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have you ever researched the psychological reasons that lead a person in the course of his growth to develop a sexual attraction towards obese women? not only about the attraction to fat itself, but also all the kinks related to it (weight gain, feeding, squashing, etc).
I can expand more on this (no pun intended), but most of what I have to contribute on this content is that there is a strong correlation with autistic disorders and paraphilia/fetishes, and fat is a common way for that to manifest.

Think about it: Autists love pressure and weight (think of weighted blankets), and have trouble concerning food management and perception of size on themselves and others - these factors and others naturally would cause an attraction to fat.

And autistic people really love being online when they are not in total hermit mode and suck up a lot of the discussion % and digital consumption, so aye. Q. E. D.

Also not everyone with a fat fetish is autistic (blacks often love fat especially in the bottom and it's extremely rare to find them autistic without some white admixture), but this contributes to why tastes are so often conflicting in this "community".

>extremely rare to find autistic black people

Bro, literally just scroll through /booty/. There’s about ten thousand of them in there.
My boss says that I only like fat chicks because of a lack of confidence.
In my case, I think it's pretty obvious, my mom was fat(not huge, but fat), and my dad hated fat people and I never got along with him in childhood. So, you have comforting, fat mother, and then you have the message from my dad, making me want to dislike fat people. That manifested in me seeking comfort from fat women that I want to punish with my dick for being greedy fat pigs. Kinda weird, but most people are, and I think the psychological math checks out.
yeah i think there are psychological kinks that can sort of knock you out of the mainstream a bit

but i also think that it is sort of a natural desire, all those statues of the venus willendorf, humankind aspires to the stars and big butts sometimes in our voyage through the cosmos, prometheus like
also i mean i don’t need to tell you this freud but all those desires are all grouped together, and in the imaginations things can become their opposite and change back and forth

not to even mention Sublimation
There's some studies that say it's because of stress. Stressed men prefer heavier women.



Now, for myself. I don't know. I used to consider fat ( even just a bit chubby) repulsive. Wouldn't dare consider dating a girl who wasn't thin. I was however obsessed with huge boobs. Mother was fat and short. I ended up married to a short fat woman ( 5ft tall, 200lbs). Actually when her and I met and started dating. I was unsure if I was attracted to her. I ended up finding her body enjoyable and even developed this desire for her to intentionally gain. I didn't want immobility. Just more to love we'll say. Mostly I just didn't want her to lose any weight. When I told her I wanted her to gain it was a stressful time in my life and I did find her fat body comforting. So maybe there's some truth in that study?
I think being shy and not small myself makes me not want to dominate my partner fully, though I might "feel" bigger than I am in reality; I'm 6'2, respond very well to exercise and look thin in clothes but can't remember ever having a flat belly and small thighs. I appreciate how fat can look like pseudo-muscle and am of the opinion that women picking a smaller partner communities a certain selflessness as well. Even as a child I was attracted to adult women who were larger than me obviosuly but the interest in fatness begun around high school. At first I just liked ass & tits that where bigger than average without much reservations. I lost interest in tits fast since I noticed that extremely busty women rarely have harmonic looking bodies. From that point on my trajectory went like this: notice that girls with the biggest butts have large legs as well > there are girls with even bigger asses but they come at the cost of a bit of belly > fuck it, there's no way going back anymore so i'll have to accept this. As for aspects of the interest like weight gain and feeding; I didn't know about them before reading about it online. But it could be an innate desire seeing as how I sometimes see boy's feeding their gf's a bit of food.
I also think there might be a correlation with being non comforting with the current status quo and a fat fetish. Liking fat girls is seen as a big taboo, not many people go out there publicly saying they do. There's some relief in liking something out of the ordinary, and finding attractive things other people find gross and unappealing.
That's also a reason why many people with a fat fetish also have a burp or fart fetish.
I feel like any psychological explanation I come up with will be set dressing for an attraction that's hard wired. I've had this preference for as long as I can remember, so I was either born with it, it manifested before I started forming memories, or it's repressed/forgotten.
Probably has something to do with a caveman like brain equation of :
Fatter wife= would survive with ease during migration/hard times.
>>15384 then why so why do the vast majority of people find no attraction for fat women?
I have no idea what the science would say on this, and what little science there is that exists on this topic probably isn't that helpful. So my thoughts are more of an educated guess than anything else.

That said, I do think everyone's sexuality is some combination of "nature" and "nurture." So maybe some people are hard-wired to find fat attractive, but more likely I think fat sexuality is the product of our individuals minds and experiences meeting specific fat people in our lives, our cultural messages about fatness, etc etc.

