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For most of my life I've been into fat girls. I'm a relatively oldfag of this board, only masturbating to fat girls.
However, the thing is that I've never dated a fat girl. Only skinny girls, all my exes were (one being extremely skinny, around 90 lbs)
It's weird because I still find them attractive and hot, it's just that I also like enormous BBWs and SSBBWs.

Anyone else like this? Dating skinny liking fat
Maybe it's for my own good. Fattening up a skinny girl is one of the hottest things of all time after all.
>>14552 (OP)
Pretty much myself. I like BBWs but having a fat/obese gf is simply impractical as fuck. I’ve seen the lifestyle you have to live when you’re too heavy/dating someone too heavy and it overpowers my lust. Plus I’m not always attracted to BBWs/SSBBWs so when I’m not I’d rather not be stuck with someone too big to do regular sized people stuff
Yeah I think the BBW/SSBBW aspect is better off as fantasy for me. Realistically dating a fat girl can get very complicated.
Pretty much the same. I had one girlfriend in high school that had one of those “you’re probably going to struggle with your weight when you’re older but you look skinny now” body types, but that’s it.

Honestly I couldn’t make the lifestyle tradeoff for someone truly large. I like living in the city and deciding things on a whim like, nah lets just walk there, or, lets just take the stairs, the elevator is taking too long, etc. It’d be cute for about 5 minutes that she couldn’t hack it and then I’d be so irritated. When I’m not horny, sex isn’t that close to the forefront of my mind that I want to rearrange my life for it.
>>14552 (OP)
I'm kinda of similar. I'd pork a fat girl sure, but I'd never date one or want to be seen with one in public in that context, especially as a man who's fit. I prefer to leave my bbw fantasy as a fantasy.
As much as I'd like a fat gf, there's so many factors preventing it
>pretty much every properly fat chick is a bitch, and most don't want to be fat anyways
>hardly any gain how I like
>I don't want to have to explain to friends and family why I'm dating/marrying a lardass
I'd find and fuck one on the low key but I'm not big on hookup culture either
I've pretty much accepted the fact that I will never have a fat gf and I'll just enjoy the fiction I come up with instead
>>14552 (OP)
Bold of you to assume that I've ever been in a relationship.
Unless you literally want your girlfriend climbing mountains or running marathons with you, you absolutely can date a fatty without any practical issues.

My gf is approx 300lb (5'4"), and still gets around absolutely fine. We had a city break the other weekend and she quite happily walked 5 - 10 miles each day, exploring the city with me. When I do want to do something that's too active for her, like mountain climbing, then I go with my mates and have some healthy time away from each other.

Also this "all fat girls are mentally unwell" is such incel bullshit, and sounds like you never actually date women in real life. Or maybe your shitty personalities and issues only attract women with shitty personalities and issues as well. Some people have mental illness, some don't, if it's a deal breaker for you, then find the women that don't.

As for the the social stigma/worrying about your family's opinion, grow a fucking pair. Life is way too short to be sexually unfulfilled. Everyone who knows me, knows I like larger women, and guess what? No one gives a fuck.
>>14552 (OP)
Outside of me being interested in Feedism I have no actual preference for fat women over skinny women.

Also the city I'm from is not particularly livable for BBWs and I have no intention to move out any time soon. I doubt I'd have any shame in dating a fat girl since everyone I know thinks I'm a weirdo anyway.

The biggest issue with BBW women I have is thier lack in confidence.
When I go out fat women don't tend to catch my eye, because it's less common for them to put any effort into their appearance, presumably out of that lack of confidence. It's the same for their dating profiles.

Also fat women are often so dysmorphic about the parts that I can't enjoy the parts of them that I'm most attracted to.
It's like stroking a cat. Feel free to touch and cuddle them, but you can't touch them where they don't want it because they'll hate it.

>Also this "all fat girls are mentally unwell" is such incel bullshit, and sounds like you never actually date women in real life.
>Or maybe your shitty personalities and issues only attract women with shitty personalities and issues as well.
>Some people have mental illness, some don't, if it's a deal breaker for you, then find the women that don't.

I agree. This thread is one of the more depressing I've seen on this site in that regard.

My wife is 300 pounds. She has friends who are also in that weight range. As far as mental health goes, her bigger friends aren't any different than the general population. Writing off all fat women, or even all women as having mental health issues just comes off as something a bitter person repeats to cope with the fact that they haven't found a partner yet.

> Realistically dating a fat girl can get very complicated.

Realistically, no, it's not complicated. You find a somebody who you like and find attractive, and then you ask them on a date, and if they say yes you date them. It's extremely simple.

