
(139 KB, 800x1200, ericadams.jpg)
Seems like a good time to revive this old thread tradition as a place to shoot the shit and soak up any off-topic derails. Russia Ukraine NATO World War 3 blah blah blah, but the really pressing issue is whether Eric Adams' vegan advocacy will have an impact on the already scarce New York City SSBBW supply.
NYC wasn't really hospitable for SSBBWs to begin with. Lotta walking even with the subways, and God help you if you need a mobility scooter on the crowded sidewalks. That being said, I do love the occasional story from the TriBeCa FA in the real life encounter threads.

This book is another example of how Eric Adams is ruining NYC though. Don't go after the fatties, man.
ah yes the dude that hates the crackers. NYC sucks in a third world wasteland sort of way past several years.
So far, the vegan plan is a dud like the plan to get rid of the homeless who rude the subway. I Heard that kids hate to get vegan dishes and want burgers, and the vegan Friday are overdone
"TriBeCa FA" here (though I don't live there, just shop at the whole foods because it's on the way home from work) to say, Yes, NYC sucks for fat people, except for the far outer boroughs which are basically high-density suburbia and car-friendly. Not to mention the cost of living is already high for the supersized while their wages tend to be lower, and you basically have to make 6 figures to have anything resembling a 1st World life here.

Also to say, Adams is a dumb cop who lives to rim real estate developers, but I don't think his veganism will move the needle one iota on the fat pop here. There's a whole world of sugar and starch that has nothing to do with animal products.
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It's not going anywhere because Black New Yorkers have crab in the bucket mentally. He is waging a against School Lunches by banning meats and flavored milk even to though New York gets its good from Upstate and Long Island Farms, many of which are conservative. Then there's lunch staff who are conservative and hate Adams for eating at upscale restaurants to suck up to power players. That Bobs Burgers episode where Lunch Ladies run a Mafia organization is real for cooks like me
I hear what you're all saying, but I'll also point out that about a fifth of New Yorkers are obese. In a city of close to 9 million people, that's about 1.75 million obese New Yorkers. That's a lot of fat people! And somehow they're getting by. Maybe they avoid the subway, maybe they live at the car-friendlier edges of the outer boroughs. None of this is to say that New York isn't unfriendly to fat people, but nonetheless tons of them live there and find a way to make it work.

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