For that reason, I don't think there's just one explanation, because as much as we talk about fat stuff as a single kink, being fat and getting fat have all sorts of different meanings for different people. As others have said in this thread, sometimes it's about a sub/dom thing, for others it's about nurturing and affection, and for others still (like me!) about hedonism and abandon. For some it's even a sort of therapeutic response to the traumas of diet culture (Reenaye Starr has said this), and perhaps relatedly, like >>15362 said, it can also express a countercultural impulse.
Of course I cannot speak for everyone but for me it was a fetish trigger. I must have been about 4 or 5 years old watching the remake of Charlie and the Chocolate factory. The blueberry scene just used flipped some sort of switch inside me and from then on anything fat just kinda gave me boners I was too young to know what to do with. This does leave the unanswered question as to why a blueberry fetish trigger gave me a fat fetish where I still have zero attraction to the actual blueberry kink ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Of course it only really manifested when I reached the age of 11 or 12 and decided to Google "fat princess peach" which then devolved into "fat anime girls" and so on and so fourth.

If not this then it may just be the Oedipus theory working in tandem. My mother is on the heavier side and although I don't have any sort of incestous thoughts (thank god) I do wonder if this subconsciously lead to me having a natural attraction to larger women.

What I'm trying to say is my anecdotal report is that most of us likely have this fetish due to a trigger from something young, or from our mothers/father's being large themselves. I don't think it really goes much deeper than that.

This does also assume that with rising obesity rates in the west this kink will only get more common as time goes on. I hope normies don't make all of us look bad.

Theory: because it's beneficial for a tribe/society if a small subset of men find fat women attractive, and this is because it's beneficial for a subset of women to be fat.

Survival of the fittest refers to the propagation of the species, not the individual. If some trait is expressed in a significant subset of people, it's either selected for or a side effect of something else that's selected for.

In the case of a tribe, it makes sense for some women to be fat, but not all. Fatter women can live longer on their body fat in times of famine. These women surviving a famine means that the tribe survives. It doesn't make sense for all of the women to be fat, because that would be too resource intensive and also diminishes physical capability, but it made sense for a few to be fat as a sort of "backup plan".

If it makes sense for some women to be fat, it makes sense for some men to find fat women attractive.
that's why i said it's a caveman brain thingy- some primitive equation.
also many like chubby girls,but are afraid of saying so
was thinking something similar tbh
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You're literally me. My mom ended up gradually gaining a lot of weight while I was growing up, so I always assumed my fetish was the result of some Freudian thing. I also didn't get along great with my dad, and he used to give my mom grief about her gaining. Having said that, I've never considered that friction to have played a role in the development of my sexuality. It might have affected me on a subliminal level, maybe. I just assumed that I'm an example of someone who's drawn to partners similar to their parents, but in a more extreme way than many.
Yeah, it's maybe very ironic that I took on the dynamics of my parents relationship, but inverted them to bring harmony to it, haha. Instead of being mad at my wife for being a fat pig and gaining weight, I get excited, I guess that's one way to make peace with your two childhood role models being at odds with each other. It's further kinda messed up that my wife, like my mom is a brunette with brown eyes, though if I had a magic wand she'd be a brunette with blue eyes. Mostly I'm just glad that I'm not a furry or into feet. I think we got kinda lucky, it could be a lot worse.

Counterpoint: my parents and siblings have always been thin to average weight, and enorexia is pretty common in my family. My grandparents were overweight to a degree, but it was never something I consciously thought about growing up.

Yet I am and have always been attracted to fat women.

I could conjecture (and have) about how being attracted to the embodiment of hedonism is a manifestation of internal struggle against family imposed food control tendancies and my strict Catholic upbringing, but I honestly don't think that's the root. It might've played into my attractions as I got older, but the core attraction to fat women has been there since my earliest memories. Even as a little kid, I always paid more attention to/befriended bigger women. The excuses for why came later.

At this point in my life, I'm inclined to believe that a subset of men are just hard wired to be attracted to fat women. It doesn't matter what triggers their first "noticing" of it, the attraction was always there.
Man no one asks foot fetishists what's the psychological reason they're attracted to feet. We all just aknowledge it's a weird brain wires thing cause foot and sex are close together in the brain. Probably something similar for sex and fat people.
I once heard of a guy who developed one in an odd way. He lost his feet in war and then developed a love for it.
The security thing rings true for me. I had a really chaotic childhood, not abusive but a lot of moving, financial ups and downs, parents arguing, leaving then coming back again, being shuffled off to relatives' houses, etc. I could see how that would lead a guy or gal to want to take comfort in something big, soft, and warm.
>being attracted to the embodiment of hedonism is a manifestation of internal struggle against family imposed food control tendancies and my strict Catholic upbringing

I dunno, this seems to be true for me, I get that it may not be relevant for you, but you phrased my experience nicely.

I used to think so too, I've changed my mind. If you think about it, the correlation isn't there. There's no studies linking repressive religious upbringings to having a preference for fat women, and this thread shows that there are plenty of people with a fat preference that were not brought up in repressive religious households.

My opinion now is that our preference was either hardwired at birth or formed during extremely early childhood before conscious memory, just like most sexual preferences and orientations. Anything that pushed it along later on is incidental. Maybe a restrictive childhood influenced the fringes of the preference, the more social aspects, but the core attraction to fat women was always there.

Why would a small subset of men be hardwired for attraction to very fat women? The only answer that makes sense is that there's some benefit to the species to have a minority of men develop this sexual quirk.

