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All you anons who would prefer to keep this fetish firmly under wraps, have there ever been moments where you accidentally let things slip?Or have you ever been careless enough that you think somebody was onto you?
>>15243 (OP)
As a kid I have. I remember my parents found bigcuties search history on my fucking DSi smh. Also I date bigger girls sometimes so people might just assume
How did they react?
We didn't really even mention it or talk about it at all. My dad wanted the DSi so he could sell it. I realized what he would find if he looked at the history, so I tried to get it back. I walked into his study and found him with it and he just looked at me and kind of laughed and seemed like he didn't know what to say. I just kind of laughed back and left. And that was all. I don't think he ever told my mother
I fell asleep and forgot to turn off my phone that was playing a Destiny BBW vid. Dad walked in, picked up the phone, asked me “what is this?”, then left my room with my phone.
I was probably 12-13 around this time. He picked me up from school and mentioned it to me, he wasn’t mad or anything but he joked that I was a “chubby chaser”, I asked him to not call me that please and he stopped. Later he bought me a sport illustrated magazine that had Ashley Graham on the cover. I’m 19 now, not sure if he remembers or not…

Also, I swear my roommate saw me watching Destiny BBW on my laptop as well because he has to walk by my desk to get to the sink… I need to stop watching Destiny I always get caught watching her ass (beat double belly ever tho)
Another time happened when I was way younger. I looked up BBW vids of YouTube and was too dumb to turn of search history or watch history. One day my mom asks me why I’m watching vids of fat women, I fucking froze in place and stayed quiet. She then asked if I was watching them to laugh at. So I just nodded. Looking back on it I think she thought that because another time before this we had been in a store where I saw a fat lady, said “wow”, and pointed at her. To which my mom was all like “don’t point at people” and all that stuff. Long story short, dad knows, mom doesn’t know as far as I know but she’s probably put the pieces together. Friends know as well because I told them myself, they don’t know how big I’m willing to go tho I told them I only like a little bit of extra meat. Wow, I’m bad at these stories, hopefully it was a good read for the most part.
It was a good read, I legit LOL'd.
>>15243 (OP)
I'm old, grew up pre-internet but my parents found my childhood fat lady drawings several times. They never confronted me but my dad joked about it years later, long after my track record of relationships confirmed any suspicions.

Side note: A client of mine once sent an email with a bunch of links for me as reference for a new project. One was hardcore gay porn. I never said anything of course, and deleted that link when I replied. With all the midday jerking I do I'm almost positive I did the same kind of thing with fat chick stuff, at least once.
Liking fat girls isn't a fetish you fucking pussies. My wife is in the 430s and I proudly walk around with my arm around her
I was at the pub with a few coworkers last weekend. We got very drunk. We ran into some girls who were friends of one of the girls in my group. One of them was a cute SSBBW, about 400lbs with a huge belly. I ended up chatting her up and making out with her (even playing with her fat a bit). None of my coworkers knew I was a chubby chaser before, but they know now lol. Surprisingly they haven't said anything to me about it yet. Even though I've been with big girls before, I'm ashamed to admit I'm a bit embarrassed about the whole thing.

This (public hookup at a party) is exactly how all my friends learned that I was into fat chicks. No shame.
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>>My wife is in the 430s

>>with my arm around her
>be at bar with 2 female friend i met there a few weeks prior
>let it slip "my type"
>they get fascinated and start asking me questions, invite me to anime cons with them because "oh my god, there are gorgeuous bee bee doubleyous everywhere!!"
>few weeks later me and the hot one are drunk af, it comes up again, i disclose that i do have a feeder fetish
>she's super chill about it, never brings it up except in private, thinks its really cool that i have it without being a manipulative psycho

>another very reserved vanilla af vibes female friend knows
>beat myself up for having a predatory sexuality
>she says "dude, it's really not that weird..."
>ask her how she'd respond to meeting a skinny girlfriend of mine then years later meeting her again and she's obese
>"i really wouldn't think anything of it as long as you're both consenting. as long as you're aware there can be health complications in the upper-upper limits"

