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I used to know a girl many years ago who used to just walk around sucking on a tube of sweetened condensed milk. Legitimately, every time I saw her she would have a tube of condensed milk in her gob. She was a friend of my girlfriend at the time, so I never fucked her. Also, despite being really fat, she was not hot at all, so I don’t know if I would have anyway. But I just remembered about that and I think at the time I took for granted how fucking gluttonous that is. I should hit her up.

So how about you? What’s some absolutely classic fat chick behaviour that you’ve been lucky enough to witness IRL?
Had a fat foodie (meaning food-obsessed) girlfriend who cut the bottom corner from the chip bag at the end so she could get to the last few crumbs. She thought this was normal and logical and wondered why I thought it was funny.
She mapped the city by places to eat, that was how she oriented herself — this bakery here, that pizza place there, etc. She planned out entire days around food, it was actually a lot of fun. Her movie "snack" was a large popcorn with loads of butter and salt, and she'd have the counterperson mix in a bag of peanut M&Ms if they were willing, or she'd do it herself. She was very short, mid-200s but looked 300+ and had zero self-consciousness about any of this.

That said, she was fairly active and went to the gym here and there. I dated a woman around the same size years later (I have a type), who was comically out of shape. One night I met her at her job and we were going out to dinner and a Broadway show from there. I was in NYC, she worked there but lived in urban NJ but basically led a suburban lifestyle. We'd only met up at places and cabbed back to my apt, or drove if I was out at her place, until that night.
The restaurant was maybe 10 blocks away from her office, which is half a mile/.75 kilometers. She had shortish, really fat legs and walked with a slight waddle under normal circumstances, and seemed almost phobic of stairs. By block 4 her waddle was really noticeable and she was huffing and puffing, hardly able to keep up a conversation. (4 bocks = 1,200 feet/350 meters.) We passed a bus stop with a bench and she told me she had to stop to fix her shoe. She futzed with the shoe for a while and then we started off again. It took an awkwardly long time for her to recover once we were seated at the restaurant. She had some kind of excuse but I don't remember what it was.
Oh and she was in her 30s at the time but her (not fat) mom cooked for her, would come by with food on Sunday nights to stock her freezer for the week, heavy Italian and hearty stew-type dishes. Mom was a good cook fwiw. Fridge otherwise stocked with full-sugar soda and such, ate like a college student. One of very few women I've dated who never talked about dieting or exercise. Not into SA or anything, they were just alien concepts. The only time she bitched about her weight was regarding clothing options, because she loved to shop. She took a trip to Chicago with a fat GF of hers and told me it was mostly because the plus-sized shopping was so much better.

Friend's GF, now wife, who I've crushed on for years was not fat-fat, but very chubby with a huge ass and legs when she was younger. She had the biggest appetite I've ever seen on a woman. I once watched her devour a quarter pounder McDonalds meal while we waited for our SOs at a bar, then the four of us went out to a Jewish deli with absurd portions — like half a pound of meat on a sandwich. She ate her whole sandwich and french fries as well. All of this within 90 mins. (She went on a health and exercise kick years later, slimmed down and has eaten normal portions the last few times I've seen her, though now middle age is thickening her back up...)
Once upon a time, I had two coworkers, who we'll call Anne and Betty. They were both attractive but neither of them were single. I was friends with both of them, but they didn't like each other at all. I was better friends with Anne than Betty. Betty was really condescending to most people (especially Anne) but not me for some reason. Anne was an SSBBW, probably somewhere around 350-400, and definitely a glutton. Betty was thin, fit and health-conscious. Betty disliked Anne due to her weight and eating habits. Anne knew I was an FA; Betty didn't. Despite Anne being engaged, this was one of the reasons we got on so well. Anne and I used to get fast food for lunch once a week. Either Eddie Rocket's (which is an Irish 1950's style diner place, a ripoff of Johnny Rocket's I guess) or Five Guys. She always ate like a pig with zero shame. The reason I bring up Betty is because of one notable incident. We were at work, and Anne said "Hey Anon, guess how many snacks I've got in my handbag." I don't remember what my guess was, but she pulled out a ridiculous amount of chocolate bars and bags of sweets, more than I thought you'd be able to fit in a handbag. Betty was utterly disgusted, which I found amusing. I still wonder whether Anne was flirting with me (considering that she was aware of my tastes) or whether she was just looking for validation, knowing that I approved of her gluttony. Probably a bit of both.

