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Who is the dumbest model?
>>13402 (OP)
Kayla ie. Kaybearcutie, she seems pretty normal in vids but she comments in her thread on /bbw/ every so often and it reads like she has brain damage lol
I was thinking more conventionally stupid or just vapid, but this is definitely the correct answer. She has like a learning disability or something.
On one hand I'm not too surprised. However I do like her quite a lot maybe because she looks exactly like my ex
>>13402 (OP)
Tay Dee might be developmentally disabled.
CreamyMalaya is my vote. She genuinely wants us to believe she's 800lbs, has posted to crack subreddits before, and I just get a very slow sense outta her.
As far as newer models at least, I nominate Kittypiggy. She has a gorgeous face but you really never get a sense that much is going on behind those eyes. Shame too because she would otherwise be perfect but bimbo-ness is kind of a turnoff
Weak. Bimbos are great.
Definitely Tay Dee. She has to be semi-retarded. Kayla Paolini and BBBXL are my runner ups.
Nah my vote goes to Jodie Dreamtits, that mfer has some loose screws for sure
Quite a few of them. That's why I'll intentionally avoid their twitter accounts so I don't have to read their moronic political rantings and other crap.
Yup, just ran-on sentences with zero punctuation or structure. Fucking grade school level
Seconding. I've seen her talk people out of giving her money, and make new feabie accounts and immediately out herself as being banned for scamming.
Let's be honest here folks. Any person that willingly gains hundreds of pounds of fat to appease their own fetish and/or the fetish of others... probably has a screw or two loose.

I don't imagine that there's many feedee webmodels that are also doctoral students.
Facts, there's no way someone someone purposely gains weight to the point of obesity and not have some kind of mental illness or otherwise. Despite that, it gets my dick hard (depending on the fat distribution).
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>I don't imagine that there's many feedee webmodels that are also doctoral students.

I think you're right most of the time, but this also makes me think of a certain member of the Dims/FA scene in the early 2000s who went on to get a Ph.D. and become an academic, and also was a serious gainer. Pictured here on the right (duh) at some academic talk948303
>>13402 (OP)
Thickhungryhoney: one day it’s “tax the rich” and “radical feminist” next day it’s “I’d like to be a kept sugarbaby to a billionaire oligarch”
This is the thought process of most dumb women who don't have the capacity to understand politics and bandwagon on leftist mantras for attention.
It's insane to say that someone with hypocritical political views is as stupid as some of these models who legit can't form a sentence. Politics really turn some of you guys into retards.
BBB is stupid as shit in that classic never-left-small-town white trash way. I remember reading on here years ago on here that he husband was the one performing her online persona and writing her posts, which may or may not be true but I think it makes sense because she just seems too fucking dumb. Like if you asked her what was going on in Ukraine or how many Supreme Court Justices there are she would just nervously look around the room and be like "uh, I dunno?".

Underrated dumb: Ash. She's not so stupid she can't form coherent sentences or anything, but holy hell is she out of her depth trying to be some bastion of fat acceptance (for what it's worth, I think that's generally a noble cause). She keeps starting all these projects like The Fat Lip and Vast and trying suuuuper hard to make "infinifat" happen and it just feels really arrogant and vain to me. I think she also recently scrubbed all her porn off the web but... people don't forget, know?
>her husband was the one performing her online persona and writing her posts
I think this is way more common than anyone wants to believe/admit. But it makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Especially because the boyfriend/husband would often be more clued into what the people want (because he's one of them) and also because a decent percentage (I would even say most) of female feedees aren't even into it/only do it to please their partner/only do it for $ (or both) but we don't talk about that either

Didn't BBB get arrested a few years ago? I also remember hearing that she is/was pretty racist. That someone could be two burgers away from a heart attack yet still think they're superior to someone of an "inferior" race is very funny to me.
Don't put words in my mouth retard.
SexySignatureBBW doesn't/didn't have much going on upstairs. Her writing on her page promotions on the various bbw sites was written by someone at a second grade level.

