
(105 KB, 1374x719, icecreamslut.png)
Last threads bumplocked, let's get er' going lads. Post all your drama and retardation.

>she thinks bringing attention to us is a good idea
Oh honey.
tbh, most feabie incrowd types know this board and these threads exist. she's not enlightening the masses by posting about it.
Ahhhhhh hahahaaaaaaa losers
Would just like to point out this thread would not exist without clinically insane people like her that think they're functioning members of society. Perfectly normal to not leave your "apartment" for weeks at a time and hide from the housekeeper.
Lol they sound like schizos
Had a read through her post and comments. Why are Republican's mentioned so much? It's absolutely bizarre. No one in the drama thread mentioned they were a Republican or Liberal at all from what I can see at all. And who the fuck cares really? Vote how you want. Or am I missing something being a Brit?

In burgerland, everything must revolve around the holy two party system, and the p0rn space is filled with brainrotted sjws. Pretty much every single thing that ever happens ever is either cause Orange Man Bad/Putin Bad or ebul elite Dem conspiracies/Xi the Pooh. At the end of the day its all LARP cause we're all to cucked to do anything besides voooot (pointlessly most of the time)
And let’s just say that this “Ice Cream Slut” (aka, Delicious Delilah) is one of the most batshit crazy psychos I’ve ever come across 🥴 she recently went the Jae route & shaved her head (because apparently that’s these unhinged mentally unstable women do) she’s admittedly got a nice figure, but all her psycho babble shit kept my dick from even getting hard 🤷‍♂️
dont bite the hand that feeds you fap stuf
Pretty much. The last thread was dying out several times over before someone found some juicy piece of insanity from there to keep it alive.

Because everyone outside of their hugbox is a fascist (AKA Republican) apparently.

And what did you learn, anon?

Most consistent American political views
It's that Culture War bullshit where White Women start demanding censorship of everything obscene. I blame Shillary and Tipper Gore. >>13129
I hope Republicans take back the house and Senate in 2022, and 2024. Biden is just too old to keep the Squad in Check
To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth.

2022 will be quite the blowout.

Nobody needs to keep the squad in check lel, their own idiocy does that, esp. since AOC was too much of a coward/cuck/glowie to do forcethevote
tbh she doesn't really have any friends on feabie but somebody should post this over there for shits and giggles
AOC isn't a glowie. She's just those dumb Puerto Ricans who vote Blue to be in the City. We're pissed she costed New York Amazon over a tax break. Most people who work Amazon are Black and it's seen as better than UPS or Fed Ex
AOC was right to force Amazon out. The last thing NYC needed was more workers to flood the MTA, pay nothing in wages, and force their workers to be on government assistance. The tax breaks would have sent the city into ruin.

Amazon doesn't enhance its surroundings - it's a drain on the municipal goodwill.
NYC is already in ruin because the office worker class doesn't want to get back to the office. The warehouse, retail, and other workers are keeping things afloat. It turns out that troons are too lazy to work. I am skeptical because most places in NYC don't take EBTs and are limiting coupons
She’s not liberal/progressive, protecting racist whores isn’t what it’s about.
These white chicks on feabie think being a gold digger and selling porn make them liberal.
Right, she’s “tolerant” and “liberal” so long as her social status as a white woman isn’t impacted.
I should probably amend to say it was the right decision at the time. This was pre-pandemic and NYC wasn't going to handle Amazon setting up shop, but even now it's not like we can handle the kowtowing and tax cuts needed to entice them to come either way. New York City has to come up with another solution to a shrinking economy that isn't "bring the jobs that can be done remotely back in the office" because fuck if I'm paying for a $15 BLT ever again. Mayor Adams has been a disappointment from Day 1.
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Murphy, you pasty little cuck, am I to understand you’re mad they’re doing what you wanted?

Also getting real sick of the news as interpreted by noted retard, icecream slut, who has now changed her name to QuaranQueen, undoubtedly due to the racist screenshot from her Reddit posted above, lol.
suddenly icecreamslut is knowledgeable on the Russia/Ukraine situation I see.
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Lol, you weren't kidding. This is literally the NPC meme come to life. She's seen a couple of memes on Twitter and Reddit and now she's a geopolitical expert. "Can't you see that NATO is Hogwarts and Putin is Voldemort? Intercontinentaballistomus!"
The word is overused, but this is cringe. There's no better word, this is literal high order cringe.
Also, Zelensky is a hero but "all men are trash".
Hahaha ridiculous cringe indeed. I scrolled down to see her posts and a few days ago she decided Ukraine was more important than McDonald's.
She likely wants a monogamous relationship and doesn't see guys who make a sexual advance right out the gate as trustworthy partners on the long-term but
I think she's deluding herself, sex is a strong motivation for partnering up. Guys who try to make her laugh first might just be tip-toeing around it, men have more in common with other men and could choose to live in a house with them for social companionship but they don't. Having sex isn't a right just like friendship isn't, but would men even approach women at all if we didn't feel slightly entitled to sex (subconsciously?)?. We could of course just not approach people unless they signal or explicitly tell you're allowed to, but i'm afraid this leads to boatloads of single men especially in cosmopolitan areas like we're already starting to see.
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once the hottest&heaviest girl on Feabie (you know who) becomes a verified content creator like she's planning to I have no reason to browse there anymore unless SeriouslySexySSBBW decides to come back.

Letakelsie, or is this someone else?
Leta has more of a single belly, so I don't think so.
this is basically reasonable but I also think she's a sweetheart
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Say this all you want, Fupes, but it’s still true you’re living with Amatrix’s abusive, elderly ex bf in a shitty apartment complex.
I don't know her but yeah she's 100% in the right
also she's always been cool with me but it's an open secret that this place is like, half feabie dudes at least. would wager most of the regs are still coming here to steal porn, not that I blame them.
Eh, most of the shit that gets posted on feabie these days is gossipy schlock that’s just barely more tame than the shit posted here lol. Also she’s got herself a man and appears to be living it up in relative happiness and comfort, why is she still trolling through this site I wonder??

Strange that you searched “space mountain” on the newsfeed, yeah.
I wonder if she's ever heard of the Azov Battalion...

Or if she even has the slightest clue about Ukraine's history, politics, culture, etc. I'd love to know.
If I understand correctly, she was in Lugansk in 2014. She probably survived shelling, when shells were constantly whistling over her head, there was no light and water in the houses.
I heard that Big Tech in America shut down the internet and financial transactions in Russia, which includes Only Fans in response to the war in Ukraine. This might have something to do with Putin being funded by Ogliarachs, who own assets in America like the Brooklyn Nets. I am skeptical cause the Nets sucked before and after the Russian billionaire sold the team
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Yes, 17 pounds a week for 2 weeks. That sounds totally plausible.

Do you think she actually knows how silly a lot of the stuff she says is?
fatbelly19 is running a deep fake catfish profile that people are actually falling for. I thought that faggot was done catfishing, but I guess once you start, you can't stop.
How do you know it’s fake?
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I found one of the original images that they deep faked. They are using the face of some model/actress, I'm not quite sure. BTW to be clear, I'm claiming that fatbelly19 is running another account where they are catfishing as a woman. For example, of a deepfaked profile that is still up, search "lardcaster":
The point is, it seems that feabie is extraordinarily bad (the community as well as the moderation) at dealing with deepfaked catfishes.
If she really could eat that much why the fuck didn't she do that when she made videos? Take a little picture diary of it? She'd have made enough to keep doing it now.
Like who is this post for? When *she* shows off her proximity to black America it’s cool but when others do it they’re fucked up. God I hate women so much it’s unreal.
in this context it seems like she mentioned her sisters ethnicity to let others know that this thought (about anti-black racism) is coming from a black person. if she had only said "my sister", people may assume they are of the same ethnicity. this is not necessarily an example of the accessorizing of black people that she is talking about, as its relevant information.
honestly this is just basic critical thinking. your self-declared hatred of women is making you stupid.
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The non-binaries get me. By their logic, isn't this statement insensitive to trans people?

Feabie gonna feabie.

Also, her anti military anti veteran comments permanently cemented her trashball status to me.
This doesn’t really answer who the post is for, or really defend her usage of a “black sister” as a prop to make some lame liberal political point to an audience of sycophants.
This is why politics on fucking feabie of all places doesn’t make any sense to anyone who isn’t a narcissist or a retard. She’s surrounding herself with women who agree and men who say they agree. There’s no Trump voter reading this and having their Aha! moment that they need to stop tokenizing their black friends. It’s just another white liberal woman making insanely safe posts for validation.
And thus: I hate women so much it’s unreal.
Curious how his catfish profile goes down when I post about this, lmao, you got caught, you got busted!

