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How many members of the fat community are confirmed to be immobile? I know that there is Lvlynightmare, who has been immobile for a while, Realfatrealfabulous on Instagram who says she is bedbound, and Mz Fluff who technically isn't totally immobile but you can see she is wearing a diaper and sitting on bedpads in some of her videos. In the past you also had ARealFG and Lexi. I'm not counting Echo since she can still get around unassisted. On the male side you had Superxlchubboy who was immobile and in the hospital for a bit and BigPaulAK. Do you know of anyone else in the broader fat community who is or was immobile?
What social media is that!?
Oh I guess it's the app. It doesn't look like that in the browser.
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>"i cannot stand not even a little bit"
>becoming inordinately obese to point that she cannot walk off the backs of a dozen or so other obese women
The American Dream™, baby.
It was from COVID, not from her weight by itself- sadly it took her husband.

I believe there's one or two others on Feabie that are immobilized or nearly so, but more from other health issues and not from their weight.

Sorry, you’re saying Heather’s husband died of Covid? If so, that’s incredibly sad. I hope that’s not true.
>I believe there's one or two others on Feabie that are immobilized or nearly so
Humanpillow and fattycutey both are pretty close. The latter I know has an aide.

Yeah, it's on her Feabie. She's real open about how her disability now would otherwise have been a huge boon for them; she's using it as therapy in a way, and I can't fault her for that.

I’ve checked her Feabie and can’t see anything that mentions the death of her husband…
it might have been at some point, it looks like she deleted most of her health-related posts from the pandemic. but it's possible OP is just making it up or heard it from someone else, too.
>>15346 (OP)
Apparently klemkake from reddit is one according to some anons here.
Rule of thumb on the Internet is still gold - if there's no pics, they're lying. And Reddit is rife with that shit.

Oh, you're a 600+lb college student and your sister isn't far behind at 400lbs? I TOTALLY believe that without proof because YOU'RE SHY. You're bedbound and happy to be immobile but your feeder partner is too dominant to let you show off his handiwork? SEEMS LEGIT.
Coomers truly ruin everything.
Donna Simpson (Treasure Bombshell) posted on her Facebook that she’s currently bedbound due to stuff with her legs.
What’s her Facebook look like?
The onset of Adeline’s imminent immobility has been pretty great for watching how it develops. It’s not like a switch flips one morning like in the stories. It’s much more like, she’s been slow to get up for a while, then developed that sort of stooped over stance, the shuffle walk, the grabbing doorjambs for support, then oops, injury where she couldn’t walk, gained 60 more pounds while out of commission, and here we are now witnessing the end of her mobile days. It’s fucking fantastic.
It’s a lot of monkey pictures, bible stuff, and conservative shit. Her updates are all hard to read run-on sentences.

I’ve met the woman in person, and she didn’t strike me as the smartest in the room, but holy shit. Social media really pulls the curtain back on his stupid some of these women are
Meant in regards to Donna. Misclicked.
How fat though?
I was gonna say if Adeline was that cool she deserves the world.
I wish echo would do this
Perfect to leave my nutt in
The sadistic fetishist in me is loving her pathetic, deluded attempts to fend off the inevitable. The human being in me is like OMG honey, forget the fucking gym — STOP EATING.
How do you know she hasn't completely changed her diet?
Because she says she eats like shit.

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