your brain.

Not only are fat women physically more feminine and incapable, but mentally more so as well. This exaggerated sexual dimorphism means a relationship with a fat girl requires traditional gender roles to maintain order more than a regular relationship would. If this is established I think the relationship would be more rewarding than normal, but you gotta reach that equilibrium place first.

In today's left wing cucked world, online and in real life, relationships are basically fucked. The natural order is out of wack.
Less often have I seen republicans moved by principles of self reliance or liberty, than moved by insecurity and demagogues, moving to give up liberty for security and to break long standing institution because of a loud voice
you make sense, good sir or madam
As much as I hate this extreme bipartisan shit… I’m sure the conservative population isn’t lacking in fat girls or thin girls that are into feederism. But when it comes to fetish crap online it will be by predominantly liberal gals who have no moral hangups on sexwork.
I thought this was the same girl becoming slowly more white
>Check the news. Cops get filtered by fucking TikTok zoomers shooters on the 4th of July in Chicago.

Republicans are going to win again aren't they? I don't see how Dems can explain this mass shooting after passing gun control
She's asian, you retard
The penis mightier than the sword
> I don't see how Dems can explain this mass shooting after passing gun control
The law obviously wasn't strict enough.
Chicago is a leftist hellhole.

It wouldnt have mattered if the psychotic piece of crap had firearms or not, if it were Asia or South America he'd used a butcher knife or a machete.

If it were Europe it be a butcher knife or a truck.

If it were Africa or Middle East it would be any of the above or a bomb.

Leftists not only encourage fringe behavior that destroys social norms, they openly advocate for violence to reform society based on their agendas.

It is a tale as old as time, and Conservative societies rarely if ever assume a position of aggressive counter-culture nor act out such behaviors - such behaviors erode societal integrity such as culture, faith, morals, etc.

The truth is that there are more guns than there are people in the united states and that there are deep systemic things that cause these shootings

it’s easy to blame the right or the left for these problems, but often all you do by doing that is line politicians wallets and nothing gets fixed
Stricter laws don't eliminate shootings. They make them less common. Denmark just had one for the first time in 7 years. Does anyone just toss out medicine if they ever get sick because IT DOESN'T WORK?! Children think that way.

It will never be zero but it's not a bad goal to aspire for.
>>has definitely never been to Chicago
Thinks Obama has 666 carved into his teeth.
truly some of the saddest shit i've ever read lmfao
I just fucked my 450 pound girlfriend and we both voted for joe biden
>Denmark just had one for the first time in 7 years. Does anyone just toss out medicine if they ever get sick because IT DOESN'T WORK?! Children think that way.

Children, and also Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Wasn't it Boebert this time?
fuck, I don't even know. it's always one of them.
>Right-wing governments are inherently peaceful
Um okay. Let’s just ignore a few world wars and the US civil war and live in a beautiful fantasy where all our problems would be solved if everyone just adopted your conservative political ideology
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The future of the GOP is going to be performance art. CNN is losing their viewers to Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones.
Norm MacDonald was right. There's tremendous entertainment value in what those guys do.
There is no equivalent on the left. Breadtube, The Daily Show, Keith Olbermann, Michael Moore, Air America. No mileage in it.
>There is no equivalent on the left.
Pure bubble-dwelling delusion — there are exact equivalents, with pretty amazing success for a country that's supposedly getting more conservative by the day. Daily Show's been on how many years? Has had how many spin-offs/rip offs? Plus Colbert and Meyers, and to a lesser extent Kimmel, Maher and Jon Oliver too.
Is this Dave the Former Marine?
Who are you?
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I am literal Integralist Catholic Monarchist who support Catholic Social Teaching.
Meaning this.
Capitalisms and Social are Equally Evil.
That is fair but assimilation is evil and free-market capitalism is evil.
You talking about the MAGA clique right?
Establishment Republicans can fuck off.
It is kind of silly to look for sex workers and want them to share your politics.
Just find a nice girl and get married
And I know it's hard guys.
Do it anyway
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>9 posts in a row

If you want to be a "missionary" to the "heathen," the first step is to learn their culture. First step: an imageboard is not a chatroom.
He sounds Based
Agreed - DasRitter confirmed autistic, like most TradCaths
you are culturally protestant, fundamentally atheist, and your connection to religion and tradition is weaker than a 14 year old hypebeast's connection to his Gucci slides
That was a weird statement.
I find it amusing that I am so well known.
I am the legendary weird Catholic guy?
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They all think they're Mishima or something, decrying western degeneracy.
Most of them will never stick it out. Catholic and Orthodox churches just don't provde the positive affirmation that Protestant services are so dependant on.
This thread is such fucking trash lmao
Protestants keep their clergyman alive by doing dances, singing, and barbeques in exchange for loyalty to God. I doubt Catholics can achieve that since the archdiocese is reliant on their cunny a day diet.
Mishima was an insane self-loathing closeted gay man.

that's not to say that being gay is insane, but he was closeted from having to wear clothespins on his dick as a child. he was bugnuts.
What used to be a large grocery bill will soon be out of reach. She's going to lose weight on the new American -Venezualan diet courtesy of Joetato and friends
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the whitest man alive (keep an eye out for my explosive death). *prophet-5 synth ramps up* jkjkjkjkjk
you're familiar with my "work", i've been around.

