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Out of curiosity, what modifications to your home or equipment would you use to improve the quality of life for a woman whose weight has hindered their abilities to preform even the most basic of tasks? Whether it be for mobility, hygiene, and/or pleasure, how would you care for your beautiful living lump of lard? Because we got to show that we love them.
This was suggested in a previous thread, but if you were to fashion an entire house around being fatass friendly, you should stick to bungalows.
This is imo the best way for tackling acessability, as stairs, except for maybe the cellar, are nonexistant.
And the benefit for throwing additional floors in the dumpster, is that you might even have some budget left to install a pool.
Hope one day I can put all of this theory into praxis
What is this and how does it help. And are you sure you linked the correct video, I'm for some reason looking at some kind of surgery
>>14206 coming in so hot and edgy I got cut and burned. Hahaha
Diamond-hard thinking about the very existence of this, thanks for the link.
It's a device to enable surgery on extremely fat people by lifting their stomach, that the UK anon suggested could be used for sex as well.
>>14199 (OP)
Every supersized woman covets a bidet. They're weird at first but once you get used to it you realize they should be standard equipment in every lavatory, whatever your size.
I installed a bidet right before my wife got too fat to really clean herself, it’s been very helpful. You can get ones that bolt right on to the toilet, they’re like $50 or something. Once you have one it’s hard to go back to just wiping.
Hope I’m not prying too much by asking, at what weight did your wife start having problems cleaning herself?
Asking this too, cause my wife is just 240lbs and she's already complaining about that
And what kind of bidet model you have. My wife already have an ass a lot wider than the toilet seat, so I wonder how she would have acces to the control unit next to the seat

I solved that problem by getting the fancy bidet with a separate remote control.
Fiancee is currently between 450-500 at about 5'3". I'll just throw a few things out. She has a shower chair. Bidets in all bathrooms. She lives on the main floor since going up and down the stairs is getting very challenging. I help her maintain her body hair and occasionally dry off after the shower if she's not up to it. Lately she's asked for help getting in and out of the main shower, so a pull bar is in the works. We have a shower wand. In the next year or so, we have plans to upgrade her car since she's struggling to get in and out of her sedan. We've discussed purchasing a scooter instead of just renting them or using the low-quality ones in the stores. We have a Big Fig mattress. Basically, if you want to live the life, it takes patience, understanding, constant reassurance, and cash. Shit ain't cheap fellas.

May I ask how old you guys are? Me and my girlfriend are in our mid 20s and she’s finding it hard to stand in the shower already. Although she’s 6ft and 350 lbs. What do you use for the shower chair?

Any recommendations or advice you’re willing to share?
Shower chairs up to 500 lbs are inexpensive and widely (npi) available.
I’m 35 and she’s 33.
Got a 360 pound fiancé. Honestly the best thing I got her was a wider desk chair, as she spends a lot of time on our desktop. I’ll echo everything that’s been said about bidets; it’s just better in general.

Eventually I’m going to invest in a big dig mattress (our current one is fine, but I want something designed specifically for obese people). A deep-set couch is also something to consider so a woman can sit further back as she gets bigger.

We don’t need anything for mobility or a shower bench, yet. I’d like to get her a shower bench (not a fan of her standing too much, in addition to her job), but our current shower can’t easily fit one. Honestly, I want to go gradual but keep her comfortable. Helps ease them into it.

Yes, I’m enabling her instead of outright feeding her.
Walk-in shower is preferable, especially oversized. Shower chairs are super helpful.

Oh, and those grab extenders. They help with not getting up as much, but also with being able to reach in areas around the house that are harder when you’re really big.
Can you point me to some good wider office chairs? My fiancée is 420lbs and works from home. Also been looking at a Big Fig with adjustable base for both of us.

Anyone know which Liberator would be best for a woman with a larger belly and thighs in the 400-500 range? Equus Wave maybe?
A hospital bed
And 7.3 lb best bang for your buck for oxygen

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