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Alright /gen/, I need to know this, and I can't find any information on the subject

If you had a girl / was a girl / whatever

How do you get body fat to distribute to the preferred parts of your body?
I know genetics has a lot to do with it, but I also know what type of food and how you eat affects it too
I.E. excessive carbs eaten quickly will go to your midsection and leave you with a flat ass and give you a Beer Belly, so I know to a certain extant the way and what you eat affects where the fat goes

Any experts? I hear grazing with a varied diet without excessive carbs gives the best form but I have no idea, not to mention what kind of food best distributes to what parts of the body and whatever

Like for example, if you wanted to recreate a hyper pear ass (within your genetic capability) how would you feed / eat to get there?
Even pear shaped women can grow a belly if they gain rapidly and eat lots of transfats/carbs/sugar, but growing a booty and thick thighs is quite difficult if you don't have the genes for it. I've never heard of any tricks to grow your booty other than maca root but I am doubtful it works. Most women have to do lots of squats and grow it by building their muscles.

If you're not a pear naturally, you'd have to gain a significant amount of weight to get wide hips and a huge ass. Like 300-400+ lbs
>>14142 (OP)

In the Architect thread I posted some information that i've found so we can review and experiment if possible. it got no traction, but if you are interested in reading about it. Here: >>13087 (Cross-thread)
Different foods, or how food is consumed, will not affect weight distribution. This is a myth. It's all genes and hormones.
>>14142 (OP)
Yeah, head over to his >>14145 thread and start reading. There's potential basically for some impressive bodymodding, but only if you have the same will and goals as bodybuilders.
I won't lie, I would ask a woman I'm with if she wanted to read and try the Miss Mad Scientist's method for growing her breasts naturally, but that's because I have an unhealthy love of udderly massive tits lmao
>>14142 (OP)
Apologies since it's unrelated but I have to ask, does anyone know the name of the woman in the image?
her ig is haileythebigfatnoodle iirc
Alright here goes my absolute DREAM girl:
For starters, 5’6-5’7 ish and a pretty/ somewhat thin face of course (not completely devoid of fat but little to no double chin).
For her body: I love it when girls are deceptively fat. What I mean by this is when they’re wearing clothing they just look at little thicker than average but when they strip down you realize they’re easily 200+ (I draw the line at 290 personally, in my perfect world I’d have a gf who’s big but I can still go out and do a bunch of fun stuff with). Anyway, her body itself is in the shape ouf an hourglass with most of her fat deposited in her midsection( thighs, lower belly, etc) that consists of very soft, jiggly fat. The kind that ripples like it’s filled with water when she jiggles it. As I said earlier I love the deceptively fat girls so 200-290lbs with some but not too much fat in her arms and legs but enough for it to make sense, the belly in particular is a double belly when she sits and has the prominent line that separates the two halves across her bellybutton. Oh I’m reading the question now and realized this is more of a “how to” question( I’m more of an admirer not really into feeding). I put so much I still have to post it though but my bad man. That being said tho it drives me wild when I see girls on campus that you can just tell have a thick, jiggly belly underneath their clothes but they’re just really good at hiding it. Literal mouth-watering ok I’ll stop now
Also also also belly doesn’t stick out much but it hangs nearly enough to cover her underwear ok NOW I’m done, maybe
Plus D-Cups and a heart shaped ass ok now I’m done
Also also also…. If possible she mainly wears jeans/sweatpants and sweaters that hug her figure…. and a super soothing voice the kind that’d make you think she could read a bedtime story to a grown man and he’d fall asleep in like 3 seconds. Also wears glasses and has long wavy hair that goes past her shoulders and is super smart

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