The other story I have (which I may have told here before) is about an ex-girlfriend of mine, who was the same size as Anne. She was much less candid about her eating habits, so I have fewer stories than I'd like. One time, we went to a deli for lunch. She was a vegetarian, so obviously her options were a bit limited. Rather than getting a salad or something, she got a bread roll with just a shitload of butter, coleslaw and cheese. I could tell the guy working at the deli was grossed out just making it. Even I thought it was a bit gross, but it still turned me on to see her eat it, knowing how many calories must've been in it.
Short but LARGE italian chick, about 5'4 with very wide hips, big thighs, a huge round ass and a pretty substantial gut (average/smallish tits tho). She was the loud italian stereotype, but I'd never seen her eat. Anyway, me and her and 3 other classmates (2 others guys, 1 skinny chick) all decide to go for lunch after class one day. We end up at a burrito place. She orders a large burrito (which is fucking huge) and a bottle of coke. We're all joking about profs and hanging out but i'm secretly paying attention to how quickly she is putting this burrito away and subtlety doing these long deep belches under her breath so no one hears. was super hot. Eventually she finishes and just lays back in her seat as if she just did hard labor. She didnt notice her t-shirt ride up, so now her burrito gut is kinda just leaking out the top of her jeans. Everyone pretends not to notice but its kinda awkward silence and eventually she fixes her shirt and we resume talking.

Like a month later our same group goes out to a movie one night. I had chatted with her earlier in the week after class one day and she had gone on this whole tangent about how she loves hot dogs because her parents had never bought them when she was a kid and bla bla bla. So we're at the theatre grabbing our concessions and shit and we see theres hotdogs on the menu and she looks at me all happy. She goes and buys a single hot dog. Then i go buy two hot dogs and some fries. We sit down in the theatre and I tell her she can share fries with me so begins to peck away. She manages to devour her hot dog before the trailers are even over. Meanwhile I'm eating my hot dog number 1 suuuuper slow. When I finally finish I go "damn, I probably didnt need to order 2, i literally just ate. do you want the other one?" she refuses twice before i remind her how much she said she loves hot dogs and she goes "fiiiiiine" and takes it before devouring it as well while we both laugh about it between bites. I should probably mention her ass is basically filling the seat and her belly is kinda just laying on her lap during all this. The cherry on top is that we go for desserts after and she basically cheers with joy when she sees cheesecake on the menu. Made short work of it.

