
Bro you’re not allowed guns in Australia why you here
Love the camouflage, blends in well with your hidden swastika lino.
Under no pretext
>>14439 (OP)
wtf is this gay ass shit doing on here i wana see fat asses and tits dude wtf
playing with guns often seems like something a child would do, like playing with blocks or striking things with a tree branch

how those cartels treatin ya, mexibro?
There has been criticism by opponents of NAFTA about it helping the cartels. Supposedly the farmers who could not compete with our massive corn subsidies and turned to the cartels for money.
that is incredibly depressing. imagine being so down bad you ask fucking cartels for help! this is the 21st century equivalent of getting a loan from the mob because a corporation killedmyour mom & pop store smh
It's true that children do seem to have an innate sense of things that are fun. Meanwhile we, as adults, often restrict ourselves from things we might like to do - even for just a few moments amusement like stacking blocks.

Guns, bows, darts and other skill based 'projectile' sports are indeed fun. Hitting a target is great. Taking out a line of bottles or cans can be so satisfying.

Thank you for your wholesome post about the joys of childhood that clearly wasn't trying to be snarky.
>american thinks guns are gay
let me guess, commiefornia?

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