
(629 KB, 768x403, helpless.png)
Every time I see a fat woman in person, I am tempted to rape her. The temptation correlates directly with how fat she is.

For example, yesterday, I was on an evening light rail and an unfortunately ugly but massively fat woman boarded. She was at least 500 pounds, with stretch clothes that showed her massive bulk and fat seeping out of it everywhere. Her shirt was essentially a bra. Her massive belly hung out and she took up two seats, her bare belly skin touching the armrests at either side. Her ass was poking out of her pants. Her arms were grotesquely fat, easily the size of a thin woman's waist. Even her fat feet were bursting out of her flats. To make matters worse, She was the only one in that cart with me, and the temptation was flipped up to an 11.

I got up and approached her, hyperventilating and unable to swallow my saliva. I reached her and, with a trembling voice, said hi. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably at this point. I was sweating, and my heartbeat was loud in my ears. I had a massive erection that was clearly obscene in my stretch shorts. She looked nervous, tbh.

I think she knew the evil deeds in my heart. Luckily, the lightrail slowed down to the next stop and a small crowd of people were waiting to get into my cart. I ran out as fast as I could, despite this not being my stop, hid behind a bush under the staircase and fapped twice in a row. I made a mess, too. I'm sure anyone that saw me afterwards knew what the stains on my shirt and shorts were from. I didn't care: at least I didn't rape.

So how do you deal with these urges? When you have the perfect opportunity to rape a massive woman? What psychological tricks do you use to stop yourself? What can I do? I do NOT want to rape, but it is getting harder and harder every day as women just keep growing fatter and fatter. Once they reach a certain level of fatness, they can barely move. It seems like it would be so easy to rape them, even if it is not oral, vaginal, or anal rape; instead just fucking their rolls.

For the most part, I am just trying to avoid temptation. I stay home. When I go out, I try to stay within sight of crowds because I know that will help reduce the temptation. This isn't living anymore. I need to be stronger, but I feel my will shrinking every day.

>>14725 (OP) Rape? Lmfao. Imagine getting turned on from raping somebody! Are you sure you don't just have a big squidward nose? There's many different types of big noses, but squidward noses are unique. I wish I had a jpeg to share to show you. Me personally I don't like rape because I like sex when the woman is enjoying herself
6/10 baitpost, you got rid of the "bitches" tell

keep trying
How is this a LARP? I have never raped a woman. Not a thin woman, not an obese woman. These are my genuine thoughts and urges.

So no one else deals with similar urges? I find that hard to believe.
>>14740 So.... you find it hard to believe that I don't want to rape you? Piss off now. You're a whore. Looking around for a penis to suck off. Why would I want to f a female that doesn't want me inside her? Even a female that does want me inside probably isn't going to arouse me. Then we are caught in this endless vortex of do you want to get f?

From personal experience if there's no mutual arousel it's not even worth having sex. Ghe sex isn't going to be good. My cousin f a black thot once he said his dick didn't even get fully erect. He's got more balls than me. My balls pretty big though
OP is increasing his melanin every time he posts here, let the man speak until nothing but an insectoid husk is left of him
Never let a German Sneeneger post freely too long, he soon enough will let his inner Doktor Mengele take control
Krauts trying to shit-talk black people as if Teutonic apes haven't been the #1 impediment to Western progress throughout all of history
Anglos are Teutonic you nigger worshipping retard. Americans literally fought a war over niggers.
Hello my brothers I come here to say all countries on our Lords earth are equal all brothers in Christ except dirty roma gypsies and Romanians
Literally no one here has been helpful whatsoever.

Thanks. /s
Yes, because so much progress has been made in South Africa, hasn’t it…
Take a trip to Lousiana and then talk to me about South Africa.
Can we get our own house in order first?

The 2nd richest man in the world came from South Africa. Name one notable person from Louisiana.
Scratch that, Elon just passed Bezos when he bought out Twitter.
(26 KB, 189x200, unnamed.gif)
>Name one notable person from Louisiana
The Amazing Atheist!
Louis Armstrong, stoner jazz legend, hero to all true fans of rock n roll , may his soul rest in peace
I like how everybody ignored OP and just started arguing about race immediately. Classic BBWChan. I love it
that guy that sings Cotton Fields, duh.
True, it is classic bbw chan

I fucking hate Germans, I hate your shitty accent, I hate how you all somehow look gay as fuck no matter what you’re wearing, and of course you are racist. Kill yourself asap please