How do you know they’re about different men?
I can't figure her out. On one hand, yeah, she sucks ass, but on the other, I'd kinda simp for her if she had an Onlyfans. Seems like she'd put a ton of effort into it which is half the battle these days.

Because she overshares on feabie. First post was about a body builder a decade younger than her, second is a dumpy Australian guy she’s been talking to a month.
Wasn't involved with this SSBBW in-person, but does anyone recall this one massive woman around DC? She's not on Feabie, last I remember, but I did come across her while I was there and I now follow her on IG these days . Was talking to her/replying to stories every so often, but definitely held back on seriously trying to date her. But honestly, she's turned her profile into something of a diary lately sharing all the stories of the guys that she tries to get with or try to get with her. Whatever plans I might have considered to legit fuck her for fun went out the door right then and there because that was a serious red flag for me. Then again, I'm guessing being friends with Fupes and a few other chicks I've seen mentioned here make my decision more reasonable.
are all these neurotic women in North America? swear I've never seen someone from another region get the spotlight in one of these threads.

so, to fix that: who's the worst among British Feabie girls?

Summer_, substantialknockers, cutensassy226
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One of the most absurd stories of New Russia is that they watch Fox News and eat at McDonald's. This fat man is chaining himself to McDonald's to prevent it from closing after the company pulled out due to the war. Liberals are mad because Russians are Midwesterners with Slavic language.
He also said, "I'm not going to die in the toilet!" when he when he got stuck in the airplane toilet. Its fact so funny
someone asked if the x tax guy is banging fupes in the last thread

You can look up public records of his judgement against him, he's a dry drunk so give fupes a couple years before she finds someone else to suckle from.
have zero idea what any of this means tbh
Read the last post on the last feabie thread, fupatroopa is dating an elderly felon and living in an apartment with Amatrix's abusive ex.

He was named
This makes fupa way tragic though. She only posts on feabie to complain and brag…. And then lives with an elderly felon who according to Google has been convicted of mail fraud?

Funny how so many women of feabie are willing to compromise their own morality the minute a man with a whiff of money comes along.
It’s almost as if liberal white women are brainless and amoral…how interesting….
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Didn't know feabie was the place to be your CNN style political soap box. Nearly every post is some political diatribe. Would only want to show an eyeball and not my whole face either with verbal diarrhea like this everyday. No wonder dude is 48 and still single. Right hand with be your girlfriend forever at that stage.
Truckers are protesting the mandate because the drivers can't enter port cities like LA and NY to deliver goods due to liberal policies. I think Liberals envy truckers cause they are the ultimate symbol of freedom
Christ that is some industrial grade projection. The way you're idolizing truckers makes me wonder if you had an autistic train phase growing up.
seriously, lmao. "the ultimate symbol of freedom", holy shit. ferrying cheap goods around this absolute wreck of a country, spending weeks and months away from your loved ones, constant self-isolation for vaguely decent pay while your bosses get rich off your labor, etc.
Trucking is the most bullshit job there is now. You’re monitored 24/7, lied to constantly, and the manufacturers are actively working to put you in the unemployment line forever
>t. autonomous truck engineer who’s developed driver facing cameras
You Americans sound like the smartest people on this planet!! I am so much glad I met you all!!!
Tuckers are needed to get food and goods across state and local lines. Unless the Average American can perform the same task in their electric car, trucking is still essential. Besides, bus drivers and train operators are monitored 24/7 by the suits using CCTVs to make sure they aren't sleeping on the job.

The only alternative is some pajeet doing GrubHub/door dash/Uber and hoping he doesn't rape your order
I'll give you 20 words to explain to me how that makes them the "ultimate symbol of freedom".
I can at least take some solace in the fact that this mindset doesn't exist much outside of echochambers. Also
>Random comment about muh privilege
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when your own personal self-assessment comes back as "you are so in demand your time is money literally don't talk to men unless they have paid you first"

I always wonder whether this strategy actually works for the women who follow it. Both in the sense of wondering whether they make enough money and get enough free stuff from men to make exclusively transactional interactions a worthwhile use of their time, and in the sense of wondering whether they're actually happy with their lives at the end of the day.
>whether they make enough money and get enough free stuff from men to make exclusively transactional interactions a worthwhile use of their time
Depends on the woman in question. More popular models could likely pull it off, just due to the sheer amount of attention they get from guys, while average Janes will probably benefit minimally from it.
>and in the sense of wondering whether they're actually happy with their lives at the end of the day.
Deep down, they're probably not, no matter how many times they tell themselves as much.
no one who uses a fetish site for general social media purposes is happy (or mentally well). Heck it's still a big % for those who these sites at all
i don't share a lot of opinions in this thread but i do agree that fetish sites are definitely not the place to get political

exactly 0 people have seen a post by their fav model about something political and thought "ah man they got a good point, time to change my entire worldview"
At the very least, some of said people are still good people deep down, they just need help, that Feabie simply will never bring them.

Ironically enough, claiming that people deemed privileged cannot be oppressed will eventually lead to their oppression if left unchallenged.
>I have a higher chance of being hired or promoted
>Accepted to a university
Sounds like a not-white, not-guy to me.

The kicker to this series of posts is the Ukrainian flag in the profile pic. "Tell me you've literally never had a political opinion that didn't come pre-digested for you on social media, without actually telling me..."

I'm not anti-Ukraine or pro-Putin (my take is "sympathy for the underdog but I don't want to die in a nuke war"), and I definitely don't want to derail the thread with a political slapfight, but the way in which low-info social media thotties are suddenly bleeding heart patriots for a country they couldn't find on a map six weeks ago is a depressing commentary on how easily led many people are.
They went from medical to geopolitical experts.
aint no fucking way
this was years ago, but who remembers that girl, one of those attention-seeking "I wanna be the fattest girl ever" thots, who faked gaining a ton of weight but had to walk it back and claimed that someone sabotaged her scale. funniest shit I've ever seen.
You're talking about Cytorah right? I think that was her
i gotta admit, the dedication you guys have to reeing about a completely different site is unreal
Yet you're here reading and commenting about it....

this is low-effort bait and these fish are falling for it
>>13099 (OP)

Not sure what toxins are in Bexx’s pussy juice. But if folks can’t control being gay or trans the same goes for being cisgendered. This sumo needs to STFU>>13934
Who are you referring to?
not really sure that's a good rebuttal. me pointing out that i find it silly to have a thread complaining about feabie in the thread itself doesn't somehow negate my point lmao.

it's not like people on pornhub spend their time talking shit about people on twitter or wherever, there's no real need to do it. (of course, comparing the relationship between a porn chan board/fat fetish site to a porn site/social media site isn't quite 1/1, but i think you get what i'm saying.)
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Damn, I wish I would've read this and the previous threads on the subject before joining that shitshow site.

So I made the mistake of joining a couple of years ago (before deleting my account months later, bc I met someone outside of Feabie, and finally going back like half a year ago), hoping to find someone to date.

Now, I do have chatted and met with some cool women from there, but I've also ran into some of the numerous wackos that only want to sell content while complaining about horny dudes.

I had also witnessed the mindless mob lynching of some unfortunate mofos in there. But I never thought I'd be caught on the wrong side of it.
TBH tho, I was kinda getting tired of seeing it and trying so hard to be careful in order to not offend anyone.

But tonight I made the mistake of complaining about the so-called, self-appointed, open-minded "models" that claim to be looking for genuine interaction on Feabie.

So, as soon as I posted this, "blue user", aka white knight mofo, jumped in and pointed me that I should've stfo from the start, then "green user" wanted to put her 2 cents.
It wasn't much of a back and forth bc I respectfully stated my reasoning behind it, about a SELF-APPOINTED DATING SITE, and they were pretty much basing their replies on the assumptions that I was looking for free porn/nudes. (Seriously tho, I was about to tell 'em to fuck off and that I'd rather check here or sDB if I wanted to find the content of the relevant Feabie hotties, but I chose to hold it back).

I'm a latino, so also ended up playing their own "white dudes suck" racist card (blue user is always talking shit about white folks on every chicks' posts, being white himself), to see what happened, and that was pretty much it.

I guess I won XD Because these people just love to lecture and argue, even (or mostly) when uninformed, but when you comeback respectfully, with valid arguments, and even playing their own cards, they can't come up with any valid argument.

I know this might be a super "vanilla" drama compared to other shit that have happened on that site, and yup I'm just venting once again, but I think this is actually the right place to do it.

I think I'll just stick to the mainstream dating sites and apps from now on, in hopes that I eventually find a fattie to date, instead of crazy bitches with model complex.

