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Are there any actual sites focused around BBWs/SSBBWs that ARENT attached to feederism in any shape or form?
Feabie was a bust
Curvage was also a bust
I just want a good forum where I can talk to fat girls without them constantly wanting to gain weight for simps.
It makes me not want to have this attraction I have because I have no where to really express myself without being bombarded by dumb people who either want to gain weight to the brink of dying or want to pay people so they can gain weight to the brink of dying.

I literally don't care if you disagree with me about feederism either, I know this site well enough to know arguing about that is honestly pointless. So don't diatribe at me or call me an elitist. I'm just a tired man who wants an online space for fatties that isn't about gaining.

Pic for attention
Try normal dating apps like Tinder (& possibly WooPlus).
yea coming across fat women on regular dating apps is a whole lot better than plus size apps cause there’s no expectations besides dating n no weird fetish nonsense
>>13352 (OP)
Any woman can be the BBW girlfriend of your dream, if you stop being a pussy and fatten some bitches up.
Dating apps suck for different reasons. That's not what I am looking for as a socially awkward manlet.
Well... That pic got my attention. Who drew it?
So nothing huh??
Just "use dating sites" when I already have and no one messages me/they're all money sinks.
I should of specified that. But it is what it is.
You all are lame though.
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>self-proclaimed "socially awkward manlet"
>boo hoo dating sites are shit
Dude what the fuck do you want/expect? Ah yes, let me link you to a magic silver bullet website that'll hook you up with the BBW of your dreams.

1. Fat fetishism is inextricably linked to weight gain fetishism
2. Whether you like it or not
3. Especially on the internet
4. Both fetishes are inextricably linked to simp-ism/girls scrounging for money
5. Refer to points 2 & 3 again
6. Dating sites are a complete crapshoot for straight men (refer to point 2 again). Either don't use them or suck it up like the rest of us
7. For FAs especially, point 6 is exacerbated by points 1-4

If you really want a fat gf who isn't into feederism (hell, even if you want one who is into it), just fucking go outside, holy shit

I hope this is bait. Grow up, you dumb fuck
Stop being a socially awkward manlet. No site is going to help you get past that
You think that's bad? Try being a fat male trying to find a straight female FA that isn't a hamplanet. I don't understand why there are thin men who like big girls, but not vice versa.
women don't respect fatasses and I can understand why
Take your meds, both of you, I was trying to be funny about it all.
All I asked for was a step in the right direction towards something positive.

First guy, you only say those sorts of things because you have those fetishes, you're projecting your insecurities onto me for some reason. Le epigggg blackpill won't work on me, you absolute dumbfuck.
Second guy, I used to have a lot more success online than I do now. It's less about me changing and more the world changing around us with the FDStards infecting women into thinking relationships are solely transactional.

Basically, either help or not, but don't be a fucking baby back bitch towards me asking simple fucking questions.
There ARE thin women who like bigger guys. However there's contingency in what you mean by "fat" too.

A ton of small women, I can even personally attest, love big tall guys. They even like some meaty "dwarfmoders". You know like bodybuilder mindset who bulked a bit too much. They like the contrast - it's very traditional, you protect them warmly etc.

Now if you mean like you're a real butterball slob, then yes fetishism will have to come into play in most cases (unless you're rich and/or a saint and/or something else fantastical).

I HAVE seen skinny women on sites like Feabie and Tumblr who like true fatasses but they're going to lean dominant sexually and honestly have a bit of a bitchy streak and their own trauma. Obviously the internet blows up the % of mentally ill women by nature so it's all up to you but you do need to get out there, make an effort, and be your truest self actualized. One of my biggest mistakes is ghosting a thin lady who was REALLY into extreme feeding guys and was a skilled girlboss type and not a bitch (I was going through a tough time irl). She ended up blocking me feeling betrayed. I'm proof though they are out there. Usually again they either associate fat with masculine power or something to take control of.

If you're an ugly shirt hambeast yourself, then just make full damage control in every other aspect of life - become educated and smart, optionally more wealthy, become more morally upright, maybe build some more muscle.

At the end of the day, whether you have faith or not, the truth of life is devastatingly simple: Just 🐝 urself. You will just suffer in vain otherwise, feeder gf or not.
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P.s. It goes without saying perhaps, but something women admire most of all these days is feeling understood and listened to (big difference to just "be nice" btw). If she feels like the lock to your key even someone who hates fat people will tolerate your insanity to some extent. Sorry for the schizoid moment but TRUE love has divine power. Which ties back to the simplicity and sincerity stuff.

