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Send me diets, exercises, and other tips so I can architect my girl. I don’t meant diets that LOSE weight but make her GAIN but healthy high calorie foods. Exercises that make her have thick thighs, ass, and boobs. As for the other tips... Only a architect who doesn’t pour concrete and steel beams can tell me...
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>>13039 (OP)
Here's something that I've been working and trying to get other fellow Architects to help me but without much success.

A Barbell Only Architect Program.
Equipment Required: Barbell, Plates, Rack, elastic bands(optional)
Nutrition: Caloric Surplus with a lot of Omega-3 foods
Supplementation: Open for suggestion.

3 days a Week.
Exercise suggestions:
Squat, Romanian Deadlift, Sumo Deadlifts, Hip Thrusts, Barbell Row, Bench Press, Hip Abduction, Donkey Kicks, Fire Hidrants

As for Sets, Reps, templates, probably 4x10 could work.

Example: aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS9wL0NaemNvQjlnRnZsLwo=
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>>13039 (OP)
>Send me diets, exercises, and other tips so I can architect my girl.
Off the top of my head:

Forget about "spot training" or anything that can increase breast size; we're sadly nowhere near breast expansion outside of surgery, though experimenting with Phytoestrogens (as I can get into) will be good simply because they're in healthy foods. Same with asses and thighs, it's all gonna be muscle work and diet.

Excersises- stability training, yoga, and heavy lifts for size. If your girl wants a great ass, she's gonna need to start doing multipule types of squats from barbell to leg press with a wide stance, and will need to mix up sets and reps. From there, stability training is gonna be things like pistol squats and lunges- anything that works the side-to-side motions of the legs.
Do Glute ham-raises. Do Reverse hyperextensions. Do bulgarian split squats.
Don't neglect calves. Don't neglect the upper body, she minimum needs to be doing back/biceps (to carry everything), chest and triceps, and legs.
Do not run. DO. NOT. RUN. She's gotta walk regularly and at most, elliptical or bike.

Nutrition- A caloric surplus is a surplus, but you're gonna be cooking like mad to keep a "clean bulk" going for her. Best option is to find a source of cheap calories in local restaraunts (I have my college's cafeteria) that can be real healthy and to have her focus on carbs. As for phytoestrogens- try to put them into the diet heavily if you want to try and influcence a supposedly "Natural" breast growth, but I doubt it'll work- it's still mega-healthy tho, so who gives a shit? Thing is tho- because some scumfuck will start screaming about soy- milk has actual estrogens in it, and most of it is broken apart in the digestive system no matter what. Worst comes to worst she tries a wierd drink and it does nothing, and she eats a bunch of fruits and soy products.

>Here's something that I've been working and trying to get other fellow Architects to help me but without much success.
I've been wanting to start a guide to healthy weight gain- find the old "How long until blob girls?" thread- where have you been posting? There's nobody else here I've seen, and I'll need more resources like willing participants or other medical studiers.

gonna take a look at the thread. I haven't browsed that thread because blobs i'm not into lol.
There were a few architect generals at /fit/ but the jannies are quick to nuke them. I've posted it on a /fit/ discord which has channel dedicated to architects.

I have small home gym, i've read leg press is kinda necessary or opening the hips hence widening them. But getting a leg press for the home gym since like an overkill so, that's why I'm trying to want to create a sort of program that doesn't require it.
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anyways skellybro.
Here's a couple of resources that I've gathered by digging after I came up with the draft that I posted above.

>a compendium of fat studies, which concluded that for cutting visceral fat it should aim to boost adiponectin by

>for firmer breasts see pic related

>the thread where most of these sources were shared, OP is another pic related.

>other interesting sources for Architecting ideas.
>The best foods to use for bulking are nearly the same for women and men. High protein, high natural fat, complex carbs, and nutrient + calories dense foods like the ones mentioned in OP's article:

>Oatmeal, eggs, brown rice, quinoa, black beans, olive oil/natural butter, salmon, almonds, turkey, chicken, elk, venison, steak, and dairy products are great places to start. Check out this article on bulking for women:

With all these ideas info I think it's more than enough to start something.

Also from the OP
>Try Chiara Pugliesi’s Booty Plan:
>A quick trip to lib.gen will save you the £60 needed to buy the plan: http://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=EEF10CF19E6075F56F6182F55EE8C49F

I've taken a look to the plan, and it looks good, but relies on smith machine for some exercises.

I don't know what do you think about trying to create something barbell only and minimal equipment, getting a fat lady to the gym is a challenge in an of itself, so the home gym route/little to no equipment feels like a better option for successful architecting.

>>a compendium of fat studies, which at the end of the thread one anon concluded that for cutting visceral fat it should aim to boost adiponectin by doing 3 times a week aerobic cardio(in one of the studies they used stationary bike, I would like to hear what you have to say about it Skellybro) and supplementing with Niacin with 375 to 1500mg doses.

Sorry for the double post, I fucked up copying and pasting what I wrote. lol

Bump. Not letting this die.
Skellybro are u there?
>Skellybro are u there?

Hey! Still here and I'll do a bump, I'm just tearing through their threads now. I'm also building a new workout plan on top of school, so things are slow lmao
that's ok bro!, if you went through the material I shared, whenever you can I want to read your thoughts about it!
do you have links for any other threads like this?
So Oleic acid huh?
what about drinking it?
It's basically what makes olive oil healthy, yadda yadda long omega-9 fatty acid.
So yeah it's edible. Seems easier than continuously making someone that slippery however the supplemental aspect of promoting subcutaneous vs visceral might be better when used through epidermal absorption, I mean I'm sure the skin likes it anyways.
How do you develop fatty calves almost as thick as the thighs instead of ham and stilts that usually happens to fat girls who walk often?
How do you avoid rolls and cellulite at that weight?
There's someone here who must have a girlfriend that could test this out for us and rub this all over her body and have her consume it daily.
bumpity bump, any new discovery skellybro?
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Well bros, i need to invoke skellybro and the wise architects again. I got one grill literally asking me to architect her, a golden oportunity, but she really has a difficult canvas to work on. But im pumped up and determined into this, so never before i needed to turbo revive a post like now.
First, i want to talk about "spot training" to awaken the masters
>Forget about "spot training"
I'm not gonna say you can get spot training directly like just "give her icecream for breast and avocado for butt gain" like we were ruled by videogame rules, but i remember reading that you can influence where the body tends to save the new fat by a good management of hormone levels inside our canvases.
For example, it is known that high cortisol in the body leads to more visceral fat gain. So, if you reduce the exposition of cortisol (avoiding stress can do this), you can kinda "spot avoid" the visceral fat gain, or in other words, you can fatten our precious canvas more on the other places you want.
It is also known that an acurate level of estrogen encourages weight gain in that seeked ginoid way.
Well, in a nutshell, even if most of the time the best way to get a good construction would be getting one that fattens naturally in the way we want, i believe this can be influenced and some forms of "spot training or influencing" can be done with some hormone inducing tricks.
The problem is that, it is really complicated, and in some ways dangerous messing with hormones if you don't know what are you doing. And i say that even when i study some of this in uni.

So skellybro, or anyone here knows or have heard about this too?

Is the og oleicacidposter impliying you can "spot gain" by oiling the places you want?

Also, does someone knows of a place more dedicated to architectposting? Or im stuck on curated chan posts and well done academic google searches about the topic?
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>i need to invoke skellybro
>you can influence where the body tends to save the new fat by a good management of hormone levels inside our canvases.
You can. Women who stuff and gain fast tend to get spherical bellies, not the double-rolls; but this more based on what I've seen, though there is *some* proof when it comes to how the body readies itself for huge "gorge" style feedings and not constant consumption through enlarging the portal vein to the liver.
>you can fatten our precious canvas more on the other places you want.
Correct. Keeping stress low should be everyone's goal TBH
>It is also known that an acurate level of estrogen encourages weight gain in that seeked ginoid way.
I think you mean enhanced? Either way yes, but becuase for the Uterus, breasts, and other ancillary organs to preform their functions they need a healthy supply of body fat. Women who drop body fat below ~15% their total weight begin to have irregular periods and reproductive issues, and some even have their Ovaries shut down (but those women were all extreme cases, starvation and body builders- the latter whom were on steroids). Funny enough, heavy women ALSO have irregular periods, and I know above ~450lbs most doctors do not recommend getting pregnant.
>The problem is that, it is really complicated
Very true! The good news is tho, We're actually *NOT* fucking with the body super hard!
Thing with hormones is balance- The body constantly is trying to maintain whats called "hydrostatic equilibrium" or basically, just maintain a happy medium between all systems as your biologic sex demands. Many things we search for with Architect aren't super wild- in fact they're outright HEALTHY, as we're trying to get our girls into low-stress, active lives to put their bodies in the best "primed" state for good results. Until a woman gains arguably more than 100-150+ lbs (assuming an "average" weight beforehand), if she stays active with a healthy diet the gain won't affect her long term much, depending especially on if she was doing something like HIIT.
Funny enough, not being in this equilibrium, if you do steroids, is why men sometimes grow tits. The extra androgens make the body go "WHAT THE FUCK" and make extra estrogens to compensate.