Randalin and Jexka Wolves also don't strike me as too bright either. Interacted with both, and I got the "high school dropout 400 credit score" vibe from both of them.
>>13402 (OP)
that contradiction doesnt stem from stupidity or even hypocrisy lol its just having a political stance + fantasizing/joking about living life on easy mode...... obviously. some of yall arent just normal stupid, ur so willfully devoid of empathy you made urselves stupid
thats what happens when no bitches i guess
I think BigCutie Trysta is a legit veterinarian, that's pretty impressive.
As contradictory as those two things sound to you, it's not that contradictory if you were in the position of being able to achieve being a "kept sugarbaby to a billionaire", which you aren't and probably wouldn't want to be, because you aren't an attention seeking hypersexualized female. She's just saying that if you were a hyper valuable male, she would dump her values to be under your thumb and love the experience, but since she probably won't run into Jeff Bezos at the supermarket, she'll settle for feminism and a much deserved tax on balding manlets who own the modern shopping experience.
I’d put Randalin at the top of the list. I was completely floored at how stupid she was when being interviewed. Like, forming sentences was challenging
oh yeah, BBB (or JAAAAWNDA as some of us prefer to call her) smacked her husband around and got arrested five or six years ago. her mugshot still pops up here from time to time.
this is true
I was actually thinking of her when I saw this thread. I never really found her attractive tbh, but I respect the fact that she's actually into the fetish. Even if her boyfriend comes across as a total creep.
>Randalin and Jexka Wolves
Both these girls are a rare case of looks outweighing (no pun intended) intelligence for me. Ordinarily I couldn't see myself being with somebody significantly less intelligent than me, but I'd make an exception for either of them. Even non-FA friends of mine think Jexka is a total babe, and they're not wrong.
Not that any of this matters when we're talking about porn. I'll jack off to a girl who's a complete moron if she's hot. Case in point: half the girls in this thread lol
I've seen the mugshot before, but man is the mental image of that pretty fucking funny. Kind of makes you wonder what a morbidly obese woman would be like in a fight. I guess there's a reason you sometimes see 400lb+ guys working as bouncers (fellow Irish or UK posters may be able to relate to this more)
Layla's in law school, believe it or not... although I suspect her porn career will end her law career pretty quickly, so that does kind of make her an idiot.
Echo doesn't seem very smart imo.
you're confused that someone's politics doesn't correlate with their sexuality but there's a fag in here crying about how degenerate his own sexual preference is. oh geez what would /pol/ think!

Tbh joining MENSA is for idiots. You can’t be that smart if you pay an annual membership fee for the sole purpose of saying “I have a high IQ”. And I’m sure they have social events or whatever, but I doubt Betsy’s 600lb ass was turning up to them. In conclusion, while her IQ may have been high - she was dumb
no, Ash was pretty intelligent

BCBritt is dumb
Adeline is studying psychology i think
to me she reads high-functioning (... relatively speaking, I guess) but handicapped or at the very least extremely "off". that video where she's getting crane lifted into a hospital bed and at the end she flaps her arms around like "yaaay"... kinda sums up what I'm getting at. plus she's an 800 pound 40 year old weab, so, draw your own conclusions.