I havent seen her since the semester ended but i kind of want to hit her up. I think she lives far tho. I doubt shes into gaining or feeding or any of that shit, but shes probably riding the "body-positive" unashamed type wave. She's always wearing those high wasted pants that do a really shitty job of hiding fat girls guts but they still think they look good in them
Was in Wales out drinking with uni friends, we had come up from England. I cant remember much as it was the end of the night, we'd had a kebab and I couldnt see straight. I got a little separated and managed to be sat at a random bus stop, trying not to fall over. People were spilling out of the pubs and bars then, and this really fat auburn Welsh bird waddled over. I had to do a double take as I had not seen big round double belly up close on a young mid 20s person. She was wearing a tight black dress and was short maybe 5"6' and 300lbs, carrying a bag of chips. I thought holy crap, she got real fat folds on that belly. She and I hung about the bus stop for a few minutes while I tried to smile, and tried to say hello but the words never came out. I think she was also trying to say hello, I just felt it. There werent no busses at the time so she wasnt there standing waiting for anything, and later I was kicking myself because we could have hooked up if I just went for it. I was consious that none of my friends knew I was a FA, and I didnt want to be caught going home with some fat chick. This was over 20 years ago when attitudes were very different. For what seemed like an enternity passed, my friends found me, and took me away before I could do anything else.
They have more in common with Mencken than they know. Despite his unironic racism, he wrote a scathing attack on Roosevelt for not doing enough to deal with the Holocaust?
It's characteristic of the libertarian-right/left that their words and deeds seem to be at odds with one another. It doesn't make sense as an ideology, yet it somehow resonates with the public: anti-government, pro-nationalist.
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It really shows how much I live in an NYC bubble. I had a short stint job in an unattractive store in the suburbs. No one burns enough calories to not balloon up like crazy, and yes, even the Russian girls are unapologetically chunky. Nowadays thry're referred to as "real people" or "real bodies" which is accurate in the US.
One night the biggest black woman I've ever seen came waddling into my store. Pushing 400, pink showercap, skin-tight minidress. Huffing and puffing, making the earth move, carrying (I shit you not) a stack of baby formula. This is what happens when Blaire White opens the Hellraiser puzzle box.
Another female customer shot me a look, and I kind of shrugged with my eyes from beneath my mask.
Bro if you see her again you have to talk to her, don’t miss out
Something like 15-ish years ago, I was in an airport with my family, coming back from vacation. With some time before our flight, we sat down for lunch at a pizza place in the main food court area. We picked up a box of pizza and started eating.

A few minutes into our lunch, I see the most unbelievable thing I've seen in my life: a woman sits down at the table next to us carrying two extra-large boxes of pizza. She has her bright red hair in a high ponytail, is wearing a bright green top and light blue jeans, and is MASSIVE. Four or five hundred pounds, easily. I swear she looked identical to Paige from StudioFA's comic.

I can't believe what I'm seeing, but she's sitting at an awkward angle, so I don't get the best look at her. I try, but I definitely wasn't fooling my family with my *totally* inconspicuous attempts to get a better look. I do see her absolutely tearing into the first pizza, two slices sandwiched together at once.

Unfortunately, we finished our pizza shortly after she sat down, and it was time to go. I tried sneaking a few more glances, but it was a crowded airport and we needed to make our flight. Still, I'll never forget seeing an actual fantasy come to life like that. Seared into my memory forever.
I was at seconsary school, and we were 15 or 16 at the time. We had a fat German teacher that taught German in the 1990s. She was probably 400lbs had curly dark blonde hair. Her face was not like beautiful but because she was so fat and round, she got me a bit hot and excited whenever she waddled pass or rubbed her body against my desk.She didnt wear normal teacher smart clothes, I guess no shops had her sizes, and the internet wasnt a thing. She wore sweat pants, that came over the big round wobbling jelly belly. Yes, that is not a good look for FAs, we want the waist band under the belly! Still I could not help but look and stare, I'd never been so close to someone so obese. Anyway from what I remember apart from all of us making Hitler impressions in German class, she told us what life was like in Germany. I remember she said they had like five or seven meal times a day.....WTF? She taught us the word Bratwurst, which was probably what she stuffed down her throat seven times a day to make her so big and heavy. I reckon she must have been a true foodee or feedee and wasnt embarrassed by it, but actually proud of it. I never meta fat person that was so forward with food, which blew my teenage mind. Today, I if I met someone like that, BOOM, I would not pass on a opportunity to hook up. I still think it is BS that Germans eat that many times a day - only she does!
I had a very fat preschool teacher, probably upper 300s. Not pretty, older and kind of trashy. She would do all the typical fat lady things, like try and get as much accomplished while seated, and if she bent over there was always some kid that would point at her butt and laugh. One time she was eating a hard boiled egg in front of the class and making it very clear that she didn’t like the yolks and only ate the whites, as if to defend eating habits to a group of preschoolers (this was in the early 90s when eggs were thought of as bad for you).

