
(82 KB, 706x1132, 0cea80c27ed17616dfd70a05576d07e1-imagejpeg.jpg)
My gf recently told me she "used" to be into the idea of feeding a guy and that she had a weight gain fetish when she was young, pretty much exactly the same as I did. On one hand I never expected I'd tell a romantic partner about this kink, let alone have her also be into it. But I don't know how to proceed since we're both feeders. She said she'd imagined feeding me before but I'm not at all into being a feedee and she said she's open to being fed during sex but she's not really into that side of it. Anybody else ever have this happen?

pic unrelated
Sorry to be a dick and not respond to your question but do you know who the lady in that image is and where I can find more of her?
Honestly, if she's willing to try being the feedee during sex just do it but try to have fun with it. Don't worry about it being a long time thing just focus on having fun, and if she has enough fun you might get to do it again and again.

Women are generally more empathetic, and even so with kinks and will at least try to be into it.
I can't speak specifically to this niche but I have asked partners to swap on their side of a kink and they did and even had a lot of fun with it and happily participated more.

Generally just try to make it fun, say thank you, and maybe try and do a small gesture back like a kink or roleplay she wants or just go down on her for a while to show thanks for you getting to stuff ho-hos in her mouth while you stuff her. And you'll likely at least have someone who wants to go along with it.
No idea, sorry brother

I'm definitely planning on trying it with her and I have tried out some kinks she's wanted to do (mainly petplay and piss stuff sorry if tmi) and I also told her I'd let her feed me during sex if she really wanted.

I feel like I'm at a sort of crossroads because I'm into the real wg part of the fetish. She's already kind of chubby and told me that she doesn't care about being fat anymore, AND she's open to being fed so of course the weight gain is where my mind goes. But I would feel bad for her to gain weight even if she was into it.
Become mutual gainers?
(74 KB, 274x184, get_fat.png)
There is only one solution.
Quick question OP, where did you get that photo of that woman? Because I think I may have been catfished on Feabie months ago.

Yo, this is the enlightened response you need! Like just play around with the fetish, even in just roleplay, no need to go hard on it!
Sure. Who doesn't like their partner gaining some weight around here... But right now seriously just put those thoughts away. You have someone who is willing to participate in a fantastical kink you have just enjoy it and the now.

And look she might just end up gaining weight. It's hard not to and especially if you are complimenting her curves and providing food. Don't bind yourself to some unneeded goal when you have something good there. Also she's her own person. With her own thoughts and will. If she decides she's done she will tell you. You just got to listen and participate.
I don't remember where I got it but it was in 2020 when I saved it, and it def wasn't from anybody on feabie. Sorry man

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