
(35 KB, 500x500, avatars-hUp3yMBZjTKvlAGn-paPmLg-t500x500.jpg)
So for anyone that cares I'm doing a quick (I intend this to be quick) update on my current situation.
For those that never saw the other thread, my girlfriend got very fat during Uni and life was fucking sweet. She knew about the whole fat thing and was okay and indulged in it now and then, until one day she decided to lose weight randomly.
Fast forward nearly two years and she's officially lost nearly 100lbs.

Currently she's still trying to lose weight and is happy with herself, but can be hard sometimes seeing old photos of her when she was bigger.
I was also wondering if anyone here has had experience with their partner losing a lot of weight but then gaining it back? Was the body similar to how it was or was it more jiggly? My gf felt very dense, thick and heavy as fuck even though she didn't LOOK huge she felt it.

She's joked about getting old and fat in the future. Also commenting on how all of the older women in her family are bigger and that it must be a hereditary thing. But still very intent on losing weight and going with it.
I think I said it in the old thread, but I cannot say it enough. If you have a fat girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/husband or whatever in between, cherish it. I'm not into immobility and don't think that's very healthy but I do wonder how big she would be now if she didn't go down the weight loss path. Feed your partner that extra doughnut while you can, because it really is living the fucking dream and I hope you appreciate what you have. Shits very hard to come by and in a normie relationship it's VERY strange.
So again, cherish the fuck out of them.
Best of luck lads.
>>12989 (OP)
Hey man, that’s good to hear! She’s happier and it sounds like you’re also doing a good job supporting her, that really is the key for a strong long-term relationship. And don’t think of it as she’ll stay skinny forever, eventually circumstances in her life will change and chances are it will interrupt her routine enough where she’ll start getting fatter again on her own, and you’ll be able to enjoy that when it happens

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