I've been in a relationship with a larger woman for years now and haven't seen any of the supposed complication that comes with it, outside of the normal struggles that any couple living together might face.

>Honestly I couldn’t make the lifestyle tradeoff for someone truly large. I like living in the city and deciding things on a whim like, nah lets just walk there, or, lets just take the stairs, the elevator is taking too long, etc. It’d be cute for about 5 minutes that she couldn’t hack it and then I’d be so irritated. When I’m not horny, sex isn’t that close to the forefront of my mind that I want to rearrange my life for it.

No matter who you date, you're going to find yourself in positions where you have to make tradeoffs. Committing yourself to a person will always mean some loss of autonomy for both of you. The people you date are human beings with their own strengths, weaknesses, personal preferences, pet peeves, etc. It's on both of you to accommodate each other and build on your strengths.

If you're telling me that you couldn't manage something as simple as waiting for an elevator for your partner when you would've preferred to take the stairs (or even just taking the stairs and waiting two minutes for the elevator to show up), then you're going to be very upset in any long term relationship you enter.

>The biggest issue with BBW women I have is thier lack in confidence.
>When I go out fat women don't tend to catch my eye, because it's less common for them to put any effort into their appearance, presumably out of that lack of confidence. It's the same for their dating profiles.
>Also fat women are often so dysmorphic about the parts that I can't enjoy the parts of them that I'm most attracted to.
>It's like stroking a cat. Feel free to touch and cuddle them, but you can't touch them where they don't want it because they'll hate it.

Again, these are extremely broad generalizations. All fat women suffer from body dysmorphia? No fat women have any self confidence? Did you learn these things from experience of from repetition on this site?
Exact opposite. I’ve never been with a skinny woman. Got ridiculed all my life for liking and dating fat chicks. My wife is 5’4” & around 340 lbs. Couldn’t imagine digging fat chicks and never being with one. You’d rather be rubbing skin and bones than squeezing soft, beautiful fat? My sympathies…
> the city I'm from is not particularly livable for BBWs
I can't see how a city can't be liveable for someone who is overweight? BBW doesn't automatically mean "struggles to walk a few steps". My girlfriend can walk for several miles, and she's hella chonked.

> The biggest issue with BBW women I have is thier lack in confidence
> fat women are often so dysmorphic about the parts
Not saying there are no women like this, but it's certainly not all of them, or even the majority from my experience. My last two girlfriends have both been in the 300-350lb range, and neither have been lacking confidence or dysmorphic about their bodies.
Agreed. This is a sad thread. Own yourself.
Respect to you for getting what you want. The problem is, I don’t want a short, obese gf/wife. I want a shapely wife with a little extra cushion in all the right places. Don’t get me wrong, watching obese women jiggle their bellies, put on tight clothing and drop their bellies on tables, counters, etc is fun and all. But I don’t want to be in a relationship/married to someone with a body type that I know for sure I will alternate between completely smitten with to completely uninterested in/potentially repulsed by. More so by the ass I love the bellies of 300+ women but their asses become these box shaped- you know what I’m not gonna go there but you get the point.
The point being that if I know for a fact that I won’t love every inch of them it’s better that I leave them to you guys to enjoy while I go to pursue what I like
I dated skinny girls and I hated it. I tried so hard but it was such a bummer, my heart just wasn't in it. My hats off to you guys who can do it, I just couldn't. My wife is about 350 lbs, she's not into hiking or a gym rat obvs, but I can have hobbies that she's not interested in. I think that's actually more normal and healthy, especially as you get older and have kids. She's never had any problems getting around a city any more than me and I'm and average weight guy, I don't know where that's coming from, in my experience.
Idk, been on both sides.
It’s way easier to have a skinny hot wife for show and find fat hogs for fun anytime/anywhere.
Fat chicks don’t rat you out, they take what they can get and are used to being a closet freak show.
Obese wife < fat wife < fit wife < fit wife w/ mix of muscle and fat < curvy wife with good proportions
>>14606 That's exactly how I felt about dark skinned females. Most of them were from jamaica ancestry though so I don't know if that makes a difference but yeah my sentiments exactly to the tee. I had hopes in the beginning but I never even got to hit because already a few days into it I would be like wtf am I doing? For the people that know me they know I am not much for romance so if we ain't having sex and I am not getting you pregnant I just be like hey what are we doing here?
> dark skinned females
> if we ain't having sex and I am not getting you pregnant I just be like hey what are we doing here?
Yeah fat women aren't dating material.
Seen some backlash and some guys agreeing. I think it all comes down to your own personality and preferences.
Adding to my post, it isn't that I wouldn't ever date a fat girl, it's just that I have never found a far girl that I'm attracted to beyond her physical appearance. Personality-wise I've gotten along with skinny girls better.
As much as I’m turned on by overweight people and am into body positivity and would happily date fat people, once entered my 30’s and started to be concerned about health, the gears switched. Like when you’re a teen or in your 20’s you can be pretty damn unhealthy and still be relatively healthy, but as time goes on…not so much. It’s when those “at risk of” problems may start becoming the reality. Granted I’ve never been tethered to only obese partners, I like all types, but at this point I’m generally attracted to chubby active types when it comes to the bbw spectrum.
If you aren't attracted to bbws IRL and you don't enjoy them outside of sex, its possible that its a fetish you picked up from conditioning yourself with porn. Best to cut off the porn if this is the case.