So is every basic bitch I went to school with. At least in Australia, the entry requirements for psychology are super low, so it’s very popular. And I mean, it’s not like they’re doing a PhD or something. 99% of people who complete a psychology degree probably end up working in marketing.
It felt like 1/4 to 1/3 of women I went to uni with majored in psychology. It is definitely the basic bitch of the science academia world.
Psych majors tend to be fucking stupid in my experience
She's definitely autistic IMO but that doesn't mean dumb.
literally every psych major I knew in college a decade ago was a basic uggs-and-iced-coffee white girl with no personality beyond being really really really into Harry Potter and bad emo music from their childhood. hope they're all having fun working dead end jobs and starting dime-a-dozen wedding photography businesses because they don't have any discernible skills.
You 1000% hit the nail on the head
She's insane, I don't think that's the same as dumb.
I know like three exceptions to that rule but it generally holds as a rule of thumb.
Yeah psychology is overwhelmingly for basics. It’s a bit of a misleading title, because you CAN become a doctor. But probably like 1% of people who study it actually become clinical psychologists. The rest just become school counsellors or HR officers or some shit
Being stupid and being in denial are two different things, Ash just can't come to terms with the fact that the only thing she's been able to accomplish with her life is helping a certain group of people get off, hence why she's distancing herself away from her modeling career, Ash talks a good game but at this point she's trying convince herself she can be a plus size advocate when in reality she knows better and can't admit to it.
Probably because she stopped modeling at 600lb. She wants the same cash and attention for Blob Bloblard Lard & Reblob Blog.
Which, we can all agree, is stupid. Same with anyone that thinks the attention they gained while they were gaining or supersized can transfer over to an audience for activism. If you're not getting their dick hard, they ain't caring. I'm sure that's why Dankii/Sageandsour privates her account every now and then - her video blogs showing off her fat face get way more interaction than her social justice callouts.

Dankii sucks. She’s hot but she’s the worst.
Lilith Fury looks and acts like she was that autististic wolf girl back in middle school. You know the one. Every school had one.
among the most insanely narcissistic people this scene has ever had. glad she fucked off years ago.
Was that muscular fellow she did photos with actually her bf or just a paid model? I've heard conflicting reports
The other thing about it too is that there really isn't any "movement" when it comes to "fat activism" anymore, it's about branding, marketing, and selling products, which Ash will never be able to do to the scale of a Tess Holiday simply based upon how she looks, I think for her she's trying to find a justification what's she done to herself outside of it just turned her on.

Shit, really? I remember watching her old stuff and really liking it, but I haven't checked in for a good few years now. Never got that impression.
Since other people mentioned Dankii in this thread.

I remember a long time ago (6+ years I think....I don't remember) there were pictures that came out of Dankii and a really muscular guy who I guess was her boyfriend. People were saying that there's no way that he would like her, or that he's only attracted to fat girls, etc. Then Dankii uploaded a video of her saying that she's only dating him because she has a fetish for muscular men and that's just what she's into. I tried to find the video of her saying this but I can't find it.
oh yeah I remember this. she did it as a joke to clap back at everyone who was saying that about her. again, just an incredibly stuck-up and weird individual.

That video was pretty funny tbf. Unlike everything else she has ever done on social media which is cringe
every British one

Which ones are British? I can’t think of one off the top of my head
off the top of my head:
Alice Bonython

I don't think any of them are particularly dumb (just to be clear) but they are all British

Porcelain is quite obviously Scottish.
they called her british, not english you dolt
>>13848 they could also being refferring to piggyjrc or lana2002x, they both seem a bit... dim
piggyjrc devided to gain 100lbs then have a kid at like 20 my bets are shes a fuckin dumbass
I realize they have quite some representation now that i'm trying to come up with names..

Samantha Parker, Shazzy, Jodie, FattyPatty, Ellie Roe, ThattFatGirl, CookieBBW, Chloe, LadyBrads, BigDee, SeriouslySexySsbbw, and Penguin who is Australian told me she has British ancestry.
not to be rude but how on earth did you not clock that immediately lol, she looks half lobotomized.
I can't tell if Porcelain is an idiot or just shy
CandiShea was noticeably stupid when she was on YT about a decade ago and doesn't seem to have wisened much over the years lol
Porcelain is just sorta reserved - she's not eloquent or anything but she's clear with what's she's about on her Tumblr asks. The Scottish accent isn't doing her any favors unfortunately.
Okay, lets flip this around; who do you guys think are the smartest models?

