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Porn addiction is hard, anyone else think they're basically fucked?

Making collections of porn, buying bigger HDD for storage, what the fuck is wrong with me lol.
Whoah, who is that in the pic?
>>13218 (OP)
When you find yourself organizing collections and buying more HDDs for added storage I wouldn't even call it an 'addiction'—it's just a hobby at that point. You're a few steps removed from actual consumption.
Like I've been a datahoarder for more than a decade and if this thread >>>/gen/12309 (Cross-thread) is any indication, archiving this shit is important. If you really feel icky having so much unopened smut on your drives then just download a bunch of anime you'll never watch instead (or films, tv shows, w/e).
>>13218 (OP)
I periodically "quit" and think i'll hate myself for deleting it all, but when I do eventually come back I just move on and find new chicks to fap to. Making collections is normal since people have attachments to things, its once you gain the mentality that they aren't really all that special you'll just move on. Nowdays I rarely download, or if I do I just delete it the next day
Honestly, I archive in the event the content disappears. It's not even for historical reasons - you never know who will die and get their site taken down. To this day I still don't have a complete BigCutie Summer archive, but it's pretty damn extensive.
I was recently thinking some if this is an addiction or something more like a hobby for myself. I definitely collect. Kind of like any collector might do. I collect those who I think are good looking only and I could get off on. I'm always looking for more though. I won't buy it, I just find it for free. Those who pay lots of money, are they more of an addict than those who just snatch up whatever free content they can find? IF I were spending hundreds of dollars a month on subscriptions I would think I was an addict for sure.
I've deleted lots over the years, when I just decide I'm never going to use any of the content to get off on. I had a ton of Luna content and I never really got off on her. Finally deleted it as it was wasting space and I don't regret deleting it at all. But I've got folders of models that I don't know I'll ever be crazy about, I just feel compelled to add to it as things are shared for just in case they do suddenly turn me on. ( maybe they finally get to a certain weight and it triggers me)
Still every day I go looking for more, that sounds like an addiction doesn't it? I'm checking this site frequently in hopes someone who does spend lots of money will share what they bought of one my favorite girls. The wanting more I think sounds like an addict.
I don't know. Maybe addiction isn't what I'm experiencing.
I've never gotten into anything weird or extreme. Just typical regular porn. Softcore, and the rare hardcore you can find. I don't need them faking heart attacks to get off on. So if it's an addiction, it's not too out of control I guess.
I've come to terms with my porn usage now, but this wasn't always the case. This happened over the course of a couple of months last year.

I went through a stage of performance anxiety and not being able to stay hard with my gf. I started to become very anxious whenever I watched porn and masturbated, thinking that was probably causing/contributing to the problem. Eventually bit the bullet; deleted my collection, installed a porn blocker, stopped wanking completely. Thought it would help, and you know what? It made fuck all difference.

My girlfriend's sex drive is lower than mine, she is fine with once a week, I need at least a few times a week. Obsessing over not ruining my mind/cock with porn, and being "backed-up" sexually, caused my anxiety with sex to increase, and I couldn't keep it up for more than a minute or two.

Eventually caved and started watching porn and wanking again, depressed that this might be the only way I could get off anymore. Out of desperation bought some viagra, and had a few weeks of really good sex using it. It seemed to "reset" my head, and one day had some spontaneous morning sex (no time to take a pill and wait half an hour), and it was absolutely fine, hard all the way through. Haven't had to take anymore viagra since, and have continued watching porn a few times a week.

My problem wasn't caused by my porn usage, it was caused by me worrying about my porn usage. Quitting porn didn't help, breaking out of my spiral of anxiety did. Now I'm in a situation where I watch porn whenever I want, and have great sex with my gf once or twice a week with no issues.

This isn't to say porn addiction isn't a real thing, some people definitely have a problem with it. But in my situation quitting a normal/moderate amount of porn usage didn't help me in any way. My only regret is I'm having to build up my porn collection from scratch again.
Your post made me relapse bad back then, i've been off for a week now, I definitely have a problem lol.
I've never felt the need to archive porn. This country is getting fatter and fatter, and there's always something to jerk off to online.

There are a handful of stories I wish I'd saved over the years but it's not something that bothers me too much.

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