Else, you've liked big girls for as long as you can remember, and thats why you started looking for BBW porn in the first place, then its best to figure out why you can't accept them as relationship material.

Some people project their desires for their own body onto others and vica versa. You can see it with alot of former feeders and former feedes who were projecting. Yo give an example of other communities, it's the problem some bisexuals have of "Am I attracted because I want to be with them or is it because I want to be like them?" You can see it in gay clubs and even normal clubs where alot of people will dress in a style that doesn't suit them because they're attracted to that type.

This goes for anything else where theres a split between your IRL desires and online porn habits.
Post got mangled. Tryin again. >>14667

>If you aren't attracted to bbws IRL and you don't enjoy them outside of sex, its possible that its a fetish you picked up from conditioning yourself with porn. Best to cut off the porn if this is the case.

>Else, you've liked big girls for as long as you can remember, and thats why you started looking for BBW porn in the first place, then its best to figure out why you can't accept them as relationship material.

>Some people project their desires for their own body onto others and vica versa. You can see it with alot of former feeders and former feedees who were projecting. To give an example of other communities, it's the problem some bisexuals have of "Am I attracted because I want to be with them or is it because I want to be like them?" You can see it in gay clubs and even normal clubs where alot of people will dress in a style that doesn't suit them because they're attracted to that type.

>This applies to anything else where theres a split between your IRL desires and online habits.>>14667
You sound like a sissy little pussy bitch of a man.
I thought fat chicks and feedism were only an online porn thing for me, until that one time that my girl ate a bit too much sushi, then my brain went goblin mode looking at the food baby.
People who dabble in fat chicks and marry skinny are the reason why people like me have so much work cut out for themselves. Treating fat women as a secret shame (the whole moped thing) makes them doubtful of people who genuinely want to be with them. Fucks with their self worth.
It was a thing very early in my dating years, when I was still ashamed of myself. I got over it and married a fat woman who knows what I'm into. It's worked out well for me.

My two cents is that if you're only dating skinny women because you think other people will make fun of you for dating fat women, then eventually your dating choices are going to make you miserable. If you marry a skinny woman secretly hoping she'll get fat, you'll resent your partner if she never does and ruin both of your lives.

I vote for just dating fat women if that's what you're attracted to. Life is too short to deal with shit like that.
Some fat girls will at least come to terms with the fact that there are guys who are actually into fat girls in more than a strictly sexual way. Just takes time to get there, but the end reward is worth it.
That's pretty much every relationship I've had. At the beginning they sort of suspend disbelief, telling themselves I'm a guy who doesn't care about size, or I'm turned on by their inner soul or whatever. Then they realize how much I'm focusing on their fattest parts during sex, stuff like back and arm fat, or their bellies, and sooner or later they notice the other women I look at, and maybe find out about other women I've dated, and it dawns on them that •maybe• I have a "preference"... I let them bring it up and I answer fairly honestly, though I've never let anyone know about my feeder fantasies or other fat-related kinks. Though eventually they figure those out too... lol
would be embarrassing being with some fatty lol
tiny penis energy
I'm a non-fat girl who's been obsessed with obese girls as long as I can remember, and your post made a lot of sense to me, but I have trouble imagining that too many men on here secretly want to be fat
Last nation i expected to be on here was a Cypriot wow. Khristos anesti!
Oh haha, I don't actually live here. I was born and raised in North America, I just come here in the summer because my parents/family are from here.

Αληθώς ανέστη Αμερικάνικε μου φίλε

ha, that would be me. I'd love to pig out and get fat but It'd be impractical for my job/lifestyle so I tend to seek out/feed the bigger women or bigger dudes in my life

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