
(104 KB, 784x429, IMG_20220528_161514.jpg)
It never fails to amaze me how resentful they are. They'd rather hump a fucking ribbed washboard, than something actually beautiful and feminine.
>ukraine flag
>rage post about jlp
rent free
>rent free
seethe catchphrase
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The secret with white boomers is that they're fighting percieved cultural decay and think they're keeping it real. He wants to make sure zoomers don't end up like everyone else and carry his ethos into the future.
There is no cultural decay. Antifa and the alt right are seen as equally obnoxious their their dude bro weed meds take
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So uh, does my fellow bleached potatonigger have a disdain for curvy women?
Otherwise I wonder how and why did you stumble on this board.
All of these individuals have a low testosterone. They are money-hungry snakes whos reason has been clouded. You would be a fool to take any word they say at face value. For pete's sake, that chick looks like a post-op korean TS with a plastic surgery addiction. And that's not even the real sword from that old ass game, it's a redesign. No integrity what-so-ever. They should've cut their losses and remade FF6. If they had any sense the over-payed CEO should get fired. FF6 would've been more interesting and probably better recieved. They're young knuckle heads that are running the show. They got nothing to offer.
>>15763 (OP)
"Authoritarian tolerance" lol. Go take another demerol, weakling.
>>15781 Seconded. They're running the show now though. Can't do anything about it. It's their funeral. If you take a look around, guess what? Nobody cares. Last I heard even normies are beginning to get tired of all the garbage they keep making and promoting. Authoritarian tolerance will not be accepted. Irrespective of any fat positivity movements propagandized for profit by big tech and businesses, some of us like fat females, some of us don't. There was never a need to try to make it scientific. It only makes you look either old and out of touch, or retarded with alterior motives. The only ones that ever go along with the manipulatioon or hypnotization are those who do so willingly and for their own gains. They have their reasons and they are all evil. Beneficiaries. Interests. They do not abide in the truth. Everybody knows the truth. There are no excuses. Sometimes you get what you deserve.
Aussies are not coping well. Of all the white diaspora of the world, they're having the most challenging time. Happens when you built your country in proximity to China with an ancient alien race of hominid to look after
Every single person in this thread is having a different conversation than every other person, all of them totally detached from reality
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Kisame here, most Black women like Chun Li, Sailor Moon or Sakura because they are assertive. They think men like Peterson want to LARP as a relatable loser, which is why they cling to psychology or masculinity
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Why should we listen to losers like Peterson? I follow Slavoj Zizek. Like Freud, Peterson just want to fuck but it interfere with his work. Just look at how Peterson almost died because of Keto diet
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Closest I've got.

>>15763 (OP)
Ha! Friend you could have posted literally anything of Peterson's and it would be a cheap shot lol, you could say anything of his puts me into a coma.

Zizek is so based; he clearly just has fun and comes up with new ideas, and because he never takes things personally they refuse to "debate" him anymore.
Everyone in this thread is a mentally ill loser and OP is a faggot. Kill yourselves
Because they made fun of JP? lol
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>helium voice
Chaos is woman, nature, and anything outside of my 1950 picket fence Judeo Christian utopia.
>>15763 (OP)
>appeal to emotion
Lmao leftist can’t even argue properly. Pathetic
Zizek is entertaining, but the RedScare girls basically showed him to be a hypocrite who constantly flip flops with novelty takes that he doesn't genuinely believe in. I respect how well read he is and he can be quite funny, but he is just a court jester for the Neoliberal court, nothing more.
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I mean they're basically anti lib talking heads now that being contrarian is literally their job.
I’m not big on the general anorexophilia of the general public but for christ sake don’t act like everyone should be obsessed over morbidly obese women like us.
They should be tho, fat girls are way hotter!!!!!
Note how most of these influencers are constantly reminding you of how to support them financially, not to mention pointing out how many followers and subscribers they have assuring you that you too can bcome part of some growing mass of people who have the inside scoop. Not to mention the books and other garbage they are trying to sell. It's pretty clear what they're up to, and they are damn good at telling insecure people exactly what they want to hear and who to blame for their problems.

...and you call this a proper argument I suppose.
Anna and Dasha have been getting those sweet Thielbux. Ask anyone.
I think IDW, "owning the libs", etc. is a sign of the times, in that everyone is trying to pull the next big scam, as that is the only way to really become rich. Be that getting people onboard with your crypto ponzi scheme, baselessly pumping up a stock price or duping half the nation into getitng hooked on opiates.

This Anon gets it. It's funny since JP just talks basic philosophy and easy foundations on how to build yourself to be a better individual.

Every time I hear people assume his goals, I just laugh because Kermit just gives advice on how to start and YOU'RE supposed to make it to your own end goal yourself.

You can disagree with him, sure. Hell, I do over the thicc chick magazine thing but I'm not going into a frenzy like him or almost everyone in this thread especially OP.