(Btw, the "also them" part of the original post is actually a paraphrase of an exchange I had with a "model", more like scammer, that goes by the name of Lilith*somethingelse*, when I first joined Feabie).
In their defense, your original post very easily could be interpreted as the usual ramblings from some of the shitty guys that have been on there over the years, that said, I'm fairly certain I know who green is, and if my presumption is correct, she's kind of a bitch to anyone that doesn't fall lockstep to her. Really wish I didn't find her weirdly physically attractive... Anyway, If your intent wasn't to offend anyone, the best move would be to not play. Any engagement with the community whatsoever can, and likely will, be taken negatively, unless your posts are basically Feabie hivemind-tier, as seen in >>14230 or >>14331, even if the latter in particular is relatively innocuous.

I ran into a somewhat similar situation months ago, where I just sent a general greeting message to a girl, and she almost immediately just dropped an OF link or something similar. No indication of selling content or anything on her profile, otherwise I wouldn't have reached out, because I'm not there for that sort of thing. In general, if they have "Give me money/gifts" links in their profile, don't even bother talking to them if you're looking for genuine interaction.

Unfortunately, a lot of the terminally-online Feabians kinda forget that it's a BBW dating site as much as it's a fetish site, and go after people who treat it like the former. That said, mainstream dating sites are probably better at this point for sure. I could count the number of potential relationship-tier women I've met on there on one hand.
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We spend a lot of time in this thread talking about how the women on Feabie are retarded, but to be fair, the men on Feabie are also retarded. This might be the goofiest attempt at "negging" I've ever seen.
I wonder how many women can sense the pure horny energy emanating from DJ
Okay that is definitely top 5 most cringe things that I have seen on feabie.
What's the other few? I mean Feabie has tough competition.
speaking as someone who doesn't really have much interest in pop music, this fucking jabroni isn't nearly as metal as he thinks he is because he likes fucking BLACK LABEL SOCIETY, lmao
His music taste is the funniest thing about this. If he were trying unsuccessfully to impress the normie pop girl by talking about modern /mu/core, it would still be completely inept as flirting, but at least it would be age-appropriate. But bragging about going to see somebody from Alice Cooper's band? I have nothing against Alice Cooper, but he's the definition of "literal Boomer" 1970s custom van dad rock.
>>14765 What gave it awsy? Was it his profile pic?

By the way, kind anon, if you had to guess what political party this individual votes for, what would your guess be?
The prideful avatar and desperate tone in his his message, yes. If it was 1923 Russia he'd be accusing a lot of people as kulaks to get some qt Bolshevik pussy

probably for you Canuck anon, he'd vote NDP because he thinks that edgy and profound or something instead of just another neoliberal grift
McDonald's got rid of all that stuff because their target demographic are Blacks and Latinos. Combine to that with the rise of Shake Shack, Five Guys, Smash Burger, Applebee's that sells gourmet burgers, and McDonald's fell to the wayside.

Another problem is that Mayor Bloomberg and now Adams, and the Clinton swants to wage a crusade against fast foods and sugary drinks, which is killing New York's food scene.
*Wants. Sorry, I work the restaurant scene and I can safely say the future of food is going to be Hill Country or posh places that fat chicks can't afford. The bright side is that those lunch and brunch spots are gonna crash cause libs afford to pay, and those high end places have a business life of 1-3 years
Go see the post below from the previous feabie thread. This is definitely number one. It's a shame because I would empty my balls into Caitidee.

>>7988 (Cross-thread)
No, it's the present. New York is way behind the times to the point that the city is ruled by civil servants and political gentry while the people who live in it are serfs. It's getting to the point people are fleeing to Texas where land is cheaper. It doesn't help that New York is run by literal boomers
It's just that, well, bringing up Mayor Bloomberg & the Clintons on a drink ban that was already struck down by a court (and would face the same verdict if brought up again), expecting the brunch industry to crash when it's very much going strong and not a fad, and saying "getting to the point" when people leaving NY for TX, NC, and FL are making me wonder if you're looking at cached news articles.

So again, what does "present" mean to you?
masturbating in a Wendy's bathroom does not mean you work in the restaurant scene lol
I live in the present. The secret is that restaurants get their products from the same people in the Midwest. Certain items get cut if sales are low, or if cashiers don't upsell them
Wait isn't that the Hungarian chick I have a crush on... She is very cute but annoying

Tf does NYC have to do with McDonald's Global Food Empire
There's no such thing as a global empire. It's a restaurant, not a monarch
Why does no one ever put Sweetums or Bexx on blast on the Global feed??? They both deserve to be eviscerated
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Ayn Rand on the other hand... wait she doesn't know who that is.... durrrrrrrrr back to ranting about white men, capitalism and some more dumb fuck politics
Libertarians are just democrats who want to pay less taxes and less regulations from the government. Milton Friedman is the face of libertarians. Ayn Rand and Steve Ditko were crazy. I hate libertarians cause they just fly the Gadsen Flag and talk about hating government
bro I'm pretty sure I saw you in that thread and you couldn't crack a fuckin joke or a shitpost, you had to get serious about shit
Probably got offended that someone hated on libertarians. For the umpteenth time.

Don't worry Anon, Daddy Musk will absolutely bring you to Mars.
>>14817 STOP f saying that! Noone is moving to FL. That is a myth, you fool
Florida is just retirement communities, theme parks, and wetlands. It's just hard red because Dems are too retarded and offend to the Cubans, Venezuelans, and Haitians in the Palm Beach, Miami, and Tampa area. It's kinda sad because Dems nominated Crist who was the Governor of Florida
They're both basically the embodiment of the Feabie clique. Suppose that's why we have this thread.
Nothing makes a dick limper than a girl who calls herself a feminist, so I guess we're sort of on even ground.

MissMeanyPie is clearly trans, right??? There’s shadow stubble in that cleft chin…….

>Just one heavily filtered and angled pic

Now that you've pointed it out I can't unsee it.
>Keep the compliments coming

That might be the single biggest red flag that I have ever seen on a dating site. At that point just say that you are on this site to seek validation.
>>14889 that chick is so annoying. Spends the day commenting on all posts being the female version of Murphy.
seems no one noticed that nasty cold sore thing on the lip. Think he/she/it would've blurred that out.
Doesn't she know you can be mixed race? It's not an either/or thing. You can be both native American and white. The "one drop" rule is stupid.

We get it, you're a conservatard. Everything else is valid Feabie cringe tho.
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Biden is at fault for keeping the Hyde Amendment, which bars federal funding for abortion, which lead to Roe v. Wade being overturned.
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I guess not as much as they thought since they can’t do what they want with their own bodies🤷🏻‍♂️
thought I was a libertarian last post of yours. Bet you'd get along well with stereotype black lip mask tranny it seems.
Roe v. Wade is being overturned because America started accepted out of wedlock births and divorced families. Without the shame and humiliation of single motherhood combined with
flexible working hours, there's no incentive to keep Planned Parenthood.

This is a reasonable and legitimate question that doesn't deserve to be spotlighted in this thread, especially not on this sacred day of a million REEEEEEEEEs. NPC e-thots are bad, but dishonest men are equally bad.
why do these fat men showing off their obese bodies not feel ridiculous when they talk about serious issues on a fetish site? oh right mental illness
That feel when you like fat chicks and you're against abortion ☹
I wouldn't read into the decision too much. I think the courts are just done legislating from the bench for liberals

I am so tempted to post something like


just to enjoy the shitstorm, but Feabie implemented mandatory SMS verification so it's harder than it used to be to make a burner account.
just get a google phone number with google voice with gmail there ya go. I wouldn't give feabie dipshit moderators access to my legit phone number ever anyway.
The irony of “Reeeeeing” about abortion rights when most of them are too fat to get pregnant is not lost on me…….
Could they possibly care about other people? No, that's absurd
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Obongo told them to riot over a leak draft. Best part is that the left is destroying Biden's legacy while preserving Trump's legacy.
This leaked decision could touch on a lot more than just roe v. wade if you’ve read Alito’s draft

Is it really worth owning the libs if you lose your respect for rights in the process? your rights and the rights of others i mean
What guarantees do republicans give that they even care about these institutions at all?

They’ve sort of trampled over the presidency and now the supreme court too
The real Kisame here. I don't care for Roe v. Wade. Really it's liberals complaining that abortion being illegal means that they have to pay child support, alimony, and schooling for the illegitimate children they had at a party.
Liberals are the only ones that would actually pay for those things, Republicans definitely won’t and you know they won’t
Liberals would award custody to the abusive parent and let the child die in a homicide using the courts. Naturally, child survivors of abuse grow up conservative
Here's what I don't get.