But the thing I remember most is when she would eat at the lunch table, she would go into a total trancelike state that so obviously shed light into her problematic relationship with food. She would not talk, would stare straight ahead and just chew with a slow methodical rhythm like it required her absolute undivided attention. This would continue for the entirety of her lunch, and she’d pick back up and go back to normal teacher. I thought that was how all fat people must eat.

Years later my mom made a crack about my old preschool teacher and ended it with “yeah I was glad to get you into kindergarten, if you spent more time around her I was afraid you’d end up liking fat women or something.”
I have never fantasized about someone's mom, lol. Seems like a trope which exists only in porn.
Friend who lived around the corner from me had a short, Karenish-hot, pear-shaped + stacked mom with a thin face. He wasn't even my closest friend but I'd hang at his house under any pretense to get a better look at her. He had a pool which was also a big draw. His mom would give us a couple of hours and then be like "okay, my turn" and banish us for an hour while she did her thing in there. I saw her in her swimsuit at least a few times out the window, and once accidentally, when she didn't realize we were there. She'd just come out of the pool and we'd gone downstairs to the kitchen for a drink. She wasn't overly embarrassed about it and after her surprise just acted normal, wobbling all over the kitchen with loads of cellulite hanging out. My friend didn't seem embarrassed about her though he made fun of her from time to time, about her breaking her perennial diet and such. She was self-deprecating as well, acknowledging her size but not hung up on it either. Once my friend slapped her on the ass, showing off a bit and being a typical tween asshole, and she freaked, understandably. Her weight yo-yo'd a shocking amount too, and it was exciting when she was on the upswing. Anyway yeah, not only in porn lol.
>But the thing I remember most is when she would eat at the lunch table, she would go into a total trancelike state... She would not talk, would stare straight ahead and just chew with a slow methodical rhythm like it required her absolute undivided attention. This would continue for the entirety of her lunch, and she’d pick back up and go back to normal teacher.

Fantastic detail, so true and well-observed.

>Years later my mom made a crack about my old preschool teacher and ended it with “yeah I was glad to get you into kindergarten, if you spent more time around her I was afraid you’d end up liking fat women or something.”

I wonder if my parents ever had conversations like that about me. They've always been pretty cool (meaning, silent) about me being an FA but I know they've known since I was like 10.
>Once my friend slapped his mom on the ass.
These things do happen. (In Arkansas.)
When I was still trying to date skinny girls, I met this girls mother, and she looked quite a bit like Lailani, I felt terrible, but honestly, I really wanted her mother way more than her. I'm usually not into "cougars" or older women, but she was really beautiful and very pear shaped, unlike her daughter (who was a really sweet and fun person)

>These things do happen. (In Arkansas.)

LOL NYC burbs actually. It wasn't done in a sexual way, more like a coach sending a player out onto the field. Like "way to go, mom."
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>I felt terrible, but honestly, I really wanted her mother way more than her.
The prevalence of childhood obesity is slightly higher in Throg's Neck. There's absolutely no indicator of a hip bone once you ride past the rough part of the Bronx.
Wow, we're really getting granular here with the geography... I'd argue the rough part of the Bronx is one of the better BBW/SSBBW observation points in all of greater NYC. I had a gig near Lincoln Hospital and often ate lunch at the big intersection at 149th and Melrose. If you like 'em big and black or brown it's nirvana.
Imagine having such hyper-focused knowledge on NYC neighborhood's individual rates of obesity.
Maybe he works for the Dept of Health?
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My super hearing allow me to detect lumps of flesh in tight clothing.

One of my exes had a fucking gigantic mom and I fantasised about her a lot. The whole family was fat as fuck actually. Some terrible eating habits in that house.

