
(299 KB, 611x471, Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 7.36.41 PM.png)
Take this guy for example. Fuck this guy. The amount of basement dwellers on that site with their nose permanently up is astonishing.

Imagine spending consecutive days indoors, posting holier than thou sentiments on a fucking fetish site.

It's a fetish site. It's sad this is the only place the people can find self worth.
>>14837 (OP)
"Here are the best ways to start a conversation with me"
What sucks about feabie is that most of the people on there are actual losers, which in turn pushes regular people away and you end up with people like fucking bentleyjet
The delusion is real with Bentleyjet. Fuck that guy.

From his bio:
>>Feabie accomplishments

- More than 150 bad posters have me blocked
- Got a fuckboi to publicly apologize 4 acting like a fuckboi
- Derailed a pinned admin thread while causing mass panic about user privacy, resulting in the admins to stop allowing comments in all future pinned threads
- Petitioned Feabie to add "Cats" as a unit of weight, later adopted by the Washington Post https://www.feabie.com/Member#action=/Post/ViewOne/54157565
- Caused several users to have public meltdowns
- Brought FeabieAdmin down to my level https://www.feabie.com/Member#action=/Post/ViewOne/90662035
- Spent a day as a cardboard box
- Survived the great trollpurge
- Became a quazi-folk hero
- I'm the reason Feabie TinyChat got password protected
- Have a "trophy case" on my computer filled with screenshots of people raging at me
- The admins instituted a "bentleyjet rule" that only applies to me personally
- Hurt people's feelings
- Had my feelings hurt
- Made a lot of friends
- Made just as many enemies
- Gained a surprisingly large amount of self-confidence

its sad to take a fetish site as seriously as he does
The is baffling coming from her, especially since she’s ugly with the body of an obese man
>>14837 (OP)
I mean surely we’re the worse people than hedonismbot
Should extend this to twitter. There is an untapped goldmine of fat girls sobbing because they can't get subs on onlyfans.
That's debatable
>body of a man
I more so find it interesting for how fat can develop on a flat chest, that's the entire appeal imo.
I'll never forget when Feabie became well known on Filipino tiktok as a fat woman dating site causing an influx of new accounts. Yet numerous existing users whined, complained and threatened to delete their accounts ("it's unsafe!" being the usual cry) until Feabie admins deleted all new Filipino accounts and blocked the ability to make an account for a certain period.
Notttt debatable
The amount of pure cringe I see every time I go on Feabie - not even from the lolcow women mind you, that's its own tolerable comedic spectacle - from the miserable simps and beta orbiters who think they're funny and clever for posting a music video or adult swim clip or crusty-ass meme in the replies of some mid pudgy cunt (mostly with a bf too) is just astonishing. I have to actively block them out of my vision, my eyes gloss over. It's nauseating. Even as a guy with a cartoon avatar and no posts I get the most pathetic obviously-horny-to-death messages too, I'm tempted to experiment actually with a new "female" account. I think I actually understand women for once in my life, and will more.

I had totally blotted that incident out of my mind lol
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new soyjak just dropped. in fact I may actually draw him as one
simp. The women are by far the worst part of feabie, the men being horrible is just a fact of what losers would put up with them.
I find more serious feedees at Burger King, they look better too.
the funny thing about Feabie is that so many women on there will say the normal shtick about hating men, raising their standards, never talking to people without a profile etc. but the average man on there is such a pathetic, desperately horny wreck that you can pretty easily score if you just manage to not be a complete freak
Reminds me of the time where Mamahorker did an interview for The Daily Mail (or something like that) and the women on Feabie lost their shit, claiming basically the same cry, despite these same women being the same ones who bitch about people without profile pics. Needless to say, she got banned and they implemented another rule to prevent similar from happening again.
Which is ironic, since the average man in reality wouldn't even look their direction or pay them any mind, let alone an attractive man with options.
eh. I think people here, and on Feabie, underestimate how many guys these days openly like fat women. it's still a pretty slim (pun intended) minority, but it's enough that the average Feabie man is not remotely worth listening to. the main appeal of that site is for feederism, but your run-of-the-mill "feeder" on there is absolutely fucking worthless. I've hooked up with girls from there who told me about times they'd gone to get fast food with a feeder and the guys had asked them to order smaller meals; it's full of people who like the fantasy but aren't cut out to actually be feeders, even casually, and so they mostly just want to masturbate to the dms they send fat girls

all this is to say that yeah, the women on that site are mostly shit, but the men on there are so much worse that you can almost understand how the women turned out that way
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>the women on that site are mostly shit, but the men on there are so much worse that you can almost understand how the women turned out that way

This is the dialectical paradox that drives the tragedy of online male/female interaction, and not just for fatties.
I usually only look at UK profiles and It's mostly outcast girls who are fat on that website, there are a few socially acceptable girls on there (have friends, go out on the weekends) but a lot of awkward no social skills girls. The guys are even worse.
Even though online dating is mostly normalized these days, "normal" people (especially who aren't at washed-up age) rarely mainly date online, because they are adapted to seeking partners IRL. I say this as an autistic retard.