>>16099 (OP)
find a virgin or inexperienced fatty from rural america, clean her up if she needs to be, show her what is right and what is wrong (with proof), show her how good dick feels when she eats good, present her and yourself in a way that's beneficial to the world aesthetically (make her as pretty as you know she is), and voila: white identitarian feedee.

it's up to you to make them/keep them human.

fat (all) girls are waiting to be told what to believe and also what their sexuality is. rural and rural adjacent fat white girls are actually at odds with globohomo (many actually like their dads so they don't find much reason to rebel) and are waiting for a handsome white feller to show them how beautiful they are (do it). if you leave them to their own devices long enough they will think they are part of the same freakshow as the rainbow flaggots and fall into that trap, or become stinky fat internet whores you wouldn't want to touch with a 39 and a 1/2 foot pole. no "model" is openly "conservative" because they have to sell themselves so stop fantasizing about that, it's useless and cringe. they "believe" whatever their handler/sugar daddy believes.

every fat girl knows what a feeder is at this point and extremely few of them are "into it" until you teach them to be. zoomers, that means getting what you want has never been easier, so do so.
they are also usually nice, and you should be nice to them, this will lead to the greenest pastures.

hh brothers
your entire post is truly bugfuck nuts but this
>every fat girl knows what a feeder is at this point and extremely few of them are "into it" until you teach them to be.

Grass, sir. go touch it.
Lol ask me how I know you have never touched a woman.
Do you think fat girls with an internet connection don’t look up their own kind?
Google: “Do guys like fat girls?”
“Fat girl porn”
It’s 2022, none of this is a secret anymore.
If a fat girl ever told you she didn’t know what a feeder or feederism is, she is lying straight to your ugly fucking face you peabrained niggerfaggot.
If you fuck them good and associate fucking them good with them gaining weight, that is how you train them to get off on getting fatter. Your sexuality becomes their sexuality, and a ton of them are already into humiliation so it’s only a flick of the wrist to combine that with being a pig.
I’ll touch some grass when you have sex you actual retard.
I am starting to get bored of right wingers. Conservatives are the most empty and hollow people I have met. I am convinced Trump was the best thing that happened to these under socialized news junkies.
>>17932 You don't know what you are talking about. This >>17930 is not a real Republican, much less a Conservative
You two autistic faggots should fuck each other, it’s looking to be your only option. Spend more time on the porn imageboard debating politics mr classical conservative.
*little dick in hands furiously beating it to fat niggers*
>he…he isn’t even a real cuckservative!!
and the ussr wasn't real communism
>>17937 That is the only political stayement I've made in months besides an insult or two directed at the Democratic party (or what we sometimes call the Dominican party when making fun of New Yorkers.) Other than that, I am not very involved in politics at all. I don't even vote. I will vote next time around only because the prices of groceries and gasoline have now become too much for my family to bear.

We vote Republican but we are poor
And yet, he's in your camp. Don't ignore your baggage. You can't disavow him when he so clearly is wearing your team's colors.
lmao sure thing smalldick fuckface, I'm sure the girls are lining up in the dozens to hear you rant about the downfall of western civilization while they pretend to enjoy sucking your cock, man :)
You pretty much nailed it except your mom (who I’m going to fatten to immobility) is first in line and she loves sucking my big peepee while I read from ‘The International Jew’.
I'm sure what girls love best about you is how sweaty and red faced you get telling them about the Jews, man, absolutely *nobody* is humoring you or thinks you're a clownfaced loser. Promise. :)
not going through this entire thread of autism but I can say I've met like 5 or so women on feabie of all places that are conservative or lean right. I've seen at least 3 post openly about it on the global feed too.

if you dont want a fat femenist for a gf you're more than likely going to end up with a girl who is soon to be or already on a weight loss journey because of how closely tied fat acceptance is to feminism.
(6.1 MB, 960x1080, goodpiggyholly.webm)
they do.

try to take a good long look in the mirror without it shattering and gaze upon the subhuman staring back at you forcing you to cope this hard.

you have beaten your chode to porn i've made before and i've been around for years. you are so clueless and dripping with aids.
I don't actually care how long you've been around, man, or what porn you've made. If you were actually a happy person you wouldn't be here, going on unhinged rants about how women are subhuman morons, and what a badass legendary porn producer you are in real life.

But you're not insecure about yourself, right? :)
where can I find these vidss?
(868 KB, 2004x1500, pointandfeed.png)
i didn't call women subhuman, i called you subhuman lol.
women are only as good as what men project into them (this works both ways), therefore they are only as valuable as the man they reflect.
i take a gander at bbwchan every few months or so to see what the state of coomworld is in.
everyone is insecure and nobody is happy, so your limpdick insult is a meaningless cope, leftbitch retard.
stop being such a gay faggot or you'll never have your epic feedee qt3.14.
lol u mad bro?
(3.5 MB, 250x392, hollypop.gif)
on my hard drive.

if i decide to sell to content, you'll know where to find it.

Who is this? She kind of looks like spooks/katerugburn but smaller than her current weight.
that's my bird you illiterate monkey

So you make feedist videos with her for your own private consumption (not that there's anything wrong with that), but you expect the rest of us to respect you as a porn kingpin just because of this?
i didn't say i was a porn kingpin fag. i said everyone here has jerked off to porn i've made at some point in the last seven or so years because it's true. you know a model i created. you've probably also seen me without realizing it.

also don't say "feedist", that shit is co-opted newspeak cucked terminolgy.

it's feederism
always was, always will be
simple as

>i said everyone here has jerked off to porn i've made at some point in the last seven or so years because it's true. you know a model i created. you've probably also seen me without realizing it.

i haven't a fuck to give if you believe me or not. in the best interest in not starting drama with this "model" i will not name her, but dollars to two dozen donuts devoured you have absolutely definitely busted to something made tangible from the catacombs of my blessed autistic mind.
Anonymous bragging is the best kind.
>that's my bird

Did you read A Clockwork Orange and think this was a personality worth adopting? Do we owe the guv'nor appy-polly-loggies for this sarky exchange? You're such a fag. No one believes you.
do you believe me now you fucking idiot niggerbrain? that couch look familiar? how about that well dressed fella?
the governor would like his apology.
lmao what a surprise, even the slightest provocation of his ego, and the man goes into a tailspin meltdown. Imaginemyshock.jpg
what if Anon is not from USA?