The ones studying psychology
SSBBW Jenni seems relatively intelligent. Same with Leilane or however you spell her name.

To me as a German, Lailani seems rather trashy.
That's interesting... For me as an American it's frustrating she does most of her talking videos in German. I understand that's how you guys talk over there lol but 1) most Germans I've met speak excellent English, and 2) I'm assuming she has approximately 1000x more English-speaking fans than German. Seems a no-brainer to go all-English but then maybe she has no brain... On one video I purchased she wrote "write to me for an English translation." So I did, and she sent me back a 3-sentence summary of what she was saying... that was already in the clips4sale description.
Is she SüdDeutsch? I always assumed she was from BW or somewhere like that? Not trying to dox or anything obvs, but you guys have really specific accents over there. I'll never forget the first time I heard Sächsisch, I really thought it was a couple of kids goofing around talking funny. Shes a very sexy lady, but it's a conflicted fap because she looks a lot like my mother and the women on her side of the family.
I haven't inspected her accent closely but phenotypically, she has a lot of South-German traits, from the dark hair/eyes to tall rectangular-ish facial structure. Also she tans instead of burns. Her body type also seems to lean a bit endomorph (who get fatter easier), which is also typical of south/east Germanic lands.

Anyway she has definite early Gen X energy, doesn't seem very "trashy" to me per se beyond being a softcore porn star. this is going to sound ridiculous right after saying that but I wish she was my mom, or maybe aunt or something because I found her more comfy than anything else (which makes the accusations of her lying about weight sting more, I believe it but yeah).

Teal deer: She seems Bavaro-Austrian yes. Possible ancient Celtic and even some Slavic admixture.
oh nevermind I just checked her earliest videos, she was definitely more trashy then. I wonder what SS rank her Opa was lol
It's said by a reliable informant that TayTay21 used to do heroin

She very clearly lived in some sort of halfway house or sleazy motel during many of her photo shoots. Of course a lot rent hotels to shoot in but it was kind of clear she actually lived there because there was personal stuff everywhere and she had covered up a lot of the pictures on the wall with her own stuff.
I know she has literally nothing to do with the bbw scene but I have nowhere else to post this take: I think Chelsea Charms got her implants taken out and retired suddenly because she's in some kind of declining mental state. Out of curiosity I bought a month of her new OnlyFans where she posts older content and does current Q&A/vlogging type stuff, and she just seems to speak very slowly and deliberately and not have her thoughts gathered. I'm not saying she was ever a woman of advanced intelligence but she seemed a lot sharper back in the day.

I also found this video on spankbang of her with the implants towards the end where she can't get through her script and looks totally dead behind her eyes. it's clearly some kind of uncut behind the scenes type thing and I'm wondering why it was released at all: https://spankbang.com/5eqkx/video/cc+fan
I have zero idea because i'm not so dedicated to fapping that I can get a bead on a pornstars personality. I know the chicks on Tumblr are generally retarded,but that's still more of a generalized perception than anyone I can point out
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This. I think liberals are stupid, but I can also tell when they're joking, which a shocking amount of people seem incapable of doing. Just how widespread is autism in America?
This is killer. I never really thought about it, but all the most basic chicks I've ever met wanted to major in psychology. They were those girls who loved to say "I can read people really quickly y'know"
Americans (and Brits) on the whole cannot take a joke. American life is divided into Losers vs. Leaders, and self-deprecating humor doesn't really have a place here.
Witty people have always gotten a bad press in this society.
i don’t agree but that might depend on what state or town your in though, and how a person is feeling that day
the world presents many different faces
Everyone I know who's majored in psychology, and particularly those who've gone on to become psychologists/psychiatrists/therapists are fucked up and neurotic. Their kids are worse. I'm convinced they get into it in the first place to figure out their own shit.

