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I often see comments on this chan about how anyone who would gain weight on purpose must be mentally ill because by definition it's unhealthy. I'm always curious: do you feel the same way about yourself because you're into other people getting fatter?

Maybe you do, in which case, fair enough. If you don't, why is it only the gainers who get labeled crazy?

I also feel like people do all sorts of things that they know are risky or unhealthy (smoke, drink alcohol, mountain climbing and other extreme sports, etc.), but because these are socially acceptable we don't label them crazy. Is gaining any different from that?
>>13504 (OP)
It's mentally ill to be into seeing women gain, and so is most stuff on this board, obese cartoon foxes, women who can no longer walk due to overeating, it's all mentally ill. Why do you that normal people don't think feeders are mentally ill too? I'm pretty sure that they do.
>>13504 (OP)
in short: no, neither side is mentally ill.
my opinion is that gluttonous hedonism is simply the natural state of humanity and was eliminated through thousands of years of social norms and pressure, but all that social conditioning is being undone by:
>the internet allowing people to see others who like it all over the globe
>a extreme overabundance of food
>less and less reason to be active every day
take a look at the covid lockdowns for example. a year of free time and so many people got fat that dont want to lose it.
there is also the fact that if being fit was the natural state of humanity, people would subconsciously want to work out rather than it being a thing you have to force yourself to do through discipline.
the idea that fatness and feeding is the natural state of humanity further supported by those """fertility""" idols which very clearly depict fat people in high detail.
I do not. I'm not the one ruining my body and health by getting morbidly obese on purpose. It just makes my pp hard when pretty girls do it. Such things have made my pp hard as long as I can remember, going very far back into my early childhood.

Do I like it when girls are fat? Yes.
Do I want to be fat? No, that's gross & unhealthy.
>hangs with /pol/tards who consider anyone without exposed hipbones a "landwhale" all day while jacking it to 600lb bitches themselves
>now lemme tell you about mental illness
Oh, absolutely. I mean, I'm on a -chan for fucks sake, that's already a given; and anyone claiming otherwise is full of shit
I don't think it's a mental illness to have a taboo and potentially dangerous kink. If it were, we'd have to psychoanalyze all 90 million housewives who bought 50 Shades of Gray.

I do think that people who have a dangerous kink and choose to live it out as a full-time lifestyle tend to be people who don't have much else going for them, whether it's clinical mental illness or just being kind of a fuckup. This is true of other extreme kinks like lifestyle BDSM and furries, but it's especially true for us because the real life consequences of weight gain are so serious and irreversible. I'm a feedee and fantasize all the time about immobility and even deathfeedism, but in real life even my relatively moderate obesity is seriously fucking with my health and lifestyle so I'm trying to lose. It's hard to resist the urge to binge sometimes, but I've got real world goals and responsibilities; being able to walk up stairs without pain, and not dying young of a heart attack, are more important to me than my fetish.

This pretty much nails it. I think it's basically the difference between "do you fantasize about these things" and "do you actively practice these things".

Lots of kinks are weird, and anything taken to an extreme can be unhealthy. I don't think someone who gets turned on by a thigh gap, for example, has any control over that and is not mentally ill. However if they encourage anorexic behavior in a partner to achieve a thigh gap, then I do think they are mentally ill.

Same for this shit, just the reverse. I don't think it's a mental illness to be turned on by something I have no control over, I think it's a mental illness if I start to actually actively undermine a partner's health or well being for my (or their) own sexual desires. Then it becomes something else, flirting with illness territory imo

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