Damn. Trad wog wife when?
Too brown,I dont want brown kids
I have blue eyes and I dont want my kids to not have them
how did you search for that photo?
When I search fat romanian woman,both in english and romanian,it gives me pictures of old women
Mishima is a fag.
Brah. Do you have an Email, Telegram, or discord?
Brah, do you have an email, telegram, or discord?
he didn't even solve the puzzle... like if you cry every time
jodie's a q freak despite being british
>Complaining about gut
Absolute retard opinion
Jewish nigger faggot
bettie pumpkin is at the least a libertarian i think. i think she is pretty much retired from the modeling scene. which sucks cause shes pregnant right now and it would be great to see her belly. if you check her twitter its all just politics now. you gotta translate it but its pretty obvious she is right wing on a lot of issues.
I'm sorry, Neil Peart still won't fuck you
Conservatives don't push for a theocracy, since that would entail a ruling class of priests. Maybe you don't know what the word actually means. What they do push for is the moral framework of Christianity. America had a loose framework of Christian principles it aligned itself with at its founding but freedom of religion was a major aspect, which would automatically rule out a theocracy.
And they push for capitalism because it gives people control of their finances and opportunities. The average citizen can start a buisness if they have the will and determination. The point being that buisness and goods are not solely controlled and regulated by the government. There are no successful socialist countries, Amy amount of wealth being able to be had by the general public is in capitalist countries. The point of people wanting capitalism is opportunity. You can work for someone who has a buisness or you can save, research and open your own. There are inherent risks and a decent failure rate but you have the opportunity. Opportunities are the point. It's amazing how dense people are to not be able to understand a very simple concept.
Large corporations go with the political wind. They hedge bets and donates millions to each party. They have no alleigence except which side they believe will give them the best tax breaks. Trans and BLM and blah blah are simply the new social trends and they don't want to be opposed. Just like politicians, there's very few who have values or opinions of their own, they just flip flop and tap dance for votes.
America is already a theocracy based off Judeo-Christian values. My pastor down in Florida was up front about how DL Moody, RA Torrey, and the late Billy Graham being an influence on Modern America. Him and the deacon often talk about Henry Ford and the protestant work ethic. My new pastor had a guest speaker who was a beat cop for NYPD talking about using the ministry and god to help him become a captain on the police force. Only 5% Percent can become the elite of the elite. The problem with the Trans, BLM movement is that it lacks that positive aspiration that Christianity has to influence people. You must be thinking of the Southern Baptist Convention and Mormons, both of which are being investigated because they want their cunny a day diet.
I love joking that conservatives say "Free market economics rule!"
"No legal sex work!"
"No legal weed!"
It must be so hard to keep up the cognitive dissonance.
With a post like this there's really no point of your post having an American flag lmao
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After all, they started the country, and the seventeenth century bigot Cotton Mather is more central to their beliefs than the founding fathers.
First of all, Buckley or Goldwater "Conservativism" is not represented by any party in the US right now. The closest you'll find are fringers like Rand Paul, who represents his party about as much as Bernie represents Democrats.

Financially, Republicans spend like crazy. Look at the budgets passed by Republican congresses under Republican presidents for proof. Or at least this has been the case since Reagan, which covers the lifetimes of most people reading this. True, there have been Republican budgets that cut net spending, but the tax cuts that accompany have always relied on adding to the deficit. IE, borrowing. This is fundamentally not conservative — big C or little.

Socially, I can't find any evidence of them advocating for so-called "Christian" values. Again, since Reagan the party has consistently supported non-defensive military action, allowing the poor and sick to suffer, advocating for severe criminal sentences including the death penalty, and so on, all of which contradicts many of the key moral lessons in the New Testament.

I guess the "Judeo-" part is supposed to mitigate this, but as the Old Testament is a random collection of allegories they're pretty selective with that as well. Either way, find me a rabbi who says medical care and housing should exist only for those who can afford it.

Looking around the world, the most successful combination is capitalism with heavy regulation and a strong govt-backed safety net. The misleading/nonsense term for this is "Democratic Socialism." For all its wealth, the US has a very high poverty rate, poor medical care, a poor education system, and a 3rd World-level crime rate as a result. It's because we have a patchwork system of ineffective regulation and the worst safety net in the industrialized world.
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I often see people online wanting to articulate their feelings on boundless liberty
but then falling into the trap of moral judgement ("evil" or "bad for society").
This picture, unironically. The American Republic is the figurative Zion of the new world.

Brigham Young's assertion that the Garden of Eden was in Missouri may be completely and totally wrong from a scientific perspective, but if we are to treat it figuratively then there may as well have been one.

Praise Jesus our Lord and Savior, may he guide the spirits of John Wayne and Cotton Mather when President Trump visits the Altar of Reagan for wisdom on how to deal with the evil reincarnation of the Soviet demon we have found in China.

I jest, of course, but only in part. I do view China and other friends-in-communism as the demon seed of the Soviet Union, and that picture gave me a /comfy/ feeling instead of an angry, fearful feeling. If Reagan was there instead of Trump it would be less crazy-looking.
Funny how all the vaccine freaks are the ones crying about body autonomy now
>after everything that happened people still believe in the vaccine 🤦‍♂️
We’re all gonna make it anon
I like joking "Ban abortion"
followed by
"The wrong people are farting out brats."
You can't meme.
First, why do you have Colin Powell on your meme? Second, all my friends and I never use that n word. We are based on personal responsibility and judge each person based on that. You demonstrate the ridiculousness of how the left views the right. Funny thing is, the only time I HAVE heard anyone say that slur has been from the left.
And you can't meme.
Weird way of admitting you relate to OP's meme.
Understanding is not your strong point. Must be that mental fog from jab induced micro-clots. Maybe prion disease.
I understand you are being incredibly too defensive over something that can be easily ignored and are continuing to be a pissbaby about it. So I am assuming this is hitting a little closer to home than you're letting on. My money is on The N Word being tied to your archetype.
you still can't spread an abortion to other people chinlet
I'm sure you're hoping your boosters don't give you a "suddenly" soon, red.
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If you malded any harder you could be a heat source. Too bad we're stuck with you here in America, Europe is going to need you in a few months.
>>16099 (OP)
Plenty. Go to any red state in the Midwest and avoid girls from Feabie or those that are 'models'
>they are the most unbearable ones,
No, the ones who are unbearable are the ones who'll bring politics up during sex or any visible thing they see that aggravates them. I'm pretty conservative with some moderate takes (aka far right according to post-2014 MSM), but I'll have no issue dating or hooking up with a fat liberal girl. Unfortunately they won't and they'll prod to see what your opinion is one way or another just to flip out moment you have any semblance of even a moderate position.
>the liberal/progressive leaning ones have learned to love themselves
Most girls who constantly bring up how they love their fat are trying to internally convince themselves to love being what they are.
Wants to have fetish sex with women…but they need to be a traditional Christian woman who are auth-right. (How big a sperg are you to let politics keep you from getting fetish pussy)
>the ones who are unbearable are the ones who'll bring politics up during sex
>bring up politics during sex