Finally, just in case nobody has seen it, someone in the old blob-girl thread posted these links to methods that worked for women to grow their breasts. I personally, might have found a couple women near me on feabie that- if they like this bony boy- might be open to it. There's a LOT of women who are into HuCows, blessed be :D
https://www.breastnexus [DOT] com/showthread.php?tid=27469
https://www.breastnexus [DOT] com/showthread.php?tid=26280
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damn, i arrived a little bit late again.
>Women who stuff and gain fast tend to get spherical bellies, not the double-rolls
Makes sense, i guess expanding a stomach to the brim stretches everything in the more spheric way in the long way.
>Correct. Keeping stress low should be everyone's goal TBH
That's what i believe too, like an obvious thing to believe, but you know, not everyone is kind on their grills. Since stress does increase weight gain, you and me know that some people would care more about increasing the number on the scale or the volume she is ocuping than taking care of her health, specially the ones inclined on blobs and inmobile (which i personally dislike), or even just to center the weight gain in the belly (which is not of my liking either).
>Funny enough, heavy women ALSO have irregular periods, and I know above ~450lbs most doctors do not recommend getting pregnant.
Yeah, that's because, even tho having fat is healthy, specially for women, high fat disrupts hormonal balances like a lack of fat would do, just that in oposing directions. It also depends heavily on what type of fat, or even just where it is, but for the case of pregnant heavy women, is mainly because you would end with a lot of fat around the uterus making it hard to deliver, even the baby would end covered in a thick layer of fat that can cause problems if too much.
>Thing with hormones is balance- The body constantly is trying to maintain whats called "hydrostatic equilibrium" or basically, just maintain a happy medium between all systems as your biologic sex demands
The thing is, that sometimes, you would need to adjust that balance into a better one if she has some badly trained equilibrium due to bad habits, i think the trick, is into changing them in a subtle and not invasive way so the body doesn't reject the change or makes it rebound.
For example, you want to up her estrogen level if she has signs of having it low, you up it with a subtle but steady change on diet for example, not injecting her with an foreign dose of estrogen worthy of a HRT like a fucking maniac that doesn't research enough would do.
> Many things we search for with Architect aren't super wild- in fact they're outright HEALTHY, as we're trying to get our girls into low-stress, active lives to put their bodies in the best "primed" state for good results.
I like how that architect philosophy sounds, at least that´s what i want for my oeuvre.
> Until a woman gains arguably more than 100-150+ lbs (assuming an "average" weight beforehand), if she stays active with a healthy diet the gain won't affect her long term much, depending especially on if she was doing something like HIIT.
So, are we putting a threshold there? because, well, you know, if we are making her exercise and taking her to her prime, she probably would gain also muscle, so, the quantity of muscle and fat may vary, and so the max weight she can withstand? or you mean a gain of 100-150 of pure fat?
I mean, i would like to maxx both of those of lol, or better said, pretty sure you need to max her muscles and strength to make it easy for her to carry all the fat weight graciously.
>There's a LOT of women who are into HuCows, blessed be :D
Yeah, women into HuCows reminds me that god didn't want me to be alone despite of my fetishes lmao. Thanks for those links.

When on my research of ways to "spot gain" i found an interesting phenomena called lipohyperthrophy. Apparently, people that needs insulin injections can get lumps of fat specifically where they get the injection. I find this as a interesting piece of trivia and an indicator that spot gaining is actually posible, although, i would never recomend using insulin injections to attain this because, well, that would be the kinda "fucking up with the body hormonal balance" i warned about earlier. Nonetheless, if the body can accumulate fat in such a specific target, pretty sure it can be attained in a less fucky way, so it gives me architect inspiration.

Also, i have been investigating on the best types of fat to feed. Funnily enough, i'm now less sure about how healthy are the vegetable oils. On what i researched, i learned that the introduction of them on the market since industrial revolution correlates with the surge of diabetes, alzheimer and heart disease, diseases that were uncommon before the use of vegetable oil in cooking, even tho everyone used the supposedly "less healthy" saturated animal fats instead. I read that it is mainly because oxidative products of PUFA are kinda toxic for mitochondrias, not literal cyanide but harmful when obviously repeateadly consumed. The thing with PUFA is that unlike Saturated fat, is that it oxidates way easier because of being unsaturated. Studies talking about this were kinda hidden since the 70s, probs because everything in the market from chips to bread have vegetable oils and are kinda unavoidable in the modern processed foods...
So yeah...
i liked the post about the benefits of massaging oleic acid in the skin, but now im kinda unsure if it is that healthy. Im also wondering if it would be better if i use coconut oil (which is saturated fat), even tho it will probably will be absorbed less because of the saturated nature, but who knows, i just don't have enough people to test those thoughts(?) lol

If some architect or cultured cool bro knows more about this i would be delighted of hearing their opinions.
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I was actually rub some oleic acid to someone I'm fattening up but right before I rubbed on myself just a bit and it gave me a burning sensation so I decided not to
That just means its working
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>but you know, not everyone is kind on their grills
Honestly insane to me. Like I've met lots of women putting myself out there and the bullshit they put up with is frankly shocking; some "men" they've been with to me, are genuinely broken people.
>specially the ones inclined on blobs and inmobile
Right? Like my goal, at a minimum, is that "Architecting" has a serious goal of influencing our gainers for the better, since at the end of it all we're trying to ensure happiness and enjoyment of our desires for as long as possible.
>high fat disrupts hormonal balances
And thanks to COVID, we're realizing now that body fat isn't adipose tissue, but rather a hormonal organ all it's own for things like Leptin.
>changing them in a subtle and not invasive way so the body doesn't reject the change or makes it rebound.
That's right! And it's also good for the person Hollistically, because it's very hard on us to make sudden, massive changes; it's why some 90% of all new year's resolutions fail, because they just go apeshit and not steadily ease themselves into it.
>So, are we putting a threshold there?
No, because it all depends on person; it seems in general, that nearly any woman who keeps a semblance of good diet, proper exercise with HIIT and things to keep hormonally heathly (good sleep, routine schedule ect) can add 100-150lbs of pure fat without many adverse affects until they hit their 50s-60s, especially if she keeps her gains slower so muscle and organs have time to build and compensate (especially muscle, since the lack of androgens mean they build half of what men do).
>Yeah, women into HuCows reminds me that god didn't want me to be alone despite of my fetishes lmao
Realizing that is what kicked me out of the doomer crowd here of thinking I would never have a gainer girlfriend; I'm not there yet, but I am SO much happier with myself now I've begun to take the first steps.
It's more of a site reaction and defense against the needle. The fat built up there doesn't make your typical layer, but more of a boulbous region full of interstitial fluid to try and defend the site; the insulin that appears then begins to work on the fat cells, and the mass going in means the body is trying to concentrate it all in one area.
Correct my friend! It's also because said veggie oils have a low smoke point (or can) and it's very easy to blitz them straight to smoking, and that's what makes the carcinogens and other harmful carbon chains. SatFats on the other hand, are easily used by the body and the triglyceride chains confer a lot of energy; for us, a Sat fat with a vitamin D tacked on (Caliciferol) makes Testosterone, upon reaction with sunlight on the skin (which is part of the reason sun exposure for ~20 min a day is needed for human beings).
I'd use coconut before Oleic, because I know the coconut works and can double in hair as well to a small extent. Sounds like >>18361 used too high a concentration; you have to fuck with molar masses with that kind of container, which is NOT fun and can easily harm yourself/your partner.
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>Like I've met lots of women putting myself out there and the bullshit they put up with is frankly shocking
Women tend to like some aspects of being "dominated" but there is also the how they perceive how should it be done and the part about "changing" the body is a touchy subject for a lot of them, there is also the perception that most people tend to see weight gaining as something harmful.
>some "men" they've been with to me, are genuinely broken people.
And the other side of the coin. Abusive people can do horrible things when they get their hands on the "right" victim. Kinda crazy that those behaviours are also kinda learned from cultural and society voices too even if not directly.
>Since at the end of it all we're trying to ensure happiness and enjoyment of our desires for as long as possible.
Some people just want to play with a person like it is a toy. But yeah, they kinda have a bad strategy for the long run, prolly the short too.
>But rather a hormonal organ all it's own for things like Leptin.
Probably has been known way back since a lot of metabolic hormonal paths have fats initiating them or in the middle, like steroid hormones as estrogens and testosterone, and i think the fact that fat kinda estrogenizes you is something kinda known in bodybuilding circles way back; but still, i believe that fat tissue as an active hormonal organ has been really understimated and understudied. In part because nutrition science has always been a mess and on top of that you get companies fucking with it for profit.
>because it's very hard on us to make sudden, massive changes
At the same time, psicologically, people always tend to do big changes in a rush and fail miserably, i wonder if that's natural or more of a cultural influence too.
> it all depends on person; it seems in general, that nearly any woman who keeps a semblance of good diet, proper exercise with HIIT and things to keep hormonally heathly, can add 100-150lbs of pure fat without many adverse affects
I wonder how did that number came up, like 100-150 doesn't seem too irreal but still. Wonder if maybe that's what an Architect could achieve in peak moments but i don't think there is anyone with logs of this practices lmao.
>I would never have a gainer girlfriend
Take this with a grain of salt, but in my experience, i kinda think that for architect purposes, getting a girl that is into sports and is not that particularly worried about her appearance and more into performance, could be the almost perfect gainer gf if you can get her thrilled on the idea of an slow but continuous bulking. Still, maybe is just that i dream too much.
>It's more of a site reaction and defense against the needle.
Yeah, still something that i doubt someone should do for architecting purposes because the health risk, but still, it's just an example that you can get localized effects with fatty tissue, maybe not the best example but i aim to get some better ones. Lipodystrophias must have some insight on that.
>SatFats on the other hand, are easily used by the body and the triglyceride chains confer a lot of energy
Soo... in conclusion, should we be focusing in getting SatFat for our architect purposes? Like, i feel like the answer shouldn't be that simple, even tho is opposite to what media would tell you.
>I'd use coconut before Oleic, because I know the coconut works and can double in hair as well to a small extent.
I never thought about hair health, but yeah, coconut oil sounds like the logic answer after all i have heard.
Lmao, 100%, i didn't even knew you could pack it at that purity. As >>18434 said, you need to dilute it, that concentrations is meant for lab experiments, not direct use on people. Also, store it well and try to minize its exposition to air and heat.

