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A topic that could get some angry, which is not the intent. It's simply a matter of opinion. What models out there looked better before their gains in your opinion? Maybe there was a model that gained a lot but that extra 50 - 100lbs was too much in your opinion?

Aliss Bonython imo looked better before. I've wondered if further gains might change my mind. It's just she's not filling out in a way that I'd hoped. Plus I'm not crazy about how her face looks now that she's gained.
Mochiibabii (although she had a Lil bit of a monkey face when thin)

Layla (as depravedly hot as her huge double chin is)

Bonnie maybe, if not she's going to look like Chris chans mom Barb AKA Snorlax when she gets old

Some of the Curvage chicks
>>14679 (OP)
This is a stupid thing to say on this website
Nope, he’s got a point. There is such a thing as too much


I don't think thicccollegegirl looked better thin, but I do think she's reaching the upper limit on still being super hot. at some point her belly's gonna split, and the sheer amount of fat is starting to make her face a lot less structured. still, who knows? her face has held up well so far, and Sabrina made it past 400 while still having a beer gut build

> Mochiibabii (although she had a Lil bit of a monkey face when thin)

Even now MochiiBabii has kind of a monkey face and it turns me off a bit. She's great at stuffing herself tho.


This is likely a joke post, but I have to say that Echo is fucking ugly all around and even losing that disgustingly shaped weight she has, while improving it, will not make her face nice.
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>at some point her belly's gonna split, and the sheer amount of fat is starting to make her face a lot less structured
Luna has gotta be my pick. IMO she looked great when she was about 300-350, but now that she's 500ish her fat is distributed in one of my least favourite ways. Big belly and fat arms, yes, but more of a double chin than I like, and nowhere near enough fat in her legs or arse. A "Shrek" figure, if you will. But that might just be my bias towards hourglasses/pears talking.
Luna and Ivy and Msfatbooty

Luna is just a classic apple shaped blob and an example how poorly weight collects on apple’s once you get to the extreme ends of obesity.

I like fat faces and double chins, but the sheer amount of fat on Ivy’s face is too much of a good thing imo.

I haven’t kept up with Msfatbooty for a while, but her skin looked unhealthy last time I remember seeing her. Sores and the like aren’t uncommon at that size, but hers looked particularly uncomfortable, if not painful.
Ivy davenport's super fat face is hot in a very depraved way, like she looks like she's literally wearing a rubber foam fat suit from a mediocre 80s comedy flick. Like she ate herself into monstrosity in a unique manner. I would play with her neck collar then feel unclean after. Well that's also because she's trashy in a cute but also stinky way
WIt what does belly splitting and less structured face mean

All I know is idk how thiccollegegirl can walk without tipping over sometimes
lol, oh shit I hope Bonnie doesn't turn out that way! I think she's put it on nicely so far. Layla, an interesting mention. Her belly certainly got nice and big. But somethings gone wrong.
>>14685 Thank you for being quick about this statement.

>>14687 I lol'd

I agree she looks to be getting to the limits with her face. She might still pull it off though.

Luna is a good example. For me she hit a point long ago where she just looked like she hated being as big as she had gotten but she had no way to stop ( I know that thought excites the death feedists around here) So for me I couldn't enjoy her anymore and she had become so round that she just didn't look human, it was more cartoonish.

Sores on any is just gross to me. MissFatT is covered, Jae has had some.
Here is one that is just oddly shaped to me and I find myself unable to get excited over.
Her belly is just huge, and it's odd, it doesn't go with the rest of her body. I mean for a belly that big I'd expect huge legs and arms with a really fat face.
Speaking of face, she has a face that looks 20 yrs old in one pic and 45 yrs old in another.

IMO I think she'd look much better if that belly was smaller and her arms and legs were thicker. Might help her face pic and age and stick to it???
Ash was best when her inner thigh rolls weren't actively pushing her legs apart. She got really fucking big to get to that point, but it's still not a good look. Unfortunately it looks like the same thing is starting to happen to Jackie.
To add to this, I think Brianna was hotter roughly 75-100 pounds ago, because the texture on the lowest roll of her gut just looks... rough. I like how fat her cheeks have gotten, but man her skin isn't looking healthy.
Apple shaped women in general are ugly. Having the fat distribution of a man is very unfortunate indeed
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Ppl are only ever attracted to faces; if someone has a nice face and is interesting, you’ll learn to love the rest. That’s why fat ppl have a hard time: All the body positive" models benefit from beautiful facial features and a fat distribution that spares the face. Fat normies have their face totally obscured by fat.
>Ppl are only ever attracted to faces; if someone has a nice face and is interesting, you’ll learn to love the rest.