Your game is so weak they need to keep themselves awake by talking politics during. This never happens.
DoubleDenise always gave me white racist vibes. You could hit that up
>Most girls who constantly bring up how they love their fat are trying to internally convince themselves to love being what they are.
oh no, god forbid someone try to convince themself to be more loving about who they are
or not deal with the excessive baggage of dating or even interacting with liberal women.

I dont think he's saying they're wrong for doing it, hes pointing out that these types of women project confidence but then have the audacity to make a public post about how its all a front sometimes and they are actually struggling to accept themselves. i get it, it sucks, but the fact remains its a façade for most of them
Chloe and Casey both give me right wing vibes, Chloe in particular, Casey more closeted
Exactly what I was trying to convey.
>hes pointing out that these types of women project confidence but then have the audacity to make a public post about how its all a front sometimes and they are actually struggling to accept themselves. i get it, it sucks, but the fact remains its a façade for most of them
You hit the nail on the head here. A lot of the women who are trying to become genuinely confident in themselves more likely than not faced both the beauty standards of society, and more significantly, mockery for their weight from their peers, thus causing them to believe themselves to be unworthy. Perhaps as a means of trying to regain that confidence, they try to exclaim otherwise in public forums, both to try to make that feeling genuine, and to get positive reinforcement. From my own experience, having that avenue of reinforcement definitely helps a lot, and I could call it even borderline necessary if I'm feeling daring. But at the end of the day, that feeling of true self-acceptance comes from within, and that's where many of those women get hung up. Perhaps it's in some part because of the avenues they choose to try to reinforce themselves in, who knows. But having at least that small, close-knit circle of positivity does help in the long run.
God damn I hope the Marxist kill all you and i don’t have to read these spergball manifestos
The correct reaction to this nonsense
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>But having at least that small, close-knit circle of positivity does help in the long run.
Fake it til' you make it bro. Women frankly, can be their own worst enemy at times and for our fluffy gals, a dude whos open about his likes but doesn't judge can be a godsend for their mental health and self-worth. I've had good success with bigger gals just by being a friend and genuine, and frankly they deserve it.
32. Never heard of her either.
Unfff. Who is this?


You're such a retard, holy shit.
>these are my standards
>"this guy doesn't fit it, so those are not your standards"
>these are the standards of muh football team
>your football team objectively falls short of those standards
Most right wingers I know do not like fat people and often think that the news is merely a private business promoting an agenda. Just look at how conservatives hate Lindsay Graham or Mitch McConnell for being weak moderates who stab conservatives in the back (which is sort of true since Mitch betrayed Eric Cantor, John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and Newt Gingrich to be majority leader). The hard right has a disdain for anything that is perceived to be undermining their vision of America. I imagine that these weight gain models are only right wing because there's more hatred towards Nancy Pelosi than the right from both socialists and liberals due to her perceived need to enrich herself at the expense of voters. I think models are only right wing out of pragmatism and mostly because without their celebrities, the left is made up of senior citizens.
Both right and left are hypocrites when it comes to weight.

Right wing media has been anti-SA for a while now, which manifests itself as anti-fat and tends to be misogyinistic. To many of them it represents yet another special interest group that has to be accommodated both in terms of laws and culture (on top of race, gender, sexuality, etc). Part of the "you can't say anything anymore/everybody's too damn sensitive/wah I've been canceled" bullshit. Yet when anyone suggests regulating soda, fast food, or any other obesity enabler, they become intensely interested in body autonomy. (For instance, ostensible Republican Mike Bloomberg lost all credibility with the right by suggesting a weak soda regulation, as a way to combat the diabetes epidemic in NYC that costs the city bllions per year.) Not to mention red states are notably fatter than blue ones — the redder, the fatter.

The left loves SA and body positivity as an outgrowth of feminism, bucking the patriarchy and fighting against the objectification of women specifically. But they're fatphobic as hell. This is my side of the fence and I can't tell you how many times "fat" was used as a negative modifier when describing MAGA folks and red state people over the past 6 years or so. Trump being a man, his weight was more than fair game and this extended to other right wing fatties like Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee. Anecdotally speaking, a friend of mine who's an SA/fat activist begged people online to stop doing this — that there was enough to criticize these people about without resorting to fat bashing — and though folks gave her lip service, privately they kept singing the same tune. And as the Democrats have become the party of elites (at least among white people), the fat bashing is more subtle, but it's there, cloaked in concern for "health."
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On the nose with this. Fat has become an okay insult to add onto someone you don't like on both ends of "political commentary". Trump touting his "health" while also having McDonald's regularly was dumb but I don't want to say he brings the criticism on himself or anything on that front. Our team didn't like him in the first place, we were absolutely going to mock him for being fat no matter what.