He ANNOUNCED he is Kisame.

And you replied.

Do you have brain damage?
Kisame is one of the best posters on this imageboard, even if i disagree with every opinion that they’ve yet expressed

(like i’d rather talk to kisame than this dude)
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Don't worry, the grim reaper will make sure that Roe v.Wade is overturned and codifying it into federal law is aborted. Cocaine Mitch will screw over fat chicks just like how he screwed you out of 2K checks
>>15146 The grim reaper is a legend following the black pleague whos imagery is taken from men wearing hoods and pointed masks. I believe the masks had something to do with the medics of the time for protection. The syckle was used for cutting the tall grass.
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I am saying that democrats are in the wrong for taking the antinatalist position along with their fat shibboleths as to deny life based on the idea that life is suffering. Roe v. Wade deserve to be overturned since its in the best interest of the country that formed a covenant with the Lord to stimulate population grow. Nobody is going to like fat chicks on feadie for taking the Malthusian pill.
if you look at the Declaration of Independence it makes mention of the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, it mentions self evident truths and inalienable rights.

That’s a sort of covenant but different than what you’re talking about. You have to respect that this country makes a firm separation between church and state though, it’s in the dang first amendment.

You gotta give people freedom. the chance to choose, even if you don’t know what they’ll do with it or what they’ll choose

So don’t talk about covenants to stimulate population growth and why don’t you come back another time when you have more respect for the rights of others, anyways that’s just what i think about this whole thing, that’s enough bob dylan stuff for now
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The founding fathers did not trust women or minorities to vote. American was 13 Colonies before the Louisiana Purchase and Manifest Destiny. Roe v.Wade is being overturned so Jeffersonians and Hamiltons can take responsibility instead of arguing for imperialism to maintain Americans power over colonies
They didn’t trust propertyless Men to vote either.

Citizens didn’t even vote for the Senate. I think Senators were appointed by State Legislatures or something. Maybe not a bad idea to go back to that haha
No, we are not going to the past. Society is being uplifted for the sake of progress and abortion is a thing of the 20th Century.
people who can't pass the "recognize and ignore Kisame shitposts" test should not be allowed to vote or own property
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We're in this mess cause trad Catholics want to venerate the Senate and Roe. Clarence Thomas is the Black Malcolm X Supremacist that these feadie whores want. He even gets away with plotting sedition.
Do conservatives actually care about human life (I mean who does but as war hawks against healthcare and welfare and helping people and all that jesus shit…)
Or do they just think it’s funny to laugh at women and pretend they aren’t really people (best part of religion hand down)
Anon, I think you are crazy like RiddleAugust to mix porn and politics. Machine and Sinema aren't going to save Roe V. Wade because Wall Street Chuck said so
i’ve not heard a Republican or Conservative even utter the word Progress in the last 20 years

Elizabeth Warren might be sort of a progressive maybe that’s who you’re thinking of
I haven't really heard of any conservatives in New York. The closest we got is Attorney General Bill Barr, but he tends to omit his dad was headmaster of the Elite School in UES.
I just support it because those lives would have sucked anyway.

One way to save a fortune one unwanted children is to bribe women to take and IUD. Men who hate children should easily get a vasectomy.
>Do conservatives actually care about human life

Anyone who's paid attention throughout the last 5 years- starting with trying to throw out the ACA- knows that's a "no".

This current overturning is nothing more than trying to keep a dying political party afloat no matter the cost- and cost it will, hundreds of laws and hundreds of thousands of rulings on people rest on RvW shoulder's in some way. It's a stupid desperation move.
You do know states are trying to criminalize IUDs too, right?
Normal people live me don't care for abortion. When we see a guy with a Ukrainian flag or gender pronouns, or MAPs on their bio giving unsolicited opinions on political issues. We think they are nonces. Bear in mind I just 86 a hyperpreg/d/ because right wing nonces kept bringing up Epstein and groomer
Roe v. Wade only caters to the fringe element of the democratic party. Moderates like me don't care since we're the workers keeping the economy going
i don’t think that’s necessarily true. It’s easy to dismiss as women’s issues until we have trouble finding contraceptives or are forced to take care of a kid that nobody wanted

i know plenty of people that were locked into jobs or had to get a shitty job because they get somebody pregnant
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Machin just destroyed Roe v. wade in the Senate. This comes as he cut promos for McKinley who lost to Mooney yesterday and endrosed Murkowski. The GOP doesn't need help destroying abortion. Machin is doing a good job like Kermit Gosnell. This has to be a fascinating case of 90s Soccer Moms screwing over millennials for power
i can only dream of trolling people as hard as Manchin has been trolling all of us these last few months

he’s supposed to be a democrat too, smh. when you got friends like these who needs enemies
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Curvage not Feabie but I can't keep it in any longer. This literally-autistic little soybeard faggot DanteSparda45 is easily the most annoying creep on the entire forum, and that is honestly an impressive feat. You just know he spends hours edging to these women he simps for in autistic, lazily-retarded routine. Keep it up Chris-chan 2.0 you'll get your obese wife to rape any day now!
That's some Ned Sontag cringe.
Friendly reminder that we have a thread for off-topic political derails: >>13217 (Cross-thread)
We could have a whole new thread dedicated to Curvage cringe.
OH MY FUCKING GOD I HATE THIS GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an extreme FAGGOT!!!!!
I know plenty of people who refuse to get a job even after getting someone pregnant and she popped the baby out...
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I actually became nauseous watching him interact with one of the most mentally ill whores there

>pic related
Hello community, I share this here www.feadie.fans
if there's one thing appealing to women on dating sites, it's greasy men named after ps2 games
I'd prefer not to see dude guts at all on the site. that place is like 90% people there for fat women or are fat women, almost no one is there for fat dudes. which is why the more popular members feel like they have to validate fat men so they dont get the run around for being fatphobic or whatever.
You guys must be fucking retarded if you don't realize there are FFAs and Female feeders on there too
Just use the site filters to filter out BHMs at that point.
These are very fat thoughts. Cringe parlance aside, I appreciate a good fat.
I'd like to concur, that's a reasonable question. I think poster might've cringed at the language and phrasing. Everyone sounds like a clinical psychologist on a breakfast tv show these days.
True about the porjection, but why you gota come for us train guys, im almost 30 and still obsessed with trains lmao, what did we do???
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I doubt piracy is really hurting her sales much, she doesn´t even have a dedicated thread, I think she would do waaay better on OF instead of churning out 10 clips a week on a already saturated site.
God I would marry her in a heartbeat.
Literally a representation about autonomy of movement and public trust built up within the country: two things leftist unters are devoid of.
Thats 22 words
those are two things that some leftists know a lot about
you’d be surprised how many truckers are on the left, and how many are in unions
...and how many of them are fine with vaccines and think the protests are retarded. But one would have to talk to actual people to know things like this.
You would marry Delilah?! You must be way too bored man. Pick up a hobby or something lol. You don’t need all that drama in ur life. She’s like a 5th season where all the weather is just psychotic insanity.

So we can agree it took this retard 2 months to come up with a response that's just garbage.
Does that little bitch Murphy have a simp alarm that rings so he can like every “man-hate” post? He should fucking castrate himself on only fans. I’ll subscribe.
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Chadleftist? Something like that?
There are a number of secretly based women on feabie who hide their power level. Not sure if my own takes made them emulate me but it felt genuine. And yes, it's the attractive ones.
This looks a lot like Obesityglorifier...
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If it is chad leftie, it’s funny he has a reference to American psycho in his profile cause before I even read that I browsed through some of his pics and got hardcore psychopath vibes, and so it’s probably him
Nah, this girl is all tatted up
One of, if not the most famous/popular models in /BBW straight up voted for trump. But she’s been smart enough not to let it show, which, as a Biden voter and proud leftist who can see through 99% of peoples bullshit, I gota say I’m impressed at how well she’s restrained herself and not let any of her beliefs show.
“Made uncomfortable”… what’d he do?
Feabie is full of women who do rat bastard type shit then complain when less severe happens to them.
I would need proof of this since Tsundere is known for exaggerating.
I personally know of one who is posted in /ssbbw all the time who is very right wing and just hides it well
She’s about 500 pounds but that’s all I can give
I’ll give more hints on mine if you give more on yours
Lauren has big “mostly ignorant to politics but really likes Donald Trump” energy. Like she’s a few years too young to be a full on Karen but it’s coming.
I'd eat my fucking hat if Roxxie was right wing. There's no way.

