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I'm having a really hard time finding good weight gain formula/whatever that isn't some stupid knock-off vanilla flavor or something sweet.
Anyone know any good ones that are tasteless or would be good with savory options?
Have you ever heard of maltodextrin?
Benecalorie has no flavor and can be mixed with anything. Same as Polycal, Maxijul and Duocal
Nice! I'm going to start putting this in my girlfriend's meal preps. She's trying to lose weight, so I've had to make her food less greasy and sweet. This should hopefully at least keep her from losing weight.

She has some chubby friends that are going to start paying me to meal prep for them, too. This should help thicken them up without my plans being too obvious. Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
Which do you think would have the least effect on the texture of water? I fill up her Hydroflask with water twice a day. If I could sneak in an extra 600 calories, that shit can add up some new rolls pretty fast 🥰🥰🥰
Okay, dude, if you’re being legit serious about what you’re saying, you need to stop.

The whole “secretly fattening up someone” stuff is all very fine and well as a fantasy, but it’s seriously fucked up if it’s real life.

It will only end in tears if she or any of her friends finds out about it. Which they will eventually.
Ok w/e but I still need to know fast. Maltodextrin is noticeable, she said her water tasted different. I did put it in her cold brew, though, and she did not seem to notice. 5 pounds to 300, I am so fucking excited!!!
You're a terrible human being and I hope your girlfriend leaves you. People like you give the feedism community a bad name.
God, you Brits are so fucking uptight. Putin is bombing Ukraine girls. Who cares if I want a thicker girlfriend?
The answer is nobody. I can close to guarantee to you that noone cares about you or your girlfriend. She could be the biggest slut in town, get naked for free, do satanic rituals, and have an overdose. She will be quickly forgotten. Unless you live in China or some place like that. It might be fifferent there.
If you want a thicker girlfriend go and find one that wants it too, don't trick and manipulate someone who doesn't want it. You clearly don't care about her or respect her if you put your sexual desires above her bodily autonomy. Hopefully she sees through your bullshit and you're left alone.
It's a complete breach of trust and consent. That's the issue. People like you are the reason that there's a stereotype about people who're into this fetish being complete creeps
Dude, that's fucking bullshit. I never told her I wasn't adding caloric additives to her meals except when she asked me about two months ago when she found she couldn't lose that extra 10 pounds she put on in Vegas, and I really had not been adding anything back then. She hasn't asked since and if she does, I will tell her. She just said the water tasted like the filter might be going bad and I told her I'd check. No lies.

I am not hiding anything, either. I always tell her that she's perfect, except too thin for my tastes. I tell her how much I want to fatten her up probably a good 15x+ a day. Ous sex life is focused almost entirely on her fat. I can't get off without it and honestly, it seems like she can't either. I am not doing anything wrong
I don't know how you can have the gall to label what I said as bullshit, and in the same sentence claim you aren't being deceitful because she never asked. She hasn't asked because clearly she doesn't know what a selfish prick you are, and doesn't expect someone who loves her to manipulate her like this. If you care about her then respect her wishes to lose weight. It's her body, not yours.
Go back to elementary school and learn how to read. She did ask and I told her the truth: I wasn't adding anything to her food to make her gain weight. She hasn't asked since and I haven't told her, but I'm not hiding it. What? You have to tell your girlfriend _everything_? Do you write down the exact calorie count of everything that you cook? Do you tell her you're here on bbw-chan being an idiot? If she asks me again, I will probably tell her I've been playing around with different combos of additives to change the texture etc. She knows I'm obsessed with making good tasting food.
You should only be adding that stuff to her food/drink with her consent, so you not telling her is wrong. And you haven't asked/told her because you know what her answer would be. She asked you once if you were, and you said no, it is not on her to ask you every week to check that it's still "no", that is a ridiculous argument to make. At best you are betraying her trust, at worse this could be considered abuse.
Okay you convinced me. I'm going to start by telling her I season food with salt /s
Why don't you start by telling her you've been looking for tasteless weight gain supplements to sneak into her food and drinks? You've made it clear you're doing nothing wrong, so surely she wouldn't mind?
I'm done with this conversation. I don't have time to argue with kids on the internet and I don't care what they think. If this is abuse, fucking sue Frito-Lays and McDonalds for abusing you.

My girl has gained 80 pounds with me over the past three years. I didn't specifically tell her that I was buying ice cream after dinner to thicken her up, but she has a brain. If I wasn't worth it to her, she would have left me.
Jfc dude, I hope your girlfriend finds out.
It is an issue of choice, or more specifically, you taking away her ability to choose/her autonomy.

McDonald's and Frito-Lays list all the ingredients in their food, and you can choose not to eat it. When you gave your girlfriend ice cream she knew what was in it, and could choose whether to eat it or not.

You sneaking in supplements to her food means she has no choice in the matter. And don't try and argue that she could choose not to drink her cold brew, because I bet if she knew what was in it she probably would.

The only "kid" here is you, one who doesn't seem to comprehend his actions are wrong.

I hope your girlfriend realises what you're up to and leaves you, she deserves a lot better.

I wouldn't worry. I'm pretty sure OP is full of shit.

If he were looking to secretly fatten people up, he would've asked his question about the tasteless WG powder then peaced out after getting his answer. There's no need to say what it's for.

Instead he followed it up with obvious troll bait to get people screaming.
This is a brilliant bait thread and you guys are lapping it up.
I am not the OP. We have similar hashes, but I am not the OP. They are likely a gainer or feedee.

My question still hasn't been answered: out of the calorie boosters mentioned (Benecalorie, Polycal, Maxijul, and Duocal), which is the least detectable?

I bought them all, so I'll answer my own question and post it here along with any other notes once they get here.
You’re a creep
Creep and bad liar. Odds of having the same tag are infinitesimal.
We don't have the same tag, jackass. OP is 45e50c and I'm 42c435. Or are the chances of having the same tag color also "infinitesimal"?

You're all gay.
So I'm only half right then, Creep.
Imagine thinking gay is an insult. And you told me to go back to elementary school? You're a child.
LOL, you know what I'm intrigued. And I'm just scrolling through.

I love knowing what the theoretical possibilities are and I'm a sucker for mathing out real world possible gains from current available stuff.
So is there really flavorless protein calorie powders? Color me impressed.
And yeah I do wonder what they taste like and whether you could really even do anything with them since like it's a lot of powder for little calories and you might as well just convince them to eat an extra donut but man do I find the hypotheticals interesting.
You're right. "Gay" lacks the punch to describe you. Fucking faggot.
Holy fucking shit! I was hoping I'd get this comment number!
So not tasteless but has anyone heard of this stuff called APETAMIN apparently it makes you drowsy but is like a ridiculously strong appetite stimulant.
Keep seeing it advertised to women to grow butts but hearing it really can just pack on pounds fast.

It's not even brilliant. It's obvious. I feel bad for these guys.

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