Probably because she makes videos of her taking a dump and shit like that
Hot take, all of them who eat themselves to death. If you eat yourself until you're on a breath machine just to please some coomer online, then you're beyond retarded.

Most of them aren't getting rich off of it considering they living in piss smelling dwellings or assistant living.
Veruca.It's anecdotal but I think anyone who's seen her clip catalogue would agree with me on this one. I feel kinda bad for her though, she's clearly one of the least attractive models on Curvage.

I think Whimsic is pretty dumb too, but at least she's hot.

>Lilith Fury looks and acts like she was that autististic wolf girl back in middle school. You know the one. Every school had one.
Hot, that's my type
Sometimes it’s a selling point when a girl is dumb. I like knowing I’m the one who knows more and that she won’t challenge me.
Lilbigmama86 definitely retarded

Fat activism, now days just revolves around
making sassy response videos on tiktok.
Does Britt count, or does crazy not necessarily equate with stupid?

Destiny has always struck me as vapid. She’s got a “I’ve tried college but it isn’t for me” vibe. The type that stays in their general hometown area until she latches on to a guy who could convince her to relocate. Not sped like Gabi or Echo, but a dullard. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hot. I’m just saying that she’s got to be boring clothed.

Is Echo sped? I thought she was just a basic/weeb
I wouldn’t rule out placing her on the spectrum, at least
I don't think she's sped, I think she has a food addiction that got out of hand and a webmaster that wanted to see how far it would go. I don't think she's a genius either or anything. Just a glutton that made the best of a worsening situation.

It’s her affect and speech. It’s awkward and sounds practiced, which is something neurodivergent people do (provided they have the social awareness)
She could also not have good camera training? It's why people on here also think Sadie is autistic. Some of these women have never been natural in front of cameras and it seems rehearsed because, well, it is. I get that's what we have to go off of here but it's not enough for me to be convinced that she's neurodivergent. Awkward and nervous, sure.

Sadie is definitely an autist
I’m not saying she’s far on the spectrum, but a bit of sperg might be buried under that blubber
I'm the guy in the other thread who posted about hanging out with a girl who went to some of Heather's fat girl parties pre-covid. I can tell you the "Echo might be a little... y'know" thing isn't just a bbwchan rumor, lol. She's a 40 year old weeb, guys, draw your own conclusions.

I was active in the scene back when Echo (before she became "Echo") started showing up to bashes. Nice girl, but emotionally immature and not very bright. I don't particularly care if that qualifies as a clinical diagnosis, but there's no doubt in my mind that she's being cynically taken advantage of.

True. She did a Q&A video once and instead of talking about anything hot, she just sperged out about kpop and anime. It was a massive waste of time.

That’s what I always went for, not autistic but just childish and immature and not very smart.

Sadie’s an LA Jew, she seems like the normal amount of awkwardness that is to be expected for that.

Source? I didn’t know Sadie was a kike
She quite literally grunts "oy vey" while trying to shift her kosher rump off the bed.
Niggerman forgive me, but that fat Jewish pussy has got a rational gentleman of pure Anglo-American descent acting up.

Is it common for Christ killers to have such hefty dumpers? I might have to convert.
Loser. Log off before your parents catch you
>She quite literally grunts "oy vey" while trying to shift her kosher rump off the bed.
Why white people are so scared of Jews, I will never know
>>18170 "Scared" is not the word I would have chosen. It leaves me to conclude that you have no idea what you are talking about
Aren't Jews white people, too?
They aren’t really, it’s just that the 2 is 3 Aussies on here are the biggest fucking assholes in the world and I can’t wait for them to drink themselves to death or get sun poisoning or whatever so I don’t have to keep seeing their nonsense on the chan

Aussies are still upset that they got their asses kicked by a bunch of birds. They're the only ones to ever lose a war against poultry.
>thinks emus are poultry

Smartest American.
Love coming here to discuss fat girls and seeing a bunch of alt right assholes bickering. I guess you guys have to keep your shit talking online because you get fucked up in person. Get back into your u-hauls, douchebags.

