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Hi, just a normal Indian dude here. Not the hyped "bobs and vagene pajeetposter" so please be kind lol.
I, like all of you have been visiting this site for years now (also shared a lot). But the problem here is, although it's the most densely populated country, majority of girls are like thin sticks here. Genetics and lifestyle has day and night difference from the west. You'll seldomly see a 200 pounder here, let alone any bigger. And then i hear from you guys, especially from the states ones that majority of women are so damn obese. The whole ssbbw universe basically exists there.If I'm not wrong, i remember recalling bbw layla saying that when she visited here that people said she's was the biggest gal they ever saw (shows the situtation here). Friends, family wouldn't even believe that such a size even exists (if the day ever comes that I need to confront them). No one is to blame though, one believes what one sees everyday.I just want to have your guys opinions what the fuck should I do..Moving abroad is not feasible currently (financial barriers). The "bobs and vagene" guys have even worsened the situtation for normal dudes like me, it's hard to date a normal gal, let alone finding a chubby one (arrange marriage further fuels the dating system on fire lol). I feel fucking cursed man, born with this weird fetish in a land of sticks.
P.S- I think I have decent looks though physique is on the undernourished side ≡(▔﹏▔)≡
Highly unrealistic, but think big. How could YOU contribute to the rise of an obesity epidemic in your country
Although we aren't dying of hunger, easy access to fast food and luxuries like the west are still a far dream here...
Other inputs would be appreciated.. :-{
>>13908 (OP)
I was under the silly impression that obesity could be rife in some parts of India. Must depend on which part you come from. Here, in the UK, there are quite a lot of large Indian women.
Funny, like >>13926, everything I've read says obesity is out of control in the subcontinent. I guess you really can't trust the media lol. And the Indian women here do tend to be on the chubby side, full-on BBWs not at all rare. FWIW I find fat Indian women incredibly sexy. There's a bitchy haughtiness to them that's super-sexy (not the immigrant Dunkin Donuts and 7-11 clerks but the 2nd generation, educated middle class ones I've run into).

Anyway I feel for you... I'm in NYC, one of the thinnest places in the US, yet there are still plenty of fat women here. But I'm jealous when I visit the rural areas a few hours outside the city, or especially down South, where mid- to large-sized BBWs really are the norm and thin women are the minority.

Honest, non-snarky advice: You've gotta prioritize emigrating to the US. Make it a life-or-death quest. I'm serious. This country sucks in a lot of ways but it's FA paradise on earth. You'll think you've died and come back as a Shandilya Brahmin.

I'm not an expert on the immigration situation between India and the US but the tech and medical fields are growing here and starved for workers, and the employment situation is favorable in general at the moment, even at entry level. It seems like just about every city in the US I've been to has a fair-sized Indian or Pakistani population in it or nearby, so obviously it's doable.

You seem sane and articulate and you say you're okay looking, and in my experience a lot of fat women LOVE skinny guys so that's a huge plus. If you play your cards right (or even half-right) you will be drowning in fat FUPA here.
Shocked to hear about Indian bbw's tbh, are there ssbbw's too 😅..? About migration, it's kinda hard tbh, but I'm in tech so that's in favour. That parent situation still haunts me, here we all are kinda more attached to each other (if you know raj from the big bang theory). Family interference is on quite a higher side lol. They'll go insane if i ever let them onto this secret of bigger women preference. Canada is more feasible tbh for migration, but idk about the obesity condition there..?,, :-*... Some insights on that would be great :-|
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>>13908 (OP)
I always thought there were a lot of indian fatties but i guess not, , so what type of bodies do indians like, i've seen fat models from india like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMpVO77oTbM. But I assume guys there like "normal" women like it is in the west which should make finding a chubby one easier.Also what about women gaining weight, is it a social stigma over there and do women even like exercising over there?
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Its kind of fucked but how about getting with a skinny chick and fattening her by treating her well? Don't even bring up the fetish and just be like "I like you however you are", i feel a lot of women only care about their figure so long as they can get a guy (which explains why many stop putting in an effort to be thin after marriage).

For migration its kind of a risk since women's standards might be higher in the west than it is over there, so even if you have a good game over there it might not correlate in the states/ canada. I'm honestly more shocked that Indian women are more on the petite side than being well fed.
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I spent a month in India about a decade ago. I was doing missionary work in the northeastern part of the country (West Bengal and Odisha).
I have to be honest, I hardly saw any attractive women there (fat or thin). Their teeth tended to be in bad shape and facial hair was not uncommon. The only fat women I saw were middle-aged and ugly.

About the country, I'll say this: It is pretty much exactly what you would expect as a westerner (though nowhere near as violent/unsafe as Slumdog Millionaire would have you believe). Although this may just be because I'm a 6 and a half foot tall white man. Food, alcohol and accommodation are ridiculously cheap.