Size Acceptance hasn't made too much headway on this since only attractive people get exempt from mockery, and even then only when they fly under the radar. See: BoBerry's comment section on a TikTok that got 40M views
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Supreme court is keeping the ban on bump stocks. that uh, republican supreme court that claims it's pro-gun.
Like I hate to be an asshole, but you cuckservatives really are a bunch of slaves when you get hit with obvious proof and your response is that. You can't even stick to your parties own line, now that Walker (R) openly admits to having an abortion and his own family is dragging him.


Cope and seethe.
FWIW, Walker denies he paid for that baby's murder. Anyway when overwhelmingly Republican Evangelicals and Southern Baptists embraced 1) the death penalty, 2) cutting socal services including food, housing, and healthcare, and 3) ethical dwarf star Trump they lost whatever moral credibility they had, wiping their asses with the Word of their God. They're Christian in name only — it's about keeping America White and pissing off the Libs, period.
Kisame here. African Americans don't have a paternalistic view towards sex, religion, and abortion like their Anglo counterparts. African American conservatives and liberals tend to be on the same page in terms of views it's just that conservatives like Walker have it easier than Warnock because Democrats won't acknowledge Farrakhan as the leader. Bear in mind that Evander Holyfield, Jesse Jackson Martin Luther King Jr had affairs and so did many musicians like James Brown or Ray Charles. Even Black conservatives are dismissing Christian Walker cause he's part of that generation of influencers who are famous for being famous. Really, Gen Z has themselves to blame for sucking up to conservatives just so they can LARP as suburbanites. In short, Two Face is still has a chance of winning cause he's not Creflo Dollar
Doesn't matter if he denied paying for it, there's receipts. Actions speak louder than words, especially when it comes to campaign platforms. Now you got his son denouncing him and Newt Gingrich trying to temper expectations saying he's had a lot of concussions, either to excuse Walker's behavior or sell him better to the idiots.

Face it, the GOP is writing off Walker's campaign in GA as a loss.

Catch me responding to a Kisame post.
I am a center left guy and most people I know do not like Pelosi or Clyburn enough to give Democrats control of the house and Senate. Even the CIA agent running in Stefanik's district hates Pelosi. Thanks to the small sample size and margin of errors in these padded out polls, Warnock and Walker are tied because Democrats are concentrated in Atlanta and Fulton County. They need Raffensperger to run the election. There's also the fact that Kemp is beating Abrams. Much like PA and OH, Warnock's win hinges too much on a hypothetical split ticket. Christian Walker isn't credible because he was liking Fascist Italy's Meloni and hates the left. The math isn't in Democrats favor cause there's only 10-20 swing districts thanks to gerrymandering.
(728 KB, 1280x822, 7d0.png)
Herschel Walker is rehabilitated. The left loves rehabilitating war criminals and now that he's cured, he's running for offices. Its not my problem.
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Yeah this isn't going to work. Women admit that they get abortion for financial reasons and not moral reasons, and the point of abortion is ruthless pragmatism than noble goods. Republicans also know how to pit consorts and bastards to compete for their love, so she could forgive Herschel. He's too rehabilitated to commit evil like Alex Jones. Another problem is that whistleblowers for Meta, 1/6, and Twitter complain that social media picks at girls self esteem and it needs to be reformed. The left and right convinced voters that the internet is for perverts so how would they swiftboat Walker when news ratings are on the decline? Fighting terrorism needs an unseen enemy for emergency powers not some Batman villain with a mental disorder. FFs, We whacked Guliani's son, the radical left, and activists, then prosecuted Bannon in NY. Libs are just salty they aren't keikaku masters and are just pawns. Old testament God knows how to play chess to manipulate good and evil.
Lol this is on a fat fetish image board. Calm down, Machiavelli
Anon, everyone knows that fat women are doing Only Fans. Its so widespread that even Dr. Phil is talking about it. These models have the backstory of a comic book super villain.
African Americans like Herschel Walker and Kanye West don't want to assume the white man's burden on abortion. There's a perception that the media is out to destroy the Black community. Herschel Walker and Kanye West are espousing the conspiracy theory that Republicans are out to destroy Blacks. They just substituted Ronald Regan and John Wayne for the Bushes and the Bidens while like Trump. Trust me, I live in the part of the state where black supremacists stand on the subway mezzanine to hand out tracts and wear dashikis or the haft spouting conspiracies.
There's more of a perception that the media is out there to cover for the Black community. I think the swifter minds will correctly conclude that blacks are used by WHOEVER runs the media, banks, NGOs that do dirty work state apparatuses cannot be seen doing etc. Kind of like a big black bludgeon that fucks everything up wherever it goes. Sucks that they get flack for them, swifter minds will correctly conclude that they don't often have agency and are rather just slaves to their environment and instinct.
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damn, you post one thing proving these "conservatives" wrong and they're instantly offended. Who could've guessed?
If any of you were right you wouldn't have to spend this much time proving you are online.

>and the point of abortion is ruthless pragmatism than noble goods.
How to tell everyone you've never had a pregnancy scare. I just got done with one and we were planning a trip to planned parenthood because neither I nor my FWB wanted to raise a child in a relationship where we didn't love each other, regardless of our current positions in life. The fact that didn't, and never seems to register with you pro-birthers shows how degenerate ya'll are and is especially heretical when you try to use religions as excuses to try and control who we fuck.

