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Hi all,

I am a software engineer. My company has a decent amount of pussy in general, but the engineering department has literally no pussy. We used to have more pussy in our department, but all of it left. There's also no BBC in the entire company. We basically did everything but put up "BBC OR PUSSY ONLY" in our job ads. Nothing. Still a bunch of white boys every standing meeting.

This is a big problem. We have a fag that is super into inclusivity. He's a fantastic developer. Yet, all he does is complain every day about the lack of BBC and pussy. I would have though he would be happy without pussy, being a cock and man-ass lover, but he hates it. This is a real problem.

How do you attract more pussy and some BBC to apply at your workplace? How do you keep them working there?


>>12542 (OP)
Well, for one, don't refer to people in your workplace by their genitalia.
>>12542 (OP)
Fire the whiner, problem solved.

this is the correct solution

be the change you wish to see in the world
Hell no. I'm not doing blackface (dick?). I'll let someone else give up their career. Maybe the manpussy

i'd love for someone to call me BWC

I can't solve everything by myself and I'd like some more pussy at the office anyway. It's easy getting pussy outside of work and easy to get pussy at work, but hard to bring that pussy in. That's what I need help with
Offer to start tutoring your favourite whores in the art of programming. Turn the brothel into a boot camp. Start with programmable vibrators and you'll have them hooked. Before you know it they'll be incorporating wearables into their performance, and from there it's just a matter of getting one signed up to the soul-destroying, bureaucratic world of software development.

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