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I havent find any or heard any of the real data, of how big can stomach capacity grow on the extreme cases?
If person binge eat years?
My personal kink is, it is hot when your girl has big capasity on her stomach, if her let the belly get really empty, then eat and drink huge amount. You can clearly see where stomach is bulging full of food, and it grows when her eat. Only the food storage(stomach).
My woman has rare stomach i thing. Its is about the center below the breast. She says too it is there, thats hot too.

Have you any real stories or knowlage of stomach capacities?
It's my understanding that it varies. Kinoshita Yuka can expand hers 66 times because it is special.
Yeah, it's mainly tied to the elasticity of your tissue, and how well it can handle the overboard capacity. Oh, and there are rugae on the inside, although I'm not sure about their part in the expansive process.
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>>15748 (OP)

I've worked in clinical science before, including medical imaging and clinical measurement. I've never personally known or seen cases like this but I know what the relevant medical terminology is and can look it up.

The term you wanna look up if you want to learn about this stuff is "Acute massive gastric dilation". Word of warning, it's quite gross and not what one would expect to see if you look up stuffing content on deviant art.

A typical patient would be somebody with a binge eating disorder who has gotten used to large binges (you typically will hear stories of 4-5 day binges), but they become unable to vomit after a certain point, and there stomach has to be emptied via tubes and surgery.

Interestingly what happens when you become this bloated is not "popping", you can get small perforations, which are extremely dangerous, but the most common danger is necrosis. Essentially the sromach becomes so distended that the blood flow to the stomach wall is obtructed.

First image is a 26 year old woman with I think 2 gallons of partially digested food in her stomach, and the second is a diagram of what happens when dogs experience bloat (it's common for dogs to get this kind of thing).

not opening these images, just so I can fap to the text
Fapped to both.
Interesting how these cases all these cases come from bulimic/anorexic patients and not actually fat people.

Is it because people wiho binge this much couldn't hold it in anyways, so they can't gain weight? Or you get used to binging more when you know vomiting is an option?

Stfu nigger faggot
Damn, now I will think of this shit everytime I watch stuffer content. Fuck. Also, I wonder how many girls on the scene have some form of this.
if you've got an eating disorder, you're a lot more likely to ignore serious pain or discomfort when you actually do eat, plus if you're anorexic your stomach is gonna be pretty badly compressed
Lol are you still mad about Germany occupying you during WW2?
Treaty of Versailles negotiations be like
The stomach usually ruptures at 5 liters capacity which is around 12 pounds of food (30 burgers, for example)
Germany, America, France... now with me, we completed the important Versailles set and can win our BBW bingo game
A couple years ago I came across a study about stomach volume.

According to it a normal female stomach can expand to 3-4 litres at most, with long-time bulimics it is up to 6 litres, occasionally more.

No links though, sorry. It has been too long.
I love how adolf made the french sign their surrender in the same railway car as the germans signed their instrument in 20 years previously.
Then he blew it the fuck up.
He's like duterte- nasty and crazy, but gangster.
there was this guy on reddit who had this 400 lb girlfriend with a history of binge eating. He made jello in plastic milk jugs and said she ate 3 1/2 gals of jello in one sitting. Account was deleted after they broke up.

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