>SOURCE: Trust me bro
You make some good points there, anon. But you failed to consider the following:

1. You are gay.
2. Your mom gay.
3. ???
4. I have AIDS.

Bonus 5. Sage goes in all fields.
(35 KB, 1024x682, kanye-376.jpg)
The pro-choice-pro-life thing just does not exist in New York. My pastor down in Naples told me that the original Jane Roe switched to pro-life because she regretted the abortion and upon research, she said those things because pro-life offers more money than pro-choice. We also have rabbis who carry guns to protect their congregants. Only black supremacists and Catholics get that worked up to block access to the Planned Parenthood by the turnpike. Those thousands of so NYU med students down at Washington Square and Union Square are just being edgelords, and I say that as a resident where protestors cause bumper to bumper traffic in Midtown during UN week and Fashion week
Wow, you live in New York City? That’s crazy, you must have never posted about that here before
Its Comic-con. I don't know what MAGA Hillbillies are doing at the moment. I barely care for migrants getting dumped at Port Authority. The issue will sort itself out.
Tell us more about your New York City life and being a waiter and Ralph Bakshi
I don't know what you are talking about. I now live a quiet suburban life and pretty much contemplating what to do next. Normality is weird. I am more concerned with maintaining my 401K than cartoons
>be browsing curvage
>see one of the hottest most drastic gains I've ever seen
>started off skinny and got insanely fat but still pretty
>look her up
>she uses they/them pronouns and claims to be non binary

Man fuck radical gender ideology
Of course someone had to share the fringe NK.
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>Ressurects month and a half dead thread to complain about a word

anon. please.
>>16099 (OP)
Isn't doing porn (especially for money) incompatible with being right-wing?
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Comrade checking in.
buncha retards out here fighting a culture war while your surplus value meant for your girlfriends fat belly being stolen is the source of all culture war bullshit manifesting in the first place. Yall fighting is like watching a zoo enclosure monkey brawl. Read parenti
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America doesn't have a culture war. Now it's a slap fight between McCarthy and Gaetz. MAGA Republicans are threatening to destroy the G.O.P's chances of winning 2024. Without Trump or Kanye West as a distraction, conservatives are handing Biden his second term. The fringe are so extreme that MJG is now the sane one.
>bumps the thread after it was dying a well-deserved death
>thinks "surplus value" is a real thing
Please explain how "surplus value" is not a real thing.
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how the fuck you think your boss magically gets his money bozo lmao

Most "Americans" (and I use that term loosely) who are not conservatives (Replublicans) are complete fuck ups (garbage; not good people).
Surplus value is the value you add to a private company, minus the wages they pay you, you retards.
How can Americans hate something so much despite not knowing literally anything about it lol.
At least rightoids in Europe can engage with the ideas of capital and socialism in some semi-meaningful way.
Try typing the words you don't understand into Google next time you don't understand something.
>On top of that, conservatives frown upon porn.
Pretty sure OP meant about meeting conservative BBWs for dating, not cooming too.

By ""American"" I mean that notvall Americans are real Americans, in my humble opinion. And fuck you too, have a nice day.
Dude surplus value is literally just the same thing as a profit, since it is net wealth gained from a system.
I don't really feel like talking about economics about it since it really is just a matter of how you evaluate it and without the big scary label of "profit".

Technically it can be things like employee bonuses or positive externalities from the work or product/service. Its very nuanced.

The ugly truth is that America just needs to be torn down and rebuilt. These freedom-hating Rhinos/Cuckservatives (what you want to call them really doesn't matter) are as bad as these Democrats gongfei in the long run since in their own words many of them have the same goal but just want to take a slightly different approach. Which if you payed attention, we all know that these fuckers see their end game as where we are all slaves, forced into extinction via medical mal practice and mal nourishment, no fat girls, and control every aspect of how we live down to the way think.
At least the GOP is quickly moving away from being a bunch of controlled opposition cuckolds.
The real question is can America survive

I want to feed her southern goyslop.

Yeah this mind set if part of why America is nearly dead. You comply blindly with whatever the government says, condemn those who question, threaten those who refuse. And worse of all you are so indoctrinated that you can't even distinguish your own body from that of a fetus inside of a woman and yet equate it as if they are the same damn thing. What, are you running on Talmudic law or something?

>The ugly truth is that America just needs to be torn down and rebuilt
>status quo good.
When you and I end up as bums living in Mega Tent City 1 you will still be complacent with your politics as we go further along into this artificial hell.
Socialists in America typically care for John Perkins or Michael Parenti.
I apologise for my flippant comment, it seems not all Americans are as daft as some.

>When you and I end up as bums living in Mega Tent City 1 you will still be complacent with your politics as we go further along into this artificial hell.
I will be protected no matter the cost. In fact, I don't even know wtf you're talking about, tent city? Before any drastic changes I would leave this country, and even before that I would expect there to be a war. One unlike any there has ever been before. I am not the least bit worried.

I am well aware that when you say AI you must be talking about the companies that have organized in secrecy to share data and information on US citizens and how those companies can use AI and facial recognition services for sharing the information they obtain from spying on Americans.

First, there are states that are already making it illegal to use AI technology on personal data, aswell as to share data without consent (and that was already illegal probably since WW2, btw). Second, even if it wasn't illegal already you belong in prison for being such an idiot in not knowing that it's wrong to do. Third, what everybody should be much more worried about is how all of this data that has been shared by these companies are not only a gross, disgusting invasion of privacy on American citizen's individual families (and households) being done without the parents knowledge, but it is also being used by criminals, and these perpetrators use the data to stalk and harass citizens while the NSA does nothing even in mentioning that the problem exists, so it's no surprise that boomers like my father suspect corruption within our own NSA because of these facts.

