
(49 KB, 716x686, joke.png) (42 KB, 635x544, joke1.png) (88 KB, 965x610, joke2.png) (54 KB, 970x379, joke3.png)
they're calling fat fetishes a genocide lol. This is what happens when people who hate themselves project that hatred onto their interests lol
The messages in those screenshots read like if they were written by some AI computer. Like an auto-tune for text messages, as opposed to being written by a real human. It made my eyes hurt
That sub was mostly loser men posting their pics and catfishes. Little of value has been lost.
(221 KB, 500x500, varg.png)
>muh degeneracy
>muh civilization
>muh ancestors
>DAE stop watching porn and a tradwife with lots of babies
>even drops a capital-B "Being" in there like she's on some Heidegger shit

Goddamn, this is like a bingo card for extremely online trad autism. This is such a distinctively male set of ideological obsessions that I find it hard to believe this is an actual biologically female human woman, but maybe she had some kind of mental health crisis and got sucked down the /pol/ tradwife rabbit hole as a way to cope. Not how I expected an FFA subreddit to die, but that's pretty hilarious.
(303 KB, 993x548, ffas.jpg)
This seems like conclusive proof that the sub has been taken over by deliberate trolls, but I'm still lolling.
id be willing to bet /pol/ has something to do with this, first the "muh trad point of views" and now this.
seems rather obvious when you think about it, people that cant comprehend the idea of people living fat girls so they completely turn one of the areas into a clown show.
(99 KB, 1249x553, DWLkYVQ.png)
That's about 90% of all female-focused leddit subs.
Pic related.
>>13449 (OP)
how did they even manage to let their sub get all their moderation positions given to people who hate the subject material?
Goddamn someone spent way too much time on trad subs and /pol/
(2.0 MB, 3840x3200, 348.png)
Somehow both unhinged and convinced they have the moral high ground. Worst combination.
i think why shit like this happens is because these spergs have had this fatass rainbow-haired imaginary friend stomping around rent free in their heads since [insert right-wing rantsona] here put it there in 2013~ and so now immediately create a pathological association to just seeing an image of some rando fat girl and every single possible political and spiritual degeneracy they've been loaded up against and so throw these massive existential rage seizures over it to the point of taking over communities and throwing these concern troll fits no one but them even buys
We are currently in the fat man economy. High food and energy prices are contributing to people becoming fatter. This terrifies right wingers because they lost the fat vote to Biden. The pandemic is causing people to guzzle on food and energy, which demand is outlasting supply. Fat people may be the key to surviving inflation since skinny people are burnt out
>This is such a distinctively male set of ideological obsessions that I find it hard to believe this is an actual biologically female human woman

My take too. Trad women — women in general — just don't express themselves like this. This is a closeted, conflicted gay cis male FA.

>This is a closeted, conflicted gay cis male FA.

This didn't even occur to me, but now that you suggest it I think it's the most likely explanation. This was a gay guy catfishing as a woman to get other guys' nudes, and now he's having a crisis.

I'm guessing that he's pretending to be a "Muslim BIPOC" because he's trying to troll the cis female FFAs who he hates/envies.
surprisingly accurate
>>13449 (OP)
Is there some reason why people with fetishes tend to be so fucking weird, or is it just bad luck?
(2.0 MB, 400x306, 139257258733.gif)
basically we've been treated as pariahs all our lives so our souls are just filled with hate by the time you reach us
(192 KB, 500x651, please-be-patient-i-have-autism-19490720.png)
Take a wild guess and see recently made threads on this board, mate.

And yes pertaining to OP, when women with that condition AREN'T (or somehow even, are also) troons or radfems, they become tradwives. Almost anything except normalfag.
>>13449 (OP)
>A person makes a decision you dislike
>Reccommend them a therapist

(16 KB, 512x468, 103978904-The_meme_formerly_known_as_Kuk_1.jpg)
Maybe, for you to have a fetish more wires have to cross than is healthy. Maybe the internet is responsible for radicalizing our sexual interests as well as our political ones. Maybe... I dunno...

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