I'll close off with advice an autistic 24 year old woman who had a crush on me (I also rjeected because not pretty, I'm a jerk) lived through all sorts of insane BS pleaded with me. It went like:

>Please for the love of God, Anon, do NOT start a relationship with someone based off a fetish

I'd listen to her. Don't get the cart before the horse or whatever.
>>13352 (OP)

Normal dating sites are the way to go. Most let you sort by body size. Don't bother with specialty sites, you're not going to find anyone who isn't on the far end of the fetish spectrum.
It's so weird reading this because I lucked out with my wife. never used dating sites, but some of the BEST places so see some pretty bbw's have always been indie art shows. i'm talking about the actual gringy type of art shows where everyone has their tents up and you always see at least one table with local black metal merch and one table with the most shittily drawn shit done on really fancy canvas. The types that are really fun and chill, and willing to go along with things so long as you're not some fucked up inept hobgoblin.
my wife and i fucked around during the drawchan days and we knew each other for years with friends who already knew what each of us were into and didn't really care since we're not fucking that weird. Dating sites suck for both sides of the table because of the bots, and flat out freaks you'll see.

Honestly seeing one anon here with the "HURGH FDS INFECTED WOMEN" is fucking retarded. Saw it on another board, lurked there and at most it was pretty normie tier aside for a few materialistic girls, but If that ain't your thing then who tf cares. Honestly with the people i've been with they went along with anything as long as I made them feel sexy and didn't pressure them. letting things fall naturally the more I focused on myself has been the best thing to happen, which led to me and my wife getting together during a really fucked up accident with a friend. She's always been fat, but not interested in the feeder shit unless that rare mood comes up. I don't mind if she lost or gain, but pretty sure she ain't dropping any weight soon. When i first met her I only knew about her cup size and the fat was just a bonus. We both realized we really liked each other and it's been pretty great so far. I dated outside my type for years and it ended up in trash fire with weirdos. i found through other friends dating sites foe specific shit can get you lost and you'll be with someone who's just a bedwarmer that you despise. It's just not worth it.
Sounds like shit advice, but work son yourself and go to fucked up art shows that aren't some weird sex shit. Even if you don't find a girl you'll meet some pretty neat people and make solid connections with other guys. The only site I saw that wasn't a dumpfire for meeting girls was fantasyFeeder but seems to be iffy with meetups ever since COVID made shit weird. I always lurked there so can't really say anything.

I jsut wanted to dump here, i rarely post here and i've always beleived dating sites are shitholes with bots and just regular hookups. Though others feel different, never been a hookup type of person.
>some of the BEST places so see some pretty bbw's have always been indie art shows

Lol deep cut but so true in my experience.
Just go outside and talk to women you fucking loser
Is being with a thin FFA a hard requirement/want for you? If not I would highly recommend getting a woman who is also fat. My girl and I are both 330+lbs and it is amazing
Outside of plus-sized dating sites, and to a lesser extent regular dating sites, you're probably fucked. Explicit attraction to fat girls pretty much goes hand in hand with fetish shit. Though going by your posts ITT, it sounds like part of the issue is internal.

For me, any fetish part of this attraction is 100% in fantasy, and it mostly centers on women being extremely spoiled, extremely fat slobs. That part of my kink does not come into play in my real sex life. The people I jerk off to are not attractive to me in real life.

In real life, I Iove my wife, who is about 250-300 pounds and not into the fetish aspect of her body type at all. She also masturbates to fantasy shit she doesn't want in real life. We're both fine with the fact that we look at porn and have weird sexual fantasies, but then we come together for great sex as well.

We met on a dating site. A normal dating site. I had it in the background, checking on it maybe once a week (unless I was actively talking to somebody) while also talking to women irl. She'd just signed up weeks before. I was the first sane, non-dick-pic guy that started a real, human conversation with her. We met up, it went well, and have been together for almost 10 years now.

