
(117 KB, 1000x663, Depress-Help-e1530036184451.jpg)
Hi /gen/, I've been struggling with something related to this chan for a long time now, and I thought maybe somebody here might have relevant experience that could help.

I have an ex-girlfriend, and we broke up 5 years ago. She gained a lot of weight, fast, while we were together. From 180lbs to 280lbs in the first 10 months of our relationship. She was never into gaining weight, but simply had an insane appetite, and Polynesian genes that made it easy to. I never complained.

Anyway, after we broke up, she completely ballooned. This was at college, and I saw her occasionally around campus, always shocked at how much more weight she had gained. She got a new boyfriend, gained even more weight, and has recently broken up with him again. Our lives have moved separate ways, and we even live on different continents. But I'm simply unable to stop checking her social media. It's no exaggeration to say I've become obsessed.

She very rarely posts pictures of herself, and they're only ever head and shoulders. However, I've seen blurry glimpses of her in other's videos, or reflections etc, and she looks enormous. Easily 400lbs and counting now, and she's more attractive than ever. She even runs a separate foodie-page on Instagram (what a tease.)

So, the prospect of seeing her current appearance is extremely tantalizing and hard to suppress. Especially since I know how quickly and uncontrollably she can gain. But I must resist it for my own sanity, morality, and because it threatens to jeopardize my current, long-standing, and mostly happy relationship.

Has anyone here been through something similar, and come out the other side? I've tried every blocking tool imaginable, but I invariably find ways around them.

I'd like to quit porn altogether. If it wasn't for the itch of seeing the "current size" of my ex, then I could do that with relative ease. So I'm quite desperate. The only ways out that I can think of (besides immense willpower), are if she rapidly lost a ton of weight (not going to happen, she's a true glutton and often expresses anti-dieting sentiments online), or, if she started posting her body so frequently that I was desensitized to it, and therefore no longer curious. Neither of these seem feasible or realistic.

What should I do?

(If you read all of this, thank you for your time. I understand it's a huge wall of text and nobody here owes me a thing. At the very least it was nice to get it off my chest.)
>>12994 (OP)
Reach out to her platonically. Become a creepy friend to her, lol
This. Then crop out friends out of her photos and post them here.

Don't do this. Don't be a creep. But since you two used to go out, there's always the chance for a rebound hookup.
Lmao thanks guys, but I'm happily in another relationship now, with this hang-up being the only major obstacle.

I have no interest in doing anything like reaching out to her, we split up on very bad terms anyway. I wish I could wake up and forget she ever existed.
I’ve been there. It’s tough and I have no great advice. She chubby-ish when we dated, absolutely ballooned later on. Friends would comment to me “wow dodged a bullet” and stuff like that which of course was a huge turn on.

She was a train wreck though, the type I would never in a million years go back to but would still crank it to all the time many girlfriends later. And then the best thing happened: she got her shit together, dropped the weight big time and now I couldn’t give two shits. Honestly I’m so glad that happened.
> Happy in another relationship

Then ignore this and pretend it's someone that you can't even communicate with. I can think of 3 exes that this has happened to and looking back, I'm happy I never communicated with them again. Like Jack Handy says, just let it go man.
Piling on to say Yes — just stop. Pretend she doesn't exist, block her SM and take it one day at a time, like an addiction. Eventually you'll shake off the jones and be better off for it. I don't have the exact same experience but similar and I spent years being a stupid stalky asshole.
Thank you fellas. This is all solid advice. Her choices are outside my control, so it's just gonna take willpower and commitment. The same way I'd treat any other addiction.

I have to remember and remind myself of all the unattractive things about her, that are hidden on social media - and the reasons we broke up. I have no emotional attachment to her anymore, but I guess I never let go of the sexual attachment.
I might go against the grain here—are you specifically trying to stop having a weight gain fetish? Are you specifically trying to quit masturbating?

If not, I don't really see this as a big issue. You said yourself you have no emotional attachment, this is purely sexual. So then how does this threaten your sanity, morality, and current relationship? I see it as utilizing a "spank bank" rather than porn, which I think is much healthier. I mean, yeah, don't get obsessed with her, but again, you said you have no emotional attachment, so I don't think it's bad to check in every few weeks to see if anything hot has been posted.

I may be biased because I do check in on an ex of mine occasionally. Her gain actually ended up getting posted on Curvage and then making its way to here, Tumblr, Reddit, etc. At least you haven't had to deal with seeing hundreds of people talk about how humongous she's gotten (partially due to your hands)—that was a degenerate week for me.
I'm trying to quit porn, and any kind of artificial stimulus while masturbating. Primarily for the purposes of my faith & sense of fidelity. I live with my current partner, and our irl sex-life suffers because of this old habit of mine. In these circumstances, I don't think I should categorize e-stalking my ex as any different to downloading Boberry sets lol, but I see where you're coming from.

That does sound like a nightmare. My condolences. Thankfully she doesn't have enough pictures of herself online for that to ever happen! (Afaik)
I'd recommend blocking her on all your socials. Best cut the bad fruit off the tree

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