Combined with the studies showing that stressed men have their sexual preferences skew heavier, it makes sense that having some fat women in a tribe (but not all) is a natural emergency safeguard against famine. Fat is the most primitive way of saving calories for later; it's not like cavemen had a fridge for the leftover boar that they killed, you either ate it all or it went bad. Fat women consume more calories, and would be way more maintenance in a tribal setting (which is why most women were still thin,) but would also survive and be fertile for way longer in a situation where food got scarce.

Assuming that's the benefit, some men, a small subset, need to be motivated enough to want to see women get that fat. To be attracted to their bodies and be persuaded to go to the extra effort to get them the food they need to sustain a large amount of body fat. That's us.

That's the underlying selection for the attraction, and that explains why I get hard just thinking about a 300 pound women eat a quart of ice cream in her underwear. The end.
Perfect explanation
A certain part of a species has to be different, so that it can survive by variety combined with all that Darwin stuff ;)

And since we're not facing brutal wildlife, it's just noticeable that people are different and have different preferences as well as a million other things

There will be plenty of social or psychological aspects, experiences, tho that either intensify or reduce/repress those hardwired preferences from a little to almost maniac levels ;)
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This was me. I get turned on by large assertive women (I got some seed capital for you right here, hun) and my boss was just perplexed by it.
He preferred Thai women because they are modest/attracted to men with money.
I don't even know why I got yellow fever. I just had it for as long as I wanted a GF. I blame my hobbies.

I once wondered that if I was a BMW enthusiast, would I be fascinated by Oktoberfest beer servers?
>>15321 (OP)
personally for me, it's about weakness. you don't get fat by staying active and interesting and healthy. you get fat by sitting on your ass and becoming lazy and sedentary. in other words, it's about the complete submission to hedonism and desire that makes women attractive to me. fatness cannot be controlled at a certain point, and i think the idea of someone being forced to basically wear a sign all day that says "i am weak and lazy" is extremely fucking hot. it manifests itself in fat. it's probably because i just find weak women hot, must be like an evolutionary thing.
That fits right into low self-esteem though. A confident man generally won't find a weak woman attractive.

I'm not criticizing btw — I'm right with you. The thing is that IRL weak, hedonistic women become annoying pretty quick. I don't mind being the alpha but I don't want to be the beta, gamma, delta, etc as well. ...But then strong, disciplined women are way too quick to call me out on my own bullshit and are intolerant of my fetishy aspects. Basically I can't win lol.
>>15321 (OP)
I have a clear memory about my first voyage into the world of pornography.
I always disliked inauthenticity and had a strong desire to find girls online with the BIGGEST tits. While my friends edged more towards the huge silicone tits, I was attracted to huge fat tits.
Later I got into asses and the same thing happened, attracted to the FATTEST asses. First SSBBW actress I remember jerking it to was Jenni Bombshell.
After that it became my porn niche and the other aspects (too fat for clothes, stuffing, fat talk, squashing) came naturally.
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I think we have similar experiences. I suspect my fat fetish is a response to parents who were very in shape and concerned about their appearance. Both my mum and dad (and their wider family) were all in good shape. My mum in particular definitely has a low level eating disorder.

I believe my kink is partly a reaction to that - somebody going in the exact opposite direction and embracing hedonism is incredibly hot.

That said, I also believe part of it is just wired into my brain. I remember whenever I saw a cartoon character big or bloated it hit a certain part of my brain. I also used to find pretending to be fat - specifically putting a pillow in my shirt - weirdly exciting. Even though now I'm in good shape and no desire to gain weight.

Either way, interesting to hear everybody's perspective on this. You perverts are alright.
>>15321 (OP)

I love the control. I love changing a woman's body shape, i love making them physically larger and consequently weaker. I love it when they view themselves becoming less physically attractive. The body dysphoria they verbally describe excites me sexually so much.
why the fuck would you tell your boss
you are a literal knuckledragging, drooling, grunting, hooting sweaty neanderthal
I think it is hard wired or develops during very early childhood. I don't think you will ever know what the trigger is, if there even is one. Just like (to my knowledge) no one discovered what causes some people to be homosexual, I don't think there is a specific trigger for fat sexuality.
>I also used to find pretending to be fat - specifically putting a pillow in my shirt - weirdly exciting. Even though now I'm in good shape and no desire to gain weight.

Same here
Ok, so I think I have an interesting perspective here: I’ve never shared this on here, but I am a bisexual female FA. I’m attracted to thin men, but I have a fat fetish for women, and I never understood why until I actually spoke to some other thin women who are into fat women (there’s dozens of us!). A LOT of lesbian/bi female FAs have an eating disorder or struggled with an eating disorder in the past. I think that for thin women who like fat women, it’s the taboo that makes it sexy. There’s just something really hot about seeing these conventionally pretty women eat whatever they want all the time with no guilt or shame and take pleasure in gaining weight, these things I would never allow myself to do. It’s a very hedonistic fetish, just eating delicious foods and having sex all day. I think some people are just born with the fetish, but I also think many people are attracted to the taboo and decadence of feedism.
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>Ok, so I think I have an interesting perspective here: I’ve never shared this on here, but I am a bisexual female FA

I don't think it's technically impossible, but I agree that we probably won't get definitive answers. In order to do so, we would essentially need to study people from birth to adulthood, monitoring for how every little thing from their childhood affects their later sexuality, controlling for the effects of that monitoring, and have a big enough sample size for multiple people with a fat preference. I don't see it happening.

