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Let’s be honest, most of us are all about “the bigger, the better” (myself included) however more recently I’m becoming to accept that may not always be true. Long story short, I’ve been dating this MUCH bigger gal… she just turned 20, is just under 5’ tall & last weighed it right around 490 lbs (just shy of a 100 BMI)

Sounds like the dream, right? Wrong. While I find myself incredibly attracted to her, I cannot help but feel a bit guilty about it as well. For example, we can’t walk more than a block without her becoming extremely winded & needing to find sit down somewhere. Her breathing at night is also concerning (especially given the fact she refuses to wear a CPAP) clothes shopping is a bitch since most places don’t carry size 32+ 🙄 lastly, while I’ve always admired women with big appetites, this is the first one I’ve met who can consume 5000 calories in one sitting & still be “starving” less than an hour later.

Despite all of this, I’m still madly attracted to her clearly & she’s also sweet as a peach which helps. My question is if any of you guys have dealt with similar situations and/or have any additional advice. Thanks in advance & hope y’all have a solid weekend!
No because I don’t date ssbbws. I keep it as a fantasy for a reason.
>>14283 (OP)
help her to eat healthier foods and keep taking her to walks, not to put her on a diet, but do not let her to just stuff her face with oreos and bagels, get her to eat some avocados, walnuts and almonds here and there, increase the use of olive oil. you don't want her to die at 30. if she's as sweet as you say, she shouldn't have a problem with a little encouragement to at least not keep worsening her condition. Seems you have a good thing going on with her, so I think a little healthcare wouldn't hurt.

Unless you want to end with something like Echo in your house, to which I would say, get help.
>>14283 (OP)
If she's close to 500 pounds and she's not even legal drinking age, it's incredibly apparent she never learned proper health, diet, and fitness. Or if she did, she never actually tried it for longer than a week. You need to be the adult here.

Have a frank talk with her, bring up that you think the two of you should start eating better, start cooking at home more often and save the 5000 calorie meals for a weekly (or biweekly) date night. Added benefit - you start saving a little money too. She needs to build up strength and stamina YESTERDAY - in my experience, fat girls love swimming so get her a swimsuit and find a pool, be it your own/a friend's/YMCA/public pool. She might feel embarrassed but be her emotional support and reassure her. Start by taking walks with her (weather should be warming up) every day, going a little further each time. Maybe around the block without stopping can be a goal, but no shame in down to the corner and back to start.

She's not going to get healthier overnight, but then again she didn't eat herself to a triple digit BMI overnight either. If she starts building muscle she can handle her heft a lot better. Keep doing what you're doing and you're going to need to start shopping for mobility scooters and bariatric shower chairs.

Of course, if you want to ignore all this advice, we're going to demand pics. Short blobs are a godsend.

At the very least, helping her to lose some weight would absolve you of some guilt. 98% of diets fail so most likely nothing would change, and you'd at least be able to tamp down your little voice by saying you tried.
This is why you just fuck women that big but date around the 250-350 range
20 years old and almost 500 at 5’0? Bro be real she’s already dead
Tbh, I only seriously date women within a healthy weight range
Get her a will writing kit for her 21st!
Homo here, hope it's OK if I chime in outside of /bhm/. About six months ago I started dating a guy who's in the lower 500s (at least, he hasn't been on a scale in a while), and the cognitive dissonance is real. On one hand, he's the hottest guy I've ever had and the sex is out of this world. He's not a gainer but we met on Grommr and he's down for most of the kink stuff that I want to do. He's one of the biggest guys in the area and I feel like I'm hooking up with the prom king. Seriously I get rock hard just watching him wobble when he gets out of his car when we meet up, and when we bang I cum harder than I ever have in my life. He's a really sweet guy too and I've started to develop feelings for him.

On the other hand, the guilt I feel is insane. He's 30 and I'm 33. I've been trying to help him get more active but doing anything beyond going to a movie with him is scary. We went to a small museum recently and we had to stop and sit every few minutes. Sweat was pouring down his forehead by the time we left and I know he was embarrassed even though he didn't say anything. I have to ask for a table at restaurants since booths just don't work. All the standard problems that are really hot when you're jerking off but are quite another thing when you care about someone. Not to mention how horrible I feel after we both finish and I'm looking at his body. He has severely darkened skin in all of his folds and between his thighs. He gets sores and welts really easily, his feet are so big he can't lace up his shoes, and his breathing gets so ragged that I try to do all the work when we hook up because I don't want him to be uncomfortable.