(Who is a faggot)
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>I feel bad as my clothes slowly get tighter every day. This is like the same thing but with an entire car
This is meant to be a put-down. But I thought it not up to their old, savage standards.
Reddit has done a pretty good job of house-training everyone. There are almost half a billion users, but they're all saying the same thing, parroting the same views, typing in the same tone, repeating the same jokes, etc.
It's a fair point that the Redscare girls are kind of pulling a grift(I don't think they are actually getting Thielbuxx though, that's just salty lefties like the washed up Chapo guys saying that ), it's still true that they totally clowned Slavoj with his own words from his own book. I'm not a super fan boy or anything, but I was really surprised by how hard they went in on him, I think he kinda was too. I actually congratulate them on a successful grift, America is doomed and nothing matters anymore, so go ahead and get that bread, fuck it.
You just did an excellent job of describing the role of reddit in shaping social opinions and standards, it's crazy when you think about it as a giant social conditioning tool. Thank you Kanye, very cool.
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They have more in common with Mencken than they know. Despite his unironic racism, he wrote a scathing attack on Roosevelt for not doing enough to deal with the Holocaust?
It's characteristic of the Old Right/Post-Left that their words and deeds seem to be at odds with one another. It doesn't make sense as an ideology, yet somehow it resonates with the public: anti-government, pro-nationalist.
Red Scare would, of course, be neoliberal court jesters themselves, but they aren't interesting enough for that
he demonstrably does have political takes. the self-help shit is moderately useful to some people - his takes on trans, environmental, racial or general economic issues do not fit into that at all, and nor does his stated belief that Sports Direct is doing social engineering by putting a fat girl on the cover or whatever. that's obviously a political ideology, even if it's a retarded one
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Red Scare is an interesting window into how NYC art/lit/media people, the most status-obsessed group of humans since 17th century Versailles, are dealing with the rise of wokeness as a mass phenomenon. For people like this politics isn't really about ideology, it's about being edgy and transgressive in ways that other jaded rich kids haven't discovered yet, and they're uncomfortably aware that being a leftist hasn't been transgressive in decades, not in the circles that really matter. Being a "queer" communist sex worker who pretends to hate cops isn't sexy or dangerous now that millions of dumpy middle class white girls in flyover country are doing the exact same thing. Meanwhile, underground nationalism says things that are funny and insightful (especially about sex and masculinity, if you're a straight woman bored to death with passive-aggressive male feminist hipster dweebs), and you can actually get in serious trouble for being publicly associated with it. Talk about transgressive.

So they have to walk a fine line between admitting that they find the nationalist right cool and interesting, and wrapping it in enough layers of triple-dipped irony to have plausible deniability around people who could cause them career harm. They're letting the mask slip now because they have a younger, hotter competitor in the form of Wet Brain (who sounds exactly like Posey from Mission Hill lol). And if you think that any NYC media/journalism/podcasting people, especially the so-called leftists, have political commitments beyond whatever will build their personal brand, you're one of the marks.

That said, while "Dimes Square" is clout-chasing publicist retardation and Milady is a creepy NFT grift, as someone who's both an art fag and a tech autist I think Urbit has long-term potential. If I had the cash to make a speculative investment in it, I would. Or is Peter Thiel paying me to say this?

Personally, if I had Thielbux, I'd pay some Deviantart weeb to make a fat of Dasha and Anna and spread it all over Twitter.
That's what every beltway boomer said about Jon Stewart. I don't know what kind of drugs these neocons are on but they always seem to use New York as a backdrop for a fairy story as America on the decline and needs to be protected by military men outside the beltway. I think these podcasters just want Guliani Era New York even though Guliani committed sedition in 1/6. His son is currently running for Governor in my state and used his connections with Trump to get approval. I might back Hochul to stop those upstate boomers like Stefanik from having too much power.
That is not an objective thing and the health consequences of obesity are very real
For some people, that’s not an issue
But I do not expect the general public to really be okay with that stuff
Yeah, I think they would like Mencken too actually. The "horseshoe theory" is true, but only because the "horseshoe" is a completely artificial, post 50's construct. Basically, the electorate was intentionally split into two opposing camps so no one really ever gets what they really want and bankers can keep fleecing the sheep.
William F Buckley and the Chicago School turned the right-wing into sociopathic, "I got mine, fuck you!" under-socialized Libertarian assholes who can be easily isolated and destroyed because they have no community mindset, and the Leftwing was turned into over-socialized idiots who will infight and peck each other to death over minor policy and pronoun concerns, while the State and Giant Megacorps throw them minor ideological concessions to keep them in line(ie, Giant, evil banks "rainbow washing" their corporate logo every June). Divide and Conquer, ask the Brits how effective that was in nearly every country on earth, lol.
If you can look beyond being either Team Pepsi(vote Blue no matter who!) or Team Coke(straight Red ballot my boy!) then you probably have a historical perspective that stretches past the mid 20th century and you kind of realize how fake and stupid the whole thing is and how you actually have a lot in common with people from the other side of the aisle who were formerly on either Team Pepsi or Team Coke. It sounds weird that Earth First! Vegans and EcoFascists would both want to save natural areas from development, but it makes sense when you think that everyone outside of the Neoliberal Monoparty(Democrat/Republican) system should want that, of course you would, it good for everyone but bankers and other worthless money speculators.
Slavoj quotes esoteric Marxist dogma to thrill Elizabeth Warren dogmoms and the RedScare girls quote esoteric frogTwitter anons to thrill Bushwick arthoes, it's kind of the same thing, but Slavoj just has more institutional media support.
I don't think you can even say they've got less institutional support at this point. Dasha is in an HBO series
Anna and Dasha are 2nd gen immigrants. No God but Mammon, far-right in terms of their parent's politics. Many such cases, it seems.
It reminds me lot of Mencken. He believed Weimar Germany was the perfect model of government. By 1938 he (kind of) admitted he was wrong and reviewed various schenes to rescue Jews from the Nazis. Too bad, by then Czechs threatened Adolf by having too much freedom and he had no other choice but to invade them
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That's social media in general
I can click on a Youtube video and predict what the comments will say
I can look at an instagram post and predict the number of fire emojis that will be posted
I can look at a twitter hot take and predict how many will say "ratio didn't ask"
It's all so tiresome
based kenyan nostradamus
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Star Wars is ass, Harry Potter is ass, Square Enix is ass, Marvel movies is ass, Top Gun: Maverick was good.
Oh God, people still watch Star Wars and Marvel? Disney is just Fanfiction.net the Movie now.
>Forced memes
>Mediocre waifus
Peterson said something smart after getting his brains scoped out.
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>>Mediocre waifus
Based, true final fantasy connoisseurs have more refined taste
>Peterson said something smart after getting his brains scoped out.
I think the very thing which makes him relatable is this wild oscillation between cranky ‘I don’t watch television’ intellectualism and the sudden ‘NO FAT CHICKS’ outbursts. That said, I'm pretty sure he's schizophrenic and being pushed into the public eye.
Oh right, the HBO series where she gets to expound on Marxism for extended periods via spit-soaked monologues just like Slavoj, that show, LMAO. That's a extremely weak retort brother, hit the rhetorical gym.
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There's nothing controversial about the right. Best I can guess is that these rich kids just yearn for the Bush years where patriotism and young earth creationism was at an all time high. The new right resent the Bushes for allowing Barack Obama to become president and Barack Obama's black dad respectability politics rubbed conservatives the wrong way. I think their hatred of the Clintons are misplaced, the new right should hate Tipper Gore more for her liberal politics.
(78 KB, 598x560, 20220602_211824.jpg)
>The new right was purged along with the Cheneys. Bush represented a third term of Reagan and the recession was all their fault. The "old" conservative ideology is about trying to stop the demographic shift: tough on immigration and good welfare state (for ethnically pure whites only) which encourages baby-making. With Jews and Italians playing both sides of the fence, as usual.
Insert Lyndon B. Johnson quote here.
(78 KB, 598x560, 20220602_211824.jpg)
The New Right was purged along with the Cheneys. Bush represented a third term of Reagan and you saw how that worked out.
The current conservative ideology is about trying to stop the demographic shift: tough on immigration and good welfare state (for ethnically pure whites only) which encourages baby-making. With Jews and Italians playing both sides of the fence, as usual.
Insert Lyndon B. Johnson quote here
Don't look at me, Old Kisame here is the only one who can vote Deep Blue to stop Trump supporters from terrorizing Fetish Art Man. Even better is that I am the Black immigrant that can stop the GOP.
I am backing Hochul. I am unimpressed by Guliani's inbred son and his proposals just like how I am unamused by Eric Adams bringing back plainclothes cops to relive the 90s. Hochul at least offers new things
I reiterate what I said before.
>Every single person in this thread is having a different conversation than every other person, all of them totally detached from reality
That's why it's the best thread on the whole board right now.
I think it's actually the left that yearns for the Bush years, the left fetishes(lol) the "plucky gang of rebels and misfits up against the Evil Empire" trope when they've actually become the technocratic death star and they can't face the truth of their near total dominance of the cultural landscape because it creates cognitive dissonance with their self ideation. The Bush era conservatives only exist in their memories, you can't fight "The Man" anymore because he now has dementia and is in an assisted living home. Your dad is dead, you're the man of the house now. Own your dominance of the Global cultural landscape, be honest about it, American conservatives are a cowardly, mostly toothless old boogie man, stop denying reality.
>all of them totally detached from reality
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Remember to like and subscribe to my channel.
>they're fighting percieved cultural decay
Everyone sees cultural decay, boomer or not, both right and left, they just see the causes and effects differently; that all being said, there is without a doubt actual decay going on.

