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Hey dudes, I've jumped onto Feabie in the hopes of perusing a bit of a life goal of mine- having a dedicated, loving relationship with a BBW/SSBBW into feeding and gaining like your basic Dimensions Magazine story- and I'm hoping to tighten up my profile to get the best options. Basically? My fear is that my profile comes off as "too generic" in a sea of just dudes, especially with a site that has a base like Feabie's where half the women see me potentially as a buyer first- or worse, that they begin chatting with me and find out I have WAY more personality than my profile let up on. So I have tons of questions, if you guys and gals have been successful- namely:
1) Some women have their deep desires RIGHT out there, and I know Feabie has general "fetish" categories it lumps people into. AS A MAN, should I even consider going that hard since it's a fetish site? Or just leave "Feeder, looking for a woman into gaining" as my descriptor instead with maybe some flowery wordplay?
2) How do people typically chat? Do you just post BS on someone's wall, or do women prefer Private messages?
3) As a guy, I've started doing the proper thing for attention- shitposting, trying to have meaningful discussions, and generally posting "interesting" daily things while not looking like a Coomer. What else can I do for more attention from the women on the platform? I have avatar and personal pictures of classes and other things with other women in them.

Let me know if you want me to provide better pictures of my full profile- anonymity is something I prize, but I can pull some bullshit with censoring that should make it okay. So I guess... general dating advice thread?
>>14516 (OP)
Nice to see such enthusiasm. I'd recommend removing the trauma stuff, I'd immediately assume there's something wrong with whoever wrote that which is not the impression you want to convey I assume.
Feabie is a very difficult site as I'm sure you'll soon find out so don't be perturbed.
>>14516 (OP)
>AS A MAN, should I even consider going that hard since it's a fetish site? Or just leave "Feeder, looking for a woman into gaining" as my descriptor instead with maybe some flowery wordplay?
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking here, but for guys, going super hard on the fetish side of things can weird out women, who may interpret it as being more about viewing them as a fetish than as a person. It's a good idea to mention it, but not making the main focus. Your profile seems to do this well enough.
>How do people typically chat? Do you just post BS on someone's wall, or do women prefer Private messages?
A combination of both. Outside of women with ~500+ followers, women will usually at least read your message, even if they may not respond. I've had similar degrees of success with both.
>As a guy, I've started doing the proper thing for attention- shitposting, trying to have meaningful discussions, and generally posting "interesting" daily things while not looking like a Coomer. What else can I do for more attention from the women on the platform? I have avatar and personal pictures of classes and other things with other women in them.
I'd say keep your posting frequency in moderation. Doing so too frequently may come off as being a bit too desperate for attention, as is the case for women on there as well. Like with point one, don't make everything fetish-related, and you should be okay on that front. Past that, as a guy, you're not gonna get a whole lot of attention from women, you have to generally take the first shot. DEFINITELY don't say "message me" if you run out of first messages, either. Just wait till you get more messages.

Overall, I'd say your profile is in a pretty decent spot, and covers most of the bases, though I have two major grievances. The first is what >>14518 said about the trauma thing. That can easily be a red flag if it's just out there for everyone to see, and is something that's probably best saved for when you actually meaningfully connect with someone. The second is your uncertainty of what you're looking for in a relationship. Do spend some time thinking about that further, and update that part of your About Me accordingly.
you come across really sincere, which isn't inherently a bad thing, but I definitely think you seem like you're trying a little hard. that might work for you, tbh when I was on feabie I swung the other way and just did the whole aloof shitposter thing and I got nudes from half the power users on there and got laid a few times. different approaches work, just be yourself and keep your expectations low. if you take care of yourself and don't cross obvious boundaries you're already ahead of most of the field.
>casual sex

kys coomer (inb4 "look where we are") you will answer for having no morals
>>14516 (OP)
Leave feabie. The women are there for money only. If they are there to date and single: their standards are sky high and most have already decided they are not feedee material.
Just be in shape, date overweight women or skinny women who aren’t shy about eating and have real ass self esteem (feabie girls dont). Tell them in the first month in the least creepy man at possible. I’ve found model looking women who put on 100+ lb for me off apps/the bar.
I've been completely unsuccessful on this site in the past, and have given up using the site for the past 1.5 years. Against my better judgement I'm tempted to jump back in, and have another crack at it.