For most of us, all we have to work with is ourselves, and it seems like allot of people here have had the preference near or before their earliest memories (which are probably not the most reliable.) That's the case with me. So I'd agree that it's either hard wired or develops very early.

I don't think it's enough to say that pretending to be fat as a kid caused is related to this preference, or watching some cartoon with a fat character "broke" you; plenty of young kids pretend to be fat and plenty of people watch cartoons without developing a fetish. It seems more likely that the brain was already wired for a certain sexual attraction and those memories stick out more because of that wiring.
Idk if this relates to this at all but if I see a bbw/ssbbw I love but when I see a fat guy I think it’s disgusting
Same. I'm not proud of it, but there it is. I also hate the extra 20± I carry around and wish I was either thin or ripped.

Having a restrictive eating disorder while being attracted to a fat partner is very common among straight FFAs as well. It's even considered a symptom of anorexia to lavish food on other people while starving yourself, so it's not surprising that in some subset of women it ends up becoming a sexual kink. This dynamic doesn't seem to be anywhere near as common for male FAs, probably because those kinds of eating disorders are more common among women.
For myself (male mutual gainer) I'm certain that I'm into this because I was born with the worst kind of cleft palate and had to be fed through a tube when I was a baby. Never got to bury my face in a titty and drink my fill, lol. So there's just a raw physical attraction to the warmth and softness of fat bodies, and the pleasure of eating/nourishment, which is at the core of my feelings about this stuff.
It doesn’t matter, but I do want to clarify that I am a cis woman. Women who are into fat women do exist. To be honest, I’m still kind of ashamed of it, not because I think being attracted to fat women is shameful, but because I know it’s so strange and uncommon. But I shared that because this is a topic that interests me and since there are so few women like me out there, my perspective could be interesting.
But, now that I think about it, I did that as a kid, too. And I was always very into like, the Goosebumps episode where the kid is cursed to get really fat, and the bit in The Santa Clause where Tim Allen starts to eat a lot and get fat, stuff like that. Which is strange, because I do not want to be fat and I am not attracted to fat men at all. But I don’t think it was even sexual, I was just fascinated by fat from a young age. So part of it is probably just hardwired in my brain.

Sorry to write a whole essay. I usually don’t comment or participate on BBW Chan or anywhere else in the bbw/ssbbw community, but human sexual development is an interesting topic to me.
Oktoberfest beer servers usually usually thick as hell, though.

Thank you. This different perspective is interesting because it seems to mirror the majority: fat people and media stand out in your early memories. One might think it would develop for a different reason in women.

I'm personally convinced that in a vast majority of cases, a preference for fat women is either wired from birth or develops before the formation of memory. I don't think it's the opposite, where some cartoon scene is what kicked off the sexual preference. We just remember that cartoon scene because we already had the preference and it excited us for reasons we didn't yet understand.

I'd say this is probably true for a majority of sexual preferences.
I buy this. I was attracted to fat women as a 4 year old, I remember obsessing on my dad’s secretary’s huge legs when he brought me to work at that age. Maybe I suffered some trauma as a toddler but nothing anyone told me about. I think I’m hard-wired.
Ever since I can remember I've loved fat. When I was 3 I was already obsessed with bellies and arses. One of my brothers much older friends was fat and I was always trying to jiggle it. Whenever anyone bent over it makes their arse look larger and I was known for hitting them.

Before I understood what sex was or what women are for my fantasies would involve myself becoming fat. But then through age and sexuality development my preference was for fat women, although I do still harbour fantasies about becoming fantastically obese myself, although sadly/fortunately I am of healthy weight.

I do not blame any one piece of media for making me what I am. Instead I've always had a drive to seek out images of fat people before I was old enough for internet access and can distinctly remember the extents I would go to to find them.