Like >>14302 said, promoting physical fitness is important, but there's only so much you can do. Especially when you don't live together and you both work full time. I've been encouraging him to take walks around his building and I try to pick active dates that are within his abilities when we go out. But that's not enough for him to make it to 40. He really needs to drop some weight, even if it makes my penis sad. However he seems to have no interest in cleaning up his diet, quitting soda, etc. What's worse is that I know he's an emotional eater and I'm sure deep down he hates how big he is, even though he puts on a confident act. And that part of him is the sexiest thing in the world to me. I really hate this fetish and I don't have a good solution. Hopefully some other anons do.

If our relationship keeps going the way it has been I might just have to have an honest conversation about it and really press him to lose. But I know that he knows that I'll find him less attractive and I don't want him to feel that way. I hate this fetish :(. I think myself and OP just have to rip the band-aid off and have a hard conversation with our partners and really push them to make the changes they need.
Post pics of her
I truly appreciate all the honest & helpful replies. This is sadly the only outlet I have without worrying about getting ridiculed or called a troll. The fact of the matter is my conflicted feelings towards all of this escalated suddenly this past week or so despite the fact we’ve been dating for damn near half a year (of which she’s managed to put on 40ish lbs since she was exactly 440 when we started dating. I don’t know what flip switched, but I went from being madly physically into her sheer size and wanting to see her grow even more.

However, now I feel like I’m at the ultimate crossroads. Had I not caught some feelings for her this wouldn’t even be an issue, or if she were a bitchy type it wouldn’t phase me either (spoiler alert she’s a sweetheart) point being, these past few months I’ve helped give her newfound confidence, but also enabled her too… and now I’m not entirely sure how to break it to her that things may need to change, I’m just not sure how she’ll take it since she’ll think I fed her a lie this entire time (no pun intended)

Anyway, thanks again guys for listening to my tedious Ted talks. This isn’t easy for me to discuss, but I do appreciate all the thought out replies & will keep them in mind!
Pics or lying
…really now? 🙄
Currently dating a girl at 19 who's at a good 400 pounds. I have had the same observations, however I don't feel guilt about it. It's just so hot that barely getting out of the house is enough for her to get extremely heavy breathing. Only annoying thing is that her breathing is really loud while sleeping. I guess I feel a bit guilty about not feeling any guilt.
So I'm going sorta against the consensus here, but I would just say talk to her. Like legitimate.

Say you find her physically attractive and like her presence so that makes you worried about her health and you have some tips you got to maybe be more healthy.
You could also recommend doing bigger meals more rarely to be special events.

If she says she is not worried or you talk and a different approach is presented be open to it she's her own person and can make decisions.

I think just communication that you find her attractive and want her to be healthy (at least within reason) would be fine and give you an idea if you should be working about her.

Confirmed role playing
>>14283 (OP)
Assuming this isn't larp how do people end up with women like this anyway?

They're not on dating apps, I don't see them in public or work etc.

Maybe it's just where I'm from but it feels like the likelyhood of me ever ending up with a woman like that is next to none. I'm fairly autistic so I'm bad with women generally, but I can at least envision a scenario where I'd date a more normal sized woman.
>>14283 (OP)
Damn bro, describe to us what she looks like
it's less a harsh reality and more an inconvenience, but I have a 400 pound fuckbuddy who I hate taking out in public because of how damn slow she walks.
That’s part of the enjoyment. The stares in public from how absolutely gigantic they’ve let themselves become.
You have statistically higher chances than me at least.

I knew about this girl because a long time ago this random classmate of mine was dating her and I kinda always kept her in mind, and a while after they broke up I DM'd her. That being said I know she was active on dating apps too, and while I haven't seen the pics she used I doubt she managed to hide her double chin.
>>14283 (OP)
>she’s also sweet as a peach which helps. My question is if any of you guys have dealt with similar situations and/or have any additional advice.

