
(615 KB, 1284x1285, EA35C5EE-A69E-48B5-B524-E1871604A80D.jpeg)
Hey guys,

Looking for some tips on influencing my SO’s weight and appetite. We’ve been together for a while, and she’s fairly skinny, and consistently works out. She doesn’t have much of an appetite as well. I’ve been switching out her protein powder with weight gain shakes, and noticing some effect, but I was wondering if anyone had any tips on increasing her appetite or the pace of her gain. Especially looking for good appetite enhancers (if they exist). Any tips are welcome, beside “just tell her you want her to gain” lmao.

Thanks in advance guys!
(64 KB, 604x453, cringe-pepe.jpg)
Find somewhere else to RP. Eveyone here's already gotten bored of these repetitive troll threads

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