>have cute asian female coworker
>we're both single for a year
>she knows my preferences
>i joke about us having a marriage pact in 5 years
>everytime we mention us being single she says out loud, "2025, i'll chub up! hehe"

girls usually chill af bout this stuff
>be like 17 or so at a house party with a bunch of friends
>get blackout drunk
>wake up can't remember anything
>mate tells me I was trying to get with a mutual friend by telling her I was into "big girls"
>message her
>it was true
>she's mad as hell
>apologise, it blows over and we go back to being friends
>a few years later we hook up a handful of times
>she wants to get more serious but I blow her off because I was into drugs and alcohol pretty heavy at the time and felt that I shouldn't really be with anybody
>she's married now

Sometimes I wonder what could have been.

this is what it's like when you aren't socially awkward, boys. women make the best wingmen
unironically one of the things I never thought about being with a 400+ chick is that it's hard to wrap my arm around her in most positions.
I’ve never brought a girl to thanksgiving or Christmas EVER, I’m 28, have had several skinny girlfriends over the years who my parents have met but never my whole family. Been dating a 400+ lb girl the last few years, brought her to this past thanksgiving and she met my whole family, aunts uncles cousins nephew/nieces, 100% of whom are skinny. I’m probably 10-15 pounds overweight and I’m by far the bulkiest person in the whole family.

My extended family is pretty conservative too like culturally (and also politically, most likely tbh), so I was bracing myself for a shitload of awkwardness but it was actually completely fine. No one said a single thing, I was pretty surprised
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The other day I was doing some drawing. It was totally normal SFW stuff,plus the women I was drawing were real people, so I made no attempt to exaggerate their proportions to my liking.
I finished and was proud of it so I showed it around to people.

>"Hey this is good!"
>"Why'd you make them so fat though?"
Jesus, is this actually a problem? Anyone who has known me long enough is aware of it without me ever mentioning it, if it even has occasion to come up, which it rarely does. Girls I went out with certainly knew it. I only have one friend (male) who joked about it but he's a "comedian" who makes fun of everything.

It's not like we're into bestiality or something.
My girlfriend in highschool dumped me because after a year or so together and being aware of her self image issues, I decided to tell her I why I was physically attracted to her. In my head I thought I could convey that I wasnt settling and was legitimately attracted to her. She did not take it well and never ever revealed my preference to any girl I ever dated since.
"and I never" I hate that you cant edit.
yeah it's a problem when you date fat girls who aren't into the fetish. many of them hate the idea of being treated as a sex object for being fat, so they don't handle it well if you come clean

Same. I've never explicitly sat down and spoken about it with my family, but hopefully they pieced it together when I married a woman whose 300 pounds...
My dad found fucking everything. Browser history, download history on napster / imesh. Fucking *everything*.
I was mortified, but we had a laugh about it.
shit, how long ago was this?
I made a foolish decision one night to leave porn playing on my PC while getting ready for bed. Even muted the sound and tilted the monitor away from any peeping bystanders who come by my door. Unfortunately my stoner ass completely forgot it was playing and my roommate, who's bedroom was adjacent to mine, wanders in as we're making small talk and sees a naked 700+lbs fat ass trying to reach his cock playing on my monitor.

Awkward conversation to have when you are in the closet and jerking off to men who are nearly immobile.
>be like 14/15
>download porn of a couple of obese girls on my phone
>having fun for a while
>quit the porn because someone called me
>hours pass
>sister ask me to use my phone for a random purpose
>innocently agree
>seconds later, she shouts "Anon, wtf?! That's disgusting!"
>mfw realize that I forgot to delete the porn from my gallery
>i say that someone of my school played a joke on me
>instantly take the phone and delete the video
>she look me suspiciously for a while and continue with her stuff like nothing happened
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been caught up/given myself away multiple times

>13. Mom was checking a word file on my pc for her job, and decided to snoop my documents. Found my fap folder. She asks wtf was that. Don't remember what I replied
>15, grandpa caught me masturbating to some video, never talked about it after because he got alzheimer
>19, dear friend gains like 40lbs on her first college year, mostly to her belly, which was sitting on her lap. Decided to poke and grab them sweet lovehandles and belly, she gets flustered and asks me "wtf anon are you into that?" I say yea as I keep on grabbing her belly
>21, smoking some devil's lettuce with friends, decide to show them bigcuties.com, just to see their faces lmao. Excused myself by saying that someone on 4chan posted that link and I was "so surprised by that shit that I had to show them too"
>25, checking feabie during work, a coworker sees the pics I was looking, just gives me a look, I get a bit embarrased
>26, going out with a pear shaped girl, yaddayaddayadda "I think your ass would be nicer if it was bigger" *silence* she giggles

some shit that I could remember
>>15 (Dead), grandpa caught me masturbating to some video, never talked about it after because he got alzheimer

