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How do you all feel about the fat acceptance movement as it currently stands, & how it relates to this crowd? Personally, I think it's good that more folks aren't as anxious about their bodies, and I think it's put some valid criticisms of (at least American) medical practices.
(I accidentally posted this in another thread, my bad)
I fully support the glorification of obesity in women.
>>14001 (OP)
I think it's mostly good. The big thing is that you can tell that most of the critics have not actually listened to the movement's arguments at all.

The fat acceptance movement isn't saying that people should find fat people attractive, or that being obese is healthier than being skinny. People in the movement are saying that fat people shouldn't be discriminated for job opportunities or paid less than non-fat people. And that fat people can take healthy actions such as exersize and eating a nutricious diet without the goal of being skinny. And that the Medical institutions won't actually try to diagnose fat people with medical conditions that are obviously unrelated to their weight.

The problem (like any political movement) is that there are always a small number of idiots who use the movement as an excuse to say the dumb shit, and fatphobes platform the idiots as an excuse to hate on the movement and all fat people in general.

Aubry Gordon's book and podcast has a lot of good info on how fat people are discriminated against and how shit the wellness industry is in general.
Other nice thing about Aubrey's book is that it's not anti-feedist. She has some brief but clear lines in there about how some people and their partners are going to want them to stay fat or get fatter, and that that's cool. There's a strong vibe among lots of online fat acceptance folks that "fat admiration" and feedism are inherently objectifying, and that it's always wrong for a guy to be into a fat woman BECAUSE she's fat. I get why so many people feel that way--the FA world has no shortage of creeps. But that's true of people in general, and there's an undercurrent of self-loathing in fat people who reject the idea of people being attracted to them BECAUSE of their bodies. I appreciated Aubrey calling that out.

Just like almost any movement, it has grounds in common sense and insanity at the fringes. I agree with the common sense parts of the movement that you've highlighted.

I think as someone attracted to fat women, what I like best about the movement is that it allows for larger women to be self-confident. It's unattractive to me when people are constantly hating on themselves, and fat women have historically been pushed to feel this way at all times. Fat acceptance allows people to accept themselves as human beings, which makes dating a better experience.

I'd also argue that it probably will have some pisitive health outcomes. Fat people undeniably have more health probpems than thinner or slightly overweight people, but at least some of that has to come from constant stress, anxiety and misdiagnosis. It's hard to isolate for those factors when all of society is telling fat people to hate themselves.
There's a lot of nonsense among HAES advocates that's dangerously delusional — No, you can't eat whatever you want, as much as you want, be 500 pounds and healthy. As an FA, I'm all about "the bigger the better," but as someone who's been in relationships with actual fat women and want to be again, I also care about them as people and don't want to see them sick or dead.

SA is counter-intuitive, and thus hard to swallow (npi) but in the face of no other viable options I think it's worth a shot. Diet culture has existed for over a century now and we're fatter and sicker than ever, so clearly shaming and traditional medical advice and treatments are a bust. Apart from the War on Drugs, I'm not sure there's ever been more money and time spent on that much abject failure. In fact some doctors are now finally admitting that when it comes to treating obesity, promoting maintenance, movement, and health is more effective than fighting it as a disease.

And that's where SA comes in: Besides the poisonous, addictive nature of modern food production (another story...), hating yourself for being fat is the best way to get fatter and more unhealthy. Shame alienates sick people from seeking medical care and sets people up for failure that only leads to further weight gain. People who hate their bodies won't take care of those bodies, and often will actively punish themselves by actively destroying them with unhealthy habits — overeating among them.

Modern food production, combined with spending most of our lives in poorly ventilated office buildings, on congested highways, and in car dependent suburban hellscapes explain allot of how we got where we are today. IMO the added weight is likely a symptom more than the problem.

This leads to my major beef with people calling out fat people for being unhealthy: how much the actual fat contributes to unhealthiness is difficult to pinpoint when there are so many coorelating factors. Sitting around all day in a suburban shoebox with little access to the outdoors isn't good for you. Hating yourself all the time because you put on weight isn't good for you. Working stressful 12 hour days in a crummy office job with an hour commute isn't good for you.