I've been a fat perv since birth essentially and I am of the mind that there are plenty others with a similar development.
Got a slight automatic preference for fat people.
That makes sense. I found the handful of fat women that existed as super interesting—almost as accidental revolutionaries when I was a kid. This was long before I learned about fat acceptance and all that. To this day, I still find other fat women really interesting, in a way I don’t think about bigger men.
I never quite understood the need to have a plastic subservient wife. How insecure do you have to be as a dude to need that? God have mercy on any children if you two.
I remember being obsessed by fat people since I was around 6 years old. Also once I was able to read I would open a dictionnary during class breaks to read the definitions of words such as "obesity", "obese" and it would make me hard.
got strong preference for thin people hmm
For me i always thought the reason i was attracted to fat woman i was overweight right around puberty and i was teased and made fun about it by people around me and my mother. But after hearing about my early childhood, I don't think thats true. I was born huge but refused to eat, so I was malnourished pretty fast. Apparently my mother used to force feed me to keep me functioning.
Idk if its just me but most of the woman with this fetish I know are lesbian/bisexual feeders. Also they seem to be more open about trying gaining themselves even thought it is a small amount.
I think body dysmorphia is pretty common in this fetish. I am fixated on how I look and what i eat. I don't like the way my body looks when its over 18-20% body fat and dont eat soft fruits or vegetables(i prefer raw to cooked). And i know feeders who dipped their toes into being a feedee, one is a gym rat and the other is a dietician.
Half nurture. Male body dismorhpic male from a fat hating upright family.
Half nature: skinny women are androgynous and don’t look fertile.
I’ve been obsessed with morbidly obese women since kindergarten.
I heard from various people and a video someone did analyzing if Totally Spies was a fetish show that sometimes kinks just happen. It may be comparable to liking certain foods. Maybe watching a show/movie as a kid just unlocked something that was already within us. Even if we didn't see one episode as a kid with weight gain, something else would have come along and done so. Maybe some of us are into this due to past experiences (we saw a fat woman as a child, we saw weight gain scenes in fiction) or we just like fat women just because. Perhaps sometimes we were just wired to like certain kinks and what we see just awakened something in us.
What I meant is that sometimes people like fat women, just because and there's no deeper reason than that with some people for why they find certain things sexy.

There have been very interesting studies into what causes homosexuality recently that might apply to us.

The prevailing theory is that homosexuality was selected for as a recessive trait to help tribes have enough adult hunters and caretakers to breed the strongest children. It's no good having tons of kids if they're all weak and competing for limited resources. Better to have less kids, but built stronger and more likely to live into adulthood.

I've sort of applied this to my own theories and hypothesize that a fat preference is also one of these recessive selections "for the good of the tribe".

It was probably advantageous for a small subset of the female population to be very fat as a safeguard against famines and bad growing seasons. In pre-societal times, accumulating fat would be the only way to store food, so going too long with very limited food would mean death... unless you had body fat to burn. Obviously having everyone be super fat would put a tribe at a disadvantage, but it might be an advantage if only a few select people were. Sort of like a last ditch lifeline.
My worry for comparing kinks to sexual orientations is my thinking that kinks are something you learn. That you learn to find certain things sexy, versus an orientation which you are hard wired to find a certain gender desirable. I am starting to wonder if we are hardwired to find certain things sexy. If what we see in real life/tv/movies/internet just awakens something in us that was always there.
jiggliness is ubiquitously considered sexual. we only have to fabricate theories like this because of this retarded idea that something that's technically unhealthly can't possibly be sexy, which of course only ever applies to le ebil fat women. big tits cause back pain and yet nobody cares.
Maybe it's different things for different people, some view fatness as correlating to femininity, it could be power either control our gluttonous fatties or our fatties being strong in terms of accepting their fatness or dominating and controlling us, it could be control, it could be from a past experience, it could be just because, it could be indulging in forbidden behaviors, we could be wired that way.
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It is known, that gay/bisexual men suffered sexual abuse in their childhood more often than straight men. Victims become offenders more often and nobody wants to talk about the link between pedophilia and homosexuality.

I have spoken to a lot of feeders (as a women) and almost all of them had some childhood memory of a female they liked (mostly movie characters) swelling up/getting fat. Some guys told me they don't have a memory, but they all have been loving it since they were children, so I assumed they just can not remember.

Also never met a guy into fat women who wasn't into feedism. The ones that told me they aren't into feedism all (!) turned out to be closeted feeders.
fuck off with your disproven conspiracy theories about gay people being "created" through sex abuse and gay people being automatically pedophiles. as for your comment about feeders, I don't think being turned on by fat women in media is comparable to childhood sex abuse and it's debatable whether the media created the fetish or was just the earliest recognition of it. you know someone is retarded when they post one of stonetoss's non-meme comics
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I second that thought. To see a woman at a size that inhibits her ability to do everything incites me. I am married. My spouse is 5'6" and nearly 400 lbs. Though, when we first got together, she merely teetering around 280 lbs. What happened over the course of our marriage was that she didn't amount to anything. I was the breadwinner and she fell short on finishing college or holding a job. She was always lazy. She would often order out, despite a kitchen full of groceries and tend to procrastinate when when her duties of cleaning the house before I came home. Now, I encourage what she has always been: fat, lazy, and useless. I will often feed her in public and spank her butt when she request for treats at the grocery store. I cook, clean, and work. She spends most of her time reading fan fiction a d laying around the house. I'm eagerly awaiting the day she's 600 lbs and begging, through her heavy breaths, for me to answer to her every whim.
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I was born a massive pervert. I've been smacking everyones arses and jiggling the fattest bellies I could find ever since I could walk and. I did this all whilst pretending I'm Felix, a cat.
Once again Germans are trying to be the worst people in the room. Using Stonetoss to reinforce your point lmao nazis never change
Not all Gay/bisexual men were abused sexually and that made them the way they were, many of them would be gay/bi even if they weren't abused sexually. Also not all pedos are gay, most pedophiles are straight and most gay men wish to be with adult men. All this fear of gay men molesting our children are unfounded and just made to teach people to hate those that are different. They are people who just want to express love. They should be allowed to do that. As long as both parties consent and they practice sex safe, sane and consensual it's none of our business what gay and bisexual men do.
I do think that regardless of kink, there is a debate as to what one sees in media gets them into a kink, or if they always were into it and what they saw just unlocked something within them. As well if it's comparable to being gay or if it's changeable.
I see your point with fat-prone people being fittest in times of scarcity, but I can't see the selective advantage for homosexuality at all. They may help their tribe as much as they want, but for a potential "gay gene" to survive, those who have it still need to procreate and thus sleep with the other sex, which turns the argument of a tribe being stronger by having less children null.