Imagine if the one of the few memories that he was able to maintain was catching his grandson masturbating. And it haunted him for the rest of his days.
I know it sounds fucked up, I did feel bad about, but I found out it was pretty pointless to excuse myself because he was was rapidly deteriorating due to the illness, so I thought he quickly forgot that. Or at least, I want to think it was like that
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I fat fingered an image to a friend in Fire Island via instant messenger. Awkward.
> all deez tales of family finding ur porn or catching u masturb8

The thought occurs that perhaps any tension emerging from these scenarios is due to the fact that most people don't want to know when their relatives are watching porn or jerking off in the first place? The exact content of the porn might be a distant second. And grandad probably faked his Alzheimer's to avoid the subject.
If they're on Fire Island there's a good chance their sexual tastes aren't 100% vanilla either.
Actually had me dying. Comedy gold
Based grandpa if true
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>be me
>draw fat chicks
>poor moment so no digital setup
>we got a printer/scanner though
>so I draw on paper then scan my work to post online
>only do it when noone's there, then cover my tracks in whatever way I can think of whenever I'm done
>becomes routine enough that I get pretty lazy with it
>don't scan anything for about a week
>get to the printer to scan again
>see one of my drawings sitting there staring me in the face
>I had left it in the printer/scanner and somebody took it out and has probably just had it laying about for a week
It wasn't so explicit though, I'm hoping it was just dismissed as a humour piece
Isn't Fire Island for gay guys?
Long Islander here

Are there many fatties in Mauritius? I've always wanted to visit.
Third Worlders are surprisingly fat
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Might be a bit unrelated, but I have no idea how and why Facebook recommends me “reels" with fat girls. Might just be chubby girls doing a TikTok, or straight up fat girls showing their bellies. I never watch them but Facebook just keeps on recommending them.

I have never used Facebook nor Instagram for SSBBW or BBW content, because I know how aggressive the algorithm can be. Maybe the cookies of my browser gave Zucc info about my fetish.
I noticed that if i watch bbw ssbbw vids on youtube it never puts similar vids on the homepage but if i accidentally mouse over a podcaster thumbnail for a couple seconds my whole page if flooded with youtube drama channels.
I definitely got caught looking for "fat women eating and gaining weight" on YouTube in elementary school.
More recently I've been very careful not giving the game away, but I know that as I still lived with my parents, that tech savvy mf of my dad may have had some access to my internet searches in some way. He never confronted me about it though.
I wonder if he's also a FA...
What?? I’m from Queens (ha) and No. Only Pines and Cherry Grove really. It’s not one place — it’s a very thin, uh, island 30 miles long and there are many villages including Kismet, Ocean Beach, and Saltaire that are family or majority-straight vacation towns.
>19, dear friend gains like 40lbs on her first college year, mostly to her belly, which was sitting on her lap. Decided to poke and grab them sweet lovehandles and belly, she gets flustered and asks me "wtf anon are you into that?" I say yea as I keep on grabbing her belly

>touch friends stomach without asking
>she is noticeably upset and asks if hes into it
>anon says yes and keeps going
jesus christ my man this could have been avoided if you had any impulse control whatsoever
Do you walk at a slower pace at the store so we can stay in the scooter? How does that work?

>tfw no 400lb scooter gf
Was looking up stuff on Reddit and looked up fat girl with big belly on there and forgot to delete the search. I got to my friends house and he wants to play smash or pass from r/ass or /boobs. I go to search it and he almost sees it but I quickly deleted it. It was a close one. My friends don’t know I’m into bigger girls.

i got caught this way

my brother was next to me on my laptop while i was looking something up.

he definitely knows now but neither of us gonna bring it up

i'm sure the pieces came together as he watched one of my girlfriends go from 170 to 260 in 3 years
Not quite, but I recently had a very close call to say the least.

