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So, I'm a guy in my early 20's, I have never had a girlfriend or anything more serious than a few dates. I have exclusively been interested in big girls since I was 12-13, thus never looked twice at a thinner girl, nor slept with a girl that isn't at least considered overweight as I don't really find anything sexually attractive about a thin girl.
However at the same time, I haven't experienced any sort of real chemistry between me and any of the girls I've dated. Only interest I've had is that I've found them physically attractive. I have been in no hurry to find a girlfriend so I haven't rushed the dating process, but at the same time considering the amount of girls I have talked with I'd think that I'd sooner or later find someone I could imagine living the rest of my life with, but it never happened.

Well, until I met this this girl at work that I have gotten the biggest crush on. Simply thinking about her is enough to fill me with such joy I haven't felt since I was a child. I honestly wasn't even aware that I could have feelings like this, and I could day dream all day about what we could experience together and all of that, you know the drill. But the catch here is that she is as far from being fat as you'll get, without doubt one of the girls I know that's in the best shape. Certainly one of the girls I know that's in the best shape, no doubt she'd crush me in every sort of physical exercise. In addition, our work has relatively high physical requirements so the chance of me fattening her up is very low too. In all honestly I can't even really say I find her body attractive, it's just everything else personality wise and she also has a gorgeous face.

So in empty moments like this where I have time to think, I start to wonder why it has taken me this long time to get feelings like this. Have I been too busy to chase a girl with the perfect body that I haven't considered finding one I actually would like to have something serious with? Is it some deep down insecurity where I don't want to have a relationship with a big girl? Wouldn't really make sense since I guess most of my close friends already have figured out I like 'em big, but at the same time this is the girl I want to show off to friends and family, and I guess there is some primal urge about wanting to be with someone that is considered conventionally attractive, I have showed pictures of her to some friends and all thought the same about her. Or is it just that I'm extremely picky and the girl that I'm amazed by just happens to be thin? Of course I'm thinking this way too far but I still feel this is an interesting subject to discuss.

Anyone else have had a similar experience? That never really seemed to find a big girl they actually want to pursue having a relationship.
You’re not alone bro. That’s how it goes sometimes. Love is more important than the kink. With someone you love, you can find ways to fulfill this fetish still. Whether is stuffings with them, or talking about other people’s gains, roleplay, or maybe she will do it even. Don’t force anything, the sex will figure itself out in time.

And with the topic in general, I think sometimes fat women don’t have the confidence to be easy to fall for. In shape women are more confident, and therefore easier to fall for. That doesn’t mean they aren’t out there though. If you need to be with a fat girl, just keep trying. Hold on to parts of what this feels like. Learn how you feel love, and reference it when you date fat people. You’ll make it work dude.

And don’t listen to advice from people on this site, too many incels

>>And don’t listen to advice from people on this site, too many incels

Oh, you mean the ones who lie about having a 400+lb SO and are happy with their lives?

Or the ones who claim to purposely fatten their girlfriends up until they end up in the hospital?
People who participate in feederism and those who purposely become obese are mentally ill. They aren't fit for a relationship with a person who's mentally stable
This is not strange to me. I think there is a big difference between fantasy jerk fodder and and rl relationships, they almost exist in different dimensions for me. I've never dated a thin woman, though my LTRs have been with women 1/2 - 2/3 my "ideal" size. They didn't work out, but lack of physical attraction was the least of it (at least from my end lol).

That said, I've had real chemistry with thin women. I'm not sure if it's pheromones or just animal instinct but it always surprises me. But I won't follow up beause I know my attraction probably won't last past that first hook-up, if I even make it that far. I really do need something to grab, even if it's a *little* something.
Just because you find someone physically attractive doesn't mean that it's gonna be a good relationship. When falling in love with someone it's much more than just being attracted to their bodies.
Slapp av bror, til syvende og sist så er det her bare en fetish.
Yeah it may seem like that due to a somewhat limited range of women you are physically attracted to, especially in a country like yours I guess (the amount of skinny women should be much higher afaik)

I had a phase like that too, or at least sth similar
Would I ever find a women that is fat and likes me?
Will she have the personality I look for?

And yes one day there she was..
420 lbs, and an absolute future wife vibe from the personality point of view

Nice, caring, no (political) weirdo, always there for me and just the exact kind of women I was looking for when imaginating a future wife

Five years later it's still awesome and I feel like I'll make her my wife in the very next few years :)

It will take longer for sure, since there's less "to choose from"

Especially if you're like me, being honest to yourself, and just can't be with a skinny woman because it wouldn't work when it comes to physical attraction..

But you will also get there if you keep looking even tho it may seem hopeless at early 20s ;)

True, but for anyone who cares about sex, being physically attracted to you partner is important. It's not the only thing that matters, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't matter.
>With someone you love, you can find ways to fulfill this fetish still. Whether is stuffings with them, or talking about other people’s gains, roleplay, or maybe she will do it even. Don’t force anything, the sex will figure itself out in time.

>And with the topic in general, I think sometimes fat women don’t have the confidence to be easy to fall for.

>Learn how you feel love, and reference it when you date fat people.

I've made this post a million times and I'm sure /gen/ regulars are sick of hearing it, but I have to say it every time I read a post like this one.

