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I dated a girl, about 4-5 years ago, who is still the fattest chick I've ever been with. She was around 350 back then. We never got past the dating thing, she was into a relationship, I wasn't into moving to her part of the country, things fell apart. We still chat from time to time. She hasn't become smaller over the years either. Around Christmas we had a long talk on Facebook, and after telling me how she had once broken a bed(!), she had to stay with a friend, who had noticed some weird stuff while my friend was sleeping. So she had it checked, and she has sleep apnea. Being morbidly obese, and just 28 years old, she also had developed high cholesterol and had to see a cardiologist regullary, because of some uneven heartbeat. She was likely to develope diabetes within a year, she had been told. She had been offered WLS, but turned it down. And she was still gaining... close to 400, and she knew I was turned on by how fatter she had gotten, but it also really turned me on how unhealthy she is. I mean, you eat yourself sick before 30? It's a dark part of this kink, but I wonder how I would have dealt with it, if I was with her.
Have you dated someone, especially younger women, who really ate themselves this sick and unhealthy? And how did you deal with it?
in my fat farm pig pen harem all the women are fattened to really really really fat like a thuusand pound plus and almost all of the women have a healths problem like diabetus or heart attack plus obesity itself is a health broblem with a diagonosis and eveything but that is what happeneds when yu are the god of fatteni

my biggest fat pig women is so fat she had surgery to give her new heart then again but they ere complimentry hearts from the doctorcause i think .... he must be FA TOO looks at all my pigs and high fies them when they get fatter we are working on a diabetus solution now

oh and imagegin if we do i bet we can get pigs fatter than a blue whale
It's been a long time since I've seen someone talk about their 2000+ pound girl here. I was beginning to think it wasn't real or they all died, good to know there's good folks like you still out there
Well since my gf is slowly getting closer to 440 and bmi 70 (can't be too much left) I do see some things of course

There are the obvious things like a flight of stairs makes her breathe really heavily and walking for a longer time is not really possible (let's say more than 20 mins as a limit)

She also has higher blood pressure (not severe tho) and some not perfect values in blood analysis

Sometimes there are some sore skin parts that need some care (I like to take care of her, so that's alright)

A back and feet massage helpd her a lot as well and I like to do that, especially massaging all the back fat and rolls ^^

Sometimes there's some irregular sleep apnea too, you notice it when the snoring stops
But it really isn't regular

Most of these things "naturally" happen when you are that fat I guess

But her general health is actually still good which is also important to me of course
>>12748 (OP)
>Have you dated someone, especially younger women, who really ate themselves this sick and unhealthy?
Yeah. I've posted about her before. She was 24 years old, about 5'6" and roughly 350lbs. She suffered from a broken ankle (this happened and healed shortly before we met), poor eyesight, inflamed gallbladder (which she had removed shortly after we broke up) and insomnia, all due to her weight.
>And how did you deal with it?
I couldn't. I broke up with her.

I still don't know how to feel about it. I find this sort of thing exciting to read about in erotic fiction but sad and disturbing in reality.
I fattened my ex-girlfriend up to around 430 pounds when she broke up with me. She was 25 then and already had some health issues. Most of it was just the precursor of the serious ones though, so i thought it was quite hot (high blood pressure, sleep apnea and fucked up knees, ankles).

Sadly she didn't like being fat and the fatter i got her, the more she hated it. Last i've seen of her she already lost over a 100 pounds.
The heaviest girl I was ever with was a girl I dated my sr. year of high school, ironically this was before I even realized I was into big girls or that feedism was a thing. At the time we dated she was 330 at 5'3. 12y later we're still friends on fb, she's married and I'd guess she's around 425 to 450 now. We don't really talk but I'm kinda tempted to ask if she's a feedee. All she posts about is her health issues which are all weight related, food pics and body posi stuff.
Come to think of it she always used to joke about fattening me up. I was very skinny and still am, and she was always baking things for me 🤔
I was on a few dates with a girl that big, but I felt that the issues are too much to handle. You can't do so many things and while it is hot as fuck, it is a lot to deal with.

My current girlfriend (soon to be fiancee) hovers 240-260 pounds and 40+ BMI and tbh I wouldnt want her to get much bigger. The fantasy is there but our relationship is based a lot around being active, hiking and generally doing 15-20k+ steps/day, so I can't imagine taking that away for a fetish. She's also 25 and has perfect bloodwork, so crossing fingers it'll stay that way.

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