Witch Trials for Africa, when?

>The Bush era conservatives only exist in their memories
Not totally, the Rinos are still around and working with the Democrats.
>you can't fight "The Man" anymore because he now has dementia
They can't fight "The Man" anymore because they support an authoritarian goobermint and will vote and support whatever their party says, even if they're constantly being hypocrites. The one they see as the real "Man" got removed since half the country didn't want the good times he brought because he had the mouth of a sailor and the hivemind told them to.
There is no cultural decay. Fetish Art Man is now a loser dad because zoomers, and the generation after them want to develop their own identity. It's what we normal people call a rebellious phase
There’s always decay and creation going on
I’m just a hippy but I don’t think Millennials are done, we’re just starting to hit our stride. we had big shoes to fill but some of us are filling them sort of
zoomers and the next generation have their own identity to make but that’s on them now.

I finally have a sense of agency and autonomy that i didn’t have when i was 18, especially art and writing wise.
For every season there is a time or whatever, turn, turn, turn , turn
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Millennials are going to be the generation that brings back the nuclear family. Millennial women already complain that men prefer a housewife
learned a little bit from nuclear families and learned a little bit from jprg parties
Ok I'm with this person, what the actual Fuck is the conversation being had in here?

It's like some form of like internet bubble languages all colliding together to make an incoherent mess of buzz words and slang
>Totally detached from reality
Is absolutely right
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My people are clowns and fools.
Gen Y isn't the answer, it's Gen Z. I know it's a time honored tradition for each new generation to pull the ladder up from underneath, but yeah musically speaking zoomers have already done a lot that’s new & different considering how young they are. It unironically says a lot about society that 51% of zoomers prefer older music to current music (according to Wikipedia).
Who's Fetish Art Dad anyway? I think I'm illustrating your point lmfao
Hey man who is that chick. She seems familiar
Wait, people actually want to work at Starbucks forever? Where's the upward mobility or trying something new?
I mean uh if you want to do that, that’s fine but that’s a whole different subject than a Union

that furry has a lot of courage, i like their style
also zoomers are fine as far it goes for popular music bless their hearts
but if you really want know about jazz and true rock and rolll and alexander shulgin or whatever you better go dig up some ancient hipster and punks and jazz cats and old hippies, if you reality have to know about that stuff i mean

People don't want careers as long as what they're currently doing is satisfying them financially. Whether it's working at Starbucks or being an Amazon delivery driver.

Not to mention the boomer generation doesn't know the meaning of retirement and are holding on to the jobs that the younger generations want.

Women complain about everything.
“The Undeveloped Man”
>Millennials are going to be the generation that brings back the nuclear family
They’ve already failed

good question, got completely lost in the sauce.
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If you wash your balls & clean your room, you too can become a social media addict/brain damaged lobster man who cries all the time
Just because these women want to be housewives doesn't mean they actually will.
I find it tragic that Bush and his RINO friends made government explode. Small government and fiscal conservatism?
>>16140 man he really related liking or even advertising mildly chubby women to promoting authoritarianism. i understand the left got the snowflake brand, but in the past few years the right have been even bigger snowflakes on such simple things.