If the women in you pic was Pear Shaped SBBW I would wife her, if she was apple shaped, not so much, MAYBE if she had double d's.
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Tbh I kinda agree that Layla looked better when she was thinner
Not the thin Layla before she started gaining, more-so the 2013-2015 when her fat was distributed through all of her body

I think she was more attractive back then. Tho she's hotter now that she's a hog, weird how. this fetish works.
Bad example, as I actually think she looks alright. It's not a very flattering photo, but if she was smiling and and had her hair done nice, then I think she'd be quite attractive.
Thin Layla: "girl next door" wife material
Chubby Layla: Slightly embarrassed to take home to mama, but cute enough/wife after 10 years
Butterball Layla: Pump-and-Dump, and never speak of it to anyone
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be fat: bbw-chan hates you

lose weight: bbw-chan hates you

can’t win here

exist: bbw-chan hates you
Objectively wrong opinion. Layla has only gotten more attractive as she's gotten fatter.

Skinny Layla is plain and uninteresting, there are way hotter women out there if you're into slim girls.

Chubby Layla is not as good looking as she is now either, she really needed to blob up in order to round out her belly along with the rest of her proportions. She's fat enough to not be conventionally attractive while not quite being fat enough to maximise her appeal as a bbw.

I understand the point about her not being someone to make your mother proud, but this is bbw-chan, that was never gonna happen with any of these women.
Starjelly/Starstuffer/ whatever her other names are, I liked how she looked average size while wearing clothes but when she lifted her shirt you see she had this squishy jiggly mass of fat on her stomach that moved like it was half filled with water. Her face was thin as well so it added to the illusion. Imo she got too big and lost her uniqueness. Same thing with LittleYellowSpider, there’s a point where they get too big and all just look the same to me
Never thought I'd see littleyellowspider on this thread. She was always the hottest feedee imo and she only looks better with the extra weight. I hope she never stops gaining
I never found Starjelly attractive, so I won't comment on her, but gonna have to STRONGLY disagree on LittleYellowSpider/ThickyHungryHoney. She is one of the hottest gainers around, and can't wait to see her pushing 400lb.

I actually saw Layla on the street with friends within the last 6 months when she was on her several-month vacation in the US, and with her build she actually looks a bit smaller in person.

Like a fat chick you’d just encounter at random, but not head-turningly so.
Always surprised by how small she looks in videos with other BBWs. Maybe Layla is actually one of the rare models who knows how to work angles to look a bit bigger!
>A mattress sized woman
>Who needs bathing on her fat rolls
>At this rate she'll just wobble naked because there's no near factory that makes Super XL clothing
>Must be fed and accompanied for the rest of her life
>Not sure if being overweight gets you welfare
The real American dream?
>>Not sure if being overweight gets you welfare
if you can get a good lawyer here you can get welfare for just about anything especially if you're a minority.
who tf is hiring a good lawyer on welfare money
People with rich parents who haven't struggled their entire life. As such when faced with the reality that they must get an actual job and show responsibility they use their obesity as an excuse to get payed for... Being obese. Can also replace being obese with some other bullshit like "severe anxiety"
I’d rattle that, I’ll be honest! Could have picked a better example like Ivy or Ninjah. They are terrifying.

I’ve lost interest in Layla. I always enjoyed her bloats because you could really see her blowing up, but she’s too fat now. She’s not bad, but nothing else about her really appeals to me that much.
Nadya looked a hell of a lot better before she hit 300. And now she's supposedly at 400 (which I doubt) and yet she has no tits or ass, and has the body of a juice box.
She wasn't attractive when she was thin, and she isn't anymore attractive now.
I mean yeah, that's a pretty clear-cut case of someone way too disabled to function in society. such people will always either end up on welfare, in jail, or dead on the street; welfare's point is to prevent the latter two, even if it clearly didn't work there

is this an actual thing? I've met people with rich parents - they usually aren't obese, because rich people are typically thinner, and they usually end up gliding into a fake job. seems very unlikely that your parents would give you no financial support, but let you hire a lawyer to get disability benefit for being fat
+1 for Layla. Her current size really makes you realise how little of her weight goes to her ass and legs. It was less noticeable before. It looks weird. Flat af
Let me rephrase to rich parents who endlessly spoil their children. Thus when they become adults and aren't ready to act like one they will either financially support them or get them welfare. If they happen to be obese than it's an easy way to do so.

It's honestly her tucan sam nose. That thing can slice a coconut in half.
May be too controversial/unpopular even for this topic but in my opinion Cherries fits this thread. She was very cute when she was chubby in her early days, pre-BigCuties and early BC. Lost her appeal as she got older and fatter
You aren't the only one with that opinion I'm sure. I've seen some say they don't like how she has a flat ass still after gaining. I personally find her hot still. But I don't think she'll ever get a big round butt.
She had to have been the slowest gainer of all the popular models. I can't remember exactly when she started but I know it's been a long long time now. It's only the last few yrs she packed on more then seems to have leveled off.

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