We're all waiting to see. It's not good to react without knowing. It's also not good to not mind your own business. As always, when I see an issue I deem it wise to jump on it as soon as I can. It angers me to see a problem. I want to kill it. I'm not the type to wait around to see what happens, so I often find it difficult to wait, but I can not take the law into my own hands, and I will not fuck up. I, for one, hope to be a better person than my father.
I doubt it. Right now McCarthy is failing to get MAGA Republicans to vote him the speaker position for the 8th time. He is only topped by Eric Adams who is demanding a billion dollars to deal with illegals before New York goes bankrupt again (It happened in the 60s). The center-left and center-right make Trump look more reasonable while corporations still can't get their boomers to explain the Bills game.
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Yall retards don't understand what colour camp anyone identifies himself with has nothing to do with anything. Does not impact anything, will not change anything, does not mean anything, does not represent anything. If one splits one big party of the puppet regime of american capital, and splits it in 2.. has anything changed? These are still the same people. Only now it looks like there's some kind of conflict going on or vague representative democracy. They don't even try. In continental europe at least they split the lot up in more groups to make it look like there's anything going on resembling your representation.
he is absolutely right. tearing down the plutocratic bourgeois dictatorship is the only way. one solution: revolution. when inevitable crisis manifests itself you don't wanna be on the side of those that brought you the place. there is no democracy to save and there never was. only room for true democracy to establish itself once class society has been overthrown. Until then, seriously read a book about it. Parenti is the medicine for propagandised americans.
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>>believing in individual rights
>Except for black and brown people, poor people, women…
>>understanding what men and women are
>Meaning women don’t have control over their own bodies
they shouldn't
>>opposed to people who want to groom and mutilate children
>Except for the multiple GOP groomers in Congress, Matt gaetz, Jim Jordan…
they can eat lead with the (((other))) (((congressmen)))
>>wanting strong borders
>You just hate brown people
yup, on point
>>in favor of freedom of speech
>Banning textbooks from schools
>>in favor of the right to bear arms
>This one is true actually.
whites only
>>opposed to communism and communist narratives
>Maybe, highly doubt the average conservative voter can articulate exactly what that means or what communism even is
communism is a cancer created to subdue as many white people as possible, by force.
>>in favor of free market capitalism
>Except for the highly regulated banking industry, the highly subsidized oil and gas industries, the highly subsidized military industrial complex…
state capitalism
>>supportive of the nuclear family
>Again, not wanting women to have rights
A wooman should not decide anything meaningful when she cant even decide what o have for dinner
>>Believe in supply side economics
>Proven time and again to be a horrible way to organize an economy
wrong, state capitalism
>>believe in strong national defense
>Until they come home, in which case 100% of conservatives will vote to ignore and dehumanize all vets
no truth to this one at all
>>tough on crime
>You just hate brown people
and the blacks, as well as the whites who reproduce with them
>>against reckless spending
>Lol, I won’t even give this one a response, this is so insanely delusional and hypocritical
seethe, cope dilate. drink your soy and be a good goy. When has 'being fair' ever won a race where the counterpart(s) are cheating and taking shortcuts?
>>24827 What do you think "individual" rights mean? What you think it means is not what it means and you should shut up, sit down, and ask somebody that is more prepared on these topics to represent you.

For starters, human rights, which became part of the UN's idea for a new world order, was not a new idea invented by a single man. Human rights is part of a truth that exists and in the states the bill of rights mentions the Bible as source for it's acknowledgements of what we know to be true. You talk in such a way because of your desire for it to be something greater. You wish it to be something invented by man, but it is not. Further I will say that the first mention of "human rights" as an idea dates back to what historians call the Cyrus Cylinder, from a time when King Cyrus, the king of Persia sieged Babylon and rescued the Jewish slaves by returning them to their homeland of Israel. You may see a coincidence there were I see fate and the hand of God at work.

In sumition, human rights is not something that you can bend and twist and conscrew to your will. You enjoy to visit the realm of ideas in your head but it's all fantasy you've made for yourself. Human rights have always existed just as there have always been those that wish to take what is yours.
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Human rights is a liberal framework that understands rights as apolitical and ahistorical features of human societies. It strips it away from struggle and power. We are not born with rights, we fight for them.

>Human rights is a liberal framework that understands rights as apolitical and ahistorical features of human societies. It strips it away from struggle and power. We are not born with rights, we fight for them.

How is that even possible when you just made up the words "liberal framework" just now and coined it? Look, I'm not here to fucking argue with your dumbass. Go to a university and pay somebody to teach you something. You want to fight "for human rights" but human rights is about not fighting, amongst other things, including shelter. The only time you should ever have to fight is when an authority figure is trying to take your God given rights. Maybe you meant fighting to protect your rights? Well, that is one of your rights is to fight any enemy foreign or domestic who tries to get in the way of you and your rights, and obviously that includes especially a government.
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Here you are argueing showing us all its a wonder you can even read. There is no morality outside of human society and this includes human rights which are the product of historical struggle. It's the french that first coined your human rights after they did their revolution, and they too were very much oposed to such things as the mandates of heaven dictating the feudal society. Now again the very principle of artificial frameworks legitimizing the position of the ruling classes is doing its work giving your shallow world its structure and meaning. How about read a fukcing book or something ya dense oaf

Did you read the previous post? Evetyghing you wrote is a lie, and demonstratably so.
>>24383 (Cross-thread)

I'll look if you tell me what's supposed to be out there because I'm not going to walk all the way over there for something that doesn't interest me.
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America is not a sophisticated country. Biden and his predecessor won by autistically screeching about the military. Biden even swears and insults people. It works cause he got unemployment down. He even puts illegals on parole, something Trump wouldn't even do
>88 in the ID
>traditional family
>Christian values
>sanctity of marriage
Lol. I'm sure the left doesn't have anything but contempt towards those antedeluvian sentiments.
It did really well, I mean that austrian man was quite funky in his own right.
>>24875 ......What? Are you talking bad about sanctity, marriage, and values??? For real? Do basicly you are against anything that is good? Are you against vagina?
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Hammer and sickle is used as following:
First to squash your balls with a hammer, and second to cut off your balls with a sickle.
That's what makes a cuckold in the political spectrum. Sure, giving all of your rights to the tyrannical sociopathic partocracy will set you free, and the government will just "fade away", lmao.
I'm saying that the left tries to paint it the way they are rooting for the "little guy", and they are on "your side" to protect the "common values".
But it's all a publicity stunt, you know?
And of course I support the tradition.
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Taditional family
Christian values
Sanctity of marriage
and most importantly ..etc of course
Will all make way when the old superstructure tumbles down to the dustbin of history when revolution emancipates the opressed and the new values will mean nothing but opportunity and prosperity equally for all, so that we may be different and free.

