
(231 KB, 700x1090, adx67zeW_700w_0.jpg) (9 KB, 889x138, Screenshot 2022-05-14 154916.png) (15 KB, 463x282, Screenshot 2022-05-14 160226.png)
BananaMan, Lt. Barclay, et al., I'm writing to you all to gain information on why I was banned; I posted the following message on a thread on /booty/. I really tried to be good this year on /booty/ and stopped writing my screeds and being as irreverent, but, somehow, someway, I still fall out of favor with you. It's a never-ending struggle against the riff-raff, ruffians, rabble-rousers, and lowlifes, I know, but some of the little people are taking an unjust, maybe, beating—just my $0.02.
>>15322 (OP)

Don't be a dick and you won't get banned. Simple as that.

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