
>>13189 (OP)
>months or what?
Closer to a decade, man
>>13189 (OP)
idk bro, gotta be like at least more than 4 days.
(38 KB, wg_calc.txt)
Just as a note the .txt file contains the code for the calculators. Feel free to play around with it. All you need to do is download python and an IDE (for reference I’m using PyCharm) and copy and paste it over.

I’m kind of retarded, but I’ll give this problem a go regardless. First, we are going to need a formula for calories burnt. According to the revised Harris-Benedict Equation the BMR we can estimate BMR to be around 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) - (4.330 x age in years) . In addition to the BMR, activity level can have an impact on calories burnt. So, lets label activity level as AL and make it a multiplier of BMR to get to total calories burnt. This now makes the formula cal_ out = AL (447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) - (4.330 x age in years)). Typically, AL will fall between the values of 1.2 to 1.9.
So now that we have our calorie-out portion we will need to have it correspond with time. The easiest way to do this is as series, where each iteration of the series will represent 1 day. We will also need a calorie in portion as well, thus we will have an equation below.
(sorry but the equation typed up in word got screwed up when transferring over, so the below is the equation summed with words. Trying to put arithmetic series)
Weight Gain= sum of total # of days of (calories in - AL * (447.593 + (9.247 x current weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) - (4.330 x age in years)))

So, no we have our desired relation. The only problem is the calories in (how many calories the person is consuming) is rather hard to calculate as the formula will get rather cumbersome very quickly. Luckily, we have computers, and more specifically python. So, what I did in the coding portion was provide an estimate of calories in by starting the number of calories in = the number of calories out, and run it through a for loop for our desired number of days. If the calories in failed to produce a weight gain sufficient to reach a predetermined prior weight had the computer add 1 additional calorie to the next loop until it found a calorie estimate that would.
For the second calculator I programmed, I instead made the desired output a time variable rather then trying to output the needed caloric intake. So the basic idea of this calculator, is to count the number of cycles, each representing a day, it takes for a loop to have a weight gain reach a desired threshold.

For the third calculator I programmed the loop to find the weight gain given a desired time frame and calorie input. Thus, it is exactly the posted formula.

So, now lets check the calculator and see if it makes sense. We enter as follows for the first calculator.
Units = imperial
Sex = female
Age = 25
Activity level = very low
Calculator = cal
Starting weight (lbs) = 120
Height (inches) = 64
Desired weight = 700
Years = 1
Months = 0
Days = 0

Calculator spits out 8476 cals per day.

Lets reenter same variables in next calc and check answers.
Units = imperial
Sex = female
Age = 25
Activity level = very low
Calculator = time
Starting weight (lbs) = 120
Height (inches) = 64
Desired weight = 700
Cals = 8476

Calculator spits out 376 days, which is basically 1 year.

Entering values in third calculator.
Units = imperial
Sex = female
Age = 25
Activity level = very low
Calculator = delta
Starting weight (lbs) = 120
Height (inches) = 64
Cals = 8476
Years = 1
Months = 0
Days = 0
Calculator spits out 699.97, which again is pretty close. Ok, so it appears if there’s a mistake in my calculator its effecting all 3 in the exact same manner.

Now we can finally answer the question. For the most realistic estimate of how quickly the people could gain to this weight would be approximately 1 year consuming 8,476 calories per day assuming they are a sedentary average height female who is attempting to gain from a thin 120 pound frame to a large 700 pound frame (I’m estimating weights based on the picture displayed by op). Lets now up the caloric intake to 12000 while keeping the desired weight at 700, and run under the time calculator to get as follows:
Units = imperial
Sex = female
Age = 25
Activity level = very low
Calculator = time
Starting weight (lbs) = 120
Height (inches) = 64
Desired weight = 700
Cals = 12000

Calculator outputs 223 days. If you want to change up the estimates feel free to, but I would put this time span and duration as the max before we enter the territory of fantasy.

Of course there are a lot of problems with this analysis. First, the revised Harris-Benedict Equation appears to be the result of a simple linear regression. This probably means the formula favors inference rather than prediction, and thus the prediction quality may suffer as a result. Secondly, the BMR calculation was probably determined without an adequate sample of extremely obese people, thus the actual BMR may be unrepresentative. Thirdly, the formula assumes that all calories consumed for any given day will equally contribute to a person’s weight gain. This has two implications. First, I assumed that calories for a given day was set at the starting wait of the day. In reality this is not true, and the relationship would be continuous, thus I most likely am underestimating the actual Calories out for a given day as we would expect the continuous value over the whole day to be higher than the value for BMR of the previous day. And secondly, I’m not a biologist and I’m not certain the extent to which we actually process calories over a certain threshold rather then excreting it. So, there are a variety of flaws with the model, but nonetheless I don’t feel like spending any more time trying to make it more accurate. That is unless my statistical application prof lets me make my end of term project for this subject matter, in which case I will go and try to find the a more accurate formula for BMR.
Ти хто, блять?!
(38 KB, wg_calc.txt)
Just realized made a slight mistake in the code that didn't allow it to run for metric units. I just fixed it.
(39 KB, wg_calc.txt)
Fixed a few more errors and added rounded values to output.
Bump for the effort you put in.

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