Bro, the thread is called ‘who is the dumbest model’. And you came in here for a civil discussion.

Second smartest American.

lol, smart enough to know how to stop a bird.
Yeah, I expect discussion that’s on-topic. We speak the same language; why the fuck is it so hard for you to understand the prompt? Are Aussies just naturally this stupid, or did that hole in the ozone layer cook your brains?

Lol nice one bro. Do a dingo joke next. Say something about shrimp on the barbie.

Can’t talk. I’m too busy fighting emus and losing 🤣🤣🤣
Nice enough to get you to respond. And since you asked “oi! A dingo went an are y’mums fanny down by the billabong! Tasted of vegimite, it did!”

Anyways, an idiot that comes to mind is Britt. I know she cooked her brain on something (wanna say mescaline?), but even before that, she seemed limited. Not like retarded, but “I’m gonna try a year of college, drop out, and spend my days either working in a Wawa or a dead end receptionist position. Limited. Great body, though. If you could just corral her and get her to stop rambling about being god, I’m sure you could have a great time.

>rambling about being god


I missed this, details?
Over on the SSBBW board, there was a thread about her rambling posts and newfound spiritualism. It’s a shame, even if these women are valued for their bodies first and foremost. You’d think the hog you’ve got on its back could at least be tolerable or decent at conversation. Then again, she can’t talk as much if she’s eating, so…
I will say the one thing I respected about Britt was that she would actually go out in skimpy clothes to raves and shit and post pics of her with her gut out on her personal social media pages (including Facebook, we have mutuals so I've done a little digging lol). But yeah she seems to have fried her brain or at the very least gotten too deep into weirdo contemporary white girl Internet spiritualism. You think she buys Gwyneth Paltrow products and shit like that?
I think whatever guy she ends up with is gonna have his hands full. Reminds me of someone I know who basically works his ass off to keep his wife home because she’s nuttier than a forest in Vermont.
She’s the kind of woman who doesn’t know she’s stupid. Would try to grift while flirting, in a “you said my belly was cute. Wouldn’t you like to help me pay for a meal?” way just after starting a convo. The wild thing is that it’d probably work if she didn’t look like shit.
Anyone else find it cute when one of these women is an idiot? I'm not saying "wear a helmet" stupid, but enough that your authority is unquestioned? S'nice.
I’d say Lvlynightmare skirts this. I’m just saying, the woman swings from begging us for money and condemning us. If she had two brain cells to rub together, she’d cozy up to us. Worst case scenario, she gets money. Best case, she replaces her dead husband.

I’m just saying. Not the dumbest (hi Gaining Gabi), and she’s not crazy (Britt, Rowan), but still.
littlepumpkinssbbw and all her crew for supporting her
>>13402 (OP)
Lillith the cenobite. While she's not exactly dumb, she does have autism. She's also a pos from what i've heard from stufferdb. I've also heard from someguy who used to date her that she's fucking nuts.
I'll second an unironic appreciation for dumb fatties. It is cute, endearing, and attractive. Absolutely a top tier quality in a mate.

Maybe make a distinction between "dumb" girls who are obnoxiously dense and aggressively ignorant (thiccy2thicc being an example), and sweet normal girls who have chosen to make their lives easier by embracing dumbness as a lifestyle.

Roxxie is a good example - she has chosen dumbness. She seems to have a reasonably intelligent mind - bright even. But she's chosen a life where all she thinks about is food, makeup, clothes, accessories, light cosmetic surgery, sex, and pleasing her husband, all while staying disorientingly high on THC pretty much every day. It's literally her lifestyle to be as dumb as possible - and by all appearances it's genuine and not a performance. There are a decent and growing collection of girls for whom you could say the same. I think it's fucking great.