Also, about other useful pages for Architects. I have been checking Breast Nexus, a lot of useful info with the plus with a lot of testimonies and logs about the procedures. But it looks kinda deserted? I feel that type of forum must have always been kinda empty, but idk. Someone knows about some other forum or page of similar theme?
help skelly

my gf of 3 years knows im an FA and has gone from 120ish to 230 in the time we've been together. she definitely likes putting on weight and i wanna see her hit 350-400. she eats a lot and wants to get fatter for me but her gains have slowed and shes only put on 5lbs this year so far. what should i be feeding her/mixing in her food? ive heard sunflower oil few times, is it really effective?
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>i believe that fat tissue as an active hormonal organ has been really understimated and understudied. In part because nutrition science has always been a mess and on top of that you get companies fucking with it for profit.
It really has, as anyone who knows the history of dieting and "low fat" can attest to. With COVID now I think we'll see a new glut of research, but that's a hope thats sadly going to be built upon the deaths of millions.
>i wonder if that's natural or more of a cultural influence too.
I believe it is both. Us Americans have some very damaging behaviors and mindsets, notably the "Rugged individual" bullshit that right-wingers spout; it essentially depends, but I see other men my age try and fail repeatedly. Shit, even had one with a gal on feabie last night.
>I wonder how did that number came up
Personal experience, some medical details and examples. Basically as long as you're not *too* out of spec, you'll likely be fine so long as you're continuing to exercise and fuel your body properly but the bigger concern is the difficulty the heart has pushing blood through the veins and tissues.
>should we be focusing in getting SatFat for our architect purposes?
To an extent. Don't go nuts, but fact is, the body breaks down "Natural" Saturated fats easier than Triglycerides, but specifically the sat fats tend to be both in High density and low density lipoprotiens; while triglycerides are ALL low-density and Very low density, which are precursors for plaque buildup in arteries. For the record, the Sat Fats in eggs are almost all HDLs.
Interesting, but potnentially spooky Slovakia poster. I do admire how much he obviously sees, how little attention is given to women improving themselves or how nasty women will honestly be to each other.
Calories in to Calories out, my friend. Kelli back in the 2000s didn't simply gain over 250lbs in 2 years because she willed it, she made caloric charts, tracked her consumption, and modified her behaviors as she needed. She maintained excersise (she swims) to keep her appetite up, and did the inverse of a body builder.
I'll also post some recipies for shakes I got from BreedableDomme on Feabie later, but that's you guys's first step- get a calorie chart together and figure out how much she NEEDS to eat to maintain, and how much to blimp up. Without a plan, few women will just eat more enough to expand to 500+ lbs of Epicurian wonder.
>Pictured: Personal wife goals. You know your girl fat when she turns both chairs in like that.
No clue.
thank you skelly! youre a bro. definitely gonna throw that idea at her, shes so proud to show me new stretchmarks and id love to blow her up past 550 if possible. any supplements you specifically recommend?
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Thanks, tbh i forgot that one.
That's a lot of useful info. Like a comprised guide of what you can find on the other pages. Tbh, i have a lot of confidence into breast architecting, we have found a lot of info, i kinda feel that making breast as massive as we want is just a matter of time now thanks to the info.
Tecnically, i have an a overabundance of breast architecting info, but not for other parts of interests, like the ones the OP metioned. Where is the info about architecting parts like thighs and ass. I can't find a "Butt nexus" or a hipsDOTcom, or a page dedicated for it. Of course i can find a lot of exercise programs for muscle growth, but i can find about other types of growth. There are a lot of studies talking about the benefits of having fat in the thighs, ass and hips but not about how to get the fat there. The most i have found about it is that spanking and sitting can kinda help into making an ass bigger but not by a lot, and using sitting to make a butt bigger sounds like a bad plan overall. About the spanking, i have read it has to do also with scaring tissue inside which could be useful if you want something less jiggly but i'm still researching that.
But anyway, does anyone knows about a forum or page dedicated to make butts or hips bigger like breastnexus?

>To an extent. Don't go nuts
Of course. What i am wondering now about it, is using just pure fat for the caloric intake and avoiding carbs. From all i have been reading, a diet like that should be the most healthy way to up caloric intake, even tho it would be more slow without the carbs upping glucose and insulin response that would help to make someone fat fast but not in a healthy way.

Also, i'm curious about what you know about this skelly.
I have been researching on how to change where the weight is gained, and, even tho there is not a more "terapeutic or home-made" way to do it, i started reading about lipo surgeries.
It depends on the type of lypo surgery, but because of the adipocyte (fat cell) number on the body almost never changes in adulthood, just size, getting them out of the body like in a liposuction, or moving them in a fat cell transfer, this changes the shape the body takes when it gains weight again. For example, in a traditional liposuction, you get rid of fat cells on the abdomen. Then when the patient gains weight again, because fat cells don't multiply like other cells, they just change in size when getting fat, the patient gets more fat in the places where it has, or has more, fat cells, aka, the places where there has not been a lipo, everywhere except the abdomen, so Ta-da, you have changed the shape that your body storages fat. Or in a better example, bbl patients, that in a nutshell is a fat cell transfer from the ab to the butt, report that when they gain weight, almost all of it goes to the butt, because they have not much fat cells to gain in the belly but a lot more of them in the butt gaining size. Of course, if the gain is too abrupt or in a unhealthy way it can grow in a unexpected or weird shape so you would need to come back to the clinic.
But yeah, lipo surgeries can get your girl the hourglass, pear, or even other weird shapes you want. Even better, if done well, you can get her fat after this and she will gain only in the places you want. I know it is kinda controversial from the architectposter point because the focus tends to be on her improving and making healthy changes and new habits, and this surgeries are not something that promote that, at least not directly (you need to be at a healthy way to be candidate, someone too fat or unhealthy can't get them, because they are not considered for weight management anymore, but more for an sculpting and shaping method), but still, for some, this would make the architecting more viable, even more wanted for her if the weight gain is in a shape she likes more.
So what do you guys think?

And having said that, about >>18553...
Even tho, arm fat is kinda more of a female thing to have (estrogen encourages fat gain in extremities in general, only that the gain on the legs is more notorious and common than the one on arms), it is still highly dependent on genetics. You will not find a way to encourage it with certain food or suplement. Upping estrogen by diet could kinda help but only if she already has some of it, and it would also encourage it on the other ginoid body fat storages.
The only way i could gather as directly effective would be, as i said before, a lipo that takes fat from everywhere else except the arms, or a fat transfer into the arms. That way, when she starts to gain weigh again, she would gain it mainly on her arms. Tbh i you would surprise a lot or surgeons asking for a fat transfer for her arms, but with enough money you can do whatever you want if the girl gives you consent. With just a liposuction that takes fat outside everywhere except her arms you would also have that desired effect when she gains weigh again if she has some fat on her arms and it would not be that weird to ask for a surgeon, but everywhere they took fat would also not gain as fast as it used to.
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>That's a lot of useful info.
I'd be careful of it, because freezing kills MOST parasites, but not all. I can check common parasites that affect cattle and humans if you'd like. Otherwise well... I can't see what else could be wrong? You're digestive system breaks it all down anyway.
>Tecnically, i have an a overabundance of breast architecting info, but not for other parts of interests
Good. Society will be better with more Hucows; my dream is where G-cup is the new C in America, and I my wife will have chounyuu-tier over the shoulder boulders. I will not explain.
>using just pure fat for the caloric intake and avoiding carbs.
That's largely bad. The only human people I can think of that can have serious fat consumption are the Aleutians in Alaska because they evolved with no grain; Otherwise it causes high oxidative stress.
https://www.mdpi [DOT] com/2072-6643/11/11/2579

I'll find the sources again- some came from Sseth (Hey Hey people)- but current research points to intermittent fasting being better than low-carb, because it activates systemic pathways that cause a form of cell maintenance in a low-calorie environment instead of a limiting diet that tends to lose efficacy after 6 months anyway.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih [DOT] gov/pmc/articles/PMC8066770/
>However, the longer-term efficacy of the LCD is disappointing, with diminishment of weight loss potential and metabolic benefits of the LCD beyond 6-months of its adoption. Furthermore, practical limitations of the LCD include the associated restriction of food choices that restrict the acceptability of the LCD for the individual, particularly over the longer term.

I was gonna post more about that actually lol. I've seen some women with WILD bodies from BBLs and I hope the procedures better and more common, since they're really fat transplants. Only problem is, that you can get scarring and uneven look to the fat (i.e. wavy appearance where the lipo occurred).
>Tbh i you would surprise a lot or surgeons asking for a fat transfer for her arms, but with enough money you can do whatever you want if the girl gives you consent.
Pretty much. You'd have to likely pay out of pocket, but it's actually common for surgeons hear these kinds of body modifications. They hear WAY odder than "I want to transplant fat from my belly into my arms" but being plastic surgeons, you sometimes get what you pay for.
>any supplements you specifically recommend?
Don't worry about supps other than what we're posting here for breast growth- until we do some more sleuthing on parasites and possible reactions with >>18465 post, stick to the supplements and massages I posted from Breastnexus by Miss Mad Scientist.
Get your girl excersising now, do it as a couples thing. Do things like talking about your day on walks (try to make them 2 miles at a minimum) and mix up lifting routines, stretching, light cardo and if possible, High-intensity intervals (for her). 2 30-minute splits seems to be golden, but single every day for 45 minutes is just fine too; you'll both be and feel far happier and most of all, she'll be able to handle all the extra weight. Be sure to post her progression pics! And keep old clothes around so she can see what work she's doing.

Here's BreedableDomme's recipies off Feabie:
>1. Build-a-shake
½ box of cake mix any flavor
1 quart of heavy cream
3 cups of whole milk
Blend well and drink.

>2. Chocolate Lovers
2 sticks (1 cup) of butter (unsalted) ~1620 calories
1 cup Haagen-Dazs ice cream, chocolate ~ 377 calories
½ cup of chocolate pudding mix ~ 300 calories
2 cups of heavy whipping cream ~ 1642 calories
4 tablespoons of Nutella ~ 335 calories
For a grand total of 4275 calories in just over 1 liter

>3. 5000 cal PB and Chocolate shake
- ½ cup corn syrup, 2 cups peanut butter
- 1 cup chocolate pudding mix
- 1.5 liters of milk
Each two-liters shake make overall a total of 5000 cal

>4. Brownie lover
- 1 quart heavy milk
- a whole Family Size box of brownie mix
- You can add in strawberries, or peanut butter, or cherry filling to give it a new twist
-Quick and easy and coupons/sales on brownie mix means you can save money too!