I have no evidence that it's Letakelsie but I choose to believe that it's Letakelsie
>dead meme in gallery
>American psycho reference in bio

I hurt my face from cringing lol
It makes sense. Trump's hotels are the only place fat chicks can get good food. Those trendy places that libs hype up tend to go bust after two years. Nobody wants some obnoxious vegan telling America to lose weight
Ron Howard v/o: Anon has never been to a Trump hotel or a trendy restaurant.
Anoname neglected to mention these obnoxious vegans are from New York and something something black cultural leaders.
I live in New York and all black leaders do is complain about luxury condos being built and being replaced by Latinos and Punjab's
Sincerely one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen someone say anywhere on the internet. >>15726
I’ve never heard of Lauren or leta, when he said “most popular” k was thinking more along the lines of that recent poll, so Chloe, Kittypiggy and mahbe Mal come to mind. Altho now that I think about it, KP is British. I could totally see Mal or Chloe honestly
It's not fupa, she's not fat anymore

Maybe her fisheyed friend Spanxbeluga
spanx/gillian is pretty pro-BLM and into climate activism from my interactions with her. she’s a trashy idiot but I would be very surprised if she was a secret trump voter. plus she’s not a /bbw/ type like OP of this convo said.
BLM is a scam just like how King's inbred children who manages MLK's legacy, and the NAACP. Most black people believe in Malcolm X' and Louis Farrakhan because of the million man march
Yeah, they voted for Trump but there's other more Europeans who are very based too. One of the very based American women I've chatted with wasn't very pro Trump. Just a normal white person lmao
this is the type of thing you say when you've never eaten at a restaurant in any significant city
Restaurants in the city are closing because fat people can't afford power lunches and power brunches, or the company is cutting GrubHub and doordash perks. Wagies are stuck in their cage
I'm in NYC and the places that made it through Covid (good takeout game and didn't go into the pandemic with heavy debt) are going gangbusters. BTW I pass Trump Tower all the time and the Trump Grill now has a sign on the corner begging people to come in, offering lunch specials lol. Try and get a table at any other decent place in that area and they'll tell you come back in July.
That's because more people are commuting and working late locally. Best way I can describe eating habits in NYC post COVID is less grand and more value. Also, most places lower their prices if they have an excess of meat
There was this stunning, curly-haired Norwegian girl on Feabie a few months ago, and suddenly she just dissapeared. Anyone else remember here?
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Gotta love how right-wingers now keep trying to claim "What americans really want" like this, it's been a complete inversion since 2020. But they've been detached from anything "the people" want for quite some time.

Could actually be quite a handful of likely-dudes on there who follow Her and Babyfat around. Kind of lads who never stopped wanting Ramona from their High School days; one that comes to mind, keeps returning with spongebob avatars and tries to fuck around, but quickly gets heated and personal when he doesn't get the attention he wants and leaves to restart the cycle again. It's pretty fuckin funny tbh

Also spoke with 2 different black women today, both got some seriously-fucked racist messages. Wonder if some scumfuck just carpet bombed every black woman on the site claiming to be based and left
Wait, im autistic and retarded, is this underwear meaning that she was pro obama or was anti obama? like is she saying she's behind him in a pro way, or is it like shes sitting on his face in a disrespectful way?
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It's supposed to be subversive. We get a lot of these performance artists in NYV
It's the old "Not bad" meme from like 2008-2009, so pro.

Spoke too soon at my comment >>15824, one of them now left the site.
God you're all retarded. Sometimes the curtains are just fucking blue.
no, it's because the food is mid. it's intrinsic to the Trump brand that their products are complete ass, the gaudiest veneer possible taped over the cheapest available product
Most conservatives are like that. They hide it well
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Trump is like many countries post-boom times.
Japan was at its peak in the 80's. On a daily basis Japan is quite low tech. It's like travelling to "the future" from the perspective of someone in the early 70s.
America is also stuck in the past. Things are objectively worse than they were 40 years ago. People have a general awareness of what's going on, but there's little reason for the average person to see past the corporate gaslighting.
I can’t wait for the coldstonesteveaustin/Australia situation to implode. That woman is super unbalanced and that dude seems ill equipped.
I booked that lady a looong time ago she was getting really, really, really fucking annoying, what’s been going on with her and Australia? And who is Australia?

She found someone in Australia who wants to fuck her so she’s going to move there.
That sounds about right. Glad I blocked her. Last I remember is her being friends with the biggest mermaid, who seems equally fucking insane and insufferable

FupaTrooper was also going to move to Australia for a while, is it the same guy?

fully doubt this guy has the social skills to get two women considering a trans-oceanic move to be with him, but maybe. Australia has a lot of people in it.
Fupa is with MJMoore-XTAXPROS and Coldstone is with Rayzor
Yeah I was gona say, fupa already moved to Vegas for some guy. With that said, neither fupa nor cold stone are that high value of women so in theory the same guy could easily pull both. Fupa’s size and interest in the fetish used to outweigh her extreme unbearability/insufferability but that balance has long since tipped in the other direction
Holy shit I am gonna need a full dossier on this. She's one of the most shockingly arrogant people in the whole community.
The most entertaining thing about coldstone and her doughy boyfriend are that they got together in March or so, and it was only in November she was talking about taking some whole other man to her families thanksgiving. A bodybuilder ten years her junior who, surprise surprise, didn’t work out.

Also pretty certain she only paid ole ray any attention because he bought her something off her Wishlist.

Good luck with that relationship. He’s old and she’s too fucking huge to successfully immigrate.
ColdStone is really fucking insecure and Rayzor frequently gets customs from models and buys things from their wishlists …. This is a recipe for success
as someone who made a half-hearted attempt to get in coldstone's pants (sent her money for food once or twice, no regrets) I can tell you she fancies herself a no-nonsense bullshit detector but she is indeed deeply insecure and an emotional idiot. genuinely one of the *small* handful of people in the feabie community who I think should lose weight and detach themselves from the "being fat is my personality" side of things.

anybody have any katerugburn tea? she was always my favorite. only thing I miss about my feabie account is her private folder. :(
>>13099 (OP)
He’s old and she’s too fucking huge to successfully immigrate.

Okay, it’s kind of hilarious that Australia restricts immigration of fat expats. What is she going to do??
I was curious and googled it and apparently they also flagged someone for being too skinny lol

Her "advice" column for Big Cutie Ash's webzine was mortifying. Still being broke and living with your parents when you're almost 40 isn't cute or quirky or relatable, it's sad and pathetic. Why in the world would you tell on yourself like that, and then pretend to be someone whose advice is worth listening to?

I'm a Millennial too, I get it, the economy sucks and we're all much poorer than our parents' generation was. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't at least TRY to have your shit together. It's always the most dysfunctional women who think they're entitled to be professional advice-givers. Loradayton does this too.

She’s a narcissistic piece of work.
Just gonna say it. Huge fan of BiggestMermaid, would empty my wallet at her if she had an OF.
This coldstone bitch is fucking insane lmao. And people in the comments are supporting her psychotic takes. Feabie is truly a shithole
wow color me fucking SHOCKED Ash abandoned that whole endeavor because she ran out of money
What was it called? I'd like to see this trainwreck

vast.press, it's still up, along with Coldstone's advice column.
there's a certain type of person who loves the opportunity to give others advice, not because their shit is together but because deep down they know it isn't, and they think advising other people will disguise that fact and perhaps help them become less dysfunctional.

of course, it never does

Yeah I agree I think I've heard of it it's called projecting.

What I usually like to do is ignore them but it depends if I'm in a particularly good mood I may just type something funny.
Why is it always a feeder and a normie. Getting my popcorn for this train crash.

How do women who don’t want to be fetishized even end up on Feabie.
it's not even projection per se because often they don't actually have any bearing on the subject, to the extent that they can't even project their own issues because it's totally unfamiliar territory. though I guess you're always projecting a general lack of control
turned on to it by someone who actually is into feedism? but realistically, when someone says "don't fetishize me" on Feabie it's a much lower bar than that. basically just means "please don't directly call me fat", probably because either a) they're new to the scene and still insecure about their weight or b) they've had bad experiences with guys who treat them like a slab of meat and unlike some girls on that site, they don't like that

Oh fr? I guess you must know best and I am a big dumb dumb unfit for civilised society. Then, it's settled.
all right, calm down. wasn't trying to argue with you

though, being French, "unfit for civilised society" is a given
"Don't fetishize me" = "Don't treat me like a sex object because I'm fat and don't just call my fat sexy". There's the code. Memorize it. Most of the girls that have that front and center probably already have their fat & weight the topic of conversation most of the time anyway, so it's unwelcome whiplash to be told it's the most important thing about them.