>The Amazing Athiest

How about someone who isn't a living personification of this site.
Krauts really do have it in their blood. Even the lefty SJWs there revert back to nativism/nationalism when you push them. This after losing the two biggest wars in history, one after another, that they started — thanks to nativism/nationalism. The US then rebuilt them from the gound up, literally more $ (inflation adjusted) than we've ever given another country. This put them on 3rd base, and then we, a country of mixed immigrants, protected them from the USSR for 50 more years so they could flourish like precious little white orchids, in the best world economy that ever existed. One the US, again — a country of mixed immigrants, enabled. Imagine no Marshal Plan or NATO — they'd be Moldovia. Yet they *still* think they're superior lol.
Not really. Putin started the war in Ukraine so he can go back to the USSR. The odd thing he's the Russian equivalent of the boomers who pretend to be in the army, military, or navy when he was KGB agent at the fall of the Union. His elder brother died of an infection at Stalingrad and his dad was a cook, so he's not a soldier. Just think of Putin more as Ben Shapiro. Where as Israeli can shoot Palestinians in the IDF and get away with it, Putin just got to sit with ass cancer and die as Russians get fat.
Neither of you retards actually know where I'm from, you just desperately project whatever bottom-feeding racial neuroses are bouncing around your microcephalic heads that day. Germany should've been firebombed until 1950 at the earliest
I'm not going to give you a detailed response but I get where you're coming from. Let's be honest before DNA was discovered the only real deterrent to forcefully getting some action was getting retaliated against by another male, that's assuming you didn't care about the feelings of the receiving person but why would you if you're that desperate and received the short end of the stick of biological determinism? If you watch any material involving force or pseudo-non-consensual acts, i'm going to advice you to stop it, it's triggering.
Great thread. Put me in the screenshot
while we have the amateur historians and part time racialists around, can someone explain the basics of the bronze age collapse to me?
>>14725 (OP)
Please check yourself into a mental hospital (or kill yourself)
You, fuck off this website
You, stay, I think that you're cool :)
I'm the OP, btw. My IP changes on its own every other month or so.
Still struggling with it mate? Any recent moments of weakness?
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Every time I see a fat dog in person, I am tempted to rape it. The temptation correlates directly with how dog it is.
For example, yesterday, I was on an evening light rail and an unfortunately ugly but massively fat chihuahua boarded. It was at least 50 pounds, with stretched fur that showed its massive bulk and fat seeping out of it everywhere. Its collar was essentially a guillotine. Its massive belly hung down and it took up two seats, its bare belly skin touching the armrests at either side. Its tail was poking out of its ass. Its legs were grotesquely fat, easily the size of a thin chihuahua's waist. Even its fat feet were bursting out of its fur. To make matters worse, It was the only one in that cart with me, and the temptation was flipped up to an 11.
I got up and approached it, hyperventilating and unable to swallow my saliva. I reached it and, with a trembling voice, said hi. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably at this point. I was sweating, and my heartbeat was loud in my ears. I had a massive erection that was clearly obscene in my stretch shorts. It looked nervous, tbh.
I think it knew the evil deeds in my heart. Luckily, the lightrail slowed down to the next stop and a small crowd of people were waiting to get into my cart. I ran out as fast as I could, despite this not being my stop, hid behind a bush under the staircase and fapped twice in a row. I made a mess, too. I'm sure anyone that saw me afterwards knew what the stains on my shirt and shorts were from. I didn't care: at least I didn't rape.
So how do you deal with these urges? When you have the perfect opportunity to rape a massive dog? What psychological tricks do you use to stop yourself? What can I do? I do NOT want to rape, but it is getting harder and harder every day as housepets just keep growing fatter and fatter. Once they reach a certain level of fatness, they can barely move. It seems like it would be so easy to rape them, even if it is not oral, vaginal, or anal rape; instead just fucking their rolls.
For the most part, I am just trying to avoid temptation. I stay home. When I go out, I try to stay within sight of crowds because I know that will help reduce the temptation. This isn't living anymore. I need to be stronger, but I feel my will shrinking every day.
BBW-CHAN: where rape fantasies and beastitality are accepted, yet the line is drawn with black people.
It got better for a while. I went out on a date with an enormous fatty and while I wouldn't say I raped her, I was pretty forceful afterwards. She came pretty much the moment I penetrated her, then kept coming and coming over and over again. We haven't talked about it, but I think she's turned on by rape fantasies. We're dating now, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be curbing my appetite. If anything, my urges seem to be getting stronger as my attraction for her wanes and, well, I don't want to fuck her at all anymore. I'm taking pills to get it hard now and she can tell. I think we're going to break up soon. She's not coming anymore.

tl;dr I want to rape even more now :(
Op lives in the states so luckily he will get shot 87 times before he manages to rape some rednecks fat wife
How fat is your gf? Maybe she just isn't big enough to satisfy your urges?
She was in the 390s when we met and just hit 408. That feels small when browsing bbw-chan, but it pretty damn enormous for a 5'4" girl in real life. It does seem like I started feeling less attracted to her hen I started watching fat porn again. I had stopped for over a month, which is a record for me.

It's better to live in Canada since most men up there are alpha sucks who are too polite to ask their wife's master to stop.
>feels small when browsing bbw-chan, but it pretty damn enormous for a 5'4" girl in real life

Confirming that internet weight inflation (npi) can be numbing. Most of my experience has been with 200-280 lbs but the fattest woman I ever dated was 5'3" and 375ish and she was -really- fat, like head-turningly so (I was turned on like crazy by the attention she received) and downright daunting in bed, feeling her weight on top of me and sheer mass. I really can't imagine what 500 is like... It's on my bucket list I guess except that I have no patience for the practicalities of actually being with someone that size. Have to wait for the right escort to come around, I suppose.

Yes, a totally meaningless and self-indulgent observation but I'm all for derailing and mocking this late-term abortion of an OP.
Maybe she just isn't big enough for you. Set a hard cap of 600lbs for her to weigh and maintain. Then your coomer fantasies may be satisfied.
Why are you guys so toxic? I'm not a bad guy. I haven't raped anyone ever, nor do I intend on raping anyone. Ever. We all have bad thoughts. If anyone here has never thought an immoral thought, cast the first stone. True bravery is not the lack of fear. It is being scared and facing the challenges ahead despite your fear. That is me. I am fucking brave.

There's a difference between thinking and saying it out loud. Yeah every fucker here has bad thoughts, doesn't mean we're going to blab about it. You decided to share yours, so bulk the fuck up and take every criticism that's thrown at you.

You don't like it? Then keep your shit to yourself next time.

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