>5. Roughly 10k calories
One Quart Heavy Cream
A partially melted Half Gallon Ice Cream
One Can of Sweetened Condensed milk
One Half Gallon of any milk other than Skim
A box of cake mix
Hershey Syrup for Flavor Optional

>6. “Light Day” shake
Only about 2 cups it contains 1250 calories.
1 cup Ice cream
½ cup whole milk
and the key ingredient
¼th cup CANOLA oil.
Can add in bananas for some added nutrients and flavor. Or any fruit

>7. Chocolate Milk
20oz whole milk
½ cup of nestles quik
2 tbsp’s of coconut oil (”lighter” tasting than canola oil)
1,380 calories and 50g, roughly
Can the corn syrup and canola oil be substituted.
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So I’ve been with my wife for nearly 20 years now, in that time she’s gone from 200->395->310->395 again. She’s about 380 these days so I think I’ve got some good tips on getting fat here from nearly a half a lifetime of feedism.
Let’s start with the girl herself. It’s going to be difficult to convince a thin girl to get big, although it does happen. Start big, honestly as big as you can manage if this is important to you. The heavier she is, the easier it will be to get her to gain. She won’t be used to doing things like going to the gym, hiking, etc. so she won’t have a mindset of trying to get back into that. You really want a girl who’s been fat her whole life. Make sure her body type is what you like too, if you want a titcow or a pear shape, it’s not likely she’s going to grow into that, find one who starts that way and make her even more that way.
It’s unlikely she’s going to gain substantial amounts of weight from huge stuffings, both because of the logistics involved, and the money too. She also probably won’t feel too great if she’s gorging herself constantly. Just keep adding calories to her normal intake and she’ll pack on weight. Get her high calorie coffee drinks in the mornings, and keep her well stocked on her favorite snacks. Buy stuff you know she can’t really control herself around (for my wife it’s milk and ice cream). My favorite thing right now is buying her high-end cookies from a bakery near us, she even sends me the pictures of their offerings when she wants me to get more (see pic). I supplement this with milkshakes from Baskin-Robbins, a large shake is like 1300 calories or something by itself, which is fucking crazy. Make sure you’re the one getting groceries, if she’s not thinking about it she won’t stop you from getting her snacks. Honestly if you know how to cook you won’t even need to ask her about snacks, you’ll just have them.
Next you’re going to want to make sure you’re fostering good gaining habits in her. This is why it’s crucial to start with a fat woman, you know she’ll already be lazy, and fat women love getting permission to be lazy. Introverts are great for this as well, as they’re usually on board with staying home. Gamers, anime fans, etc. are all good choices. Covid lockdowns have been great for this, tons of people are used to being homebodies now, and it’s easy to turn that into weight gain. My wife gained like 80 pounds minimum as a result of Covid.
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>I'd be careful of it, because freezing kills MOST parasites, but not all. I can check common parasites that affect cattle and humans if you'd like.
You mean the mammary capsules? No need to talk about parasites, trust me, i know them. I believe what Anon was describing is not only freezing but Freeze-Drying, which involves freezing the product and lowering the pressure till the water evaporates, which kills most pathogens (even tho, i have heard that some pathogens can survive the process, not many but yeah. idk how resilient are the parasites on cattle to this, should check it).
>Good. Society will be better with more Hucows; my dream is where G-cup is the new C in America, and I my wife will have chounyuu-tier over the shoulder boulders. I will not explain.
Lmao, i get you man, if we talk about dreams im obviously gonna get my wife some real milky blimps too, but i also want her looking more tall when she is sitting than when she is standing and asking me to widen the door frames because she keeps getting her hips stuck every now and then.
And i have a lot of info for the blimp part, but for the lower part (pun intended) not that much, or well, at least not at that abundance.
>That's largely bad. The only human people I can think of that can have serious fat consumption are the Aleutians in Alaska because they evolved with no grain; Otherwise it causes high oxidative stress.
Yeah, i suppose i was getting baited by the keto people. Still, going for a high-carb diet for weight gaining doesn't sounds better for long term because of the obvious insulin resistance going up and other metabolic syndromes. So... i guess some carbs and some fat, but tbh i'm still not confident saying what would be the percentage of those two.
>Only problem is, that you can get scarring and uneven look to the fat
Yeah, still, i think bbl is the best option for my architecting objectives besides a lot of lower body bodybuilding. But, tbh, uneven looking fat can occur even in a natural fattening and i think the scarring too? (well, stretchmarks are scars), so those two risk are not something that important, specially because the first one can be corrected with another surgery, and the second can be mostly avoided if you get a good surgeon and that's what you should be doing in the first place anyway. I would worry more about blood flow issues and that a lot of bbl patients tend to accumulate more visceral fat (even tho, i believe it´s because they get lazy after the surgery feeling that they don't need to excersize no more because their bodies already have the desired shape, so, avoidable too).
>They hear WAY odder than "I want to transplant fat from my belly into my arms" but being plastic surgeons, you sometimes get what you pay for.
Yeah, thinking about it, i think it is not that uncommon, some men actually get liposculpting and put fat on their arms to make the fat look like bigger muscles on their arms (and if synthol users exist, a lot of people like this too), so, probs maybe he can actually find a surgeon with some experience on fat transfers to the arm, which would be better for the overall result.
For the corn syrup, anything that is a glucose syrup, like Mizuame. For the canola, safflower, avocado, olive, and peanut oil can get similar nutritional values and are some of the most safe vegetal oils, idk if they would combine well with the shake, but i don't think they would feel too different from the canola oil. Tho, they are more expensive.
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>idk how resilient are the parasites on cattle to this
I know animals like Tardigrades can surrvive. I think there's a helminth like hookworm eggs that can withstand it as well.
>asking me to widen the door frames because she keeps getting her hips stuck every now and then.
God, stuckage is so great lmao. I take you're after a real bottom-heavy gal? I fucking love bubble butts.
>So... i guess some carbs and some fat, but tbh i'm still not confident saying what would be the percentage of those two.
I forgot to add, that high protein is also harsh on the kidneys.
I imagine that a 30 pro/30 fat/ 40 carb with wiggle room would be fine. With high carb consumption you do push problems of insulin resistance, but that is where the once monthly fasting and the exercise comes into play.
>which would be better for the overall result.
Shit, there's surgeons who are now hand-building custom abdominal implants for men because so many dudes demand to have a 6-pack 24/7. I know that "Botched!" show on Discovery (which also has some wonderful BBL surgeries shown) has had an episode where they talked about it, and the most recent lolcow in the fitness community- Liver King- has finally been open that he has them as well.

>Can the corn syrup and canola oil be substituted.
Absolutely! Corn syrup can be replaced by nearly any other sugar syrup or simple syrup (you could even home batch-make your own triple sec for it) and the oils can be replaced like >>18769 mentioned. Depends on some of the recipies tho.

This man speaks wisdom. Some girls are into bloating, but most are better off just eating constantly and having total excess and access. While huge meals can stretch the stomach, so can constant consumption no problem.
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>I know animals like Tardigrades can surrvive. I think there's a helminth like hookworm eggs that can withstand it as well.
Reading again about it, i found that, it does not do a good job killing parasites because there is not an standart method and depends on the kind of parasite.
Tardigrades are shit tho. Resilient to almost inmunity to all kind of shit but doesn't do shit with it and gets obliberated by even aphids.
>God, stuckage is so great lmao. I take you're after a real bottom-heavy gal? I fucking love bubble butts.
Yeah, the most bottom-heavy we can get, i do like big doses of hefty unhideable milky sweater stretchers but wide like truck hips, earthquake bringing thighs and eclipse degree butts are what gets me crazy like an overdose of coke and viagra. So, ideally, i would have a girl like an industrial sized hourglass, but still more bottom-heavy than top-heavy.
>I imagine that a 30 pro/30 fat/ 40 carb with wiggle room would be fine.
Tbh sounds fine even for a normal diet.
>Shit, there's surgeons who are now hand-building custom abdominal implants for men because so many dudes demand to have a 6-pack 24/7.
Yeah, i have heard of them. And the reality about 6 packs, is that you kinda need to be really low on fat and dehydrated to have them bulging out like people fantasize, and that is a state that most people cannot maintain or should maintain for long periods of time. And liposuction to make the abs really get out without that much killing yourself is the most popular thing of lipo surgeries for men.
>and the most recent lolcow in the fitness community- Liver King- has finally been open that he has them as well.
Damn, i didn't knew that. Looking at his pictures, now it seems obvious, but still, not very ancestralpilled on his part. I always hated the way he insist on eating raw meat anyway.
I make my gf bottom heavy too without bbl
>depends on the kind of parasite.
My current findings imply that a freeze-dried capsule kept below -4F (-20C) for 7 days should be "enough" to kill parasites, but that's going by marine and fish preparation, not bovines; and Mayo clinic says you need -35F for a week to kill tapeworms:
https://michelpoudrier [DOT] com/other/28291-can-you-kill-parasites-by-freezing.html

The Breast growth guide >>18465 shows what I think is this (https://www.amazon [DOT] com/Breast-Enlargement-Super-Mammary-Ultra/dp/B0719M9CV8/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3O1MIU68JOC99&keywords=super+raw+mammary&qid=1659654161&s=hpc&sprefix=super+raw+mammary%2Chpc%2C118&sr=1-4) but lord knows how much actual cow udder is in it; that's the problem with this versus the breast nexus links I posted, when you're dealing with the bullshit of the supplement industry you really dont *know* at the end of the day what you're getting until there's enough competition between manufacturers they're forced to have standards to succeed. No clue if this is prepared freeze-dried either; I can try to contact the manufacturer and ask.

I found other pages about the inherent danger to freeze-dried foods. Some of the actual research is behind paywalls, so here's the DOI numbers.
https://doi [DOT] org/10.1080/10408398.2018.1466265
https://www.sciencedirect [DOT] com/science/article/pii/S0924224418301560
https://backyardhomesteadhq [DOT] com/does-freeze-drying-foods-kill-it-bacteria-virus-nutrients-enzymes/

My concern for this research now is, what parasites affect cow udders and can they spread to humans via that vector? The only possibility so far seems to be tapeworms, and that is only if somehow an egg travels from the digestive tract into the udder instead of out into feces. So possible but unlikely. If their freezing is to that depth or more, then its a question of if it actually works or not and if anyone has used it before on sites like breast nexus.

>Tbh sounds fine even for a normal diet.
I won't lie, it basically is but I think we would steadily want to wean protein down in favor of more carbs. Protein can be hard on the kidneys since breaking amino chains leads to creatine; research "Renal diets" if you want to know more, their diets can be as absurd as 20G MAXIMUM of protein per day. I thought this, since as our beloved blows up we want to protect the kidneys from high blood pressure as well.
>lipo surgeries for men.
6 Pack abs have been so detrimental to men, I swear.
Don't forget him commanding people to eat raw organ meats too; like yeah, eating small doses of liver is a massive boost in B12 and should arguably be done regularly by us all, but it's also FULL of cholesterol because the liver makes most our hormones- and testosterone is literally a cholesterol with a vitamin D in the chain.