Imagine if 90% of your interactions with people were about a pimple on your face. That's basically what it's like. Guarantee you are going to go SO fucking far with someone if you honestly never bring up their obesity, because that shit is going to come up organically in conversation anyway.
this guy gets it. acting like a normal human being and letting the girl tease out the fat fetish stuff at her own pace will get you much farther on feabie than any other strategy. patience, patience, patience. I deleted my account a couple years ago but my inbox was consistently loaded with nudes just because I was polite and knew not to push it.

That’s not really what I meant. I was referring to the user who suggested Coldstone being a “normie” and dating a feeder being a recipe for disaster. I know how to treat a person like a person. I’m just wondering how some of these people end up on a fetish site if they hate the fetish itself.
>I’m just wondering how some of these people end up on a fetish site if they hate the fetish itself.

There's a lot of dudes even just here on BBWchan who are self-hating over liking fat girls that treat their desires like a drug addiction. They have problems on Feabie, because suddenly they get hit with the shock of "Not being weird" and they genuinely don't know how to cope over base humans being strange wants and funny desires like this; it's honestly kinda distressing, because these dudes are missing out on so much happiness.

Most recent problem- I refuse to say drama, it's anything but- was over Toostoned, a dude that wasn't happy enough just being a creeper; He instead drove drunk to another user's city, messaged them nonstop to meetup while sobbing on a parkbench, and in the ensuing storm revealed they've done this multipule times to other women before deleting everything they've posted for the last few days. Like >>16680 says, if you're a NORMAL dude there, you will do FINE.

Okay, now tell us why you decide to be so gay nigger faggot that you care? Or tell us whybuour such a nigger faggot that you think any of us here care enough that it makes you want to gossip about it like a hoe as part of your feabie drama? You really that brain dumb that you love this TMZ shit? You haven't made me laugh all month and you're worried about other people's issues nigga you crazy

I am saying that the time is coming. I am also saying that I hate Egyptians.

Is anybody in the mood for owl soup? I may soon go hunting. I've had turkey, and I love chicken, but I've never had owl. Who? I am this fucking close to eating this nigga.
>I am saying that the time is coming.
>Okay, now tell us why you decide to be so gay nigger faggot that you care?

Because as Katherine Henson said, "Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness." There is no "justice" or "mercy" written into physics or the universe itself, and yet humanity forces altruism into being and dares to send that middle finger to the milky way that it's going to love someone just for the sake of doing so. I don't simply care about you anon because I can, or because I'm human. I also do so, because every day someone get's shit on in awful ways and the least I can do for them is show human kindness, show them that someone is gonna walk the gale.

As my grandpa told that one nigger that one time, "With friends like you, who needs enemies?" Who? Faggy ass nigger. No thanks. I'd rather be alone than in bad company.
Does anyone else find babyfat's persona entirely unlikable? They're never stop shitposting
She seems fake and will do anything to fit in
Terminal case of white girl syndrome. Tsundere is alright by comparison but they both need to touch grass
Maybe it's true what they say you know what? You guys are really smart

BiggestMermaid is a fucking train wreck. Talks a tough game, but is desperate for attention, she tried to off herself with Chambord and Benadryl after falling like a blind roofer for some dude who played her. Sounded so desperate and needy trying to hang on to him.
Santasfathoe as well. Her entire life is one bullshit lie after another
yeah I remember in the early early days of feabie coldstone posted something about an ex who introduced her to feedism and helped her blow up to her current size (controversial take: she's not really thaaaaat fat, right?) but she wasn't really a traditional feedee in terms of getting off on gaining weight or stuffing. I think she has a lot of body image issues that will not be solved by her continued participation in the bbw community, tbh, especially feabie which is mostly a feedism space.

not interested in gossiping about someone's alleged suicide attempt but lasted I checked she was in some kind of relationship with another woman on feabie and seemed to be doing okay? I never interacted with her outside of some commenting back and forth on posts here and there, but I always liked how fiercely dedicating to being a fat pervert she seemed to be. You don't really get a lot of that even on feabie.
anyone have any thicksadworld stories? I remember some guys in the old threads saying she was actually super cool

BiggestMermaid and her former girlfriend (bigbellysea) seemed to have a colossal falling out because they were vagueposting about each other a couple weeks ago. No idea what the details are on that.

Also Coldstone needs wheelchair assistance to make it through an airport, that’s pretty fucking huge.
would love more details on this if anyone happens to have them. two gigantic obese hogbeasts falling out of a lesbian relationship and acting like teen girls on the internet about it? sure, that’s new to the palate.
>>16782 not gossip she flat out posted about it in the feed.
Willemdahoe is the most insufferable, annoying girl. She live posted during a date she had. She seems to fuck a new man every week, drama ensues, she posts about hating men and wanting attention (actually straight asks for it) and repeats this process several times a month.
I guess, but just eyeballing some of her full body pics and she looks like she hovers in the low 400s at best. She's got a cane in one picture and that feels highly suspect.

400+ is very fat. Not saying she’d be close to immobility or gasping for her last breath, but she’d be carrying over 250lbs of excess fat on top of the upper limit of her ideal body size. 400lbs is one normal size person plus one rather fat person made entirely of fat put together. Credit where credit is due, she’s enormous.
Holy shit this girl was so fucking annoying, not a bad body but her face was kinda busted. If you didn’t constantly talk to her she’d get pissed off, she just seems to have some deep issues. She got surprised and mad I didn’t continue talking to her, like I can’t find another 500 pound dumbass to talk to.
Never spoken to her (not exactly my type) but I would believe she is super cool. Id be interested in hearing stories too. She seems to be a genuine feedist too which immediately makes someone more likable in my book.
I just remembered in 2018, I think it was, I struck up a casual/vaguely flirtatious friendship with Vanilla Hippo before she really started putting on the weight that got her on My 600 Pound Life. We used to Snapchat a little - nothing too lewd - and we talked about meeting but I was living in New York at the time and don’t think I would’ve made the trip to her tbh. Very interesting person, loves horror movies, surprisingly intelligent and witty which doesn’t come across at all in her, ah, public persona I guess. Goes without saying I feel like I dodged a bullet now but part of me wishes I’d taken her a little more seriously and at least booked a trip out to see her. Mostly just wonder what a woman like her looks like up close, lol.
I have a fren who met up with VH when she was still super huge. He said he absolutely loved the experience of playing with her table belly like a pool of fat, like the best heavy pillow ever. I think he didn't get lewd with her, tough to remember (if he didn't shag her belly, he did for someone else).
Very cool. There’s a video or two of a guy playing with her belly and it looks so much like a waterbed or something. The way she took up entire frames of video or picture still hypnotizes me. I’ve hooked up with enough faaaat women to not have to use my imagination too much anymore, but when she was almost half a ton I just can’t imagine what her body felt like to the touch. That’s so far beyond the typical human form in drives me wild. Don’t think we’ll ever see someone like her again.
Anyone screenshot some good cringe from today?
I thought the salt mines would be bountiful after yesterday but seems no more cringe than usual
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Say what you will about this guy, but you have to admit it takes balls to call out all the cat freaks on Feabie like this. And they of course makes up like 99% of Feabie at least female feabie users. I guess when you don’t have to worry about sucking up to any of them you have more freedom to say what you want lol I respect it.

Side note, I’ve never trusted afatvikingbabe and I have no clue how she has over 7k followers I think that’s way too many for what she posts, compared to other girls on feabie who post similar stuff
think that guy used to date LisaLou lmao
Biggest I've been with is 5-3 and 375 (after many years with women 200-260) and the experience was mind blowing. That amount of fat and the weight itself is downright intimidating in bed (in a good way). I can't imagine double or close to triple that size.
Yeah, I have one 500+, two 450s, two lower 400s and a handful of 250-350s under my belt. My current longterm partner is 230ish and sometimes I miss the really big girls, but I'm glad I got all of that out of my system in my earlier 20s.
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This might be one of the least self-aware things I've seen in a while.
"out of your system"... I'm almost glad I never had the experience of a 500+ because it might ruin me for anything else. My crazy ideal would be to hook up LT with a young SS/USBBW when I'm 65 so I'll be out of the picture when she starts having serious health issues or gets WLS.
Yeah I’ve been dating a girl over who’s almost 500 for a while now and I don’t think I could ever go back. She’s not into feederism and not a gainer either so I haven’t experienced anything besides her fat body but I honestly don’t think I could ever go back
Is it possible to actually maintain a weight at that size or is she steadily growing?
There's no way she's maintaining that size consciously. Your weight is in constant flux at that size - water retention, cutting out snacks, having a binge meal because you skipped breakfast/lunch. Shit, you could get her to keep gaining with some light coaxing and offering snacks & dessert alone.