To what extent is eating allot of food and storing adipose tissue contributing to sickness? We need to eliminate the cause. At least with the SA movement, we can remove the variable of constant self hate and body image issues from the picture.
I honestly think the FA movement and HAES is cringe as fuck. It's just full of self delusional people. I do agree that self confidence is a good thing, but no matter how you look at it, you literally can not be healthy at any size. Obese and overweight people (and don't one of you fags bring up that BMI is BS. BMI is not BS for the general population who doesn't have an abundance of muscle) are unhealthy. That being said, I'll still get it off to fatties.
BMI is literally just a measure of how heavy you are versus your height. It doesn't have much practical application in health other than to tell someone who is obviously fat how fat they are.

Which is why we need to co-opt it to classify between BBW, SSBBW, and USSBBW. If all it does is measure height vs weight... but that's a separate discussion.

You can definitely be Health(ier) At Every Size. A 300 pound person who doesn't get off the couch all day will be less healthy than the same 300 pound person getting a decent amount of exercise. There will always be some crazy, loud people at the fringe claiming that that their 500 pound body is healthy because they did a ten minute walk today.
Im gonna be honest, im a total hypocrite, I fucking hate how this "curvy models" keep trying to justificate how lazy they are and "my body is perfecte", bitch, you eat like a whale and are keeping your ass on the floor all day, everyday, how can we suppose that is all ok? If you feel insecure and hate your body, then workout, bitch. I dont like skinny girls at all, but this is pathetic. Most of them are hot as fuck, but there are a lot of bitches who look awful and their are more ugly than literally fuck God, and they think they are sexy, come on man, our shit needs to keep being a fetish, thats the hottest part, not taboo shit, but not so well seen in society.
>There's a lot of nonsense among HAES advocates that's dangerously delusional — No, you can't eat whatever you want, as much as you want, be 500 pounds and healthy.
>I honestly think the FA movement and HAES is cringe as fuck. It's just full of self delusional people. I do agree that self confidence is a good thing, but no matter how you look at it, you literally can not be healthy at any size.
I fucking hate how this "curvy models" keep trying to justificate how lazy they are and "my body is perfecte", bitch, you eat like a whale and are keeping your ass on the floor all day, everyday, how can we suppose that is all ok?

To these points, I agree with >>14111 quite a bit. It's a common misunderstanding that HAES says that everyone, of every size, is already healthy. The point is that health-promoting knowledge, behaviors, and resources can help people of any size, and should be available to people of any size. So HAES is both about things that people of all sizes can do right now, and also how we should change the world around us (like >>14107 said) to make us all healthier.

The other important thing: the distinction we often make between physical and mental health. The latter gets neglected so much, and people often act like these are separate things when in reality they're so connected. Dealing with mental health issues is bad for your physical health, too. Part of what HAES does is put the connection between the two front and center, and reveal that so much exercise and dieting people do to "get healthier" is actually extremely disordered, and often bad for them both mentally and physically. Bottom line: we have to take disordered eating and eating disorders seriously as very unhealthy and damaging things, and trying to lose weight can run directly counter to that for so many people, no matter how fat they are.
yeah there's just way too much obvious self-serving ideology when it comes to anti-fat acceptance. like weird that all these fitness master health guru joe rogans have enough free time to constantly screech on the chans. at the end of the day they're just saying fat girls are bad because they don't make their dicks go up, and the FAs here who glorify that behavior are just trying to give themselves plausible deniability so these people they always surround themselves with don't call them a soycuck or whatever if their sexual preference is ever somehow revealed.
>>14001 (OP)
also tess is such a fucking narc but GOD i swear i could empty my balls in her fucking armpits. it like pisses me off how much she turns me on.

Everything I would post would just be aping what these great anons have already said. The SA community is a good thing, because the major detail about changing yourself for the better is learning that you HAVE to accept who you are, and realize that the Milieu therapy for healing requires you to be in a calm state to make changes- hating yourself quickly does the opposite, and most people fall into the self-hate. That's why honestly, I don't see my desire to feed some gal to absurd sizes as being just a "fetish", because part of it also wants her to be comfortable with herself and her size around me and genuinely love herself- and why i've never liked Holiday, because it's obvious she's just deluding herself unlike say Mama Horker who genuinely loves being fat and being fed as a sign of love.