Bubble butt convos remind me of a gal I sorta dated; ratchet as hell, but her hips and ass were so wide she could never wear jeans, because she could find none that fit. Sadly she was one of those who are so *lights on but nobodys home* I couldn't, but I still love Scene girls to this day and get nostalgic when I see someone trying to bring that hairstyle back again.
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>I make my gf bottom heavy too without bbl
Would you like to share the "how" you would do it?
>So possible but unlikely. If their freezing is to that depth or more, then its a question of if it actually works or not and if anyone has used it before on sites like breast nexus.
Well, still, Breast Nexus threads feel like a better source overall, after all, the dude from breast growth guide talks on testimony but the breast nexus are the subject testimony, so they have a lot more weight for this. Besides, i think that guide is the only place where i have heard someone recomending those udder pills. And when you look to buy it, they do look sketchy as fuck.
>I won't lie, it basically is but I think we would steadily want to wean protein down in favor of more carbs.
Even if we aim to maxx not only fat but also muscle? (at least for lower body). I'm not a big fan of turning someone into a lazy blob, i prefer the "as big as functional" type, like a perpetual bulking gf lmao. And i said because, yeah, having so much protein in the diet would be bad for kidneys but if you up your need for protein like in building muscle, i think it could still work without renal damage. Still, i guess weaning it down a little wouldn't do too much difference, specially if it is to protect her.
>testosterone is literally a cholesterol with a vitamin D in the chain.
Tbh, i have been getting papers about how cholesterol should not be a biomarker for hearth problems and that downing cholesterol can actually cause problems like lack of testosterone in men because they are used for homone making. But yeah. And about raw meat. From what i have read, haven´t got real advantage of eating anything raw except maybe training your gut microbiota to not get diahrrea when someone doesn't cook your meat well, but because of again, parasites, i don´t see the need. Specially when protein intake is obviously better if cooked.
>Bubble butt convos remind me of a gal I sorta dated;
>Scene girl
>Unable to use jeans because of massive bottom
Tbh, i would have insisted a lot more on that one despite the masive flaws, i know sounds dumb on my part, but damn.
>Would you like to share the "how" you would do it?
Sorry to let you down my taco bro. But i didn't wrote the entire sentence.
I want to make her bottom heavy without bbl.
What the pickle does Architectpilled mean?


in all seriousness it refers to fattening a girl up intentionally; its a reference to an actor who people joke about doing that but honestly i cant be bothered to remember who
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Oh... well my dear choripan buddy, that's what i was researching before seeing that bbl is practically the best way, specially if the girl you have has no ass to start.
To just making her bottom fat and not everything else, is really hard without a bbl. The best way to go would be to getting a girl that from the beginning already gains weight mainly on her bottom by pure genetics, so you would just need to make her fat and most of it would go there. If that's not the case, it gets way more complicated. Getting her fat while also getting her to excersize will make her bigger in general but she will not get visceral fat build up, so her belly would grow less and everything else more (so she will get more butt and boob gain than belly), at least in comparison than just making her fat without excersize.
Spot gaining only on the butt is almost a myth unless is muscle growth and not fat. But still. You can also try massaging her bottom with oil (i would recomend coconut oil for that, or another type of vegetal oil that is good for the skin like avocado or even olive). Testimonies suggest that doing this gets the skin absorbing some of that fat in a localized manner, so, you she will get some subtle but notorius gains over time mostly only in the places you anointed her. I haven't found many scientific papers talking specifically about this but skin absortion is often used to deliver medication in a localized fashion like in creams or lotions, so i believe it does work in some degree.
Also,i have readthat sitting, or spanking the butt, does can make it bigger over time, because the presure and the stress it generates on the tissue can stimulate growth. But i have unable to find the exact research papers talking about this, and i believe some of that is actually made up by satiric news pages.

Being honest, how to get bigger bottoms without surgery is one of my main research themes, but i have been unable to get too much info besides getting her into a routine of squats and healthy fattening.
I would be very grateful to hear someone telling me more methods or where to get more info about it, but looks like we are dry on that.

Pic related resumes it well. Just search about Pierce Brosnan and his wife. You will get it.
Not a single mention of potatoes.
>Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew...
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I would recommend baked potatoes. They are good.
Chips and french fries? Maybe if you fry them with animal fat. If it is about health, you better avoid anything fried on vegetal oil.
White rice is a mfer when it comes to weight gain. Give her a couple of nice heaping spoonfuls alongside a rich curry or stirfry. Fat + starch = wg
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>Well, still, Breast Nexus threads feel like a better source overall
Plus I also want to get opinions from women. No offense to the lads... but there's too many dicks on the dance floor, you feel me?
>Even if we aim to maxx not only fat but also muscle?
Pretty much it's to protect the kidneys, and because women just physically don't hit the weight limits us men can, all thanks to testosterone. We want them to be strong, but there will quickly be a point with her where she'll have to decide if she just wants to maintain and be healthy or go further in weight training, and the latter requires counting macros to be effective (which we're already doing).
>And about raw meat.
It's all just dudes coping about why they aren't jacked weightlifters, same with an old friend of mine who blamed his lack of muscle development on cliff bars having soy protein in them. It's all fads.

>Tbh, i would have insisted a lot more on that one despite the masive flaws, i know sounds dumb on my part, but damn.
Yeah I wont lie, It's sometimes I think about her because she had this great hourglass figure with E-cups; but she'd literally flirt and dance for anyone that gave her attention, was vapid, and just really, REALLY dumb. I had one moment where I tried to reconnect over billiards and we didn't even get to playing pool, she just kinda used me for beers and complaints.
The night ended with her demanding Taco bell, then detailing to me in front of a poor high school cashier her hemmerhoid problems in detail. When I got home I was so infuriated that I blabbed it all to my best friend who I didn't know was leading a charity stream, and the "Hemorrhoid story" became a meme in his pony group for over a year because I literally stumbled through the front door hours before he expected me to come home.

She gave me a thirst for bubble butts tho. Back to normal, I should probably make an account on Breastnexus just to see and compare.
My gf literally worked out hard as hell and tried to eat better but kept eating white rice and Starbucks drinks, and those calories just overpowered her

180-220 in less than a yearrrrrrr
I had a personal trainer for a while and one of his mantras was that you can out-eat any workout. Gobs of rice + working out is literally what sumo wrestlers do.
How do you get extremely doughly and malleable fat on your girl? The answer I last checked was gradual gain, carbs and light cardio to avoid stuff ball guts and stiff fat in general.
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At the end of the day i think genetics plays the biggest role. Knew someone that went from 130 lbs at the start of covid to 220 and down to 150 and then to 290 she dropped down to around 200 now. And all of this weight fluctuation yet she had a perfect hourglass figure with no exercise (5'10 only a small bit of belly at 290 image around 260)
It's interesting when you look at sumos. Men tend to have large bellies and skinny limbs meaning they have mainly visceral fat (the shit kind). But sumos manage to cultivate large amounts of doughy fat with a strict regime of protein (meats) and carbohydrates (tonnes of rice) alongside a lot of exercise.

I reckon some degree of exercise is key and steady gaining via healthier food types is key. Think MochiiBabii eating non-stop and barely moving for years. As hot as that is she now just looks like some bloke who's spent too much time in the pub.
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>No offense to the lads... but there's too many dicks on the dance floor, you feel me?
That's why i want more forums like that one
>but there will quickly be a point with her where she'll have to decide if she just wants to maintain and be healthy or go further in weight training, and the latter requires counting macros to be effective (which we're already doing).
Ok, i get it, not even architecting can be just about fun and games. Now i wonder why the carnivore folk never talks about that. Like, works for some people without them being skimos or something like that, but from what i read, it is all about genetics and what your ancestors eat.
>same with an old friend of mine who blamed his lack of muscle development on cliff bars having soy protein in them. It's all fads.
Being fair, i never understood how much phitoestrogens can actually affect you. For example, in Breast Nexus, they often talk about getting them into their diets. But the vegans and some other diet trenders say they don't affect you as estrogen. Also, soy oils do seem fucky everytime i read about them
>great hourglass with E-cups
I can't quench my thirst for that type of bodies butt...
>demanding Taco bell
>hemmerhoid problems
Lmao, she is a walking joke.
> I should probably make an account on Breastnexus just to see and compare.

>My gf literally worked out hard as hell and tried to eat better but kept eating white rice and Starbucks drinks, and those calories just overpowered her 180-220 in less than a yearrrrrrr.
Suggary Fat (starbucks drinks) and carbs (rice) are a good combo on upping someones weight because that combinations gives you insuline resistance and end up storing more fat than before even if you consume the same amount of carbs.

Excercise would avoid her having visceral fat buildup that is what gives people those stiff big bellies.
From some forums, what i get is that, the unsaturated fat deposits, are the ones that are more jiggly than saturated fat. The body accumulates both, women tend to store more the jiggly type, specially in the zones that are deem to be chubby and femenine like hips and boobs. Obviously, giving her more unsaturated fat in her diet will help, but there are a lot of other factors into it. You don't have full control how the body will store it, it can saturate it.

Yeah, most of the time, the easiest way is to get a girl that is made to be fat in the way you like. If that doesn't happen and you want to change it, 99% of time you will have to go against their genes, which implies surgery as the best way to go.
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Today in my studies- which are still on my work PC and thus, I can't transfer them here QUITE yet- I discovered interesting details related to this. I was researching things that cause the addition of visceral fat to the body, and I happened on an NEJM(?) study on the differences of visceral fat distribution between men and women. In the study, it stated that part of the distribution of fat in the human body didn't simply depend on sex- males build visceral WAY more than females- but also diet and feeding habits. Like I had postulated, huge meals and gorging (their groups were literally "grazers" and "gorgers") induced added stress onto the portal vein, which ferries the nutrients directly into the liver for processing. There, the body begins to process it via chemical signals and it's own blood components, and theorized that those who eat mass meals and then stay sedentary always end up with weight on the gut simply because blood is not perfusing the transfer of sugars throughout the body for storage. It also mentioned, that high fat diets ALSO add to growth of visceral belly fat- adding more to the notion, that architecting should be more carb-focused.

As for sumos, I've said it in the prior thread- high carb/high protien diet followed directly by high-intensity interval training and high impact sport means glycogen can't hold onto sugars long and the body can't risk building resistance to insulin.

>That's why i want more forums like that one

>Now i wonder why the carnivore folk never talks about that.
Frankly, because diet fads like the carnivore diet all exist because they just refuse to count calories.

>But the vegans and some other diet trenders say they don't affect you as estrogen.
They're estrogen 'like'. The thing is, that 'like' means, that they affect everyone differently and thus, you get a shitload of bro science out of it simply because he might ACTUALLY know a guy whos nips got puffy because he encountered something he was simply receptive to.

>Lmao, she is a walking joke.
Yeah. I was the only dude she didn't fuck, and she'd always get like, very personal and seem to be ready to open up to me? But then would just close off right away, like she got too close to the pale. But when you're 21 with no job or college prospects and the dudes you're seeing have both- and admittedly, I was also an asshole- there really is a "what the fuck are you doing girl?" attitude I began to have with her.

>Yeah, most of the time, the easiest way is to get a girl that is made to be fat in the way you like.
Yep! We've got 8 billion women on this rock, we can be a *little* choosy with whom we see and date. Personally, I'm holding out just a little for someone like Precious Mensha di Asa; she looked like a wonderful, waddling chocolate cloud, ~650lbs of femininity weaponized.
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Finally back.
>induced added stress onto the portal vein, which ferries the nutrients directly into the liver for processing.