Wtf that's not healthy bro if it's to the point that you are fantasizing that way about her you need to let her know. You need to try to do everything you can to fuck her it's not good to keep it inside like that

This was over 10 years ago my man
I wouldn't call it THE fattest thing, but tonight I met up with my gf while she was already out with a couple of her best friends for dinner. I got there to see her finish off both of their leftovers, and when they both called off for the night, saying they had early mornings tomorrow, I stayed there with my girlfriend and had an imoromptu dinner date night. So she had a shared nacho plate and an entree, then finished her friends' meals, and THEN ordered an entire second meal eating with me. That was also on top of the two drinks she had earlier with them, and I encouraged her to have a couple more, while I didn't since I was driving. I often invite her to finish my plate for me, but for once she totally turned it down. She really hit her limit tonight. And on the drive home, she was whining about how full she was and she was blaming me!

I've created a very sexy monster ;)
Uhh, so how fat is she?

She's 232 last time she weighed herself and 5'2
I was at a rest stop (they have these in the western US for safety reasons, I presume) and as I was returning to my car and family was getting out of theirs. First, it was the teenage girl getting a walker out of the back. Then the passenger-side door opened. This gargantuan woman heaved herself out over two tries. She used the walker to get to the bathroom. Then I noted the teenager coming back to the car to get a wheelchair. Wasn’t sure what that was about until I saw her wheeling the 500-600lb woman back to the car from the bathroom.

I guess she didn’t want to walk back.

They proceeded to empty vast paper bags of fast food remains before heading back on their journey.
>(they have these in the western US for safety reasons, I presume)

Nope, they'll all over every interstate in the country. They're mostly for piss breaks/ snacks and so drivers won't have an excuse to fall asleep on the road or hog up the emergancy lane to take a nap.
One time my SO (300-400 lbs) and I were out to dinner. She was trying something new to her that I knew was a huge portion. She also wanted to get appetizers. I let her know that the meal would probably be enough food and that we should probably skip the appetizers.

Well, she didn't like being told what to eat, so to "spite" me she ordered the appetizers, the huge entree, then dessert, and then when I thought we were all done asked for the menu back and ordered a second fucking entree. Then told me to never tell her what to eat again.

I guess I learned my lesson(???)
*insert "Joke's on you, I'm into that shit" meme here*
Impressive! I’d keep her

Lol what do you mean 300-400lbs. Pretty fucking big difference between the two numbers. She doesn’t exist, does she?

Hey, believe it or don't. Makes no difference to me.

She knows what I'm into. That was part of the game. The unspoken words were roughly:

"You're gonna try to control my portion sizes to keep the bill down, eh? Okay, I'll hit the ball back into your court and make it hurt you where it counts: your wallet, and public spectacle! I'll totally stop this if you ask nicely but you won't beyond a token effort because you're turned on right now."
My wife and I went through a similar ritual at restaurants. FWIW I mostly kept my feeder thing from her and what little she knew about she wanted nothing to do with. So definitely not a feedee or into WG, but she was anti-diet before it was cool LOL. She was fairly active and pretty much ate what she wanted. Then her metabolism started to stall in her mid-30s and she had periodic freakouts as she put on weight, going from 200-220 to 260ish. She tried a bunch of diets and exercise programs but nothing stuck. She was about 250 when we split and a little smaller now, far as I know.

Anyway, the ritual was that she'd over-order and I'd (gently) warn her it was too much food. She'd say "but I'm hungry" and overrule me. A shitload of food would arrive and she'd be surprised, or at least act that way (depending on the day and her mood). She'd also be a little embarrassed but insist it was okay because we could take it home and eat it later. She'd then eat until totally stuffed, sometimes finishing it all, sometimes not, and then announce she was painfully full and that she'd made a terrible mistake. Rinse/repeat.
Back in her prime, I went to lunch with Heather from BigCuties and a bunch of other people. I remember Heather ordering a plate of appetizers and a pair of giant entrees for herself. I remember the eyes of the slim waitress being astonished she was ordering a so much (with the “don’t you think you should be DIETING?!” comment being buried beneath her red face), then losing her shit to her colleague once she thought she was out of site while she put in the order.

Of course, no food was left behind.
was that younger girl named stacy

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