That is not entirely incorrect. Bush has a reputation even amongst Conservatives as being a fake and a thot who would lie out of greed and is possibly capable of doing much worse than that. We could never know for certain because of course it would be kept secret and classified. The way I see it is practically everybody was skeptical of Bush before but they gave him a chance to prove himself and now after his presidency nobody trusts him anymore. I am not one of those people who think everything he did was a mistake though and possibly in his position I may have done similar things in reaction to the catastrophe that happened. I feel like perhaps it is possible that at the time that was the correct course of action. maybe.... but it is obviously not the way forward and into the future. We are no longer in a state of emergency. There has been enough time to figure out a better "solution" (I say it in quotes because I don't believe there was ever a problem that needed a solution in the first place) anyways... There has been enough time to figure out a "solution" without treating the consitution as some thot with each foolish president making unecessary changes that do not benefit we the people and without permission and without consulting we the people beforehand. With that said, I do believe that some things happen for a reason, and they are there as representatives, and it is possible that we are better off today for the decisions that were made back then during that time of "emergency". It's only a matter of him no longer being there to recall his "mistakes". After him came an even bigger idiot with an ever larger capacity to make all things even worse for Americans. Besides that nobody is happy with life. You ask anybody and they are all pretending. You ask the true leaders amongst us and they are wise and hopeful because they know that at any moment things can take a turn for the better, but it is a fact that the present does no look good in the slightest, and there is no confidence in many of the "leaders" in Washington or any of these multi-billionaires like Bill Gates. I have only heard a few things of what he's been up to with his money, and it is no surprise that ontop of his past dealings literally nobody trusts him or many of these greedy international companies. It's their own fault for being such big eyed thots. The funniest thing is that they think money will save them. They look to money as their God. I think it's hilarious. They would probably assume me as ungrateful, but they couldn't be further from the truth. The reality is that I am not unloving, it's just that I am loyal only to God and they don't like that.
my man, you need to use paragraphs to separate your thoughts. that wall of text is far too long for me to read through
Santorum let the cat out of the bag when he said, "I used to be a fiscal conservative...I had to spend the surpluses. Deficits make it easier to say no."
By the time people wake up, there will literally be no government to protest against. I doubt the finance bros give a shit.
We need to get mcrumplar.substack.com to do an exhaustive report on BBW Pearadise like he does for Dimes Square parties

Angelicism01 gay doe

whoops meant mcrumps.substack.com
How long is America going to have it's culture wars? I thought Biden was elected to make the country less divisive
Until we can legally hunt black people, or so it would seem.
It's not Biden they fear, it's white extinction.

>I thought Biden was elected to make the country less divisive

that's how he was sold to voters, but actually expecting it to happen is like buying axe body spray to become more attractive to women

he is a senile figurehead at the mercy of his cabinet
If Biden gets re-elected, it will be all the reassurance the Democrats need to never change their platform and listen to corporate donors.

If Biden loses, then the Democrats finally learn they need to actually be better than just Trump to market themselves. But we also will assuredly get a President that wants to punish women for miscarriages, unironically.

America is LARPing Weekend At Bernie's at this point.
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yall niggas are nerds

Dear Mr. Thiel,

Please sponsor a "Juicy Jackie in hot secretary outfit goes to Dimes Square" plotline

Sincerely, Anon
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>Mr. Thiel
idk who that nigga is, he sounds like a fuckin nerd too
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Thiel is aligned with Hoppe, a monarchist who is "just" of the opinion that if you don't fit in with society then you should be executed. This is not the portrait of a man who loves slampigs.
(I always liked Sable more, anyway)
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Forty percent of people who follow Christianity don't know anything about it other than they were indoctrinated into it. It has always made them easy targets for those who would manipulate them.
Coincidentally, a surge of Catholicism happened after Bush completely trashed the Protestant brand.
Please explain "dimes square" anon, I have no idea what it means.
A dime is a "10" on the attractive scale and GlitterAndLazers made headlines for posing in Times Sqare.

It's basically a very expensive forced meme. A couple of blocks in Chinatown around a trendy bar/restaurant called "Dimes" is supposedly the hot new Manhattan neighborhood for artists / writers / filmmakers who have a kayfabe rivalry with the "establishment" Brooklyn scene. It's the same old story of a clique of mostly untalented trust fund kids hyping each other up, but what makes it ~*~NeW aNd EdGy~*~ is that despite being standard NYC scenester types, a bunch of them are LARPing as "trad" religious conservatives.

In the past few weeks a bunch of articles about How Dimes Square Is The Next Big Thing dropped in all the usual venues in what was clearly a non-organic PR campaign. There's speculation that Peter Thiel is bankrolling some of this in a deliberate effort to cultivate a new generation of right-leaning artists.

I don't take any of this very seriously, but since this thread has devolved into a space for schizophrenic political shitposting I figure that I might as well enjoy it.


Also this. If you put GlitterAndLazers into the gematrix.org calculator, she has the same numerical value as "Trust The Plan Q." Add 10 because she's a dime and I can't be bothered to figure out how to to search the results by number.
Idk why the mods deleted the message saying that glitter and lazers did a photo shoot in Times Square, but I would LOVE a juicy Jackie (or any other top tier model really) shoot there, that would be epic and legendary

>mods deleted the post

Oh no, it can't be

Not even Lt. Barclay is immune to the temptation of Peter Thiel's black ops fund
Who? I don't care for Peter Thiel or Elon Musk. I just wish that the midterms are over so flyover country could stop shilling conspiracy theories

Peter Thiel paid you to post this, you red-brown Duginist deep cover agent
I dunno. Peter Thiel funding right wingers with money collected from Pay Pal porn is farfetched. Libs are just a slave to Mammon the same way a junkie wants heroin
Peter Thiel has made his political affiliations pretty clear, you can go read his essays if you so choose
what if dimes square made a post-ironic found footage movie with the FatMissT shark fart video

what if mike crumps wrote an essay about it
Trump fans are retarded for simping for anything other than Don’s fat fucking ass.
Biden 100% sucks. But this thread sounds like toothless rednecks sucking elephant dick.