What do you guys use for your pictures? Do you just upload the exact same kind of thing you'd post on Hinge or bumble, or do you do anything differently?
I mean, yeah, same pics as you'd use anywhere. put your best foot forward. post pics of you out in public (blur your friends' faces if necessary) or just doing interesting things to go along with a couple good selfies.
Dude if you can’t get obese pussy on tinder/pof you won’t be getting it on feabie.
This. On Feabie there is a lot more competition, as almost all of the guys on there are into fat chicks. On a regular dating site you have less competition, as most of the men will only be chasing the slim women.
Not necessarily true, swipe apps sort you into different bands of attractiveness based on how much people swipe on you. Obviously corresponding with what's considered conventionally attractive because that's what most people are into. So if you're a good-looking enough guy you can essentially never be shown fat chicks to swipe on. Whereas on feabie you can see everyone.

Technically true, but the guys on feabie are way weirder and uglier than the guys on regular dating apps because fetishism correlates with certain traits. So in practice the level of competition is the same.
Hahaha as if fat chicks aren’t fucking tall and built guys casually. Find a fat chick irl, if you can’t it’s you.
-nah man, feabies full of loser men who can’t get pussy and beg for it where women sell content. If youre at a site full of simps and losers you might be one.
> swipe apps sort you into different bands of attractiveness based on how much people swipe on you
There are dating sites/apps that aren't swiper apps. I had quite a lot of success on OkCupid, as it relied on personality match percentages, rather than swiping. Met my last two girlfriends on there (both 300lb+, and the first one being into feederism), and I am by no means a looker.

> guys on feabie are way weirder and uglier than the guys on regular dating apps
I don't believe this for a second, I've seen the types of messages my female friends receive on those apps, it's just as bad as Feabie.
I applaud your enthusiasm & respect your grit, but from personal experience less is more (ESPECIALLY when it comes to online dating) I’ve had much more success when I have little effort, have a relatively empty profile & just staying true to myself. Basically, the less you put out (keep in mind you’ve still gotta be witty & assertive) the more you’ll pull in 👌 with that said, you do you my dude!
>>14628 Gee tthanks mister, tthat was the best advice ever given to me.
Main poster is delusional.
Whines he’s too attractive to be matched with fat chicks on tinder, thinks he’s gonna pull on feabie as a simp incel.
If you can’t have success on feabie then you’re probably not considered attractive by most of the women there. I’m a pretty conventionally attractive man and that’s what 90% of women on feabie want, and I’ve never had problems or issues meeting up with women from there.

If you’re ugly then you’re ugly, accept it and move on. It’s impossibly easy to get chicks on there so if you’re having trouble then make yourself better dude
Avoid doing any sort of online feeding prior to meeting up to sift through those that are just there for money and don't want anything real
I get very few matches on normie dating app/sites too, so this is entirely possible.
I'll try to get some better pictures of myself, but I'm not gonna lose sleep over it.
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Okay, I've removed the trauma discussions and I've opened up what I'm looking for in someone. Hopefully I'll be getting more chances for better pictures, right now most pics I've taken or had taken, have been at family functions and are older one's i've kind of "curated".
Good to know you've used both PM and wall posts. Is it common to "follow" people? I feel like it's really a manner to know when they make videos and picsets you can buy.

I'm considering starting an OkayCupid too, but I think 3 is my practical limit of dating apps I can keep an eye on.

Good point, I'll keep that in mind.

