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saw this new site and was wondering what you all think so far. seems kinda bare and i think GGG runs it
What's the URL? Sizable.com is a domain for sale.
If you google it you'll find it.

Makes me wonder what happened to fatty.club

If I have to hunt down the URL, then it's not worth looking into.
>>15600 (OP)
is there a reason people are refusing to post the link here? like, is it a rule or something? i'm on page 5 of google and it's still not here :/

Nope, the guy is just being a dickhole. Either post the URL or fuck off.
I did make an account and was not impressed with the selection of models. Even if I was impressed I don’t trust that crazy eyed GGG cunt with my money

It's in beta right now apparently. Not fully up.
>>15600 (OP)
>go to url
I take it the creator had some shitty contractor build it out. Let me guess, stores passwords in plaintext inside of sqlite in the same $5/month VPS this is running on?

I hope this improves
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The site seems okay so far but there is a huge security concern for me.

I did some digging and found GGG's Sizable and fatty.club both run on a "white label" content selling platform called Scrile Connect.


It basically allows anyone to create an Onlyfans clone with some extra social features.

The problem is the company maintaining and developing the backend is Russian.

I would not recommend trusting your credit card & personal information to any site affiliated with Russia, especially given the current situation.

I doubt GGG has even considered the potential privacy risks when using a Russian-based company for her site.
Thanks for looking into this. Looks like a good place to avoid.
wanted to find this thread to caution anyone from using this sizable website. I made only 1 transaction on there and now I’m dealing with several fraudulent charges and my bank has traced it back to there. Owner and customer service have been unresponsive. Fuck her. Fuck that site

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