So this sub is basically a bunch of retarded white people and that one nigga who thinks he's white.
So do not fear my creation when it saves its nation. Stay mired
fedposter come post in this thread instead of shitting up the others

it's a comfy schizz spot and you might even get a BTC tip from peter thiel
this thread is pure donkey nuts kek
Boberry was at the De Vere Ball
What an odd thing to say considering there's only maybe 8 pictures online of this sparsely-populated event. About Shakespeare.
I mean Jordan seems like cool guy but he is clearly wrong on this
She's hiding behind the staircase
Are you sure you don't mean she's hiding in the crawlspace or attic?
JP only eats steak and salad. Okay, I like steak and salad too, a lot, but that sounds like an ED. It'll keep you slim (to fit those old tymey tailored suits) but no doctor on earth will tell you it's healthy.

Anyway he got hooked on oxy, and rather than admitting he had a problem and putting in the work to help himself and his family (including a wife battling cancer), he

1) put out some bs about how he has a particular predisposition toward painkillers (i.e. his addiction is special and rare — he's not, like an "addict-addict")

and then

2) went to Moscow to have himself put into a coma to kick (i.e., the easy way out), which (shocker) didn't work so well and nearly killed him.

So let's summarize: The incel-preferred expert on responsibility and self-discipline is nothing but a weak, irresponsible, self-deluding junkie.
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I like Jordan Peterson is quick to act as some moral authority or pillar but cucked to vaccine agenda thinking they would leave him alone lol. Same dude who made videos talking about standing up to tyranny, bullies and fighting against globalism because when you give into their demands they only push for more, cucked at the very first instance it got hard for him. Really is hard to take him seriously after that, then there's to mention how his daughters turned out and various miscellaneous things.
Personally i don’t get the seethe people have over jbp, he’s not really a political figure, just another self help psychologist guy who dabbles in biblical interpretations
>he’s not really a political figure
But he's desperately trying to be. Now he's pandering to the neo-nazi alt right just to remain relevant and try to gain back status.
can someone tell me who this amerimutt is? has he ever posted himself here?
Christianity nowadays is more talk therapy and less superstitions. The problem with Jordan Peterson is that he's overshadowed by Oprah, Maury, Dr. Phil, and Dr. Oz as the talk show host. Even 700 Club switched from fundamentalism to mainstream news with bible anime funded by backing dictators. America is saturated with conservative talk shows, so what does Peterson contribute?
My friend started watching his videos. By his own admission he has spent "hundreds of hours" on it in a couple of years. No one who used to know him can even talk to him anymore, it's completely bizarre. Of course Petersen was only the gateway to other "influences". I'm not exaggerating, this guy became a different person.
The problem is that the left keeps rehabilitating war criminals. Without superstitions or a fear of god to keep the general population in check, your friend has become a nihilistic husk that obeys government. He's pretty much a computer running on autopilot since psychology is designed to lower cognitive function and keep people doing menial tasks. The catch is that they seek out other like minded people and go to the right since the system is all he knows. It's why the left is so screwed in the fall, 2024, and pretty much the future.

The left owns all material wealth but they have nobody to maintain it because their army of doctors and psychologists told the tards who drink, drive, and have sex to become civilized. It's why Zuckerberg, Musk, and Bezos are screwed: technocrats lack sin to tempt people with material goods. Peterson can tell them to clean their room for the greater good.
No one who is giving Peterson the time of day is voting for Democrats tho.
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>No one who used to know him can even talk to him anymore, it's completely bizarre.
Sadly I've got similar stories, but they were more related to the more general right-wing dipshit sphere. JP is sad to me because he really was something before his kermit sounding ass thought he could outdo the Cambridge Theologians and got his dick kicked in. I wish for alternate universe JP where he continues helping college kids.
Anyone who willingly supports this pussy after a comment like this isn't worth my own piss:

>I believe that those at the Faculty of Divinity who rescinded their offer to me — and handled the rescindment in a manner that could hardly have been more narcissistic or self-congratulatory — don’t give a damn about the perilous decline of Christianity. I think that it is no bloody wonder that the faith is declining (and with it, the values of the West, as it fragments) with cowards and mountebanks of the sort who manifested themselves in this action.

>I wish them the continued decline in relevance over the next few decades that they deeply and profoundly and diligently work toward and deserve.

https://www.cbc [DOT] ca/news/canada/toronto/cambridge-uni-peterson-1.5066342
https://nationalpost [DOT] com/opinion/jordan-peterson-i-wish-cambridges-faculty-of-divinity-the-obscurity-it-deeply-deserves
Elon Musk and Bezos on the left. lol you can't just say the left is everything outside your online schizo bubble
No kidding. Anyone who thinks they have to “save Christianity” clearly thinks little of the God of the universe
The Left outside of Commiefornia are boomers who want to fortify social security and college students who want their student loan debt wiped out.
>>15763 (OP)
I'm going to break popular opinion here and say that I agree with JBP on this, even though I love fat women (obviously) and don't very much like JBP.
Body positivity is cancer. Its ultimate goal is to blackpill society so hard that there are literally 0 standards for women while the standards or men keep going up and up. People on this website surely must be familiar with the entitled, self-important, snobby attitude that a lot of women on e.g. Feabie have with a side of cringey tumblr SJW politics. That is the face of the body positive movement. It's not just "letting fat women be on magazines". It comes with a specific set of social attitudes and they're all terrible. The main attitude it pushes is that every woman is a perfect goddess and every man is trash and must be rich and jacked and tall to have value even to an ugly morbidly obese woman. Even though I find fat women intrinsically sexy, I can recognize that being fat and being genuinely fit do not have the same social value and must not be treated as such. Being fit takes effort, dedication, willpower, and competence. Becoming obese requires a lack of all of that. Women with a lower social value should not be encouraged to demand men with a higher social value. It creates an unfair society where the average man is starved of basic intimacy and grows up hating himself, while every female is showered with attention and ego-stroking no matter what she does. Eventually you'll be screwing yourselves out of fat chicks because they won't wanna touch you unless you like Chris Pratt or whoever.