About the food & drink: Fast food was surprisingly plentiful. In cities and towns I saw Dominos, KFC, Chinese takeaways and (surprisingly) plenty of local Indian places of the sort you'd find in Ireland or the UK. I grew fond of the local Kingfisher lager - you can't get it in Ireland, but I always have it whenever I'm in the UK. I'm pretty sure the local "vodka" was actually just paint stripper. The Cadburys chocolate you get in India is miles better than the shite we have in Ireland and the UK (the quality here went to shit after Cadburys got bought out by Kraft).

About the people: The women may have been homely, but I found Indians of both sexes to be kind, humble, generous, selfless and polite.

Most people I met assumed I was British, and I had a lot of interactions like this: https://youtu.be/vyGZZ--GLWk
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You definitely see plump and occasionally BBW/SSBBW Indian girls here in the States. I'm guessing it's a lifestyle thing, not just the food but the whole car-centric pedestrian-unfriendly way of living. HoneyHamz on Feabie is a 10/10, one of the hottest women on Feabie.


Yup. For better or worse, "affluent 2nd gen Indians are cold and arrogant" is an ethnic stereotype that has a lot of truth to it... but you put that attitude in an SSBBW body and my dick is diamonds.
she's Indian? Did she say that somewhere? Can't find anything like that on her profile, just says "mixed/multi" for her ethnicity on her profile
She's pretty lookswise, but the vibe her profile gives off is a huge turnoff. I'd say Divine91 is probably the best Indian girl on there.

OT: If you're really seeking out a fat girl specifically that hard, your best bet is definitely to move. If your financial situation is that rough, you're already at a bit of a disadvantage in terms of relationships, and since fat girls are in that low of a supply there, I'd imagine there's enough demand where they get swooped up fairly quickly. The states are a big one, and if you can build up some sort of technical portfolio, you can probably wiggle your way into a decent-paying tech job. As a bonus, with the rise of remote work, you can likely move into an area with plenty of fatties, which normally aren't tech job-heavy zones. It's something that will definitely take a while and will take plenty of effort on your end, but the payoff may be worth it in the longer term.
When you'll see any plus size model's insta page, i'm sure you must have seen indians lol. But the society is very judgemental lol (bitchy aunties everywhere) about weight which makes the both parties difficult to come out, the admirers and the bigger women openly. Women do tend to gain weight after marriage but mostly upto bbw level. Tbh in my entire life I must have seen less than 5 ssbbw's.

>>13946 As others have also mentioned the bitchiness of Indian gals, it's true for most part. The creeps have mounted them on throne and the attitude is unbearable lol. It's really hard to even get a normal gal for a guy with average dudes (Also I'm a fuckin' introvert).
Your migration perception is opposite to what
>>13929 said lol. I'm really confused on that part.

>>13948 People are very humble here, idk the common perception of other country's people. Regarding the women situation in north east, can't say much I'm from the northern region (foothills of the Himalayas), but I can say west bengal has spurged out a lot of models in recent time lol. And yeah, some people found british rule better lol..

>>13949 Yeah, it's also making me wonder now, this whole lifestyle paradigm is main culprit lol. That drive-in fast food system does not exist here (only saw once) and people have to be decently physically active here to get through the day. That "cold and arrogant" sounds cool when you have other options lol, but when you have a country full of them it adds to the frustration only..

Migration is really a big step tbh. I'm still 22 and never been much far away from home (we tend to live with parents until the job). Though I know I'm capable enough in tech to grab a job there but my introvert behavior is only gonna get worse there (being alone in a country) which would dampens my chances to end up with a gal..
A lots of confusion lol..My only guide would ne netflix series to survive there..
Also what's the obesity condition in canada (easier to migrate) if anyone can provide any insights..?

Any other inputs would be great and thanks a lot guys for responding onto the thread..Cheers!
Also to add, seeing girls like hayley (gingerBunny) which is 500lbs+ at just 21 makes me wonder about genetics also being a huge role. Asians are really small overall structure wise from the western/Europeans) .I don't think it's possible just from lifestyle to get that big in that age ..Here even if such a girl exists, her parents and relatives are gonna f*ck her mentally by taunting continuously lol. Also the fact that you guys tend to live separate from parents at a young age can also be a factor..(we tend to move at 22-23..) but still come home whenever we can lol.
Hayley being 500lbs at 21 probably has more to do with neglectful parents and incredibly easy access to junk food than anything else. I'm sure genetics plays a part and I wouldn't be surprised to see her parents are also fat (though likely not AS fat) and generally just gave her whatever was quick and available growing up.
You sound absolutely right correctly, good sir. Who the heck is Hayley though? Is what I am asking. I really want to know, I am very interested. Is she a model actress? Anyway, carry on with your good works.

Too doo loo
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>Regarding the women situation in north east, can't say much I'm from the northern region (foothills of the Himalayas), but I can say west bengal has spurged out a lot of models in recent time lol. And yeah, some people found british rule better lol..
I didn't mean to say there were no attractive women, just that I didn't see many.
I also didn't mean to give off the impression that I support British rule (I am Irish, after all) but I did meet a surprising number of people (in Calcutta especially) who were pro-British.
Took me 5 seconds of googling, fool
Save yourself the emberassment, dude. I don't care what you have to say for yourself, and I do not take kindly to excuses.

