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That's right, people.

All of you knew the drill by now. 4th thread had already been locked thanks to the 400 limit, so here's a 5th thread, this time on the General Discussion.

Now pour some salt here if you want to complain about WG artists or other!
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We're on /gen/ now? Great, now we'll have a far-left mob trying to cancel us if we complain about someone too "intersectional"
was this posted by that guy angry for a discussion thread in /bbwdraw? did you wait so that you could have the last message in the old thread, being hyper-fixated on the posts number, just so you could use it to link to a /gen thread to get it out of the other board? kek, someone has to make a *real* community salt thread 5 in /bbwdraw and not this phony crap

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