If there were a gay gene and those affected had less offspring overall, the gene would die out over time. If on the other hand they had as many children as everyone else, there would be no evolutionary difference for a gay gene, but it would also mean there would be no way for a gay gene to help tribes have less children.

Where am I going wrong?
you have to admit that these evolutionary biology are incredibly crude, i don’t understand why people believe them so much

i doubt they could predict or explain crow or parrot social behavior that well, much less explain human behavior or civilization, whatever that means
as for why big butts are attractive i suppose that is a question for poetry and symmetry; psychology, the moon is almost like a big ass cheek i suppose sometimes maybe
>most pedophiles are straight

I've always had the idea that most were bi. Does this still hold up when you exclude ephebphiles?
>>15321 (OP)
wow i really thought everyone was born with this. One of my earliest memories is being obsessed with the kindergarten workers eating food and that i couldnt fit my arms around them. Like i was maybe 3 years old.
i also remember being insanely obsessed with these belly dancers i saw as a kid. And also storybooks with any fat characters i loved as a kid.

You need to think of the tribe/species as being the organism, not the individual.

Evolution does not care if any individual lives or dies. It cares about whether or not your species lives or dies. Millions of bees are born with absolutely no purpose but to serve their queen, yet this is selected for.

These studies are theorizing that homosexuality is in that category; a condition selected for by the species to help its survival.

Evolution doesn't care about anything at all. It's not a sentient organism. Accordingly, group and kin selection as evolutionary concepts are largely disproven.

In the case of the bees, it is not the fitness of the hive that's subject to selection, but that of the queen bee: A queen who produces many worker bees to protect it will likely survive longer and produce more queens which in turn carry on the genes of the mother queen.

To me, the whole argument of genetic homosexuality seems to be based on wishful thinking resting on a kind of inverted naturalistic fallacy. The train of thought seems to be thus: Homosexuality has to bee good, therefore it must be natural. And for it to be truly unassailable, it must be genetic, even though scientific concepts must be unduly strained to reach that conclusion.

All experience shows that homosexuality is not something you are -- like a worker bee --, but something you do and thus an act you can decide to perform or not. Even the Kinsey Report knew that nearly all people are potentially homosexual, but actually, they aren't.

Perhaps we should, instead of making as many assumptions as we need to save our pet theory, come to terms with the possibility that a much easier and simpler explanation for homosexuality would be, that it is a decision informed by circumstances, whether we engange in sexual relations with our own sex, and that such decisions can become habits so deeply ingrained that they seem natural to us up to the point where they become part of our identity and we cannot even remember a time before them, and where the notion of ourselves deciding to the contrary appears absurd and unnatural.

You're full of shit.

Most people can see through the irony of someone on a fat fetish website, where most people are pretty clear on the fact that they did not choose to have a fat fetish, proclaiming that homosexuality is 100% dictated by choice.

The scientific consensus is that sexuality exists spectrum. You have those who are fully attracted to people of the same sex (homosexuals), those fully attracted to people of the opposite sex (heterosexuals), and people who fall in between (bisexuals). There's a heavy skew towards heterosexuality, but a consistent minority percentage of people born homosexual. This runs parallel with spectrums on how much you're motivated by sex ranging from "asexual" to "nymphomaniac", as well as the inclusion of body type preferences which are on the spectrum from being a slight kink to a full blown fetish (if you're on this site you know this.) These, along with factors in your upbringing, come together to form your sexual identity.

Of course upbringing can have a role. If you're wired in the middle of the spectrum on sexuality then yes, you have a choice. But the farther you're born in either direction, the less likely you are to make one choice or the other.

To say that sexuality is 100% by choice is obviously wrong. By that flawed logic, a person who is fully heterosexual can simply choose to have sex with men. Yet in my experience as a fully heterosexual male, I have absolutely no desire to have sex with men. I didn't grow up thinking allot about men and male bodies (like I did with fat women) with no apparent prompting. There was never any choice in the matter; I always found women attractive.

