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Anyone else here that's only attracted to fat women? I have absolute zero interest in normal/skinny women. I have only had sex with fat women. Recently I've been thinking about what it's like to have sex with someone skinny if you're not attracted at all to their body. Am I missing out? The idea of looking at a tiny ass that barely moves while going doggy is quite unappealing to me. I'm talking only sexually now, if you love someone and all that I assume it's a different story.
>>15805 (OP)
I mean,nothing wrong with having a preference.But I will say that fat women aren’t the only women with big asses.
A fat woman with no ass is clearly the silver medal.
Same here
I've never been attracted to skinny women at all since I started liking women ;)

I have never had a boner caused by a skinny woman, I couldn't even get a hard one if she was right in front of me waiting for sex I guess.. Nothing would happen at all down there..
All the rolls, the belly, and fat in general would simply be missing..

It's weird, but I guess the average dude is just the same with very fat women
I definitely like a lot of skinny girls to look at. Skellingtons and SSSSSBBBWs are out but anything in between has potential. But the sex is not as good. I find with small girls I have to hold their butts up with my hands or find pillows to make even basic positions work. With fat girls, everything just kinda falls into place and collapsing on them afterwards, or having them collapse on you, is the comfiest thing ever. Skinny girls can't give as good hugs either.

There are a few things you can do with them though, like picking her up and fucking her while you're standing and her arms and legs are wrapped around you. Can't do that with a big girl.... maybe if she had a lift bar to hold onto, I dunno.
>>15805 (OP)
I've also only had sex with big women, but I do find skinny girls attractive. I would like to try sex with a skinny girl. I'm curious to know whether it's better or worse. Obviously that's subjective, but still.
I'm attracted to very, very few slim or even curvy straight size (not plus) women. I've only had sex with or relationships with fat or chubby women.
I have the same "problem" as you.... in my life I have always had relationships (both sentimental and sexual) with fat girls, and basically a normal-weight girl doesn't arouse any interest in me, which is a big problem if you live in places like Europe, where obese women are very few.

4 years ago I had a couple of dates with a Chinese girl, she was even thinner than normal girls, yet I found her extremely cute and sweet, even though I had no real physical attraction for her. We never went beyond kissing, because she had to change city for study reasons .... personally I don't know if I would ever have been able to get the excitement needed to have sex with her; but on a purely sentimental level I was quite involved.

in any case I feel the exclusive attraction towards obese girls as a very strong limitation, in the past I had several opportunities that I have not been able to take because of this.
I’ve found this true as well, I fucked a 400 pound woman once and then a few weeks later a maybe 100 pound one, and it was awful. The ssbbw was easy to fuck and so much more sensual, the skinny chick I couldn’t even grab anything, no rolls no love handles nothing

Didn’t even cum with the small girl, I have to see an ass wobbling and rolls shaking
I can find a skinny girl beautiful, and I used to have sex with them a lot, but it's just so unsatisfying, like drinking diet coke. I rarely look at skinny women in a sexual way, it never goes beyond appreciating their face/voice/ etc.
Do you try asking them out? How do you get turned down? I've been out of the dating scene for awhile but I find it hard to believe that fat girls are that picky. Lol, I look like a Nazi recruitment poster and jewish girls always really liked me, haha, people are funny.
It's rare, but I do find some thinner women attractive. They're the exception though. They usually have some personality trait that supersedes the fact that they aren't my type physically. Even then, I'd probably find them even more attractive if they put on weight.

When I was in the closet about my sexual preferences, I tried to exclusively date these thin exceptions. It didn't work out.
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I've come to the conclusion that white girlsain't got no libido. Chocolate and caramel are more likely to be proactive, less-entitled twats. More eager to flirt.
There is no incel problem in the black or latino communities. Just sayin'.
You actually make some good points anon, I think White women tend to be more passive/submissive, other peoples are way more direct in flirting.
This and the current climate around guns, we have a sensitive white male problem in this country. Real talk.
Sensitive white males don't burn down their own neighbourhoods. I think your real problem are the violent black apes that are allowed to do just that.
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>Bruuuuh the 14 words low-key slap yo frfr
Excuse me, we’re trying to talk about fat chicks here
Also I know fat women can be scary and hard to talk sometimes,

but you have to work up some courage, and also stop blaming other people for your own bullshit and falling back on race and other and things like that.

that’s just my opinion
Getting back on topic:
I grew up in a country and time with very few big women and no internet. I have fallen platonically in love with skinny women multiple times, but luckily, nothing ever came out of it. I say luckily, because the love was only romantically. No sexual feelings for them at all, so I don’t think that would have worked in a real relationship. Only big women get me going sexually, and I think that is the case for most men here.
>allowed to
It's more like the cops are too scared to do anything, rather than permission being granted.

bold of you to be racist when your great grandparents were a welsh convict and a kangaroo
Your post about calling someone else a zoomer would have been a lot funnier if you didn't post a /v/ meme
I definitely strong prefer fat girls from a physical perspective, but it's far from an exclusive attraction. Really skinny girls are the only ones I don't find myself really attracted to, but past that, there's at least some possibility for attraction. Muscular girls are another big weak spot for me, but they're comically rare, so I'm not sure how much I should count that body type. Can't really talk on the sexual side, though, since lolvirgin, but in terms of just general physical contact fat girls are much more enjoyable to be with in general.

Once upon a time, I'd be inclined to agree with you, but it definitely feels like that's been changing over the past couple of years, and they seem to be getting closer to their white counterparts as far as uptightness goes.
Hey buster, leave the kangaroos alone
I can't. I've tried having sex with a slim girl, and I couldn't get it up at all. I've since never had the desire to have sex with anyone but fat women. It's what turns me on.
For me it's a preference that borders on exclusive. There are thin women I've found attractive but they're very much the exception, and "in spite of their size." I've avoided dating them at all because I'd be sitting there secretly wanting them to let themselves go, which would be very toxic.
I am mostly attracted to SSBBWs. If you don’t jerk off for three weeks you can have sex with a skinny woman. It’s not that bad. Just that I’ve learned that when you have limited time or opportunities, you should only go after what you really like. I also note that looking at porn distorts your vision. If you only jerk off to SSBBWs, you think you can only fuck them. But in real life it’s different. A BBW or even a skinny girl with big tits or a big butt is different when you’re close to them and they bring something to the table like enthusiasm, lust, or intellectual conversation. Thus I don’t look at porn as much.

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