So basically I picked up the hobby of drawing like 1,5-2 years ago and soon after
discoverd that I would like to draw people and thus picked up 2-10min gesture drawings.
This started out with mosty drawing skinny/normal women, as I would try and hide my true intrest
and most of the pictures available also showed mostly thin women. As my mother noticed me pickung up that hobby,
after beeing very bad in art class in school most of the time, she naturally developed a interest in this.
Fast forward like ~1year I built myself a python tool to download instagram pics of women I follow (mostly thick/bbw
but raning to ssbbw) to which I added a simple tkinter gui to display the images in random order grouped by usernames.
On one particular vacation to visit family abroad a couple weeks ago I got bored, so I got to trying my programm,
which meant basically sketching like 30 or so fat women (like 5min per sketch). My mother then wanting me to present
said drawing skill, made me show family some of my sketches, after which my uncle asked me if I'm into well rounded women.
I did not know what to say, so I did not denie it. Thankfully tough it was just one quick question.
Fast forward another couple weeks me Mom came into my room to find me drawing digitally, yet another fat woman.
She firstlly pointed out how wierd it was for my painting subject to again be fat, and after looking trough some more
recent drawings (which were exclusivley of fat women), she straight up asked me full on concerns, if I don't have a FAT FETISH by chance.
I tried to come up with a quik lie, and just said: Nah, I just drew average women before and wanted to switch body types, and how
round shapes are easier to draw... Thankfully again no further questions asked (which might be also down to fact, that she probably
did not really know the meaning of a fat fetish too well).

tl;dr I started enjoying drawing, drew to many fat women => it became to obvious and I admited to my uncle having a preference and denied to my mum about having a "fat fetish"
Your playing a dangerous game
I've been into fat women since as long I was sentient and have never exactly tried to hide it. My friends know what I enjoy and some of my family does too.

But the first occasion I gave myself away was when was very young, I decided to show everyone at a party I was at a video of Cindy G (RIP) devouring a turkey singlehandedly whilst sat on two chairs, one for each cheek. I don't remember much apart from everyone being rather surprised then me playing it off as being shocked at how fat she was and wanting to show them.

Here's the video in question, a classic.
>well rounded women
Your uncle sounds cool though. Did he mind your preference? Calling your preference a fetish is rather mean of your mum.
I mean looking back on the text and trying to remember a few details he probably did not use the term "well rounded", but rather "this type of women". Also it's worth mentioning that there were quite a few thick women (just to stay safe and because Instagram is full of them), and Ssbbw we're almost all excluded as that might have shocked some too much. For my mom everything about slightly chubby is basically extremely fat, due to old world views and maybes her polish heritage.

About my uncle I am really not totally sure, like yeah he took it well (did not use any negative word's), but on the other hand: What was he supposed to do? Make me feel bad/try to teach me smth? Also due to a 700km distance i don't get to se him often and would honestly rather not mention the subject unless I'm dating a big women or something...
8 years ago I was going to apply for a prep art school so they can help me build a portfolio. I had been drawing a lot of fat women in my sketchbooks, practically the only thing I drew aside from anime here and there. Wanted to hide the sketchbooks with the others, I must admit they were somewhat in plain sight yet in a place where you wouldn't know it they there. It was like camouflaged in between the other stacks of paper lol One day I'm just minding my own business in the study room on my pc, my mom who's a doctor, asks me how the application going. I say it's fine I'm talking a break now and then she says oh really...
I found some of your drawings they mostly contain large women. And i'm like sweating bullets like and say.. Wha- what!? Whatever do you mean? She's like: here I'll show you. She walks to to my room I can't help but follow her and she pulls them out. And the look of shock and embarrassment on my face was priceless. She just kind of went like, these women are obese son why? I-I-I it's a fantasy m-mom, I would never date them that big( like 3- to 400 pounds)( she already had a suspicion that I was into bigger women but not this big) and then she says, but despite that they are very well drawn I can see you're talented. i just kind of stare in silence. And then she says: Hehehe my son is into big women ahahaha. I just nervously laugh back. She was surprisingly cool with it, coming from a doctor and all lol
I still would never date a girl this big though, call me coward but I do want a future wife to live as long as myself as close as possible lol

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