It's a physiology journal here: https://journals [DOT] physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/physrev.00033.2011
I'll annotate the most notable bits:
>Only a few studies identified nutritional factors that could predispose to specific accumulation of visceral fat. Rat studies have shown that saturated fat intake might predispose to preferential accumulation of visceral fat compared with other fatty acids (508). Saturated fat feeding in dogs leads to significant gains in both the visceral and subcutaneous fat compartments (258). In monkeys, trans fatty acid intake had a specific effect on visceral fat accumulation that was associated with the development of insulin resistance (253), a finding that was also observed in rats (127). In general, studies on animal fat distribution are difficult to extrapolate to humans, in whom the sexual dimorphism in fat distribution is much more pronounced.
>One such study has shown that including monounsaturated fat to the diet (Mediterranean diet) prevented visceral fat gain within an isocaloric design including other types of dietary fats (410). Consistent with this study, a large epidemiological survey has shown that adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with lower waist circumference values independent of BMI in both sexes (466). In vitro, oleic acid and palmitic acid had a distinct effect on lipid accumulation in cells isolated from various fat depots in children (488). A number of cross-sectional studies have shown associations between dietary fatty acid composition and visceral fat accumulation (179, 181, 219, 260). Overall, fatty acid composition of the diet may have an impact on body fat distribution patterns above and beyond its impact on overall adiposity levels.
So basically, if you have a choice in the fats your girl consumes, trans fats is firmly at the lowest, followed by saturated and then all others. So beginning research into how they affect body composition.

>They found that although premenopausal women had more total body fat than men, they also had lower visceral adipose tissue accumulation and a better metabolic risk profile. After controlling for both total body fat and visceral adipose tissue as potential confounders of the sex difference in the metabolic risk profile, gender differences in plasma triglyceride and apolipoprotein B levels and the HDL2 cholesterol/HDL3 cholesterol ratio were eliminated. However, plasma HDL cholesterol levels remained significantly lower and fasting plasma glucose concentrations significantly higher in men than in women. These results suggest that visceral adipose tissue accumulation is an important correlate of the gender difference observed in some, but not all, variables predictive of type 2 diabetes and CVD risk.
Why fat women seem to handle it, and have better overall health, than fat men.

>When they selectively examined studies that had measured the amount of visceral adipose tissue by imaging techniques, Ross and Janiszewski (475) also found that regular physical activity/exercise could induce a substantial reduction in visceral adiposity even in the absence of weight loss. Studies that have compensated for the energy expenditure of exercise sessions by a corresponding increase in energy intake have nevertheless shown a loss of visceral adipose tissue (between −10 and −19%) associated with exercise training programs (308, 473, 477).
There will be other sources to support this, but patients who regularly continue to exercise despite their weight have on average, 30% less visceral fat.

>These results indirectly suggest that during weight gain, lower-body adipose tissues tend to expand through hyperplasia in women, but through hypertrophy in men (560, 563). Accordingly, lower-body subcutaneous adipocytes of women tend to be larger than those of men for any given adiposity level, while sex differences in abdominal subcutaneous adipocyte size are less apparent (165, 384, 560, 561).
Women build more fat cells, while men just make them bigger.

>With regard to visceral adipocyte size and number, lean to moderately obese men tend to have larger omental adipocytes than women (165). Conversely, omental fat cells of massively obese women reach a higher maximal cell diameter value (∼130 μm) compared with massively obese men (∼120 μm) (522).
Women have the potential to physically be fatter than men ever could.
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https://www.frontiersin [DOT] org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2019.01486/full

>Reducing the lipid load to the small intestine is also beneficial to the functions of the collecting lymphatics as high lipid load reduces their contraction frequency and amplitude (Kassis et al., 2016). By maintaining the lymphatic contraction, smaller meals may reduce the retention time of the chylomicrons in the lamina propria. This would consequently reduce the likelihood of abdominal visceral fat accumulation. In overweight minority youth studies, the higher calorie-consuming nibblers, indeed, accumulate less abdominal visceral fat than the lower calorie-consuming gobblers (House et al., 2014). The studies also take gender into account, that is, males are more likely to gobble and accumulate abdominal visceral fat than females.

This study goes deep into the many different ways the body accumulates fats which I didn't realize, and underscores the chylomicrons and their relation to the portal vein of the liver. It basically details what I've been postulating; that massive gorging and stuffing meals press the liver and force distension, and because of the liver's need to FILTER and work, it pushes things more towards the stomach and visceral locations which their studies suggest. Thus for Bubble Butt/Thunder Thigh anon>>18876, not only is the healthiest way for your girl to get those massive hams to eat steadily and low-fat/high carb; but also to keep moving while she feeds, because then the digested fats spread throughout the body as much as possible isntead of being shuttled to the easiest possible place. I wonder if Booberry did similar when she gained all that weight? Just kept eating during her day, and didn't stop consuming or walking?

>Another important aspect of lifestyle is exercise. Besides increasing the energy expenditure, exercise may slow down the accumulation of abdominal visceral fat by increasing the flow of the chylomicrons within the lamina propria and lymphatics as well as reducing both the LPL expression in the mesenteric fat and the leakiness of the lymphatics.
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https://academic [DOT] oup.com/ajcn/article/96/4/714/4576829
>In the current cohort of patients, the frequency of CVD was highest in whites and Southeast Asians; for type 2 diabetes, the highest prevalence was in Southeast Asians. Southeast Asians and whites were the most frequent users of medications related to diabetes, hypertension, or dyslipidemia (data not shown). Obesity (BMI ≥30) was least prevalent in East Asian men and women, who also had the lowest mean BMI and waist circumference.

>The liver fat content was lowest (the highest LA) in African Caribbean black and East Asian men and women, even after adjustment for BMI (Figure 1, G and H).
>In women, African Caribbean blacks had the highest increase in superficial subcutaneous adipose tissue with BMI (Figure 3D).
This data and study implies that black men and women deal with obesity better than others, storing less in the liver and organs than other peoples within the study and carribean black women storing the most as the jiggly stuff we want. For the purposes of Architecting, they may be goal since they are predisposed to put most of their fat in the subcutaneous areas than around tissues.

https://www.sciencedirect [DOT] com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/visceral-fat
>Increasing physical activity to 60 minutes/day over 3 months has been found to reduce visceral fat volume by about 30% [73,74]. It should be emphasized, however, that changes in visceral fat volume as a response to physical exercise vary considerably and that it is not possible to identify a clear correlation between amount of physical exercise and reduction in visceral fat [74–76].
>Studies have shown that an increase in daily physical activity leads to a significant reduction in quantity of visceral fat and/or abdominal circumference, despite no or minimal alteration in total body weight.
Exercise won't really change your gal's body weight, just her total appearance. Nice!

>Middle-aged, normal-weight, or overweight men and overweight women can expect to see a reduction in visceral fat volume (−10 to −19%) after 3 months of regular physical activity. These results also apply to older, overweight individuals (60–80 years) [84]. As a result of exercise, either strength or stamina training for 80 minutes a week, test subjects did not accumulate visceral fat after dieting and losing weight, while the control group that did not exercise increased their volume of visceral fact by 38% [85].

I'll try to look into breasts next, but I'm not sure how I'll do that at work and not get PROMOTED. More to come.
>Women build more fat cells, while men just make them bigger.
>Women have the potential to physically be fatter than men ever could.

Have you seen anything on whether men and women typically gain or lose weight at different rates? Seems like the conventional wisdom is that men can gain or lose faster than women. Is there any science to back this up?
Men generally lose weight more easily because they have more muscle mass, which helps dissolve fat.
Even if that's true, it wouldn't necessarily explain why they (supposedly) gain faster, too.
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>So low fat eh?
Not necessarily, just focus on carbs more before fats and protein.
>what about avocados?
So going by the >>19644 study, other forms of fats coupled with movement and activity afterwards is what influences body fat distribution, and avocadoes are full of monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats; great shit. It's honestly possible.

>Have you seen anything on whether men and women typically gain or lose weight at different rates?
So far no.
>Seems like the conventional wisdom is that men can gain or lose faster than women. Is there any science to back this up?
Yes, and nothing wild. Women naturally demand higher fats then men to keep the uterus functional (since a baby obviously, requires a huge amount of resources and oxygen especially during the first and second trimesters) so women just want to "hold" onto fat more than men. On top of that, men have twice the testosterone which signals for muscle growth and development, and muscle burns far more energy than fats.
Sorta. It's more that in order to support making a baby, women need more fat than men do (women who drop below ~10% body fat tend to stop having periods because their body can't sustain a baby) and thus they're predisposed- but as studies above have shown, Estrogen doesn't do that. It's something else, possibly Oxytocin or some other hormone released by the Ovaries/reproductive system/ect.
Skin on the front of your body is more rubbery and moist then skin on the back. Why is that and can it be rectified?
How would this effect a woman with hypothyroidism, because there's already excess estrogen stored in the liver and wouldn't that push them over into diabetes? It already feels dubious to have her take 4 capsules of pulverized cow tits a day and am skeptical of such information from an imageboard and to contend with if it will fuck her health further, can I get some convincing here?
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>not only is the healthiest way for your girl to get those massive hams to eat steadily and low-fat/high carb; but also to keep moving while she feeds, because then the digested fats spread throughout the body as much as possible isntead of being shuttled to the easiest possible place.
>Exercise won't really change your gal's body weight, just her total appearance. Nice!

Yes YES, everything aligns.

So, certain foods can influence how the body where the body stores them? And i thought that kind of concept was only true on the weirdo rpgmaker games i keep secret in the dephts of my folders. Like, obviously it is a factor on what you eat to architect someone, but i really doubted that kinds of food alone had an effect (sounded to me like the bullshit people are fed on shitty magazines for low iq masses), especially in relation to other factors like excersize or stress levels. It really gives the hope into some more crazy architectural feats.

Sadly, i kinda expect to find little actual research on that, but well, it's not like i'm not gonna try anyway. I'm probably gonna prize her with guacamole every half-hour too.

Lately i was also investigating on epigenetics (not only for architect purposes) and now im wondering what kind on enviromental changes could help on this matter. Moving onto a dairy farm would give her huge milkers? Would some kenyan practices make her pants tighter? For big bellies muricans already know the formula.