My advice is to use normal dating sites in the background, because you never know, while also talking to women in real life. There's no reason you can't do both. Open as many avenues as you can. Dating is like job hunting: it's a shitty process full of heartbreak and rejection, and the faster you can learn to roll with the punches (and be selective yourself) the better off you'll eventually be.
>I was the first sane, non-dick-pic guy that started a real, human conversation with her. We met up, it went well, and have been together for almost 10 years now.
Sounds about right. Guys who resort to dating sites tend to be single for a reason, no different than a number of women on dating sites.
>My advice is to use normal dating sites in the background, because you never know, while also talking to women in real life. There's no reason you can't do both. Open as many avenues as you can. Dating is like job hunting: it's a shitty process full of heartbreak and rejection, and the faster you can learn to roll with the punches (and be selective yourself) the better off you'll eventually be.
This is also solid advice. Like job hunting, you'll most likely have to deal with plenty of failure before finding success, and so long as you learn from your failures instead of just wallowing in your own misery, things have a good shot of eventually lining up. It takes plenty of patience, particularly in this day and age.
>For me, any fetish part of this attraction is 100% in fantasy
This is the way.
>I had it in the background, checking on it maybe once a week (unless I was actively talking to somebody) while also talking to women irl. She'd just signed up weeks before
I've been saying this for years (even as a guy who's had a decent amount of success on dating sites) and none of my friends believe me. It's obviously impossible to select for, but for some fucking reason you'll have MUCH better luck with a girl who's just starting out on Tinder (or whatever dating app)
>My advice is to use normal dating sites in the background, because you never know, while also talking to women in real life. There's no reason you can't do both. Open as many avenues as you can. Dating is like job hunting: it's a shitty process full of heartbreak and rejection, and the faster you can learn to roll with the punches (and be selective yourself) the better off you'll eventually be.
This really is solid advice. When I was just starting out, I found myself frustrated at how few women seemed to take dating sites seriously. Then I realised that that isn't really the point. You're much better off NOT taking it seriously, just have it in the background as you said. If you're a straight guy, Tinder (or, again, whatever) should be something you have chugging along in the background while you work on self-improvement (whatever form that may take) and/or trying to meet girls IRL. Because the alternative (i.e. taking it SUPER seriously) just leads to frustration and disappointment.
Having said that, an old friend of mine (who perhaps ironically is an SSBBW herself) once told me "you get out of Tinder what you put into it". It's definitely worth not spending too much time or money on it, but it's also well worth having a decent profile and being selective with your swipes and so on.
>[girls] who resort to dating sites tend to be single for a reason
This is another thing I've been saying for years that my friends don't agree with. In many cases girls resort to dating sites because they're overweight, which is obviously good for guys like us. But in my experience a good chunk of them (especially the skinny ones, contrary to what some people on this board would have you believe) are just basket cases.

I'm not going to dignify OP telling me to "take my meds" with a response (because he was being such a whiny cunt), but instead I'll refer him to >>14253 , who I'll concur with (in this one instance) even though he's a racist

>[girls] who resort to dating sites tend to be single for a reason
This is another thing I've been saying for years that my friends don't agree with. In many cases girls resort to dating sites because they're overweight, which is obviously good for guys like us. But in my experience a good chunk of them (especially the skinny ones, contrary to what some people on this board would have you believe) are just basket cases.

i'd like to push back on that a bit. i'm not sure i could say that they're significantly more basket-casey (not a word, don't care) than gen pop; there are plenty of motherfuckers out there that are nuttier than squirrel shit at a skippy's factory. i definitely agree with you that the ones who are on there loudly proclaiming that they "only want a relationship because i have trust issues, men are trash, yada yada" are almost certainly going to be at least a little wacko.

but they broadcast that shit pretty clearly, so you really only have yourself to blame for getting trapped if you swipe right on em. you can find plenty of nutjobs at the grocery store at the gym, except you don't have the benefit of the minesweeper numbers that are dating app bios lol
>>14292 Oh for real? I'm so stupid I thought they were like trying to have fun because their lives were boring. I never once thought they used those services to fr trying to find Mr. Perfect. I have noticed in the past how some of them "settle" for sometimes really ugly bumfuck tatted up young studs, but I mean they're women who knows what they're thinking? It's not my business & it's their life. Everybody needs to fuck. Somebody has to fuck those women & it sure ain't going to be me! lmfaooo. no way jose. I am sort of famous around these parts for my proclivity to fuck pretty much anything. I've fucked fat thots, white thots, asian thots, honestly I love them all & I'd fuck just about everything.... but even I have standards. I have respect for myself
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I only said that because you were being a dickbag for you taking a slightly sarcastic statement over the internet seriously.
I apologize for being rude.
Nonetheless, I have tried dating sites and can't stay mentally(or monetarily) committed to them.
I'm rarely, if at all on here anymore anyway so sorry for the very late reply as well.

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