Less thinking, more drugs, eating, and orgasms.
Is Gabi still around anymore? Last I heard she got some infection and that was it. She's probably the dumbest model. I get Chris-Chan level of retarded vibes whenever she talks.
I met her in real life. Pretty rough.

Remember when she lied to everyone and did interviews with questionable sites and claimed she had a terminal brain illness and had the goal of being the fattest woman alive before she died
Her daily “Because nobody sponsored me today I will not be eating” posts on feabie convinced me she was retarded
Your mom
I just watched Adeline’s weight gain story video. I can’t believe some of you were nominating her as one of the smarter models earlier in this thread. She sounds like a retard
Her husband is probably black
Just shy mate.
(157 KB, 1424x1080, Shanghaied_125.webp)
She smokes weed too, it dulls you. Likey not safe at home.
There's a reason I don't watch this shit anymore.
All these girls had evil parents and were molested. raped as young women, or were endlessly bullied for being fat

Porn is like looking into the very jaws of hell.
She needs a good hubby a psychologist and an Exorcist,
Or had good parents and were corrupted.
Did you just compare heroine to weed?

Valid comparison. Studies show weed is actually more addictive
There's not one damn study on this whole planet that says anything near that
Insane. I’ve been smoking weed 4-7x week for 35 years. Was feeling under the weather last month so I quit for a few weeks, as I do here and there. I was irritable for a day or so but it wasn’t a big deal, and it took me a little longer to get to sleep (though I slept deeper). A heroin user with the same track record who quit cold would be sweating, puking, hallucinating, and climbing the walls, and that’s best case scenario. Some addicts wind up hospitalized or dead from withdrawal.

Very true. Even if you're not in DT's bad enough to be hallucinating there is still the shitting your pants and also terrible muscle twitches and spasms that make it nearly impossible to rest. Smoking weed I credit a lot with getting off heroin. Clean 7 years now and I am grateful every day. Hate when people use the word "addicting" for stupid shit like recipes on instagram.
PurpleRose seems simple. And also looks like she smells
> I’ve been smoking weed 4-7x week for 35 years.

i AM noT aN ADdICt.

>A heroin user with the same track record ...

An herion addict with the same track record isn't going to make it to 35 years. Comparing weed with herion is like comparing a Harley Davidson with a Tesla.

I have been taking shits my whole life. I stopped having sex 15 years ago.

>the 2 is 3 Aussies on here are the biggest fucking assholes in the world

Lol based
I was trying to explain the difference between physical psychological addiction, as the person I was responding to said weed was more addictive than heroin. Which is assinine.

I don't quite get the tesla v harley thing (seems you're actually agreeing with me...?), but as for me being an aDdiCt, doing something consistently and enjoying it isn't "addiction." If you ate pizza 4-7x a week for decades, where it was a ritual and part of your life, and you suddenly couldn't, you would miss it. Deeply. But you wouldn't wind up in the hospital or die like someone physically addicted to opioids — or alcohol for that matter. Same goes for weed.

Also, you can be addicted to heroin for more than 35 years. I personally know an addict with a longer track record (npi), a successful artist with some family money. I will agree it's not typical, but heroin itself won't kill you. Most junkies die from OD or lifestyle. They get their shit from random sources where the strength or purity is suspect, or they get desperate because they run out of money and buy bad stuff, use dirty needles, wind up homeless, or die of malnutrition. As always, it depends on the individual circumstances.
Ash has since pivoted to fat fashion, because of course she has. Excited to see what she'll fail at next, maybe running for Congress?
There have been other fat IG girls her size that try to make fat fashion work and their single complaint is always "they never have my size". I don't know what she could possibly do differently.

That being said, the underwater vid she has on her IG is reminiscent of her BC content. Good shit.
At this point I'm just waiting for the complete mental breakdown to happen followed by WLS, I see Ash as one of those women who will throw the community under the bus after dropping the pounds just for a little clout.