Plus, we're finally seeing more dudes like Derek of More Plates More Dates showing off how unhealthy weightlifters can even be. Family of mine never believed me until I showed them directly, but no man who pounds red meat on a routine basis is gonna be healthy and I'd bet the next decade will see a huge surge in "Low Inflammation" dieting on top of what we already know now. Shit, I've seen guys at my own gym who have trouble going up stairs, because cadio kills gainz lmao
>>14001 (OP)
Egos get more pumped more than their bodies, Tess fucking demolished her last fraction of tolerance when she said she has anorexia, like bitch you probably emptied Ben & Jerry's graveyard. What's next for her? Get fatter to barely fit her house and cry that she's bare ones due to inflation?
It's bad when chubby chasers get humiliated by assholes, but morbidly obese women who pull out the: "I'm not your sex object" cope? That's like burning the very last chance to get someone to appreciate their disgusting manatee physique and get help for basic necessities (wax on their unreachable areas, food ready to eat, cleaning rooms where they no longer fit, covering their backs when their pants shred)
Just because there's a certain group that enjoys the XXXL kind doesn't mean they lack self-respect.
Well fucking said, paisano
As someone who struggled with weight, I get the desire to appreciate all bodies and I am behind supporting bigger girls

However, I don't like the fact people are all so believing that being fat is healthy. It absolutely isn't, it fucks your life and health up eventually, but thats fine by me because to be a BBW or SSBBW you need to accept that, I couldn't do it personally even with how accepting things are
I returned to college after a few year break and their is noticeably many more fat women wearing crop tops and other midriff exposing clothes.
Fat acceptance has been an absolute success.
>>14297 Is that what it is? I believe it is far more likely that what you are looking at are the same thots as always, only now they are fatter than before. It is worthy of note that appereances can be deceiving and that these types of clothing have become more popular in the recent 5 years (most notably in hispanic communities) and to thots of all sizes. It's not often but I have seen moms in their 30s out with their families in restaurants unashamedly looking like thots. My most important remark, however, is that the likeliest cause for what you saw is that some women gained weight recently within a short amount of time. Keep in mind that buying new clothes costs (a lot of) money. Women clothes are well made but also expensive, and clothes is sort of a womanly thing anyways most of them try to be fashionable usually.
The Body Positive / Fat Acceptance / Plus Size movement, along with bigger women just being featured in general has absolutely shifted the window on what fat chicks will wear. 20 years ago if you were overweight you'd be resigned to baggy clothes & hoodies. Now? You can absolutely see modestly-dressed obese women wearing something that shows their figures off. Arms exposed. Shorts in the summertime. Usually it's the smaller bbw's that have their stomachs out too, but you can occasionally see an SSBBW with an exposed midriff.
>Just because there's a certain group that enjoys the XXXL kind doesn't mean they lack self-respect.
This man speaks the truth. Fat Acceptance isn't about being accepted as a fat woman, it's about being treated like a skinny woman while being fat. Naturally big girls want to have their cake and eat it to, without having to deal with "creeps" like us who are attracted to their bodies.

Still, I've seen some interesting points made by fat women about the policing of what they're allowed to wear and how they're allowed to act in public that lends some credence to the idea of Fat Acceptance. The idea that fat people are innately obscene, that a fat woman's butt or belly is somehow more sexual than a "normal" woman's and therefore needs to be covered, rings true in my experience. The reaction to a fat woman in a bikini isn't disgust because she's ugly, it's disgust because she's showing something she isn't meant to show.
It's wild how many dudes are against cardio, which is funny as hell - I've primarily done cardio (long distance running, cycling, swimming) or stuff that results in leg strength (kendo, ice hockey) and the end result is that despite being slightly chubby (I've a massive sweet tooth, unfortunately for me) I've been in hikes with guys who routinely hit the gym and they cannot keep up with me long distances. There's a lot of dudes who go full /fit/ and are so obsessed with the ideal /fit/ body that it turns to a disease.
>disgusting manatee physique
referring to women you yourself are attracted to this way implies a lack of self-respect.

to be fair though, if i were a fat bitch i feel like i'd be more validated by someone who's genuinely attracted to me over some rando internet stan who's just pretending to find me attractive to be polite. i feel like fat girls who don't appreciate FAs are the kind who can't even admit to themselves that they're fat and so hate when others call attention to it even positively. i think that other anon's right in that it's just fat girls who want everyone to pretend they're skinny, which summarizes pretty much everything potentially toxic about fat acceptance in general.
agreed, it's true that the "don't fetishize me" line is kind of silly but calling a body type "disgusting" when you yourself find it attractive is just deeply sad and pathetic. at the end of the day, I find most people who complain about fetishization really just mean they want someone who can have a vaguely normal conversation with them, which is hard if you're alternating between calling them disgusting and being totally obsessed with their body. fat acceptance or not, the bar is still low enough for BBWs that you can clear by just being polite and not a complete loser
>It's bad when chubby chasers get humiliated by assholes, but morbidly obese women who pull out the: "I'm not your sex object" cope?