Oh, and do not assume that body positivity endorses fat fetishism. SJW body positive fat women hate fat fetishists because it's "objectifying" and "creepy" and "fetishizing". They don't want you guys because to them you're beta coomers. They want hot guys who don't have a fetish to be deluded into perceiving them the exact same as straight women. And honestly, the average male zoomer is so cucked now that even guys without a fetish are putting up with fat women because that's all they can hope to get. Why fuck over all men just to see more entitled sameface models on magazines?

Body positivity also endorses full tumblr idpol on the side. It is a mistake to support BP just because we're fat fetishists. It's all fine and dandy when it's fat women being pushed, but tomorrow it's going to be "trans women are beautiful" and you're going to have to "suck the girldick, bigot".

Ignore flag, I grew up in Canada
this is retarded neurosis. go outside
Doesn't seem like you're agreeing with JP, more like you have your own beefs with BP/SA and its advocates. Mostly that BP/SA has empowered fat women to be selective by boosting their self-esteem. I think this is mostly in your mind though, in that you're putting too much stake in online posturing, as opposed to real-world results. The story of the internet, basically.

I personally think BP/SA is a net plus for us because it encourages women to put themselves out there and not be neurotic about their weight. A happy, secure fat woman > a miserable, insecure one, unless your ideal is someone you can manipulate, in which case you're probably pretty miserable yourself.

I'm with you on SA/BP rejecting FA sexuality, though that's been the case forever. There was a big schism in NAAFA bitd (1980s-90s) over this. It boils down to a key difference in male/female sexuality that will never be resolved. Women don't like to be objectified, til they do, while men have it in their DNA to do it 24/7. So just like a guy who's into thin women has to be cool and learn how to walk through the minefield in terms of objectification, so do we FAs.
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Great post, riveting stuff
The United States currently has an 65% obesity rate. This is a trend across any industrialized/developed country. India and China have obesity on the rise. Rich gulf states are fat af. The common thread is access to American-style food and portions.
JP rarely advances any kind of coherent position. He primarily cares about whining about culture war/celebrity trash bs, and that attracts reactionaries who were never deep thinkers to begin with. No room for structural analysis that would eventually lead him to a criticism of capital.
Imagine how retarded you would have to be to oppose regular people getting government money when corporations and defense contractors have emptied the coffers.
And? Is that bad or something?
>Guy on politics thread on the meta discussion board of a fucking niche porn image board telling me to go outside because I typed some words

BP is good to a point, yes. I definitely don't think fat people should hate themselves or be hated by others. Fat People Hate types always struck me as low IQ. I've seen the BP movement up close though (had a tumblr SJW phase in 2010) and I know from experience that it doesn't just stop at fat women being okay with themselves, it veers into toxicity and pseudoscience and blaming white people for everything. *It doesn't stop at "you can be a valuable human who deserves love and brings something unique to the table even if you're fat", it's "you're a sexy beautiful goddess and it's totally not hypocritical to demand nothing less than a 6ft jacked viking." And that's my second problem with BP, which I guess is more from a feminist perspective: instead of liberating women from beauty standards so they can focus on being people, it just bends their definition so that women can continue to be obsessed with being beautiful and making it their whole personality. It's not "you don't have to be beautiful to be a worthwhile person", it's "I'm here to tell you that you are in fact a worthwhile person because you are beautiful, now go take 77363 selfies and whore for Chad's attention".

I also think that at the very least there should be some equivalent for men. Sure, fat women are confident now, but meanwhile even conventionally attractive fit zoomer males are crippled with self-hatred and starved for a crumb of pussy. I feel for fat men who don't even have a chance with fat women now, let alone anyone else. Sure, we have a vested interest in fat women being confident, but I just can't see this as anything but blatantly unfair.

*This is mostly just the online strain of it though, you're right. But I fear it'll become more prominent irl as people keep endorsing it. The only really fat girl I know irl already believes in muh starvation mode, and while it's hot to see her repeatedly fail to lose weight, the misinformation BP spreads has real, negative impacts on people who really want/need to lose weight.

You nailed it with that description of JBP.
it isn't hypocritical. it's just their preference the same as your preference for fat chicks. they shouldn't deny their natural sexual desires because some incel thinks its unfair.
The alt right isnt real
You're right, they're just braindead nazis too dumb to realize
There were/are people who actually call themselves that. They hit the streets for a couple of years before they built any inroads between their groups or had an overall plan, and they got their asses kicked over and over. Their movement fell apart because they didn't take the time to build trust and when so many of your number are paranoid schizophrenic, it's easy for mistrust to fester. They didn't plan for the people who wound up in prison or just in court forever either; those people are receiving no help now.
The far right in the states are well known FBI informants. The leader of the Proud Boys was an FBI informant in Florida, and Steven Bannon was used as an informant to get Roger Stone on tax evasion. Then there's Stormfront accusing Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino of being controlled opposition.
>anything that makes me look bad actually doesn't real
my favorite gotcha from the desperate ideologue. the ussr wasn't real communism then.
It wasn't. One of the hallmarks of communism is a classless society, and Stalin was the ruling class. I'm not arguing against what the USSR did, but it's as communist as China is now, which is to say not very.
i don't care if the ussr was "real communism" or not. it's just funny to bring up to "th-the alt right don't real guis" jp stans who you know absolutely froth at the mouth over statements like it
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Bannon used /pol/ as a canary to see how many votes there are in actively pursuing white nationalism. Enough to abandon the center, it turns out. Republicans prefer not to have a politician to the right of them siphoning off votes.
Bannon is not /pol/. Him and Ben Shapiro are from Breitbart. I don't think he has any influence since Jared Kushner saw him as a drama queen.
I mean, I think “body positivity” is bullshit too, but for different reasons. I don’t think it’s true that body positive people want lower beauty standards for women and higher for men. A lot of people want to do away with unhealthy beauty standards for men. I am emphatically not “body positive” but I do very much support some fat acceptance stuff and I really think unrealistic body standards for men is becoming a serious problem. It’s ridiculous that men in movies and on TV and social media are expected to be huge with crazy muscle definition at all times and I think most fat women on the internet would agree with me. The point is our super strict modern beauty standards are harmful to everyone.