Doing it right now. I've never fed anyone, so it's something I'd need coaching and patience in.
I'm not the OP. I have found fat chicks IRL and on feabie, but have a much harder time doing so on tinder. I think my reasoning makes sense — the tier sorting is a confirmed feature of the app — but if your experience is different that's ok too.

OKCupid uses a swipe system now. I think all mainstream dating apps do nowadays, they're all owned by the same parent company.
>just as bad
I'm sure they can be just as bad at the margin but I maintain that the average feabie guy is worse. Normal apps don't have the "soooooo sexy, sensual, seductive ballooning fat" guy and that freakish strabismus "welcome." guy posting on basically every single new profile.
I have gotten super bored and paid for unlimited swipes on tinder a couple times, and there really aren't a lot of fat girls on there. I mean, you see plenty of frumpy out of shape losers and thicc girls, but in my experiences I've only seen a handful of full-fledged ssbbw types. I did meet a 400-pound fuckbuddy on there but I feel pretty lucky about it.
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Wanted to give an update here lads, just in case anyone wondered where I had fucked off too since I made the thread or what your skelly friend has done since the architect thread got auto-deleted. I'm fighting through my first week of COVID now, so I have the time to slap a bit of a thread here.

Your skeletal friend here has been filling the void left by facebook's ilk using Feabie, and the site has really led to a lot of realizations about where I live, personal details, and how it measures compared to other sites. I've been using feabie maybe 30mins each day progressively making a handful of friends off of it, and I have to say it really is FAR better than any other "plus size" dating I've used like WooPlus- I can honestly say, just get a fucking feabie if you're single and add it to the Parthenon including your tinder. Everyone knows why you're there, so just put you're best foot forward and talk about how great fat chicks are. At this point, I don't even bother with Wooplus and I'll probably uninstall it soon.

What feabie has made me realize though is pretty funny- that I'll probably leave my state soon. I know this sounds like the WILDEST thing, but it's not because I suddenly hit it off with someone and I'm planning on leaving; it's because I'm recognizing a lot of strange behaviors with people in my midwestern state (think around the region of Nebraska-Iowa-Kansas-Missouri) that I had also been told about it from friends of mine. The problem is that people here are REALLY non-committal and oddly clannish; my first experience with it, was when I was forced out of an EMS job into a local hospital ER (a big, wild story) where I'd still see my old coworkers routinely at least 2x a week as they brough in new cases. It was about 6 weeks later that i'd basically dropped off the earth to them, regardless of whom was also fired at the same time I was. Because I was no longer "in the club" I was just no longer talking to, despite the very few differences between nursing and EMS. I bring this up, because I saw similar problems trying to date in this region- the FWB i'm with has been the unicorn here, because the ~10 other women off wooplus that began talking to me have all done the same things; chat with me over the app, ask for my number, and then never communicate after. Ether. And this has been repeated to my other friends too, who also get women interested in them literally until they show commitment; it's fucking weird, and shows me why my heavily republican state has a massive population of swingers.

So far in my ~2 months being on, I've had 3 women send me offers for private access, chatted with several over whatever (mostly aspiring model types) and I'm hoping to actually be friends with some of the more obvious shitposters. I've also made other male friends there, which is a benefit versus places like wooplus where you have no chance of doing so. Biggest limitations so far, is my lack of game and lack of events where I could get current pictures taken- punk shows are bad for that, if you're the right kind of fan and spend it all in the pit (where I got COVID, natch).

Hope my post finds you all well
And also, shoutout to based Yeezy supporter in New York. For some reason, I feel like I'll make their day knowing this wierdo in the heartland remembers their anonymous posts from that cool politics thread we had.
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Hey Skellybro, you guessed right! Posted up for some recreational internet after a long weekend, cool to refresh /gen/ and see your post.

I'm glad you're finding success on Feabie. I've been in a relationship since before it existed so I've never used it to actually interact with people, but I did have a grayface account for a long time just to check out the scene. Nice to hear it's not as bad in DMs as the dumpster fire on the newsfeed makes it look.

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