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I've always preferred BBWs and SSBBWs since forever. I am middle aged, and lately BBW-chan isn't turning on the switches anymore. I feel attracted to young fit women. What is happening to me? Is it a mid-life crisis? Is social media we-wiring my brain?
>>12662 (OP)
dude something is seriously wrong with you weirdo
you don't like fat chicks? i cant imagine
>>12662 (OP)

I mean to be fair she is pretty smoking.

I'd love to kick back with her and get a beer, or maybe a couple slices of pizza, or some Cheesecake Factory or something. No, you should totally get some dessert if you want it! You can just run it off later.
Sorry to hear that, hope you get that sorted out.
see it as good thing. i think you'll function even better if you ignore women completely.
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IF this is real and your not trolling be genuine,honest and upfront about what you want and like, know what to expect to pay upfront,dont being a bunch of cringe and remember its business for her pleasure for you
>>12662 (OP)
I enjoy to have a balance between it all.

I love comparisons so a petite/fit gal with a really big chick is a massive turn on.

I like when they start out real thin then get almost unrecognizable after they gain.

When the thin friend starts to get fat when she hangs out with her fat friend for a long time.

thin chicks can be hot too, but add in a big lady and you got a great combo.
>>12662 (OP)
You came into the age of realization. BBWs are disgusting pile of lard without an ounce of self-esteem and should be banned from medical care. Welcome to the other side brother!

More seriously though, you're probably at a point where you're not attracted to girls with emotional baggage anymore, which most fatties are. At young age it sounds enticing to have a partner completely dependant on you for their confidence, but as you mature the concept of having a human mop as a girlfriend becomes more and more repulsive.
Now if you can find a fit girlfriend who likes having cheat days from time to time, you're golden.
>>12662 (OP)
You came into the age of realization. BBWs are disgusting pile of lard without an ounce of self-esteem and should be banned from receiving medical care. Welcome to the other side brother!

More seriously though, you're probably at a point where you're not attracted to girls with emotional baggage anymore, which most fatties are. At young age it sounds enticing to have a partner completely dependant on you for their confidence, but as you mature the concept of having a human mop as a girlfriend becomes more and more repulsive.
Now if you can find a fit girlfriend who likes having cheat days from time to time, you're golden.

Must take a special type of self-hate to troll around these boards with that mindset.
But he's right though.
Everybody has some sort of baggage you know
Anyways I like big butts and I cannot lie
Trolling doesn't come from a place of self-hate, it comes from sadism and boredom. The litterature is out there.

Also I really shouldn't waste my time trying to educate people on fetishism, everytime I attempt to explain the psychological mechanisms of the fetish my message gets banned for hurting someone feelings.
No, you're not a good person for wanting your girlfriend to get fatter. So what, are you a candidate for sainthood or something?
You sound like somebody who was mever taught by their parents to mind their own business. Keep going and see what you find.
Trolling is just fun as shit, I don't there's anyone that goes "gee whiz I feel bad about myself guess I better go shit post" usually "Lol look at this fucker time to toss some bants and get a laugh out of it"/
Honestly I’d count my blessings OP. I didn’t exactly ask for a preference that’s considered odd, subject to moral examination, has a large likelihood of sobering lifestyle tradeoffs sooner or later, and means 80% of the dating pool has deep-seated mental demons.
Mods are getting smart about it though, instead of pointlessly blocking IPs they just delete whole sections. Nowadays riots rarely hold more than two days. But hey, at least /gen/ is still relatively censorship free.
I have the same problem now, I slept with 135 pound girl with big tits a big ass and a small waist, everything was so firm. Her pussy was so tight. The sex was phenomenal. She was so flexible. During missionary she was able to wrap your legs around me. It’s almost like the skinniness was super hot do the contrast of the other girls I sleep with. Usually I have sex with girls bmi 40-60.

It’s very weird can I like both?
> It’s very weird can I like both?
You can definitely like both, I do as well. Sex is very different with a big girl and a slim girl, and I enjoy both for different reasons. Variety is the spice of life.
>>12662 (OP)

Nobody here knows what's wrong with your brain. We can barely figure out our own. But as far as your sexual tastes go there's nothing wrong with, and you don't need our help; go pursue sex with people you find attractive and be done with it.
>>12662 (OP)
>implying that's a bad thing
Fat women are not dating material. They tend to be mentally ill, insecure and hence are only good for hookups or short term relationships
that’s a pretty huge generalisation lol
Considering about 20% of the population suffer some kind of mental illness, don't you think you're being a bit judgemental? Mental illness doesn't mean you're unable to have a healthy relationship. And from my experience thin women can be just as insecure as fat women.
Holy shit, I thought I was crazy. I’m so happy other people feel the same way. I’m a little bit of a fuck boy, i’m married but I’m constantly on the hunt for lil bbw on feabie, anyways I was at a party and this girl with a BMI of like 20 And I had great chemistry. I fucked her in the bathroom a few times.(as good as you can really ever have sex in the bathroom) It was amazing it was like the absence of fat on her body made me thinking and realize how fat these other morbidly obese side bitches I’ve been fucking are. Her skin was so perfect no stretch marks ,no cellulite, everything was firm, tits were perky. However the second I got home I jerked off like crazy to some fat girls.
I’m the same way, I can find both skinny and fat sexy, but after every time I sleep with/ jerk off to a skinny girl I always find myself jerking off a billion times to ssbbw porn afterwards
Why don't you confess your adultery to someone prenamed Father instead of random anons? I hope your wife finds this post and beats you until you nearly die. Repent bastard. Seriously what is wrong with you? I know Canada is messed up but give me a break. Find blobs hot but don't cheat on your wife, is really not asking much.

Because "fuck boys" are "crazy". The man is reminiscing about vagina and went on to describe something about cellulite, BMI, and chemistry. Clearly unhinged. Sounds more like a lesbian to me but if it gets you pussy I'm not judging. What strikes me is that he seemed to have been eager to tell somebody that he fucked in a bathroom once, like a virgin. I am hoping this guy is an attempt to "meme" but this site could've done without him sharing his story. It is bland and unprovocative.

He can live more and try to be more interesting in order to have better stories to tell, but the fact that he speaks of obtaining bbw vagina as his highest achievement makes me question his sanity and mental stability.

And how small are the bathrooms in Canada that it makes it difficult to have sex in them? Reading to this greentext reminded me of a hood that I was too afraid to fuck because her vagina stunk like death. I left her ass in the middle of the street in the middle of the night and drove off.
>>12662 (OP)

You're focusing on the wrong bbws and for the wrong reasons. There are bbws out there that would make you pee your pants and shed a tear, but you are no longer being allowed access to such women. For some reason the powers that be has deemed fit to showcase ugly women instead of feminine women, and to promote physical fitness instead of beauty. You are no longer seeing the pleasures of enjoying the fat women you and your forefathers were accustomed to seeing, the best of the best. I can not imagine why it has come to this, but it probably has something to do with corruption in the entertainment industries. They do exist, but you will never see them.
Lol those were some weird replies, the wifey and I are in an open relationship if that make you guys sleep better.
Wow. Sounds like true love. A love so true and yet so much also a nonjealous or unjealous love. A confident love that is sure of itself, whereby both parties are mature and humanitarian, and with a healthy dose of self-esteem can freely enjoy eachother while not putting limits on themselves limiting or tying eachother down with silly meaningless traditions, or promises, or worse; emotions.

Who wouldn't love a wife that lets you sleep around right? You're living the dream, lad.

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