"If you're in love, the sex will work out somehow" is not true.

t. Staying in a sexless unhappy marriage to a fat woman who's repulsed by my attraction to her because we have kids together
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I suffer a Shakespearean level of ironic tragicomedy that every woman who has ever liked me since I was a young teen, was always thin. There was ONE Norwegian girl who vaguely had a crush on me who could be called fat, but she is extremely insecure about her weight, hates touchy-feely romance etc (at least as far as I attempted.)

In fact, most women who like me have eating disorders - and were at one point even obese but then starve before we meet! And are shocked yet reluctant like pulling teeth when I find the former size attractive too.

God has a sense of humor huh?

>It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

And you're US based? That's an accomplishment considering today's obesity rates. Do you exclusively speak to women at triathalons or something?
This was me as well, jr. high-30s. I wasn't beating the girls off me with a stick but almost always the overt interest I received was from thin women.

For one thing there were fewer BBWs when I was younger and SSBBWs were extremely rare where I live, so it was a matter of numbers. There was no SA movement either, and the BBWs I did encounter tended to be insecure. Or even if they were fairly confident, they'd taken themselves out of the game and didn't bother to approach guys in that way. (Or at least me.)

Also I would get a little too excited talking to BBWs and lose my game, or repell them from the start by being too eager. This especially when I was younger. I was cooler around thinner women because I wasn't interested in them.

It's different now that I'm older. I'm more chill in general around all kinds of women, and the women in my dating pool are more mature and kind of know the deal. It's more direct, less gameplaying in general. Something for you young'uns to look forward to lol.
>>15301 (OP)
>Have I been too busy to chase a girl with the perfect body that I haven't considered finding one I actually would like to have something serious with?

Like >>15320 said personality is important in such a relationship but I agree with >>15367 and wouldn't undermine physical attractiveness. If you like her personality but you're not attracted to her body it'll just cause problems down the line. For a majority of romantic relationships physical chemestry is signficant in maintaining satisfaction among both parties since many in these relationships place a high priority on sex. She might find you attractive but if you don't feel similar, that's not fair to either of you. Think of it this way, is she going to be fine with
>no thanks babe, no sex for me I'm gonna just look at videos of obese women on the internet
Would you be fine with a relationship where someone didn't find you physically attractive even if they liked your personality and behaved like described above?

Sure, others might find her conventionally attractive but is she attractive to you? I'd argue that's what matters since you're the one in the relationship, not them
Preference is bbws and ssbbws. I m 40 and I know its been my life, mostly. But yeah one girl I know is slim and just funny and gorgeous. I think its the smile, eye contact and laughter that does it. She makes the heart skip a beat when I am around her, and all my worries go away. Perhaps shes the cure for kink or my 'illness'. Weird isnt it? If we got together or serious or whatever, I'll delete my terrabyte hard drives of bbw porn and not visit bbw chan ever again.... holy crap what am I doing with my life.!
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>Perhaps shes the cure for kink or my 'illness'. Weird isnt it? If we got together or serious or whatever, I'll delete my terrabyte hard drives of bbw porn and not visit bbw chan ever again...

You'll try and you'll fail and you regret it. Heed this grim warning.
Its illogical, but I keep pushing, and shes receptive so far. My head says no, but heart says yes. I 'll die happy knowing I tried Mr Grim Reaper.
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Why can't I at least be content with a chubby woman, why's it gotta be a goddamn hamplanet all the time.
OP here, I kinda forgot about this thread and there's just so many replies here that I'm not able to reply to all of them.
But thanks for the comments, gave me a bit more perspective and I'm happy I'm not the only one with experiences like this.
Wife is thin. Knows my preference very well and has been willing let go a little, but just naturally is thin, isn’t a super hungry person, feels the difference between eating clean and like shit, etc, so realistically it means I’m lucky to be getting an extra 10 pounds. The other million great dynamics of the partnership are far more important.
Cope. I forget where I posted this but after fucking only 400+ pound girls the last four years or so (by girls i literaly mean 2), i can honestly say i will never be able to get it up for a skinny girl again. Either you need fat or you just arent that into this fetish. I saw someone else say this and I compelteley agree: I want "never fucked a skinny chick" on my gravestone!
>>15301 (OP)

I don't 100% share your experience. I'm married to a woman that's around 300lbs, but I was closer to your experience in my late teens and early 20s. During that time I dated a few wonderful women who were much thinner and nowhere near my preferences.

When I dated thinner women, I was much less confident about my preferences. I generally walled myself off from getting too intimate with fat women. On the few occasions I tried to date bigger girls, I would feel so self conscious that they would catch on and things would understandably go south. I worried about the stigma I would face, what my parents would think, etc. There's no way to form an intimate bond under those conditions. You can't love someone while also watching over your shoulder to make sure nobody sees you with them.

I think it was also easier for me to date thinner women because I was better able to judge their character without an overwhelming sexual attraction. (Not that I wasn't attracted to them at all, but it was much less extreme than with a 300lb hottie.) I always felt like the women I dated were exceptions I would make to my body size preferences: that they were such good people that I could find tyem attractive at any size.

But this wasn't healthy, and while those relationships worked out better than with fat women at the time, they still eventually turned.

The truth was that I wasn't ready for a committed relationship. I had to work on accepting myself before someone else would accept me. I started volunteering, goung to the gym, trying to be friendlier to everyone, and not hating myself so much because of my preferences. When I eventually found my wife, I was strong enough to bring her in front of my friends and family.

So that's my experience. Yours might be different.

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