You'd also expect for no homosexuals to have existed in the 1950s and earlier in America, since being one was essentially a death sentence. "Choosing" homosexuality was more-or-less like committing suicide... yet we know that homosexuals existed in America before 1960. Explain why.

Finally, you have pedophilia. By your logic, pedophiles choose to live on the margins of society, committing acts that they know are wrong. Why do they do this? You apparently have all the answers, so please explain it to me.

The only reason to believe that sexuality is a choice is if you have something against people with a certain sexuality. It's easier to write somebody off as immoral if you can say "it was their choice."
ah ah ah, but you assume that a group has no genetic similarity. a tribe is likely to share enough genes that a recessive gay gene could be spread among the members - it's unlikely that any particular individual will be gay, but someone in the tribe will be, and the rest will carry on that person's recessive genes - all the better, since they've got members who don't try and compete to fuck women and raise kids, so the surviving offspring will do better

it's not an implausible theory, natural selection of social species doesn't focus entirely on one individual at a time
stonetoss is a piece of shit to his fellow man not to mention a bitter fat incel even other rightoids can't help making fun of
So who raped you to make you the kind of faggot who likes stonetoss?
Now there's a factual argument, thank you very much! Now I see how the evolutionary mechanics could work in this case.

Still, I find the evolutionary theory less plausible than the nurture theory, because homosexuality is just too rare to make a difference in a prehistoric setting. If you assume a tribe of about 60 persons maximum, statistically in many cases you won't even have a single gay person, let alone enough adult ones to form a couple.

Some things just don't make evolutionary sense, and yet they exist, as they neither strengthen nor hinder fitness. Think about such perversions like pedophilia which salty Ameribro up there thought apt to bring into the discussion. He says pedophilia is hereditary. Does it follow that there's an increase in fitness in pedophilia? Don't think so.

Also, I don't think that attraction to obesity or any other sexual variety is evolutionary. Fatness is, for sure, as proneness to obesity is proven to be congenital and it increases fitness in certain settings. Attraction to fat simply develops because there are fat people. Every Jack finds his Jill. Easy as that.

Sexual formation is thought to begin during early childhood and can last well into adulthood. I don't see why homosexuality should be any different.
yes, i belive it depends from the primutuve istinct of finding a partner who can store well doses of food, is like when a woman is attracted to a man with big muscles, in her subconscious she sees him as a good hunter. However back to the track, a gatherer who can find so much food that she stores fat is also more fertile and good to bring sons and so we tend to see her as a better partner. However this is my view of the biological reason, there are cultural reasons that make a man prefer a bigger or smaller woman based in the society they live, in primitive european society for example the venuses where obese woman, and so now in many places of africa is prefered a big woman (that could be correlated with the less abbondance of food and so seeing in a fat person the richness of it too, in 1800's in our country too fat was seen as something good and a fat person was correlated to a rich family). I hope i gave you a good answer fratello.
I bet you use the phrase "so much for the tolerant left" unironically too, fag.
I also wonder if another reason for the attraction of fatness is the desire for what society considers forbidden and taboo. That a lot of sexual kinks are desiring something that society says we shouldn't be interested in. For us we are told to stay thin and that fat is ugly, that you shouldn't be eating large amounts of food a lot of the time and embracing your fat. To the people in this community this is hot and sexy.
i think the taboo and the willingness to break and examine the taboo is a part of it

the other thing is that there are more big butts than ever before. in a sense our brains on some level have adapted to this situation while on another level we try to reconcile cultural norms and taboos

on another note i think evolutionary biology might provide some interesting concepts and theories but there’s no reason to think it possesses more truth than poetry or your own investigation of your mind and experience

there are areas of science and biology where we can achieve something like accuracy and truth but evolutionary biology is certainly not one of those areas i don’t think
of course we’ve arrived here by some evolutionary process but we can’t understand the mechanics of that process in the same way we would understand say the mechanics of a car engine

although having built the car engine we might imagine evolution in different ways than from before we built the car engine,
i’ve smoked a lot of weed today
My attraction to fat women is only a fantasy. I'd actually never date one in real life, let alone be seen with one
What's wrong with going out with one in real life, do you want to live a lie for the rest of your life and treat fat women as your sexual shame/closet shame? I plan to pursue my desires and find a fat woman who I share interests with? Don't let others judge you for what you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, it's no one's business. This denigrates them as an object you are ashamed to be with and not a person to go out with. I am not ashamed to go out with a fat woman in public and for people to know of my attraction. It makes one feel so much freer and happy and those close to you can help you out once you open yourself up.
For context: I grew up in a conservative catholic family i which thing's like masturbating and premarital sex are considered sins. Also most of my family members are anti fat.

For me I believe it all started with discovering Bbw Layla as first exposure to pornography on the internet in my mid teens. I don't even remember how i exactly I found Layla but I strangely wasn't disgusted by her fat body, which one might normally be. So the story went on from there with me discovering BoBerry and finding some of her vids for free leaked on some website. This pushed me one step further as i now discovered ssbbw's and my attraction to them. From there there was no helping it and I started enjoying ussbbw's. Which ment not only liking BoBerry's journey up to ussbbw territory, but also women which were even disgusting to some on here like Vanilla and Echo.

