
(34 KB, 615x409, fat-club.jpg)
When was the best time period to be into fat women? I've heard that the late 90's and early 2000s were the best years for it as the internet brought out a whole new way of organising meet ups and sharing porn. A few older men have also told me that back then it was much easier to get laid (as bad as this sounds) the body positivity movement has given alot of bigger girls a lot of confidence and the knock on effect of that is their more choosy on who the sleep with. Does anyone agree with this or are these guys just being assholes about not getting laid? Was there an FA golden age at all?
I think it might be now
More fat girls than ever and a lot of our favs are gaining a lot right now
Look at Jackie and Roxxie for example

You can meet somebody online if you don't have someone in your area..

I think we're living in a pretty good time for FAs right now
>>14659 (OP)
The golden age is the one you make for yourself
>>14659 (OP)
the best time to be an FA? probably now. the best time to be an FA pursuing a relationship? DEFINITELY now. the thing about fat acceptance is that sure, confident fat girls might have higher standards (not by much, though). but honestly, try dating an insecure fat girl. it sucks. hell, even for casual hookups, low self esteem isn't really a good thing. at the end of the day, if you're generally presentable, somewhat charming and approachable but not overly enthusiastic, the playing field's still wide open for fat girls. and if you can hook up with one, they're more likely to be upfront and reasonable in what they expect out of it.
Definitely not now, that's for sure. 2000s were way better because most of the fat girls were nice then. Most fat women are assholes now thanks to the "fat acceptance" bullshit. I'd rather have a girl who hates herself too much than a girl who loves herself too much.
lol there are plenty of nice fat girls now, you just can't expect them to throw themselves at you out of sheer desperation. and in my experience, any girl who's in such a state of desperation and insecurity is an absolute nightmare for anything more than a pump-and-dump

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