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I just turned 18 and I've always wanted to do something intimate with bbw. Do you guys know any sort of apps that can help find bbws that wanna hookup around you?
The short answer is no.

The long answer is that sites/apps such as Feabie and Wooplus exist, but they're a crapshoot (especially considering that you're only 18).

My advice is to wait until you're older to try online dating (and furthermore I'd personally reccomend just sticking to Tinder), and in the meantime just meet girls the old-fashioned way.
because you're just 18, i'd recommend sticking with traditional dating apps and just sift through women till you find the ones to your liking
Just hire a hooker
Bro where do they sell fat bitches at?
>>12909 (OP)
Bro you're still just a teen you and you like fat chicks no less, it shouldn't be that hard to find some causal plump chick your age, especially if you have a car and they don't . Online dating is for us old ass fucks (me 26) where women have much more demands and there isn't the sweet innocence of teenage romance. Do it now before you're like me and have to shift through a bunch of women with thousands of demands and the personality of a pitbull lol

You can literally find them ambling about any shitty town. city
>>12909 (OP)
>I just turned 18 and I've always wanted to do something intimate with bbw. Do you guys know any sort of apps that can help find bbws that wanna hookup around you?

From personal exprience, some women try to use WooPlus like Tinder for big girls, Feabie I'm not sure. I'm not 100% sure tho, but it seems like if she stops talking after a day or two despite decent convo she was looking to smash.

You're 18, so just to forewarn you, you are about to start one of the hardest parts of life. If you are still in school you should chase there first- you can easily find out how to "be" around women, there's a billion guides now- before looking at any app. Do you have a car? Do you have a job? Hobbies? If yes to all 3, you'll do fine. Just remember that having "good expriences" with dating apps for most guys is getting 1 date within 3-4 months that didn't lead to anything. Getting laid off them means you're doing REAL well.
just swipe right on big girls on tinder, I think POF lets you search by body type its not that hard all just dont say creepy/sexual shit or fetishize them
>>12909 (OP)
Agree with most others have said. You're still a teen. Focus on yourself, and just use generic dating channels to find what you like.

for what it's worth, I've heard a lot of stories about women using outdated photos and showing up to first dates 20 to 40 pounds heavier, so that's something else to keep in mind.
Is that true? That’s b l e a k. I’ve been off dating apps for almost 5 years now (long term relationship) but I could reliably swing a date every couple of weeks on some combo of Tinder/Feabie and I’m not some sort of Chad Adonis.
>Is that true? That’s b l e a k. I’ve been off dating apps for almost 5 years now (long term relationship) but I could reliably swing a date every couple of weeks on some combo of Tinder/Feabie and I’m not some sort of Chad Adonis.
It's super dependent on area, how the women "are", and how you present. I'm in Medicine/EMS, full time school and full time work, and I'm very open with my knowledge base and hobbies in electronics, cars, and hordes of related things- I come off as imposing for some, I know.

>Agree with most others have said. You're still a teen. Focus on yourself, and just use generic dating channels to find what you like.
Oh yeah! Big deal I forgot to mention; you have NO IDEA WHAT YOU WANT YET. It's fine. I'm nearly 30 and I still *kinda* don't. The only way you learn, is by dating and screwing around.

>the McDonalds app

No joke, I actually pulled a 415 pound girl from the comments on a McDonalds Facebook post once lol.
Late 20s now but I was on Feabie/tinder for most of my early 20s. Tinder (and whatever else most normal people are using now) is 10x better than feabie

On feabie you’re one of 200 dudes going for the same fat girl. On tinder bigger girls aren’t as desired so your relative odds will be much better

Also no joke people are crazy on feabie. Which if you want feederism experiences you’ll have to wade through but otherwise it’s better to find a normal fat girl and have normal “kinky” fat sex

One more thing if you date “normal” fat girls - don’t bring up that you’re into this until y’all are pretty comfortable with each other. Until then if it comes up just say you think thick girls are hot and leave it at that. Let them know you think they’re really hot but don’t bring up parts they’ll be insecure about (ass, tits are fine; belly, arms are not)
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> don’t bring up that you’re into this until y’all are pretty comfortable with each other

I bring it up early, because if they're not at least willing to tolerate it, I don't want to waste my time dating them to find out later and break up.

I wouldn't bring it up in my opening message ofc, but I will heavily elude to it as soon as the "what do you look for in a partner?" question is asked. And as soon as the topic of what sort of shit you like in bed comes up, then I'll lay my cards on the table.
>but I will heavily elude to it as soon as the "what do you look for in a partner?" question is asked. And as soon as the topic of what sort of shit you like in bed comes up, then I'll lay my cards on the table.

That's about as good a point as any to do so. If they're going to ask a question of that nature, they may as well be ready for an honest answer.

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