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Why is some fat loose, jiggly, fluid and pliable and the other camp firm and shaped. Is it a combination of genetics, the food consumed, and muscle tone? When you cross a certain threshold of obesity the fat is going to stiffen but some still retain that plush in comparison to other girls who feel like rubber. How do you make someone's fat softer?
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We have an older thread that was (basically) about it here: https://bbw-chan [DOT] nl/gen/res/10098.html
The Cliffnotes version is, you're right that it's a combination of all those factors but seems to be heavily lifestyle-related. It seems to be, that women who gain through excess carbs, still excersise, and 'graze' instead of stuff themselves is the best option to being giggly and not rubbery. I think you can see some of these differences in comparing ChubbyChaquita's gain to Mochii's- not to ever claim one is more georgeous than the other!- but Mochii's gain has made her very belly-heavy, and for obvious reason; she packs the damn thing tight, and her body tries to process it as fast as possible to clear the stomach. Chaquita however, gets high and just keeps eating all day. I think Roxxie does something similar, but I believe she also tempers herself to keep from strechmarks from forming.

I have no evidence to support these claims but just visual observation, but it seems like the best method is to have your gainer begin light excersise daily on top of current ADLs, then eat more than usual but focusing on consistency rather than stuffing. A calorie tracker is a good tool here. Keep *something* in the stomach all the time but don't stress it, and watch as the folds and rolls pile on!
Well then, doctor, is there a way for a woman to increase the size of or gain more chins?
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>>12839 (OP)
Depends on where the fat is
The firm kind is generally visceral/intramuscular, as it’s under or within the muscle, so it’s going to have the muscles under strain to contain it
Subcutaneous is the kind above muscle that generally is the soft and flabby kind
I personally like visceral fat for the tight, round, pregnant looking bellies it produces, but it’s rare for women to gain a significant amount of it without even more subcutaneous fat that covers it up which is disappointing to me

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