Imagine if she were actually trying and got into feederism. Dude's a lucky guy.
I’m very lucky and grateful for it all the time, even though I do wish I could experience something like feeding her, or getting to see her weigh herself without it being awkward because she’s a little uncomfortable with her weight. It’s gotten better over the last year with me but she really isn’t interested in gaining weight, even though she has unintentionally. I know that a lot of guys on here love the unintentional weight gain, but I do wish that she liked it, but I know the grass is always greener. Anyways like I said, if it doesn’t work out with her, cause like I said it is a small source of tension in our relationship, I don’t see how I can ever get it up for a skinny girl again. The fat is too addicting. Also I know half the people who read this won’t believe me but it’s true.
Also as someone who can’t stand stone cold, I can’t wait for this situation to inevitably explode in her face. Because you know she’s going to post every detail and every thought she has about it because that woman clearly has no filter.
big "the writers are out of ideas but we just got renewed for two more season" energy from this story arc
I actually am experiencing something very similar. I started dating a girl who must be at least 450ish pounds recently, and it is incredible. However, I can already tell feedism is completely off the table lmao, her body image and relationship with food are just too compromised. She does enjoy squashing me and lets me play with her fat all I want, so I really shouldn't complain but man...maybe she'll eat a large pizza for me on my birthday or something? That's kind of the hard part about getting with a chick who's already BIG, they usually won't be as willing to experiment with feeding and weight gain as a smaller girl, which while seemingly counterintuitive makes sense if you think about it.

It's gotten me worked up the point where I've ACTUALLY considered buying porn of like Adeline or someone eating, which is something I never thought about at all when I was single. Weird stuff.
>>17301 and then she will also come out saying that he was abusive. I am willing to bet my left kidney on that.
You've hit the ceiling of where that relationship is going to go, kink-wise. That's why you feel compelled to buy porn. I wouldn't bank on special occasions where she shelves her neuroses, either. So you're like 80% where you WANT to be, but the other 20% really only exists in fantasy.

But that's fine, yknow? Sex, porn, and fetishes aren't everything in a relationship. I'm sure she's got plenty of redeeming qualities that make her a nice partner for you. Be glad you're living someone's fantasy.
A rare measured and mature piece of life advice on bbwchan.
No, you're totally right. I can sympathize with her body image issues because I used to be a chubby kid myself, and I also genuinely care for her so her comfort and peace of mind are my top priority. That said, I completely shot myself in the foot earlier this week. We go out to eat about as much as any couple, and I noticed she usually doesn't eat a whole lot (usually eating about half her meal and boxing the rest up). I didn't want to remark on it because I figured it would just make her self-conscious and also that's just a weird thing to notice by itself. Well, earlier this week we went out to eat and she finally let loose and ate a ton without even trying. I thought it was super charming but I was going back and forth about mentioning it. A few days later I couldn't take it anymore and just told her, as tactfully and nonfetishy as I could, that seeing her eat a lot was cute and that I kind of liked it. She didn't take it well at all, I mean she didn't scream or cry but it obviously bothered her that I brought it up. She just said that if that's what did it for then whatever, and kind of left it at that. Brutal. I guess it was my own fault and I should have known better, but what's a guy supposed to do? It only lead to a like half-hour of awkwardness and I guess I'm glad I have some of my cards on the table... but if I could do it again I'd probably just keep my trap shut.
>>13099 (OP)

It’s just not going to end well. She’s abusive herself (I can tell by her moving goalposts in her arguments with people, she’s psychologically abusive). As soon as there’s tensions it’s going to go south and it’s going to explode all over the feed.
She’s been there for two nights. It’s not a ritual
would caution against posting too much of her stuff too frequently - feabie in-crowd types know this thread exists and I’m sure we have a couple weird simp types lurking here who’ll spoil the fun if they so choose

As someone who is mutuals with her, I could not give a shit. I promise people are only up her ass because they’re scared of her.
This shit is cringe. Birthday blowie? Grow up. No one cares you’re dating some geriatric fuck.
that’s fair! I’m a former mutual of hers and I’ve seen firsthand she’s very petty and self-absorbed. obviously you know this too - just pointing out the sneaky truth that the feabie/bbwchan Venn diagram is almost a full-on purple circle
She absolutely knows this thread exists and that we’re talking about her. She doesn’t care. If anything it feeds the victim complex her and her leg bearded friends have.

I do enjoy how much she posts about food! Trying to keep him interested, I guess.
This is all so tiresome
You guys still getting cucked by these fucked in the head feabie fatties? Lol. They're all so fucking retarded these days, yes, all of them. How can you bear to even bear to read the inane drivel their phoney feminist sausage fingers type?

Just close your account, it's fucking trash jfc...
I can see why overturning Roe v. Wade is a big deal, but don't understand some of the hyperbole, even before anti-conception existed and abortion was forbidden people practiced family planning and didn't constantly get pregnant unexpectedly.

I think court/parliament should at least specify the time-frame in which a pregnancy can be terminated so that it is necessary for mothers to take responsibility.
That was literally the point of Roe v Wade.
People don't care that their rights are being eroded or that the country is nose diving towards autocracy because the government has been going after pink haired lefties. "tHaTs WoKeRy"
It's funny that she does post about food as much as she does, because she LOATHES being seen as some feedist object. I understand not wanting to be objectified and harassed by autists and greyfaces 24/7 but she baits like crazy.
I'm all for trans rights but the constant need to twist every social issue to center them and talk over every other social group is... exhausting. and ultimately harms their cause IMO
I am quite disturbed to report that Coldstone and Ray are now claiming to be engaged. Ray, if someone sends this to you, man get out before you’re trapped. This bitch has like five good years left. Maximum.

Dude is a lawyer, how has he not realized she won't be able to naturalize as a citizen even if they're married?
I remembered that ssbbwkiyomi seems to have immigrated to Australia, in spite of her monstrously huge size, so perhaps it is possible.

I think they health screen people, and while her BMI itself may not be an issue, there is surely no way she can be that huge and have no adverse health issues eg high blood pressure, fatty liver, diabetes. She can’t even walk through the fucking airport. And apparently uses a cane at all times, which is visible in several of her photos.

Ray is an insurance lawyer, so perhaps he doesn’t understand citizenship law. Law is not a post graduate qualification in Australia which is why retards like Layla are able to get law degrees.
I lol’d at the last part, didn’t know that about Australia.

They’re saying their engaged now?! She’s been there for like 4 days. This is going to blow up so bad, she’s going to deserve it and it’s going to be hilarious. I’m just worried that she’s going to divert from her established pattern of revealing every single thought she has, out of pain or maybe even shame although I don’t think she has any of that, and when the “engagement” inevitably does end she WONT post about it at all, might even delete for like a few weeks or something. That would be a real bummer because I want to see her complaining about it
He went to Jared! No he went to the Dollar General.
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I can't believe someone out there is dumb enough to put a ring on someone clearly so unhinged. But I suppose I expect nothing less from a dude who would buy women things off their wishlists for shreds of attention.

Unrelated to the coldstone retardation, but I saw this today. There is no way in hell this hag is getting 97 messages a week. She looks legitimately like trailer trash.
>site specifically for fat fetish
>surprised she gets attention as a fat woman
what a fucking retard
I think you seriously underestimate how thirsty dudes on that site are. Off looks alone, she'd look okay without the nose piercing. But she's clearly a disaster waiting to happen.
>>one guy responds calling you a retard
>>other guy says she’s not bad
>>no one agrees at all
Dude, read the room. These are the most pathetic and desperate men in the community. Half the guys on the chan have probably messaged her ugly ass lmao. Just cause you have standards doesn’t mean anyone else does (and here, they definitely don’t). But I was in the same boat as you and was pretty surprised that someone as ugly in and out as her gets that many messages, but after thinking about it yeah it makes sense
>violent in nature
Sorry guys, I thought my fantasy about putting fat girls on a kebab spit and cooking them with peppers was pretty mainstream
>>17447 did our newly engaged couple leave feabie? I was happy for them… but this dude will leave skid marks in a few months
>>13099 (OP)
Made an account on Feabie once in hopes pf meeting a girl
Realized that 99% of the girls were unstable and deleted my account 2 days later
Matched with a girl from feabie on OkCupid that same week, only problem was her feabie profile locationidn't match her irl location (by over 100miles). It was legit her, but being inconsistent on the location was enough to give me reason to doubt her sanity.
It's already enough that people who engage in fetish lifestyles are more likely to be mentally ill or psychologically damaged in some way (look up sex drives of normal vs sociopaths and etc, for example)... for chicks into this, if everything doesn't come completely straight and true then I'm not taking any chances with them by meeting up irl. My grandmother was a narcissist and put my grandfather through hell, and I don't want to be another victim of crazy
Skid marks as in when he ditches her at 60mph? Or skid marks in his underwear from shitting his pants out of fear so frequently when her crazy ass threatens to make a false rape allegation to keep him compliant?
The court basically said that it's the states' responsibility now so the rules will vary based on what state you are in
>be malcolm x
>join NOI
>go to mecca, the holiest site in islam
>stop associating with NOI upon your return
Most American blacks would probably side with Malcolm X, yes, but Farrakhan and NOI... no lol.