I'm shocked you're not me. I'm not sure how heavy my girl is, but she's in the SSBBW tier and she's got problems walking short blocks too. So far tho, I'm not too sure what to do quite yet either.
Scooter. You're gonna buy her a scooter
Oh God definitely this. In my case she's only 340 and 5ft4, but fucking hell I wish she'd hurry up.
Blobs are also cheaper to feed if they're shorter. They look fatter with less weight ;)
Lol what is this cringe larp
>>14283 (OP)
Cook all her meals for her. Fill them with sugar and fat. Make sure she always has snacks nearby and only drinks sugary drinks like soda. Introduce her to cannabis if she doesn't already smoke. Make feeding her and pampering her your full time job. You're living the dream, man. Maybe you can get her to 1000 pounds! 20 is hella young, so she's bound to keep getting fatter, especially if you indulge her every craving!

Not really sure how this is even a question. Just expect a shortened life unless she wants to lose weight, that's the harsh reality.
The one australian guy on bbw chan who happens to be THE MOST obnoxious guy isnt a good look for down under
my gf and i met like 2 years ago and since then she’s gained ~170 lbs. it’s so much different lol we rarely go out, she smokes a lot and literally eats a pint of Ben and Jerry’s every time I’m with her, literally watched a feedee form before my eyes

There's at least two of us here. Probably more. And I doubt either of us care what you think of "down under"
Shorter lifespan is a big one. Didn't a SSBBW just recently die too?

So yeah, not a fan with helping someone slowly kill themselves. Especially with Insurance not covering this shit when it happens.
19 år og 180kg? Damn, den er unik. Lucky you.
My current girlfriend of 4 months is in a similar situation. When we met she was 5'3 and ~420 pounds, nice and short, now she's 5'0 and approaching 600 pounds. We have sex three times a day and it's orgasmic heaven every single time. As for her body it is perfection: huge hanging belly, huge tits, wide hips and a big ass. She eats anything and everything I give her last night she literally ate 17 pizzas. And as for her personality, she is as sweet as a peach, as in literally, if you lick her she actually tastes like a peach, I dont just mean that as in the saying "sweet as a peach." She's my angel and I love her so much. The only harsh reality is that it all just seems to good to be true, and I can't tell if im halluciating and losing my fucking mind or not, cause ive been jerking off for so many years. Help?!?!??
Oh and I forgot to mention that she just turned 21, her BMI is 200, she gets winded just from getting up off the couch and she's into every single hyper specific fetish that I'm into

Pics or larp
I booked an SSBBW escort, had never fucked a chick this huge before. It was my first time with an escort, too.

TBH I got a little nervous, and I have a pretty avg dick (5.5-6in), but I literally couldn't get inside her pussy because of how fucking enormous her ass, belly, and thighs were.

I lost my boner because I felt bad about not being able to get inside and was generally nervous. Tried doggy and missionary, but I was just fucking fat folds.

Anyone have any tips on actually getting to the pussy?
Also, this was prolly a hygiene issue for the escort, but the pussy stank and def did not help. Made me feel dirty, and despite using a condom washed my dick as soon as we were done.
Just one dude, asking what the best positions are for fucking an ssbbw and actually getting to the pussy. It's pretty hard, just looking for tips and tricks.

I've literally never been able to find an SSBBW to date so I tried this avenue out.

It feels like you legit need a 10in dick to get just your head in there without some special maneuvering.
Well personally, judging from my experience with my gf (420 lbs, 5'8"), the easiest way is from behind

Feel your way in and communicate (sounds weird but it's true)
Every big girl is even more different and folds and fupa are all big factors (pun intended)

From behind is the easiest because there's obviously no huge belly, fupa or upper leg fat folds in the way ;)

You gotta be all hard to get in properly and maybe need to push your little dude up a bit and then move forward a bit

You should be in there then even with an average sized dick whatever that is for you ;)
The chick I was with was probably 420 or higher but at 5'0".
She was super bottom heavy. I def need more experience with these bigger girls, this was insane.