Bruh that shit pisses me off so much, that like a normal chick being offended because men like her body makes no sense.

>That's like burning the very last chance to get someone to appreciate their disgusting manatee physique and get help for basic necessities (wax on their unreachable areas, food ready to eat, cleaning rooms where they no longer fit, covering their backs when their pants shred)

People might say you're harsh but its true, any other man outside of the fetish would look at fat women as "settling" yet somehow thats better than having a guy who will completely fawn over you and love every single roll genuinely
that's just it. assholes abound, FA or otherwise, and the "don't fetishize me" thing comes from treated poorly by assholes who happen to be FAs. Maybe our assholes are worse; maybe they think they can get away with that shit because they think fat women don't have other options. I don't know. But it's on all of us not to be assholes, whether or not we're FAs.
Coming from a fat girl, the movement has been very great for me. Growing up I never had nice clothing options, I was always awkward and felt very alone (I was 300+ in high school) so it wasn’t a great time.
Now? I have way more options in EVERYTHING. Clothes, fitting in seats (places use better seating now), furniture, shoes, even little things like knee high socks and stockings. I can post pictures publicly and it won’t be 100% horrible comments. I feel comfortable sharing myself now.
The medical field still has a long way to go. I have some rare conditions and my diagnosis’ have taken much longer b/c I got blown off a lot and still do..but tests don’t lie. I almost died (came very close) and now I’m being taken more seriously lol..it’s pathetic. I need a new wheelchair and all the medical supply stores around me only have 1 “Bariatric” option. So now I have to go through another company for a custom chair. I still struggle In hospitals with fitting in MRI and CT machines..they need to be bigger. A lot of my specialists don’t even have scales that can reach my weight. The orthopedic brace place I was sent too didn’t have any knee braces my size. When I dislocated my knee, they didn’t have an immobilizer big enough for my leg, so the nurses had to fucking MAKE one for my leg. There are just a lot of things that could be improved on.
Overall though I’m just happy that society is slowly becoming more accepting and more options are in every aspect of fat life. That’s all I want..more options and less hate/negativity/discrimination.
A lot of fat women are not comfortable with their bodies, or a lot are self hating. Dating an and FA who loves the parts of them that they themselves hate/feel ashamed of is very conflicting, awkward and uncomfortable for them
I’m comfortable in my body and I enjoy my body so I only look for self proclaimed FAs. I want someone to appreciate all the nuances of my being fat just as much as I do.
I think it’s a semi-stupid movement.
I agree with people being accepting of others for how they look, but pretending it’s healthy to be fat is smoothbrain
Health at every size movement really just discredits what the movement is actually about. It’s frustrating as fuck, those people are DELUSIONAL.
yeah i don't accept that. i'm not gonna pretend a fat girl i find beautiful is skinny so she can larp. you don't cater to insecurities, you work through them. they're not good to have. a big reason girls like that are even ashamed of their weight is because they see it as somehow objectively ugly or disgusting or whatever, and that just isn't true.
This just isn't what HAES is. HAES isn't about saying, "everybody is automatically already healthy, regardless of size," it's saying that there are health-promoting behaviors and resources that should be made available to everyone, regardless of size. It acknowledges that health is complicated, that people of all sizes will have all sorts of health situations. And it's against dieting as a way of pursuing health--again, regardless of size.