All I did was ask a question. Why did you insult me by calling me a fool? Try "googling" a personality for yourself, and download that. and while you're at it download a real culture aswell
>missionary work
hohoho, can we get a storytime?
Not to derail but the post DIRECTLY above the one you replied to said "hayley (gingerBunny)"

Take the L, dude.

Interesting - guess there's never any homogenous attitude to imperialism from former colonies.
Ok, I don't understand exactly what you are getting at... but I will be on my way then. With the.... L.........
There wasn't any proselytising invovled. It'd be more accurate to say I was doing "volontourism". I'm reluctant to go into too much detail about the organisation I was involved with because it'd be tantamount to doxing myself.

So what did I actually do over there?
1. Teaching English
2. Construction work
3. Promoting interfaith relations between Hindus and Catholics (you would be surprised how many Catholics there are over there, but I digress)

I did #1 in both urban and rural areas, and #2 in a rural village only. #3 was less something I *did* and more the overall purpose of the misson (hence why I described it as missionary work).

If you were hoping for a Book of Mormon-esque story, I don't have one.
>I'm in tech so that's in favour

Yeah that’s uhhhh not particularly unique for people from your region
Very fascinating, always wondered how missionary work looks in the modern day.

>If you were hoping for a Book of Mormon-esque story, I don't have one.
More so "Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes" ifyaknowwhatimsayin
I don't know Canada well except Montreal. There are a fair amount of BBWs there, with SSBBWs far rarer than most if the US but a fair amount. Basically the situation I have here in NYC. Put it this way: I visited there with a BBW gf a while back (5'3" 240ish) and she didn't feel out of place.

And FWIW, there's a hipster/vintage plus sized women's store on Blvd San Laurent, a main shopping street, that my GF drooled over. She claimed to have never seen anything like it in NYC. So even if there are fewer BBWs than the States, they're well taken care of lol.

FWIW2, Plump Princess, Luna, a lot of other popular fat internet models are Canadian, so that's promising.
>More so "Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes" ifyaknowwhatimsayin

I do and lol for real.
>>13908 (OP)
No arranged marriage with dalit woman that you can make stay at home and eat all day?
NYCbro here, but not the same NYCbro who already posted in this thread >>13929 >>13985. I'm in Washington, DC for work right now and thought of this thread because I saw not one but two thicc af desi girls while I was out getting dinner tonight. Neither was SSBBW tier but I'd guess both of them were in the 250-275 range. The one I got a better glimpse of carried most of her weight in her ass and I got a good view because she was rocking the the classic "fat girl stretch pants with a blouse" look.

Who the fuck is this?
yeah it's kinda the norm here..tech herd mentality but I'm from an above avg college (don't know if it would have any effect there).

>>13985 that's a bit of FWIW there :-)

>>13988 a bit racist and no lol.

>>14002 tbh if I went abroad targeting a desi girl would not be a priority, although it's promising to hear about Indian big gals there..

Basically here are my choices-

->Earn a good money here and get settled with a slightly chubby girl, and i don't expect her to get bigger, given an extremely judgmental society (including my relatives) and with local genetics.

-> Risk it all to go to states/canada, build my portfolio from the ground up and ofc still with no guarantee of landing with a bbw..(introvert problems may add to it :-/ )

I'm still understanding life, and girls mentality, it's a bit tough to understand and act in one direction :-{
Also to add, I think that girls there find Indian guys cringy (judging from tiktoks/insta), any insights on this or basically on anything i said..?X_X
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Girls in NYC are fatter than ever. Just lurk around a Whole Foods and you'll hear the telltale stomping snd creaking
>I'm from the northern region (foothills of the Himalayas)

Maybe you should consider moving to an other city in India before moving abroad. What's the situation like in the capital? Maybe the incidence of fat girls there is higher due to being more developed? I can't imagine a country without a decent pool of chubby girls tbh, they are driven to be at least soft by their biology. Even my stomach doesn't become flat unless I fast and work out several times a week. You really have to put in effort to stay fit in modern society.
>-> Risk it all to go to states/canada, build my portfolio from the ground up and ofc still with no guarantee of landing with a bbw..(introvert problems may add to it :-/ )

OG NYC dude here, who's also old and so I have some wisdom: There's no guarantees with anything, ever, but I would not recommend settling for a thin woman. Long term, you'll make both her and yourself miserable. This thing of ours is not like a foot fetish you can whip out a year into the relationship once she trusts you. It's closer to homosexuality, where you want what you want and there's no real compromise. That doesn't mean 400 lbs + or forget it, but only an actual fat woman is gonna scratch that itch.

That said, if emigrating to North America is just not in the cards, I like what >>14072 the German Anon is suggesting, that you go to a bigger, more southerly city in India and try your luck there. Needle in a haystack though they may be, you go to a place with 10-20 million people, be patient and have your shit together otherwise, you're gonna find your fat girl.

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