But jokes aside. I highly doubt i would find much epigenetics and architecting besides that if you grandma inhaled DDT while pregnant of your mother you and her are more prone of getting into obesity.
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>How would this effect a woman with hypothyroidism, because there's already excess estrogen stored in the liver and wouldn't that push them over into diabetes?
Estrogen has no effect on diabetes. Hypothyroidism perhaps, but only in that it lowers your overall energy level and makes you feel like shit, keeping you from doing anything.

So, certain foods can influence how the body where the body stores them?
It seems that way, if only to a small extent. It seems that the methods that the body has to break them down matter; for instance, saturated fats need their peptide chains broken which I THINK occurs mostly in the liver and digestive tract, whereas a carb becomes glucose and free-floats throughout the bloodstream for the cells to use from the Whole blood.

Oh, is that like how your area of growth affected your body and physical gene expression? Seems hella interesting, especially since we already know it's partially correct since long-term cortisol exposure (though constant stress) is a well known problem and leads to a physical body type, seen especially in Chushing's syndrome.
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>Are you sure about that? I'm getting articles that say it does.

Ha! Shows what I know lol
Says that Estrogen has roles in PREVENTING insulin resistance, which is a great sign. >>20032 So to improve my opinions, I'd say just make sure your girl's thyroid is working well with things like Synthroid so her body is functioning like it should.
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Mild weekly bump. Because of studying needs, I haven't been able to do more research and I still have not made an account on breastnexus, but I plan to. Just wanted ya'll to know, I'm still around- if school fucking lets me! lol
Would you be able to answer when you get the time as to how to get your girl a drier and smoother belly (I'd say ashy but it's not really ashy, dry enough to where a sound is made rubbing it). It is possible but not very common, like there's moisture of some sort for most.
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Small amounts of witchhazel will dry her skin out, and you can use an astringent like Tea Tree oil to tighten the skin. Ironically, you want moisturizers into her belly regularly because it'll return elasticity and tension.
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>It seems that way, if only to a small extent. It seems that the methods that the body has to break them down matter
Has sense. Even tho, i feel like, it will be difficult to get a significant result except on long run.

>Oh, is that like how your area of growth affected your body and physical gene expression?
Not only the area where you grew, but more like, what were you exposed there. And i kinda understood that you can also change it late in adulthood with the right methods. Obviously, there must be some kind of gene expression that regulates where are you gonna store most of your fat, because, you can even see people changing that in their lifespans (most of the time it has something to do with excersize and changes onto good habits). The main problem is that it is a really really REALLY new branch of science but it is really promising one regarding everything with health.
Probs the mechanism which food influences where do you store fat are a result of what expressions are regulated by the chemicals that food exposes you (i heard a lot about how broccoli literally can methylate your DNA really easy, for example).

Lmao, same. Can i know what are you studying Skelly?
Been reading this and it seems most architect methods are to increase tit and ass gain. Any methods to safely and healthily target the belly? Obviously visceral is a big no-no.
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>Lmao, same. Can i know what are you studying Skelly?
Getting my RN right now, after that I'm really considering going to Maternity and OB/GYN. Who knew I was good with babies and pregnancy eh? Right now it's all still basic nursing courses though, and it all makes me wanna neck myself.

>Any methods to safely and healthily target the belly?
From prior documents, it seems like stuffing or eating big meals then lying down or being sedate afterwards predisposes you towards belly growth. High glycemic index also seems to play a role- my last girl was all belly at around ~350 and she was pescatarian- but I have little proof of that right now.

The main amino acid in collagen, one of the main kinds of tissue in the body. One that apparently all large creatures are deficient in, not just humans.

For more information about why and how, see here: https://examine.com/supplements/glycine/research/#background-information_2yK9-deficiency

TLDR; ancient evolutionary problem solving means we don't synthesise enough for long term health because that doesn't matter for babymaking. It may fuck us all up in the long-run.

The standard amount thought to be needed is 12g. For a guy who's about 70kg. Who's bigger than that? Your girl.

Good sources are glycine powder (dirt cheap, often supplemented to livestock - something for you more degenerate types to think about) and hydrolized collagen powder (1/3 glycine by mass, as peptides that are more easily absorbed and used). The eggheads in this podcast (https://chrismasterjohnphd.substack.com/p/049-why-you-need-glycine-a-panel) reccomend 30g of collagen a day for an average sized person, although that may be a bit costlier. I find some collagen supplemented with some glycine powder before a meal is enough. It should probably be spaced a bit from meatier meals, as methionine which is abundant in meat, competes with glycine for absorbtion. Again, collagen seems more easily absorbed than pure powder if you're having it with other food.

I take it myself and I am not a slender guy; it's not an appetite killer or fat burner, no worries. (Nothing's a fat burner except drugs.) What it can do is help the collagen turnover of your girl (and you if you want), helping maintain her mass while fighting off some of the more chornic health effects of being fat as fuck (not a panacea, of course). Has been seen to help with the inflammatory effects of Type-2, see here:


Admittedly, more research is needed (as always) and YMMV. I guess if you're into the death-feeder lifestyle, it wouldn't be for the pair of you, but if you want your girl to last as long as she can, it's worth trying I say. It's also good for sleep quality, important if your girl may have the apnea.

Also, a recent meta-analysis also says it's good for the skin, so that's at least something for everybody. Except people who are into shitty skin, I guess.


It's also good for the joints, but possibly needs to be taken before a workout to really help build joint tissue. However, if the ass is fat enough then walking may well count anyway. Maybe. Maybe fucking too.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27852613/ (This is about gelatin but gelatin is just mostly collagen. Jello is collagen with sugar. Another viable source of glycine.)

I guess this is maybe more about internal architecture than fat distribution, but the foundations on which shit is built do matter.
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Oooh that's very interesting, thank you!

I actually have been planning to do similar things and the details here are pretty good. Personally, when I had COVID it thinned my hair and I'm really into having full locks going; collagen supplements and DHT-combatting shampoos have begun to help, but I'll need months of use before serious effects are seen. I bring that up because, at a minimum glycine supplementation would also help with hair and nails... pretty interesting how changes and additions to collagen within the human body have profound effects on joints, bones, hair, nails, and connective tissues.

>However, if the ass is fat enough then walking may well count anyway. Maybe. Maybe fucking too.
Ah, the dream of a 700+lb feedee whom is getting too fat for even sex is a hell of a turn-on.

>I guess this is maybe more about internal architecture than fat distribution, but the foundations on which shit is built do matter.
Hell yeah, absolutely. I'd honestly say half of all the research we've done here is realizing the environment plays a massive role in building to our (hopefully shared with a loving partner) goals, much in the same way fertile fields need time and hard investment to produce wonderful flowers. Same goes for gym time, or loving relationships.
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Little Halloween bump

Wait, who is that blonde one?
Grade A wife material

Big cutie Jolene

Thanks king!
Genes are genes but you can try liposuction after the fact. From what I see extreme yoyo dieting can also thin out a woman's face while the rest of her gets plumper but that's a long game indeed.
>>13039 (OP)
You need to read the works of Ray Peat. Hormone manipulation can aid this...
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Bad Kitty on Deviantart made an interesting guide to lengthening and altering her nipples- I haven't asked her yet because lmao deviantart, but she says she's getting into methods to induce lactation and growth before she gets implants to boost her size and shape. Hopefully I can glean more information from her, or equally great- give her working details she can use.

I'm gonna keep coming around here just for this thread, but little else.
can anyone find these capsules anywhere in the UK?
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This thread is fantastic! Big brain anons researching and brainstorming to sculpt ladies and help them be healthier and live longer at the same time; quite refreshing compared to the psychotic "feed her to immobility!" camps on here. I'm glad I discovered this thread.

So my girl is currently ~420 (at highest was 480) and is becoming open to some aspects of what's being discussed here that I have hinted at recently. She has gone from hating her body and wanting to lose all her weight (which she tried and failed countless times with diets) to now accepting her fat as long as she can become healthier.

1. What should she eat/do to eliminate the more dangerous visceral fat?
2. What should she eat and what habits will encourage replacing that visceral loss with subcutaneous fat?
3. She has one breast that is noticeably larger than the other. This causes her back pain from the unevenness and is something she wants fixed. Short of surgery, is there a way to either reduce the large breast or enlarge the smaller one to even them out? Image attached - her right breast is the bigger one, which you can kind of see in how it creases.
4. Finally, is there a good way to eliminate or at least reverse lymphedema? She gets painful swelling in her thighs, the fat next to her knees, and lower belly. Her lower legs/calves are somewhat hard, are darkened and ache, and when I initially press on them she feels nothing, but when I press hard for several seconds it gets through and is a sharp pain. Usually my finger presses will leave a dent that lasts for several seconds. I suspect it was kicked into overdrive when she tried the HCG diet and was literally injecting the hormones of pregnant women into her belly. She periodically gets a similarly hard patch on her lower belly near where she was always injecting. Images attached showing the harder discolored areas on her leg and lower belly.
Feed her to immobility xd

Fagot xd
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Your girl is so pretty! She looks so soft, I'm totally jealous.

>1. What should she eat/do to eliminate the more dangerous visceral fat?
>2. What should she eat and what habits will encourage replacing that visceral loss with subcutaneous fat?
Both of these have a similar answer- Start exercising lightly, and try not to eat as many simple carbs and sugars, especially all at once. So far the science points to huge meals followed by long relaxation afterwards is what causes visceral fat buildup- have her graze and eat constantly instead of bigger portions, and try to start exercising by say, talking a walk together when you're both home (something like a 30 minute, few mile stroll) along with other work like freeweights or such. Cardio seems to be the method to keeping the visceral stuff off.

>3. She has one breast that is noticeably larger than the other. This causes her back pain from the unevenness and is something she wants fixed. Short of surgery, is there a way to either reduce the large breast or enlarge the smaller one to even them out? Image attached - her right breast is the bigger one, which you can kind of see in how it creases.
Best we have found is massage, stimulation multiple times a day, and using Miss Mad Scientists' method to grow breasts much earlier in the thread. That would even her out but it will take time.

>4. Finally, is there a good way to eliminate or at least reverse lymphedema?
Sorry she went through that. I'm frankly not sure; I CAN say as a healthcare practitioner, that lymph vessels are reliant on the pulsations of the venous system to function, so improving cardiac output and venous return (via exercise) is going to have a positive effect. An anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle will help too, but I will forewarn you that I've been apart of an anti-inflammatory diet plan before with family and it was more restrictive than veganism. I want to say that sauna and epsom salt baths can also help, but obviously they have restrictions and are more treatments than cures- my family uses essentially a hot tub for their diabetic neuropathy and it was seriously helping until it continued to worsen.