Sure, there are always loud fringe weirdos online who give a movement a bad name. I'm sure there are plenty of people who claim to be speaking in the name of HAES who say stupid stuff. But if you look up the actual HAES-based practitioners and writers, that's not what they're saying.
>i'm not gonna pretend a fat girl i find beautiful is skinny so she can larp. you don't cater to insecurities, you work through them
Here here. If that means learning to love your body or losing weight, then a good guy will stick with you either way. But demanding that you pretend your partner isn't fat is just insulting to both parties.
It's made me go from hating my fat fetish to REALLY hating my fat fetish. I don't want to be associated with these idiots.
Push fat acceptance
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how the fuck you gonna jack off to fat girls without accepting them
Heard a rumor that there’s a very well-known (as in 100% chance you all know who she is) model who actually does take it to the extreme and believes that all weight loss is inherently fatphobic. This might not sound like much but she’s developed a reputation of being level headed and “normal” so to say, which makes it pretty crazy that she’s actually just another super insane HAES delusion
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ITT: conservative guys always complaining about how they can't get laid because of their politics.
Ask around. Fat chicks fuck men who don’t accept them all day. Same way fat chicks don’t magically accept you for being short, bald and broke bro.
It’s not some political and your not progressive you’re a simp. (I’m a bernie bro, these women aren’t some oppressed minority).
This. No one respects are a simp loser, not even the low women on the totem pole (fat women).
Are you joking, anytime you fap you're fapping to an idealized version of whatever it is your into, not having remotely deal with the reality of what it is your fapping to and all the unpleasantries. I love the ideal not the reality
>short, bald and broke
i'm sorry you feel this way about yourselves. imaging putting your sexuality on "the low end of the totem pole" its so sad.
it's not entirely separate. why do you think sexuality exists at all? you're just not gonna make use of yours and get fat bitches to own the tumblrinas? fuck off.
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>i actually chOOoOse not to get laid because of my politics
Dude stop responding to them. How are you falling victim to troll bait so easily? You’re unironically making yourself look like a butthurt faggot
Considering the rest of the world believes that Americans are all fat idiots, you'd think being obese is the status quo
Can you guys stop pretending to have a political discussion and share some content?

Wrong thread for content horndog
My finest creation. Glad it's still around.
it really is the status quo though, got one foot in profound weirdness and the other foot in the mainstream, kind of neat that way
Americans have become fat and apathetic and don't much like what they've become. They see billboards in NYC advertising real bodies and they recoil. They see themselves in it, and the recognition is painful.
The conservative case is obvious. They treat the "status quo" as a shadowy, globohomo cabal.

Ashley Graham?
Tess Holiday
Tess is that girl from high school you still follow on social media. She aspires to be an influencer, but is perpetually stuck on that lonely path; just so she can track engagement of people who "Like" seeing her wear Burberry or some shit.
>>14001 (OP)
I think it’s fucking stupid for the simple fact that it’s denial of reality and science makes a religious person look like fucking Carl Sagan
The outright denial of health problems related to being a fatass is impressive, but also disgusting
I hate the notion that people can’t just accept the problems that come with their shit and try to cope and act like there are no ill effects from it and it’s all “societal” when the evidence is as clear as day
It’s on par with the tranny cult and I fucking hate it
Feel free to like fat people or like being fat yourself, but don’t kid yourself into thinking it isn’t a detriment to your health
It’s one thing to not care about those consequences yourself, but being deceitful and trying to convince others they don’t exist is bullshit
No, she does porn, she's an active SSBBW model
>>14001 (OP)
I love that with current body positivity and size acceptance, in my corner of the world big women are not hiding so much anymore. There is still a long way to go and not every big women is accepting their selves yet, but in general I notice that big women are showing more skin and coming out of the fat closet.
Tess has actually been on magazine covers and has gotten a lot of mainstream attention. Your wannabe influencers can't break 1,000 followers on Instagram. It's not quite a direct comparison.

From what I've seen, a good amount of fat acceptance people are more of the mind that they just don't want to be constantly reminded of those issues from everyone who thinks they need to share their opinion. I think they'd settle for that over this whole idea they need to be embraced and protected from criticism - people just wanna be left alone and not made to be all about their weight, man. If they get diabetes, what's it matter to you?
Well said, honestly I don't think there's anyone more awareof the complications of being fat than fat people, with them being constantly reminded of them. In general people should stop trying to improve themselves as doctors when they first meet a person who's open about a problem they have.

It's also pretty bad that doctors may ignore signs of unrelated illnesses to fat people and just tell them to lose weight.

And you could say that people obsessing over other people's weight is a cause of eating disorders and stress.
I believe that objective beauty exists and while there may be overlap, my tastes are not objectively beautiful. That said, I don't think fat people should be shamed or bullied, but not enough to refrain from cringing any time a fat social justice warrior opens their mouth. They have never said anything that has made me like them more, only less. My advice, stay quiet and pretty and count your blessings.
While i do believe that there is a genuine bias in the medical field, and that HAAS helps with that, it's also a great way to get these girls to get big or go bigger. These girls are looking for an excuse, and when they feel validated with their decision to go for dessert, they'll take it every time. I love it.
Truth. This can be leveraged into an eating lifestyle. Incrementalism. Just make sure she gets her stuffing aftercare, and things will move along.

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