I think I learned my lesson on escorts tho, I don't think it's for me.
My dick is the same size as yours. The fattest girl I've been with was 5'6", about 350lbs, somewhere between "pear" and "fat all over". I suppose the big difference (based on your description) was that her belly was relatively small compared to her arse and thighs.

Missionary was a bit tricky for two reasons. The first reason was her thighs were so fat that she found it hard to spread her legs wide enough for me to get it in. The second reason was she wasn't able to lift her hips to meet mine the way a slimmer girl can. The solution was to put a pillow under her arse. Seriously, it works. You might need to use two pillows depending on how big her arse is.

Doggystyle was the easiest, not just with her but with the other big girls I've fucked. I'm surprised it didn't work for you. My understanding (at least based on personal experience) is that it doesn't matter how fat she is, you can just pull her arse cheeks apart while you fuck her.
Going out for a meal and having to look at pictures of the restaurant to see if the chairs have arm rests.
Or if the chairs look like they're able to hold your gf
That's actually the first thing she does every time ;)
I was on a cruise and saw this gigantic girl do that every time she came to the main dining hall. Hot as fuck. Wish I could have said something to her.
I'm about 5.5 inches and I always have difficulty with doggy, but I'm a big dude and have a bit of belly to get in the way... so the easiest way for me has always been upright missionary where my knees are straddled underneath her hips and her butt is elevated a bit on a pillow. Size range that has worked for (for me) has been anywhere between 170 - 460 lbs. Again I'm not hung in any way but I can get pretty deep in that position.
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Perfect representation for people who are obsessed with morbid obesity.
Anyone got any tips for sleeping next to big girls?
They cause the bed to dip which hurts my spine
I think I need a new mattress.
>Let’s be honest, most of us are all about “the bigger, the better”
I stopped visiting this site because for a few years it was flooded with media of half ton blobs that were barely recognizable as human forms. Big? Check. Beautiful? Negative. Women? Indeterminate at that size. If you were to attempt intercourse with such a beast I suppose you could just stick your dick in between any of the folds and the buildup of sweat and dead skin would serve as lube. It became obvious that too many people here got off on the very sickness of it, not out of any admiration of beauty at all; just like freaks who are into bestiality or scat or tentacle rape. Give me a cute chubby chick over that any day. Emphasis on CUTE.

I came back and saw that this is no longer the case. Partitioning the SS was a good move.
>Let’s be honest, most of us are all about “the bigger, the better”
I stopped visiting this site because for a few years it was flooded with media of half ton blobs that were barely recognizable as human forms. Big? Check. Beautiful? Negative. Women? Indeterminate at that size. If you were to attempt intercourse with such a beast I suppose you could just stick your dick in between any of the folds and the buildup of sweat and dead skin would serve as lube. It became obvious that too many people here got off on the very sickness of it, not out of any admiration of beauty at all; just like freaks who are into bestiality or scat or tentacle rape. Give me a cute chubby chick over that any day. Emphasis on CUTE.

I came back and saw that this is no longer the case. Partitioning the SS was a good move.
Oh no, agreed. The split was perfect after the dust settled. I firmly believe in the second B in SSBBW so I endorse any gatekeeping on that part. Otherwise what's the fucking point to masturbate to any old fat thing? Just go to county fair in the Bible Belt and jack it in the stalls.

Bit annoying we have people that, even in the SSBBW chan, complain about girls getting too big. The fuck did you think was going to happen when Jackie or Adeline kept eating, huh?
Amen to that, the tolerance for ugly faces (Abby glazed, Haley the big noodle, etc etc) in SS is way too high

Get the Big Fig. It'll be a bit stiff if you aren't also larger, but that's better than dipping imo.
ROFL at Hayley being the best example you can come up with.
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>The fuck did you think was going to happen when Jackie or Adeline kept eating, huh?
My brain goes "memento mori" but then something sexy happens and I'm a slave to Eros :(
Positioning - liberator plus size sex wedge and ramp. Game changer.