And really, isn’t it absurd that society has just decided that all fat women, even the ones who are only slightly chubby are automatically universally unattractive when women clearly so many people are attracted to fat women? JBP’s statement that she’s objectively unattractive is ridiculous. It’s the most obviously incorrect he’s ever been. She wouldn’t be on the cover of sports illustrated if some editor didn’t find her attractive. Acknowledging that it’s possible for women who aren’t skinny to be attractive isn’t even an agenda, it’s just acknowledging reality. It is the only good part of “body positivity”. If you like fat women, you should be happy about that cover.
And to be clear, the problem with body positivity is that it’s shallow and meaningless and does nothing but make conventionally pretty women who are slightly overweight feel good about themselves and make brands money off “body positive” marketing. But being anti body positivity as a political stance is just as dumb and pointless. If you care about health, talk about the social structures that caused an “obesity epidemic” and anti fat bias in medicine. If you care about unhealthy beauty standards for men, talk about unhealthy beauty standards for men! Whining about plus size women appearing in magazines accomplishes nothing, it’s just about hating women. Jordan Peterson just has to have the dumbest take possible on every issue. He’s never actually right.

Also, “authoritarian tolerance” is just the stupidest fucking combination of two words I have ever heard in 23 years on this planet.
The “alt-right” was a term made up by Hillary Clinton back in 2016. That’s literally the first time anyone used that phrase. Internet edgelords have always been around, but people like Clinton were so out of touch that they assumed there was some nefarious plot to bring them down, rather than just recognizing they’re unlikeable people. It’s not an organization or even a distinct subculture, just a boogeyman for rich liberal white women
this is entirely untrue; Richard Spencer literally founded a webzine called "The Alternative Right" in 2010 and alt-right was adopted shortly thereafter
Spencer is literally a fed, and the first time the wider public discovered the “alt-right” was after hearing Clinton yammer about it
You resurrected a thread 10 days later just to get dunked on by >>20320. Eventually you alt-right retards will accuse each other of being feds to the point where you'll no longer be an issue. Seethe
you're either lying or you have the smoothest brain it is possible for a human being to have. The alt-right existed was a thing long before Clinton "made it up." you know this, you're just too much of a pussy to tell the truth about your own beliefs
The alt-right is just a neologism coined by liberals used to mock evangelicals over at flyover country. Hillary made people forget that protestants were the kingmakers for general elections and lost them to Trump. Biden would later lose Virginia to Glenn Youngkin because evangelicals were tired of his veneration of the federal government and because fundamentalists have the 700 Club or Daystar TV or TBN to keep people informed. Liberals may claim to hate Trump, but quietly, news agencies have been shifting from center-left to religious or radical right to get that Trump voter money. Just look at how CNN got rid of Chris Cuomo, Brian Shelter, and their other cookie cutter liberals as to not not alienate their conservative viewers.
You lost me at “Alt Right was coined by liberals”

Richard Spencer invented the term in 2010 when he titled his white nationalist magazine “The Alternative Right”.
Conservatives don't read any of these magazines. The right in the states did a perfectly good job of cutting funding for education because public colleges were making Americans liberal and socialist. The alternative right are a laughing stock even among conservative circles for being manchildren.
Richard Spencer was a plant by Obama-era feds to discredit the right. Nothing he says or does is relevant
But, again, it wasn't always that way. Trump rose to power on a wave of "alt-right" thinking going mainstream (along with a number of other factors, of course.) by the time Hillary used the phrase "alt-right" there was a sizeable faction of people who identified with the movement. Obviously these people don't represent traditional conservatives in their totality, that's why they called themselves the ALTERNATIVE right. the claim was that alt-right was a term made up by Hillary Clinton in 2016, but that's fucking stupid and untrue, and saying otherwise is just a shitty attempt to muddy the water
Neocons used to defend laws and the constitution. Idk what term you’d want for people trying to instate a religious theory and overturn an elections based on feelings, if not “alt-right” what term describes trumps lawless mayonnaise acolytes?
Idk how people can be so stupid to think he is legit and not just a plant, he has been invited on CNN so many times as their goto wignat that he might as well get his name in the regular credits. But people just see him do a really flamboyant Sieg Heil and say a few things about race and suddenly they are convinced he's actually a threat to democracy and not just some liberal being paid really well to say the right things and not push his wife down a flight of stairs, wait Richard what are you doing WAIT STOP
Previous post was quoting that I just smooth brained it and deleted the number
LOL what a great coping mechanism: "He's fake."

CNN had Spencer on because he's good for ratings, period. Same reason they obsess on Trump. There's no conspiracy, you fucking dope.

The truth is that Spencer was supposed to be the handsome (or at least not hideous), articulate, educated face of rebranded white Christian nationalism — aka the Alt Right. But white Christian nationalists are, like flat earthers, Q retards, or religious fundamentalists, kooks and morons no matter whether they wear a suit and have a masters degree from Duke or sit around popping oxys and picking lice out of each other's hair. The Great White Hope looked like a legit threat til he outed himself as just another trash-talking idiot with Unite the Right, the Alt Right's big Coming Out. It was, true to form, a poorly planned failure that ultimately helped de-elect Trump.
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The alt-right just doesn't have the escapist fantasy of fighting demons and the anti-christ with Jesus to motivate fundamentalists to vote for them, or a base that subsists on Chick-Fil-A, Superbook, and faith healing like most conservative outlets do. Japan already has Char Aznable and Zeon to keep their doubt right wingers in check, how are people like Richard Spencer going to motivate the right to give up their hobbies for empty rhetoric?
They have the libs to be both their boogeyman and their culture war enemy. They don't want to fight FOR something, they want to fight AGAINST anything politically left of them. That's why the alt-right's agenda is bereft of substance.
Liberals are too busy accusing each other of being homophobic, hating troons, or fighting neoliberals. Just look at how quickly they abandoned JK Rowling once she started espousing Episcopalian views.
I like fat chicks, I think theyre way hotter than skinny chicks. But the fact is that we are a small minority out of the entire population, why should we dictate what the wider population views as attractive? And what purpose would be served in doing so?
gish galloping, goal post moving bullshit
We call that Kisame posting here
Nah, someone "conveniently" becoming relevant around an election cycle when no one outside of a small group had ever heard of him before is suspicious as fuck. To not see the signs here is utterly braindead. I bet you side with the feds on Waco and Ruby Ridge.
It's always a fucking conspiracy with you types. It only seems convenient and suspicious because you only started paying attention, and even that's a stretch.
yeah it sure is crazy that an obscure segment of the right became prominent around the time the mainstream right-wing establishment suffered a giant, catastrophic blow to its power and prestige from another right-wing outsider segment.