Does she have neuropathy, or was officially diagnosed? I don't like to prescribe or advocate for medication, but a small amount of gabapentin may need to be considered since that pain sounds neurological in nature. But I am merely a skeleton on the internet who desires a 600+ lb feedee wife whos too wide for doorways with milkers I could feed a daycare with.

I did some research on them >>18705 and my conclusion is xenoestrogens likely won't do much.
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>Your girl is so pretty! She looks so soft, I'm totally jealous.
>But I am merely a skeleton on the internet who desires a 600+ lb feedee wife whos too wide for doorways with milkers I could feed a daycare with.

Thank you! She is awesome and she is very soft all over. She's sadly not a feedee, but definitely a foodee. Its taken a long time and a lot of patience, but she went from hating her body and being afraid of touch to now accepting her body and understanding that I like her fatness. To the point that she offers me use of her belly as a pillow when we watch TV and frequently requests belly rubs and to be squeezed all over to relax her. I would love to get her up to 550. Best of luck to you in finding your dream feedee!

>Both of these have a similar answer- Start exercising lightly, and try not to eat as many simple carbs and sugars, especially all at once. So far the science points to huge meals followed by long relaxation afterwards is what causes visceral fat buildup- have her graze and eat constantly instead of bigger portions, and try to start exercising by say, talking a walk together when you're both home (something like a 30 minute, few mile stroll) along with other work like freeweights or such. Cardio seems to be the method to keeping the visceral stuff off.

Thank you, I will try that. I have some visceral fat to work off myself from years of poor eating habits - not eating all day until a big dinner and late night binges, etc. - so we can do that together.

>Best we have found is massage, stimulation multiple times a day, and using Miss Mad Scientists' method to grow breasts much earlier in the thread. That would even her out but it will take time.

Okay I will check that out. So the best way is to grow the smaller one then.

>Does she have neuropathy, or was officially diagnosed? I don't like to prescribe or advocate for medication, but a small amount of gabapentin may need to be considered since that pain sounds neurological in nature. But I am merely a skeleton on the internet who desires a 600+ lb feedee wife whos too wide for doorways with milkers I could feed a daycare with.

She has suspected she has neuropathy before but I don't believe she has pursued it with her doctor or ever been diagnosed. Sounds like we need to find out.
Bumpin this thread with some esoteric women knowledge for possible architecting.

Some women I spoke to said that their asses get bigger if they get pregnant with a girl and their bellies get more outward looking when the baby is a boy.

I don't know how true is this, but they all seem to be pretty convinced that this was the case.
Sounds like old lady babble rumours based on anecdote and bias more than empiric evidence.
I would have impregnated a little girl army into my gf if that was the case tho.

>Your girl is so pretty! She looks so soft, I'm totally jealous

You would be jealous even if a ladyboy from thailand. There is a difference between what you've said and the truth. Guess what? Nobody cares. Nobody has a gun to your head so why lie in a place such as this?
>Sounds like old lady babble rumours based on anecdote and bias more than empiric evidence.
that's why I said it's esoteric
but there could be some scientific reasoning involved if there are hormonal differences in how the female body accomodates depending on the sex of the baby.

why are you acting like an aggressive retard
What the fuck lmao

Reading this is unironically hot as fuck.
Look, i checked about how being pregnant on a boy or a girl affects the mother and there is little to say. The most that has been studied is that the rise on oestrogen and MSHCG when they are pregnant with a girl is higher, and has been connected with severe morning sickness early in the pregnancy.
There are also some other effects that seem to correlate with having a girl like higher stress or forgetfullness. And boy pregnancies have been related to higher appetites, gestational diabetes and having more aversions to some foods (like a defense mechanism on risky food because boy fetuses are more vulnerable).
Anyway, couldn't find anything about different about the more ass or more belly myth you pointed out. Like, this type of thing could be argued with the "more estrogens in girl pregnancies" thought, but if it were significant, it would be easy to observe or would have been studied already.

Lmao bro, like i was gonna get defensive on the "we overthink things" but after reading that (and it's not the first time i heard about fecal implants let me tell you) you have to admit that having some kind of science to back up a sentence like that it's pretty cool.

But yeah, this is not only about fattening (that's fucking easy, even the most retarded of lurker here can do it), it's about going beyond what the common "hurr just feed her suggary lard durr" can achieve, in a sustainable way, and doing it in the way i want them, cuz i have a fucking pygmalion complex and i cannot lie.
I had no idea stool was so magical, but I've had female bbw feces forced into my rectum administered by use of syringe and I'm not sure but I don't think it changed my metabolism. I'm way fatter than I used to be, but that's probably because I'm not 20 years old anymore. I also experienced a period where I worked out a lot and took supplements daily with my meals which I suspect also lead to a speed up in bodily growth during subsequent years and made me extra "thicc" when I stopped working out and the muscles and inflammation settled.

I have seen webcam models defecate massive amounts of pounds of feces on cam and everytime I wondered if it was fecal implants, but I always doubted it. I also instinctively assumed that the models must've had a really healthy colon system to be capable of producing such remarkable amounts of feces dropped in a single load.

Protip: I've eaten feces from herbivore animals many times and I don't think it ever changed my weight, but it did cure a few headaches (elephants).
bumping if new information comes up from our frens
I wonder how much Boberry would charge for shit in a can
Feedees thought heavy cream was the ticket to rapid WG... if only they knew the true meta was fatty fecal transplant.

Somewhere in the world, a deviantart user just got a story idea.
How's this throughout the day from morning to night for a Saturday grazing. https://archive.ph/p9vK3, some ideas taken from this thread.
>stomach capacity expanded from water and vegetable the past two or three days
>glass of water in the morning
>60 minutes of speedwalking in the park
>6 eggs for brunch
>two scoops of ice cream in a waffle cone eaten outside as a snack
>Ray Peat's carrot salad and potato pancakes cooked in olive oil or butter for lunch
>workouts from Professor Attila's 5-pound dumbbell workouts
>a bowl of yogurt or skyr with spiced tea
>stomach massage
>12 oz. steak cooked in butter for dinner
>two or three slices of cheesecake for dessert
>both washed down with buttermilk
>whole body massaged with coconut or olive oil then off to bed
>Ray Peat
Ayy I made some of those posts, thank you for soaking in the advice! I think that's def a super-healthy gaining schedule, in fact egregiously so, even for a normie athlete.Very nice. Please try it and keep us updated! Although nothing wrong with a bit of extra kjunk piled on top...
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I've known about the lie of the food pyramid and 20th century diet (hence why I largely avoided grain in that schedule) for years but didn't read much of Ray Peat, only reading talk from imageboard philosophers and some snippets of his articles. I don't want to cram too much food in her to avoid stuffing and therefore ballguts but enough to be erotic for stuffers, garner stomach capacity and get protein into the body so maybe I'm being biased and it needs to be refined for a surefire method to achieve a pillowy or waterbed body and double-rolled stomach. I'd like to see what other people would schedule as this is not researched or definite. You can also find those workouts on the internet.
>Please try it
I have no girl to test it on.
What foods and drinks cause the noisiest stomachs by the way?
Speaking of which, is there any websites where one can trade FMT pills with at least some info on the donors? If not, I am (morbidly) curious if one could hire an escort to defecate in a cup, along with other services to lower suspicion, then grow a culture to establish such a service. Not only to adjust appetite and metabolism, but the golden goose would be to adjust body type from apple/pear/hourglass to another. Depending on how far this goes, a male can be exposed to a microbiome from a female to gain her shape, and vice versa. Or, one can inherit their shape transplanted from another individual and pass that on from mother to child, as babies usually share their mother's microbiome.

If one were to perform sitmaxxing, how would we make a routine for a nerd? I do have one idea, as ass growth with sitting, exercise, and grazing come to mind: ebikes. Some bikes now are designed to hold up to 400 lbs, and although the batteries would be vastly reduced, it may be enough to motivate a fat girl to exercise, feel like they're going somewhere, and crack open an avocado or fruit smoothie for a snack before getting back on the bike, creating a positive feedback loop.

Otherwise, from what I've gathered on pear fat outside this thread, it's mostly determined by hormones where the male form desires apple shapes to protect from predators from the wild, while pear shapes were evolutionarily advantageous for females to cradle the fetus. Although the body can be fooled with Bovine Ovary to trigger aromatose within fat cells for more estrogen, it causes a runaway effect in males where their testes are sterile, and for females it increases breast cancer risk. There's also other stuff from BreastNexus I read that makes it scarier as a cure-all, such as affecting mood and even affecting gait, anecdotally. There are meds that can counteract aromatose to normalize hormones, but it's prescription meds.

Although BBL is getting more popular, the surgery itself leaves a lot of downtime (2 weeks) and is rather costly. BodySculpting and ColdSculpting might be a workaround where you can target the areas you don't want fat (double chin, arms, stomach, sides) while keeping the areas you do want, by killing the fat cells via lipolysis. Not as effective as grafting fat in new places, but the old fat can stay in place, you can sculpt the desired physique.
How do abdominal muscles change the shape and growth of abdominal fat? Does having bigger ones make the volume of fat larger or smaller?
I think he gave up on the thread because he was the only guy who knew any extensive knowledge and got sick of dumb questions like mine.
>forever alone
>get horny, crave for ass irl
>number crunch BMIs and ratios to pass the time
>look into EMSculpting
>It's now far enough along there are reasonable knockoffs like EMSZero
>Combines muscle gains and fat loss in certain areas, including lipolysis
>Selective toggle for either, so you can increase or decrease volume as you see fit
>Subcutaneous fat reduced by 30% after 4 sessions per spot, Visceral Fat reduced by 15%
>works on anyone <35 BMI
>You can buy 1 machine for the same price as a EMSculpt appointment
>Decide to get one, first to see if you can get cut with it as advertised
>If so, I can try testing myself by gaining weight in the lower half without the upper half showing it
>If the above is correct, can always lose it later
>If all goes well, planning on setting up a small medspa at the swap meet to test the market and undercut the market
>can go legit later if I suffer from success
>encouraging women to become thiccer and more gluttonous because "they can always lose it later" without them realizing it

From what I gather, thickening the abs and obliques would just increase the thickness of the torso, but if you were to put subcutaneous fat over it, you can have the appearance of a bigger belly without it drooping at higher weights. If one were to work out the back muscles as well, it would help balance out the weight in front so there would be less back problems in the future.

The diaphragm may be marginally affected, as the abs will need to be relaxed every time one exhales, meaning better air circulation with cardio and ab workouts. Other areas affected include waste management, and childbirth.

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