Jacob (the Abrahamic patriarch) did not live in Patmos, he definitely wasn't black, he certainly wasn't a scientist in some ancient highly technologically advanced Wakanda style civilization of black people, and white people are even moreso not the result of one of his experiments gone wrong lol

(and yes the NOI actually believes all of that, it's like Mormonism for black people but worse)
>the founders did not trust women
Based on what I'm seeing in this thread, I'm beginning to understand why
She's not a glowie, she's just your average 20something attention whore of a millennial woman.
Lol I do this probably every six months. I’ll get hit with a wave of “but maybe there’s just some normal chick who is also burdened by this fetish” and half-heartedly make a profile and scan the profiles of my location, and every time I see nothing but the cringiest, mentally-ill fuckin weirdos. Like I don’t get it, I’m a pretty standard dude, and my obsession with women putting on massive amounts of weight is my one severe quirk. I’m not sure why Feabie breeds the simpiest-cuckiest manlets and the most mentally-crippled women. Or maybe I’m the freak, who knows
Ultimately, being dominant sexually is psychologically healthier. I don't know why that is, but it's true. (I know there are ostensibly "dominant" feedees and "submissive" feeders but the inherent dynamics of the fetish make me extremely doubtful that those relationships actually work that way in practice.) Hence, most of the straight female feeders on Tumblr are pretty normal women with husbands while the feedees often have self-harm scars, the few legitimate non-catfish straight female feeders on Feabie are usually pretty chill and smart while the feedees are as you described, and straight male feedees are much more likely to be pathetic deranged freaks than male feeders.
The location thing can definitely raise some flags, but if I may steelman her for a moment, it's possible she threw off her location on one due to a potential stalker or something, though a 100 mile difference does seem to be pretty sizable.

The crazies more or less drive away the more normal people. Though it does seem that feedees have a bigger tendency to be nuts, now that you say that. Seems like the most sane women on there tend to either want to keep their current weight or even lose some degree of weight, and just want more interaction with guys who don't mind their extra size.
This sauerkrautkid is such a shit starter and then pretends to be innocent.

Yeah I mean let's be honest, wanting to gain a ton of weight isn't the healthiest or most socially/professionally acceptable thing ever. Most well-adjusted people who have the kink would be into the fantasy but not the reality.

Feedees who are full bore into this lifestyle seem to me to be psychologically adjacent to self-harming folks, who are not emotionally healthy.

In the case of kink, letting your sexual desires negatively impact your health, lifestyle, and relationships is probably clinical in some way. Gaining a bit could be written off as a normal amount of exploring the kink (like going from 150 to 250 or 300 at the absolute max), but gaining to 400+ lbs says to me "probably not emotionally stable".

Take those personalities into the echo chamber that is Feabie, chasing away normal people like you mentioned, and you get what we're left with
An exception that proves the rule is fupatrooper69, if anyone remembers her. She always seemed “mentally stable,” and was genuinely into the kink and gained up to like 450 something, I think almost 500. But then she lost the weight and now talks about how much better her quality of life is at 350. Of course, she’s also one of the most insufferable, unbearable, block just so you don’t have to see her posts women on feabie, right up there with cold stone etc. So even if she’s “stable,” the whole wanting to kill yourself every time she talks thing does sort of out her in the same category as all the true feedees who are emotionally and psychologically ill
Why does she do like 50 tiny posts, at first I thought it was some Twitteresque character limit but the other girl posts like a normal person
that happens when they keep sending as you type
Thanks for the quality drama. This chick seems like a mega try hard always posting about “nerdy” stuff like Star Wars and how she wants to be fed. Amatrix is a MAGNET for drama as one of the most toxic people in the community.

I would love a round-up of Amatrix drama. All I’ve heard was she was a rape apologist who didn’t believe a girl was raped because she was friends with the rapist.
amatrix is like, deeply insane. I actually kinda feel bad for her as a former OF subscriber.
Who got raped?
Just about the only thing that’s interesting in the file of amatrix drama is that a few years ago, she was the one living with that xtaxpros guy, spending his money buying up wishlists in exchange for friends all over Feabie. Now she’s been replaced by Fupatrooper. Can’t wait to see who he replaces Fupa with in a few years.
Didn't she also try to bribe VikingGeek with weed so he would hook up with her?
Then when he refused she went ballistic and called him out.
>>18026 it was corgifairy allegedly
Her close friends are being very quiet about it if it was her
That’s done good drama. They both ugly as fuck but fupa is definitely. Step up from Amatrix. I wonder if he’s gona go for uglier or hotter than fupa next
So I’m guessing fupa and amatrix are not in good terms then? It shouldn’t come as a surprise to me but i generally feel like loud opinionated women all respect each other on Feabie. That’s the front they put up at least
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The number of women in this age bracket (mid-30s) who have weird fixations on aurora_love, a 22 year old, is legitimately creepy. Guess Summer is desperate for people to make content with now Caitidee has ditched her.

Also, to confirm, it was corgifairy that accused the guy of assaulting her.
>>13099 (OP)
I'm just here because of #Paymoneywubby
Isn't tsundre banned now? Or was that temporary? I blocked her ages ago
Did corgi say who it was? Or if it was someone from Feabie?
Is there drama or lore about tsundere? She blocked me (I checked with another account) and I have no idea why
>It shouldn’t come as a surprise to me but i generally feel like loud opinionated women all respect each other on Feabie. That’s the front they put up at least
I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of behind-the-scenes shit bubbling up, and it being only a matter of time till some personal beef shits up the feed. Said women come off as the sorts who would turn on people for virtually zero reason.

Also, just as a heads up, we're on bumplock now.
Who else is obsessed with Aurora_love? SummerMarshmallow is 35 so that’s a thirteen year difference which is…. definitely weird. I know LisaLou just posted a video with her (which looks hot actually but I didn’t buy it) but LisaLou has 29 on her profile which is seven year difference, but also LisaLou has literally never talked about Aurora_love before so that video kinda came out of nowhere to me.

As a side note, I don’t get SummerMarshmallow. Seems like a massive waste of potential to me. She’s huge, has a decent face, but makes the fucking worst and most random content ever. I can’t figure out why she doesn’t do “regular” feedism stuff like weigh ins, stuffings, clothe try ons. She always does the stupidest stuff like fantasy roleplay scenarios that no one asked for. I mean Adeline has multiple videos of her absolutely CRUSHING entire cake/pies. Then you go over to Summer’s store and she is literally in clown makeup pretending to be a clown. Like who asked for that? Im not kink shaming I’m just saying she could be making more money if she actually made shit people want to see. I wouldn’t be surprised if she wanted to work with Aurora_love true but knowing her it would be some random shit like SSBBW Drives Around Fully Clothed Talking About Birds with Aurora
They pretend to uplift each other because they know about the skeletons in their closet and if they say anything they know they’re done for
does anyone know why and how long registrations are closed?
Because of >>18151 (Cross-thread) , Feabie gets spooked every time it gets mentioned in an mainstream article (At least I presume it was mentioned). Their rationale is "To avoid scammers", but I'd wager it's more gatekeeping from their """Verified content creator""" base.

>How long
No idea.

Some woman named Antonia Graham was in the news about her fetish content, but I didn't see Feabie mentioned anywhere in her articles.
Allegedly they were still seeing some influx of scammer-type, though one could call that a regular Tuesday.

On that note, registrations are open again.
Always found it wild everyone hates on Amatrix when apparently the guy is still there?

Also the story with vikingeek was he was begging her for weed, so she gave him some he and he tried to kiss her. She posts it on snaptchat and then shows off her taser.
girl has some serious lolcow material. she seems like a complete wreck. I can’t believe she has more than 65 subscribers on onlyfans. Her posts are a cycle of talking to a guy, love bombing, crying about how terrible he is, her “strong recoverys” rinse n repeat
My main takeaway from this girls posts are don’t date military men. and if you’re a guy in the military don’t ruin a girls life by settling down with her.

All my friends that got married In the military got divorced or are having other serious issues. Combined with the fact it’s turning into a woke daycare I’d say just avoid it all together.

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