you motherfuckers can't even get a blocked toilet without blaming it on the Feds
...An election cycle that happened to feature a media Godzilla whose nationalist, anti-immigration rhetoric put opinions that were formerly fringe/taboo smack into the mainstream. Thus MSM outlets started featuring fringe personalities like Spencer. And this wasn't just about Spencer — you had former Breitbart editor Steve Bannon as Trump's campaign chief at the same time, so you had print media platforming clowns like Cernovich and Yianopolis, too.

There's nothing in Spencer's well-documented bio to indicate he was ever anything other than what he is — a neo-Nazi who owns a suit, doesn't look inbred and/or on meth, and can write and speak in complete sentences. It's all out there in the open and makes perfect linear sense. The problem is that your brain doesn't work well so your worldview is all paranoid, self-confirming bullshit.
Last I heard, Bannon got arrested for tax evasion and Yianopolis is working as an unpaid intern for Majorie Taylor Greene. Breitbart is too busy making Joe Biden flicks with Gina Carano about Hunter Biden. Senate Republicans are too busy grooming Desantis as the heir to Trump's legacy
Yeah, they all went down because they outed themselves as kooks and losers. Like how sunlight and air will kill mold and all that. I was just saying that like Spencer, they had their moment thanks to Trump briefly mainstreaming what was formerly extreme right-wing ideologies. Spencer was not the product of a conspiracy. It was all out there in the open.
how is this a response to >>20424 at all? just continuing to prove my point about the gish galloping/kisame posting lol
Believing anyone who disagrees with you is a singular person is pretty schizophrenic.
They have the same post ID dumbass
>the /pol/tard "not eveywone you dont wike is the same pewson uwuwuwuwuwu" meemee
you are all identical. shut the fuck up. you only even use websites like this to hide your individuality behind a collective you think inherently reflects you. oh but how dare someone insinuate anything about what you think based on someone else, as you passive-aggressively defend said person's opinion. fuck off.
>understanding this is Kisameposting
>responding to it anyway
You are the problem here
No they don't...
Did you forget to take your medication buddy? Maybe Twitter or Reddit is a better fit for you and not an anonymous imageboard.
What beliefs? The “alt-right” isnt a real organization, it’s just an umbrella term neckbearded eunuchs use to describe edgy internet people. People who unironically talk about the “alt-right” just sound like frumpy news anchors trying and failing to make sense of weird internet things
>it’s just an umbrella term neckbearded eunuchs use to describe edgy internet people

No dipshit, it's derived from The Alternative Right, a webzine published by Richard Spencer in the late Aughts. From there it was used by far right nationalist types to describe themselves. THEN it was picked up by the mainstream, after trump mainstreamed their ideologies.
Literally the only people who still use the term “alt-right” in any serious capacity are neckbearded eunuchs trying to describe edgy people, like you. I’m sorry you’re that you’re not very smart
And yet, when the right mentioned the official Antifa handbook that was written, you guys said "NO, ITS AN IDEA, NOT AN ORGANIZATION" when the book mentioned an official hierarchy
You misused "literally" and wrote a sentence where it's unclear whether I'm a neckbeard (such a tired word) or an edgy person. Not vey smart.

Again: "Alt-right" started as self-description, and was then adopted by the mainstream. You may not like or agree with folks on, say, CNN or those who write for the Wall Street Journal who use it, but many of them are clean-shaven and still posses their genitalia.

Because the alt-right and Antifa are — get ready to have your mind blown — two different entities.

And who's "the right"...? It's a big tent that includes George W. Bush and Mike Cernovich.

Anyway, to your, um, point, here's the antifa "handbook" you refer to. It was written by anarchists who are, if you haven't heard, not big on top-down, heirarchal structures. But I will let you go ahead and show me where the heirarchy is detailed:

>And yet, when the right mentioned the official Antifa handbook that was written

You mean the book that has no author, and half it's concepts are literally ripped out of the Anarchist's cookbook? Because there's also multipule copies claiming to be "THE Antifa handbook" now. If I was an alt-right chud wanting to discredit my "enemy" i'd make shit like that, and disperse it far and wide, fucking propaganda 101 right there.

God, you cuckservatives are so fucking stupid anymore, if DA LEFT was half as scary as you claim you'd be 6 feet in a grave already. Like do you think it's just "how libs are", that no leader has appeared from the teeming masses of antifa raiders? Do you think it's just HMMMMM COINCIDENCE that both Trumps Q-tard base AND Antifa have neither developed serious goals, or political blocks with ideologies that don't revolve around one figurehead? Or how anti-gun rhetoric has expanded MASSIVELY after 2020/2021 now? It's not just because of Uvlade / Idpol, if you actually talked to human beings you'd know quite a few center-left types are more pro-gun after the Boogalo bitches and the attempted Terrorist overthow on Jan 6th. You taint-toungers will forever watch the fucking skies for the black gobernment helicopters while DuPont will be allowed to poison you water underground.

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