Now I'm sitting here at 21 and contemplating my life choices, and thinking about how much different/better(..?) my life could be if i just would have stared watching "normal" porn or no porn at all. Recently picked up drawing as a hobby, and started gradually drawing more fat women (which I should have done more secretly), which did not went unnoticed by my family with my mother recently questioning if might have a fat fetish (probably without fully knowing the meaning of the term as most of this is straight up unthinkable for her). I denied those accusations by claiming that i wanted to switch body types up while drawing and how fat/round bodies were easier to draw. For that matter my whole family is against fat women, like my brother beeing anti plus size conservative and my mother tryings to lose weight for like 15-20 years after her pregnancies. And with me beeing also semi conservative and just staying clear off all arguments on the topic I am impling beeing onboard with my families views :/Currently struggling with the idea of what women to date and if they should even be plus size...
>My attraction to fat women is only a fantasy. I'd actually never date one in real life, let alone be seen with one

You're better than me I unironically don't like women or sex, I just fap to this shit mainly due to the degradation aspects and watching already pathetic women become even more pathetic. Thats really it, I don't think i've ever had any emotional connection to a woman in a romantic way let alone would fuck her
that sounds awful lonesome anon
your analysis on why people like BBWs is different to mine because we have very different experiences. I know for a fact I was genetically coded to have this.
It's like I was saying people are different. Why people can be into a kink can vary from person to person. Maybe some people watched an episode of something as a kid, someone knew someone fat growing up or crushed on a fat classmate, perhaps desiring fat partners from growing up in an anti-fat household, some people have different feelings about what fatness represents to them (luxury, femininity, power, weakness, hedonism, androgyny, desiring something forbidden by society). I was just trying to put it out that one explanation may not explain why everyone in a group is into something. Like saying that one factor is the reason why people are into a kink may not be true for everyone as we will all have different experiences that got us into this kink. Some of us got into it from an episode/movie we saw as a kid, some of us knew someone fat growing up and crushed on them, some of us desired fat from an anti-fat household, or some of us stumbled on BBW content by accident as a kid and became fixated on it without knowing why.
With me it was classic weight gain episodes like Totally Spies, hero 108, courage the cowardly dog,futurama and the fairly oddparents. I knew I liked certain episodes of these shows but didn't know why (do any one you think that a kid with no knowledge of sexuality and love would know why they liked these episodes of these series?). Then in my tween phase I discovered stuff on youtube and discovered fan art, bbw/weight loss documentaries and bbw models. This sent me into the rabbithole of this kink. I managed to keep this a secret for much of my teenage years. It isn't until adulthood that I decided to embrace this kink more.
No. you don't,
please explain to me why no other children - maybe 50 have not developed the same fetish as me when exposed to an obese woman working there. This is one of my first memories. Environmental factors may cause some people to have this fetish but there is no logic there for me.
We do not remember what we experienced in the first years of our lives. This is called childhood amnesia. You may feel that some things were part of you all along, but you cannot know for a fact, because if they fomed during your first years, you wouldn't remember.
The other factor that I have heard from people about how fetishes happen is that it just is. People like the kinks they do just because or got into them just because. Loads of people watched the stuff we did, but why didn't they become fat admirers? Why aren't there more of us, if there are people who saw the stuff we did that made us desire fat women? Perhaps some people like this stuff just because. It may not be some event in their past that did it, they just stumbled on stuff one day and just found themselves like it just because. The media that shapes one's sexuality may not shape someone else's.
>Attraction to fat simply develops because there are fat people. Every Jack finds his Jill. Easy as that.

That's some faulty logic. There are women with tumors but there sure as hell is no tumor-chan. No there isn't evidence of attraction to fat in the form of genes or a similar brains structures, the same is true for autism and queer sexualty, the brain tell us less than scientist want to admit. Some obese body types strike me as acquired tastes but let's take take a (SS)BBW Pear. Proportinal fat distribution and hourglass figures aren't attractive because they exist - but because they distinguish women from men. Now men will generally agree that a woman with some fat on her bones is preferable to a completely lean women just not to the degree people here do. Essentially men inside and outside bbw-chan like the same thing but the latter wants it exaggerated, it needs stronger stimulation for some reason, there's a reason i'm sure.
I bet you there is a tumor chan. But I don't want to look for it.
this fetish manifests itself in such similar ways though. So the only other possibility is that everyone has a trigger waiting to be set off by some experience in their life. Which means that there is some underlying genetic structure that codes for sexual attraction towards abnormal storages of fat. The specific tidbits like being attracted to megassbbws or only bbws etc likely only arise from environmental factors
What i think we can all agree on here is that this needs much more study. Professional study. It has interested me for a long time but I am not studying psychoanalysis or bio
Thing is I'm not attracted enough to fat women to see them more as a one night stand, especially when taking reality into account. I prefer slimmer/fit women, though a little meat on them wouldn't hurt.

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