Your fat partner already knows they are fat. Don't be a dumbass and call them out on it. All you can do is enjoy them for who they are. Decide for yourself if the trade offs fit in a long term relationship. If not, bow out, don't make everyone suffer trying to change a person.
The only person I was ever truly open with about this sexuality was a girl c. 450 lbs who I met through a friend at a party. Had never slept with a proper ssbbw before and it blew my mind. Met up with her after a few times and had mind blowing experiences. I used to wear her giant kimonos when I went out for a cigarette and they drowned me.
She was hard work though and we could never worked in real life.
After our time together she started as a fat burlesque dancer and she loved it.
I always hoped we'd meet up again and never got round to it and she passed away unexpectedly aged 27 recently. I don't know the full details but she obviously really didn't look after herself health wise. I was/am pretty sad about it and I often think about how I could never have a happily ever after with a hot ssbbw because of the health stuff
What other factors (besides her weight) to her health did you know of? Like did she drink a lot and eat worse-than-average unhealthy foods (like worse than the typical overweight person who just overeats too much but doesn’t necessarily eat super unhealthy foods constantly), or do drugs, smoke etc? Im genuinely curious as I don’t get how some 450+ people live longer than others.
Obviously a big factor is genetics so I’m not talking about that, just curious what other factors may have been involved
Also I’m not just trying to get health-focused or deathfeedist fat chat either, I’m genuinely just curious
When I say drugs I mean hard drugs that wear down on the cardiovascular system, not just weed, and when I said smoking I mean smoking cigarettes
Not sure if I’m supposed to be discouraged by these images or not
Fuсking hell, those two are far from the worst out there. They’re a bit weird looking, Abby more so, but I don’t mind either of them.

Vanilla Hippo, Thick_Sad_World, Tubby Toni…

Those three are absolute monsters and I honestly think anybody who wanks over them just needs to get it over with come out of the closet, and spare the rest of us the misery.
It is only a reality that you have to take care of the sweat and humidity of your ssbbw's rolls to have their skin healthy ...if that disgusts or terrorizes you only depends on your tastes ...in my humble opinion it is very sexy
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the need to have a bigger vehicle so the bigger girl is comfortable and can travel with you even when she grows fatter ...I have always wondered how you would make an ssbbw life better for a girl who is realy close to being immobile
when I recently traded in my car, I moved up to an SUV. never wanted one before, don't really need it, but if I can encourage my current gf to gain more, or if down the road I'm dating a 400+ lb hambeast, I want to be able to escort them in confory
"confory" being a special type of comfort reserved for spoiled fat pigs
>"confory" being a special type of comfort reserved for spoiled fat pigs
Sounds very cromulent.

>I have always wondered how you would make an ssbbw life better for a girl who is realy close to being immobile
Same. I 'm steadily making like a fanfic about that, just thinking of all the things (based on personal things I've seen) a +700lb woman would need to have a life outside of the home, outside of the obvious like wheelchair access in your car (likely an EV) and handrails everywhere.
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If you love USSBBW you should always keep in mind for mobility scooters or wheelchairs for her, the absurd amounts of food even if it is not a feedee in addition to the clothes that will be the most difficult thing to have or find for her
Truth, and the only post on this thread not cringe
>Make life easier if you’re USSBBW

Here is my personal running list, I’d be curious if other people have stuff to add
>Big fig mattress with HD frame
>Wide hallways/paths of travel in the home (especially useful for walkers or scooters at home)
>No armrests—instead wide firm seating options. Think banquette type seating
>Pool. Huge people love private pools because you can relax and be weightless
>Easy path to vehicle. Minimize walking and NO STEPS
>Wider doorways preferred
>Operable recliners to make it easy to get up and down
>Lipless shower for bathing. If you can just roll in and out of the shower without a lip, that’s ideal
>HD shower chairs. I have no idea why people on 600PL don’t use these. Shower hose extensions.
>Grab sticks and shower sticks
>Ramps instead of stairs, and preferably nothing more than a few inches
>Space around parking, to help with the in and out of vehicle
>Honestly, I find minivans to be pretty great vehicles because they are pretty adjustable, the door openings are big, and the seat height is more navigable. Easier to get help from different sides if you get stuck.
>Patience. When you’re really fat, it takes a long time to get ready for anything
>Air conditioning is non-negotiable when you’re really big

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