We've all been there and all I can say is go with God. I'm going to go find something to eat.
Studies show heroin and weed are pretty much the same thing
It's all made of stardust so you're technically correct. Practically speaking, you're fos.
Ash is not dumb though — she's delusional. I listened to a few of her podcasts and she's articulate, but a lot of the opinions were batshit. The trouble is the infinifat thing, taking SA to its illogical conclusion. A company who doesn't accommodate absolutely everyone isnt necessarily "discriminating," they just don't see a viable market. Like in fashion, I think extended plus sizes were a blind spot for a lot of companies, and several have stepped up and done okay with them. But it's a niche and you're just never gonna get the same options as a 6X that you have as a 3X, and it's strictly about there being way fewer customers that size.
I agree, she's most certainly delusional and the sad part is for all her preaching about size acceptance it's nothing more than a thinly vailed attempt to justify a fetish she let control her life for too long.
They are birds, making emus poultry
I'm tight with somebody's ex who used to frequent bashes (it might be one of you guys, lol) and I can confirm a lot of this. I never met Josie but it doesn't take a doctor to see she's developmentally stunted or at the very least too naive to get herself real help when she's in such poor health. before heather herself started having health problems there were posts on bbwchan weekly about how bad it made her look, one big thread about it very weirdly was deleted by the mods, possibly because it was in /ssbbw/ and didn't have any content but still strange. granted stu and bombshells used to be way sleazier about hiring models in failing health and nobody cared, probably because it was years ago and nobody really gave a fuck about bombshells anyway.
bigcutie kennedy is on c4s now and her clip descriptions make her sound like she reads at a seventh grade level. "getting my pussy aten", lol
Just to flip the script a little, can I say I'm super-turned on by smart models? That BC Eve is clever and articulate bumps her hotness up at least 30%.
oh absolutely. eve has bonkers ass final boss energy. I would pay out the nose to let her kick the shit out of me. what a woman.
Sadie's definitely a little dull. Her personal Facebook has her bigcuties preview pics and a bunch ass selfies on it and she has 4,000 friends, a lot of which appear to be overseas coomers. She seems like she grew up sheltered or some shit.
this is for /tits/ denizens: does anybody feel like yungfreckz is the dumbest broad alive. for some reason i get such sloppy high school dropout small town idiot vibes from her.
Not a model, but there's this girl on feabie locally. We've talked off and on for months on snapchat. She is so dumb she's incapable of writing out messages, she sends everything over voice notes because she can't spell out basic words.
I mean let’s be frank, if a Kartrashian can study and take an alternative to an actual bar exam to becoming a lawyer through connections/fucking someone because she has rocks for brains, porn won’t stop that. More power to Layla.

Some Americans sucks. They're hot but the worst make the US look like hell.
This is inspiring. How far a retard can come. I'm being sincere.
> if a Kartrashian can

They're multi-millionaires. I'm pretty sure if they wanted to, they can buy a third world country. Being rich and dumb isn't the same as being a normie and dumb.

Lol imagine just doing a little research on your new lawyer and stumbling across videos of them in their underwear grunting while stuffing themselves until they puke
bombshells would literally just hire any desperate, dangerously obese trailer trash to take pics with their cell phones and shit. heather and bigcuties at least had a veneer of professionalism and respectability.
Female ASD gets very often mis or undiagnosed.

I could've sworn there was a model that had a government job but got fired as soon as her boss/co-worker found her online.

I believe that was Asshley. Many moons ago too, like early mid 2000's
cinnamonbaby or whatever her name is. listening to her talk for 5 minutes is like having a brain aneurysm.
(167 KB, 1040x1920, bethany2.jpg)
Sorcha/bigbellybridget. Anons in her thread over on /ssbbw are saying that she's really dumb because she (supposedly) has a very limited vocabulary. This is being said by anons who've talked to her on WooPlus. But I take it with a pinch of salt because these anons also seem butthurt that she wouldn't go out with them.

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