No simpery here, just going by
Bad women are enabled by men who are worse. The most insane slut either had no good man or some sufficiently terrible one to mess her up and scar her. Simple as, tale as old as time.
Bingo. I have a friend who's 5'8 and just shy of 400lbs who has no trouble dating and hooking up with good looking, well adjusted people. I agree that folks in fetish communities massively underestimate the amount of people who dig big chicks.
>>14837 (OP)
Omg I’m so glad I found this thread I fuckin hate this guy, I thought I was the only one who noticed that he’s always commenting on peoples shit LOL, he’s such a loser Omg
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This guy is one of the most self absorbed narcissistic cunts I’ve come across. He thinks he’s a big deal because of a podcast from 4 years ago, dudes a lawyer too. He’s a wolf in pigs skin and he deserves a spot light given his history with women.
This guy has groomer physiognomy and the AI generated bio to boot. Lol the first photo doesn't even make sense. How does he have 450 followers
He looks at my profile as soon as I look at his, I'm gonna be nauseous
The fact that he has 450 followers just goes to show how gullible people are and how terrible they are at seeing who someone actually is. Kind of like how 99% of people instantly believed amber heard when it turns out that she’s a wolf in a princess’s clothing, a narcissistic abusive etc. It also shows how crowd like the woke mob is, following anyone with acab and BLM in their profile. To be clear I’m also acab and BLM but I don’t put it on my fucking profile cause I’m not a narcissistic freak like this psycho
As a New Yorker, I hate how the left perverted pizza. It's now 3-4 bucks and slim because of these niche gimmicks the left implement.
Whitenoise is easily up there. Falsely accused my friend of stalking and harassing him after she got a free platonic lunch out of him. he tried to clear the air over what was a misunderstanding. He got banned and then returned, has never done shit to her. Of course feabie hears one side of the story.
I’ve looked through many of the forums to see mention of any of the admins who use the site. I’ve seen lots of mention on the subject but not names. If anyone knows or speculates I think it would be worth noting if only to block them
Same dude who went on a drug binge and stole from a church charity.
Pizza wolf isn’t a lawyer. Dude can’t pass the bar. He’s a paralegal/internet predator.

Also I don’t know why these Feabie retards keep posting about bbwchan. All it does is encourage people who don’t know this place exists to come join the dog pile and pirate b grade content from the girl boss hookers that comprise most of the vocal user base.
I went to a feabie meet in SF back in the day, and this dude was there. awkward. The whole thing was awkward.
the Venn diagram of feabie regulars and bbwchan users is pretty close to being one giant purple circle. even if they’re not posting, they’re lurking for free porn from the very same women they’re pretending to support and Reply Guy’ing incessantly.
Why do you idiots use the site if it’s full of dipshits? Just avoid it.

Don’t you dare bring logic into this.
I use it as a entertainment resource plus it's fun to argue with morons on there and see if I'll get banned for the 10th time.
This is so true
Yeah I hate that some people actually pretend that this shit is more than a fucking fetish. Just watch a fat girl eat, jerk off and fuck off. Watching porn and having a little out there fetish is fine, but when you start making that fetish a part of your identity and personality it's time to stop.
I'm the other way around. Lurk on feabie, chat with a few women, made some great friends with whom I ridicule the rest of feabie and regularly post here
you guys actually don't have dudes filtered out...?
Yeah like I was chatting with a few before jumping on here, looking for a (now dead) thread. Funny enough, we were talking about similar shit; the black women there keep getting really wierd racist remarks but the "users" snuff their profiles before mods can ban them, and others will try to fuck around and shitpost but get too personal too fast and just get offended. It's pretty funny.
honestly the only value that feabie brings to the community as far as I can tell is that it's a place where everyone is open about being sexually aroused by fat. most places people are weird about it, and a lot of people like to have a space where they don't have to worry about judgment or whether or not the fat girl they're messaging knows about this stuff.

a lot of fat women hate their bodies or think men who find them attractive are somehow wrong or deviant. it can be nice to have a space where you know up front that the woman is already aware of the attraction and there's no awkward step of convincing her "yes, I am actually attracted to you because of and not in spite of your body"

you can probably find more mentally and emotionally well adjusted plus-sized women on regular dating sites, but the chances are reasonably high that they're either not aware that people are explicitly attracted to their weight, or aren't into that. so then you have to navigate that, which can be tiring

so feabie will continue to exist because people feel like they're not weird when they talk about what they like. and then like any toxic community, the people who successfully partner up or find love or whatever will leave and only the shitty people who can't find anyone are left over.

it just continues to spiral downwards until you have what we have now - tribalistic virtue signalling and in-group/out-group language that forms to allow the people who never found a relationship to still feel better than everyone else.

we have the same shit here on bbw-chan, the only difference is we know that we're degenerates instead of pretending we aren't
Where did the healthy fat community went then? Feabie ain't it anymore, it used to be so nice but I think you are 100% right, almost all the users are either mentally ill or desperate now lol.
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>Where did the healthy fat community go then
The whole fat acceptance narrative is over. Fatness is already the norm, and it's already accepted.
fascinating how the proportion of overweight women was pretty constant, but that of 'obese' and 'extremely obese' women only went up!
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Off topic but
That chart is so outdated. But man did that sorta like direct empirical data trend of the higher level of obesity rising while lower levels remained stagnant give me all kinds of feelings back in the day.
So here is up to 2018.
You're based for looking at the orange lines, friend.
Dude I’m lookin at that juicy dotted ORANE LINE
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Classic b-roll footage. News reports where they''d just film fatties from the neck down and talk about the obesity crisis.
I fucking love this country
(I actually hate it and everything we stand for but I LOVE the millions upon millions of obese women EVERYWHERE)

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