>And of course I support the tradition.
Oh... I don't know about any of that. I don't support anything except what is correct. That is why I vote R. Not everything about the Democratic party is evil, but most of it is. The same goes for the Republican party. They're not perfect by any means but the Democratic party seeks the destruction of the country with their misguided agenda. The reason I care is because I have family that lives there and in many other parts of the globe. Eventually they will pay for all the harm that they have done to the American people, but starting from home the fact of the matter is that our streets aren't safe anymore. People don't want to talk about ethnicities but the FACT and the truth is that I have never had a single situation with these mob stalkers in the white's only areas. So why is that? It's always nonwhites and people from New York starting trouble.
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And how is your tales of the future utopia to be is not a manipulative lie to flock the power under the grip of that future partocratic hierarchy?
Of course when the things are settled, it would be too late to oppose it. Those who don't feel liberated will go to the real 'ommunism farm.
But the way, how do you guarantee it will be "real communism" this time?
>>24882 The saddest part is that I had a dream with this same exact girl 2 nights ago where we were on a date because she was sad that her dog became roadkill. She was sad. I gave her the dick.

If she wasn't a devil worshipper I would be balls deep in there.
The world is a messed up place.
It's a really complex topic to understand the present state of the world politics, but it is evident enough that there are main camps in a struggle for power, yet along many more smaller actors.
First there is a nu-commie block with communist China and R*ssia and the quasiwestern globalist hegemony.
We here happened to be trapped between those two.
Oh, and there are also ethnic groups with disproportionately high levels of influence on the policymaking and overall shape of things.
But both sides yearn for the same goal — communist (by definition totalitarian) ecumenical state, where the goys would get to live in the pod and munch their bugslop.
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Isn't it weird, that despite the obvious futility of such vague discussions with no positive impact I still do this out of habit.
Being a man without a plan is a rather bleak predicament.
>>24884 That's strange. Growing up I always thought russian dudes were cool and that the women were beautiful. Most of that is from the tv and also from church since it was well known that Russia had an aging but strong Christian tradition. Anyways, now I see that the girls really are beautiful, but the dudes are not cool. They're transexuals. But it's only in recent years that this whole communism thing has begun coming up in conversation. Growing up I thought Russia was Democratic because they had a president, but I wasn't the brightest and not too interested in politics.
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Totalitarianism isn't a thing dumbass, read up about it's just a thing liberals made up to equate the poeple trying to fix the world with the people(fascists) they put in power when the fixers became too successful and threatened revolution. To equate the absolute polar opposites of political ideologies that fought the largest most devastating war of human history against each other is beyond idiotic. The original author of the concept even failed to find concrete similarities, and she wrote a big book with a whole lot of nothing in it that was quickly adopted so that communist could be outlawed, while at the same time letting neo-nazis take up governmental positions. also marxists are the very antithesis to utopian it's the whole premise of the philosophy and why it's had the success it's had. The very reason that all of you are so propagandized about the dangers of marxism and the "evil" communists is because it's the communists that have historically proven and still do, to be the main threat to capital. Marxism-Leninism and MLM'ism is the scientific, and proven answer that has to show for it, to the contradictions of the capitalist system and it's undoing. Revolution in inevitable, capitalism creates it's own gravediggers and class society can only fall, sooner or later. Contradictions don't persist and history has a known end point, which is communism. Calling communists utopian fantasists is like calling light dark and hot cold. The people that actually have a method of understanding history, with dialectical historical materialist analysis are those who consistantly predict the next societal and economic developments, for it is all there to see. Only those who don't want you to see it would claim the world is a real complicated place with no way to make sense of, and have you cling to idealist spiritual nonsense benefiting those who'd never teach those they rule and exploit over paracitically, the tools to overthrow them and the reality of their scheme.
protip: next time, try to keep the "everyone is looking to impose totalitarianism upon us" thread separate from the "also da jooz control everything" line. you might get somewhere with the first, even if it's all complete bullshit. but when you mix the two together, it begs the question: how are you gonna get rid of the Jewish world government *without* sliding into totalitarianism?

of course it's kind of irrelevant since "totalitarianism" is liberal sleight-of-hand jargon, but still
It's a shame normal people dont browse this board because I'd love it if everyone would associate this unhinged defense you wrote out with all interactions with communists going forward.
why, because it's 100% accurate? for most normies it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. capitalism will either destroy the world or will be subsumed to communism, its that simple.

>or it will be subsumed to communism
All that is is another way of saying WW3 and a militant society that does nothing but exist to wage war.

Btw, I literally had a dream last night with a blonde Russian woman with a huge white cock. So.... technically speaking was she a hermaphrodite, or was sge a TS?
will anyone stop posting shit and talk speculate and post women that you believe or confirmed to be RW?
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Effortposting in this dumb thread because I am also a pedantic autist who has wasted too many brain cells on this stuff:
As a general trend, it's true that employers have an incentive to minimize labor costs by cutting wages and working conditions, and that this is a why it's a good idea to have labor laws and unions. But it doesn't follow from this that "surplus value" exists in the sense that Marx talks about, as a definite numerical quantity (profit minus fixed production costs) which is being stolen from the workers. The whole premise of Das Kapital is that you can represent this number as a variable and do math on it to prove that capitalism is doomed to collapse. But since labor inputs don't actually determine real-world market prices, Marxists have to assert that a "real" economic value determined by labor somehow exists even though we can't observe it in the real world, because the coherence of Marxist theory depends on it. This is pseudoscience.
Marx was wrong, the marginalists were right, get over it.
I'm an educated wimpy nerd and financial reasons forced me into the rural areas. Everyone is conservative where you hear chickens in the morning and horses clopping.
I got me a 500lb gf there.
If you can ignore the accent or deal with the culture shock, it is worth it if you want your yellow snake flag SSBBW.

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