
(216 KB, 1505x992, wls.jpg)
Hi all,

I tend to go for girls in the mid-200s range because I enjoy the weight gain process and that's the sweet spot for me for being able to watch a girl grow while still being attracted to her the whole time.

Here's my problem: between 300-350 pounds, they all get WLS. I spend years of my life and tens of thousands of dollars fattening these bitches up, and they elect to get a surgery to stop themselves from overeating. Sure, in ~5 years they are back to gaining, but that period where they are rapidly deflating... rapidly deflates my dick. We don't last. We get some serious relationship problems and we breakup somewhere between 200 and 150 pounds.

This has happened to me with four girls, starting in 2008. My newest girl just hit 300 and her favorite "influencers" recently got WLS and are "glowing" and "happy" SMH. Fuck Alexandra Rodriguez, AKA "LearningToBeFearless. I chose my newest bitch because she was against WLS and now she's talked about it every day for a fucking month. I see what's in our future.

What can I do? This shit sucks. All I want is a bitch that continues to gain for the rest of our lives, even if it's only 10 pounds a year.
>>14376 (OP)
> All I want is a bitch that continues to gain for the rest of our lives
If this isn’t a LARP, your problem seems clear. You treat these women like lard factories, not like humans. They start to feel the toll on their bodies and they see that they’re just an object to you. A lifelong relationship should be built on love first, and fetish second.
I also suspect that these women are not genuine feedees. Many chubby girls (and boys) find the community and are overwhelmed with attention that they never received in the real world. Being fed, spoiled and fawned over is euphoric, not because they really share the kink, but because an emotional void is being filled. Reality is a cruel mistress though - once their knees start hurting, their clothing options become limited, their heart starts thumping harder, that’s the limit. Someone who wants to gain because they’ve been obsessed with fat since childhood will accept, and maybe even welcome those changes.
OP - treat women like people, have an open an honest conversation about your wants and desires early in your relationship, and accept that sometimes health has to come first. Otherwise enjoy being bitter and alone in old age.
I've tried being open about it at the start, but is scares bitches off right away. The only ones left are already 400+ pounds, which is nice for a one night stand, but the most important part of the relationship to me is not how fat they are but watching them grow. It's a lot harder to notice a 400 pounder hitting 450 than it is to see 250 hitting 300.
You need to work on making your baitposting more credible, friend. Consistently referring to women as "bitches" in every single sentence is a tell, and you've done it in several OPs now.
yeah, this guy also needs to vary it up a bit.

>>14376 (OP)
stop posting the exact same scenarios withe the same attitude in each one. maybe next post you can pretend to be the woman wanting wls or be mad that your girl is just going to the gym. make the feeder control fantasies more subtle and sympathetic to get more responses. responding sincerely to obvious RPers is boring af
I do refer to women as bitches too often, and I have made many a bait posts here on bbw-chan.

However, this is real. My (ex) girl told me today that she made an appointment with a WLS specialist: Dr. Albert Wetter.

I freaked out. I hung up on her, then texted her a break-up diatribe. I am sincerely asking for advice because my life is in the gain, but I do want to eventually start a family. Getting a new gf every 2-3 years would be fine if it wasn't for my basal need to start a family.

Fuck my life.
>I've tried being open about it at the start, but is scares bitches off right away.
Yeah because you're a retarded fetishist. You're a subhuman autist.
This is obviously a troll thread as others have said, but for any anons that read this that are in a situation with their SO getting WLS I will say this: if you love this person you will support them through this process. If you can’t bear the thought of them losing weight then just do yourselves both a favor and end it.

I will say this though, as someone who’s girlfriend was huge and had WLS and stuck it out it’s not all bad. In my girls case she went from borderline SSBBW to BBW, her low was like 240lbs. She’s been steadily regaining the past few years because she absolutely hates exercise and never really addressed her eating habits, so she’s gained back nearly 70lbs and I have no doubt she’ll be back to her original weight in a few years, and this was without me doing anything sneaky like some assholes post about, don’t do that.

Tldr: if you love a woman that’s getting WLS then stick it out and support her. Chances are she’ll end up regaining because many people who don’t address the underlying reasons that made them huge in the first place will relapse and go back to being huge within a few years
Okay, I get you. Since I want to stay with the same girl to start a family, I can stay with her even once she gets the WLS because they'll hit their lowest weight rather quickly, which may even be in the range that I look for new mates, then we get to re-experience the gain all over again without throwing away all the points you built up by spoiling her for so many years.

This is amazing. I can't believe I didn't see it from that angle. I guess we are all pretty dumb sometimes, huh?

Oh well. Thanks for the advice. I'll try to repair things with my ex. Maybe we can delay the surgery by not meeting the weight loss goals if I really want to see her hit high numbers in the next 5 years. Thanks, man.
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>Someone who wants to gain because they’ve been obsessed with fat since childhood will accept

This is the real kicker and fear of mine, honestly. This fetish feels like a curse, like a Mark of Cain, as it often restricts the dating pool so much (as if autism so common online especially with fetish stuff already doesn't do that). I've met women who have been "branded" with being into fat since childhood and it's an awesome spark, but then the age-old problem of basing a relationship around a fetish rears its horns.

It's like you have to pray for a literal miracle, the diamond in the rough, that one woman who just so happens to have a messed-up brain like yours (and messed up in JUST the right way!) to have always loved fat, or at least the potential to "awaken" to the fetish. "Normal" compatible women can "awaken" to the adipophilia too, but it's also a very rare case to be genuine. I feel bad for the atheists with the fat fetish who can only rely upon pure chance, if they're not happy with settling with a good woman who can tolerate their fudged neural mapping.

P.S. And rarest of all is the woman who has the pure love for adipose tissue, and isn't just in it for tiddies and ass, or is a lesbian, or insane in unsalvageable ways. You are extremely blessed if you manage to find a qt who is on the same wavelength as you, like lottery level.
Romania worst country
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>This fetish restricts the dating pool so much
If I want to look at some gigantic asses I'd just read the replies on this imageboard! C'mon!

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