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Tattoos on women, what do you think?
Yes or No? Why?
Good or Bad? Why?
A Turn On or A Turn Off? Why?

Is there just a limit to how much is ok? Certain body parts off limits?
Do you judge the woman if she has any? Do you think poorly of her if she has any or think she's cool?
Well, what do you think? Do you think tattoos are bad? Or maybe you think that bad itself is subjective. (hahaha) Keep thinking hard, child. It won't do you any good!

As for the rest of you maggots whom I love, please remember to hold dear the truth. One day these thieves and orgy coordinators, the day is coming when these whores will face the judgement of the one true God, when the truth about their supposed superior intelligence will be brought to light for the world to see, and when their trickery, lies, and disguises will no longer be enough.

Whether (((THEY))) the reptelians of this Earth, continue using hackers, or witches, or demons, remember that at the end of the day they can't ever read your minds. Everything that is in there is safe.
Tattoos have always looked very masculine to me, even good ones look bad on women and while it isn’t a dealbreaker I get bummed when a model I think is hot otherwise has then. This is probably my most openly sexist impulse but it is what it is lol, not my business.
>>12282 (OP)
We've talked about this before and the general consensus seemed to be that everyone on this board hates them.

>Yes or No? Why?
I don't give a shit either way
>Good or Bad? Why?
I don't give a shit either way
>A Turn On or A Turn Off? Why?
Can be sexy sometimes. It's only a turn-off if they're shit. As an example, xomarym (who looks weird as fuck anyway) has a tattoo of a donut on one of her tits and a teddy bear on each arse cheek, all of which I think look like shit
>Is there just a limit to how much is ok?
Not really, although it does look a bit crazy if she's literally covered in them
>Certain body parts off limits?
Face, neck, hands and (to a lesser degree) feet. Though that's a bit of a moot point, as foot tattoos tend to fade very quickly
>Do you judge the woman if she has any?
Nope. But again, when this topic came up before, a lot of men on this board do
>Do you think poorly of her if she has any or think she's cool?
I don't think poorly of her, but I don't necessarily think she's "cool" lol

Least schizophrenic bbwchan user
Probably commented in the last thread, but fuck it, may as well unload again.
>Yes or No? Why?
>Good or Bad? Why?
No sir, I don't like it. Never found them aesthetically pleasing, plus they tend to be an indicator of bigger issues.
>A Turn On or A Turn Off? Why?
Turn off. Doesn't feel as nice to caress as non-tatted skin, though that could be largely psychological.
>Is there just a limit to how much is ok? Certain body parts off limits?
So sort of going in the opposite direction, there is a certain amount of tats I'm fine with, provided they A. aren't fucking huge, B. aren't on body parts I'll be looking at and touching on a very regular basis (e.g. feet), and C. aren't pleb-tier, e.g. stars, corporate products, etc. I'd say face is the most off-limits, because that tends to correlate the most with mental issues. Most areas are varying degrees of off-limits outside of that.
>Do you judge the woman if she has any? Do you think poorly of her if she has any or think she's cool?
I will have some degree of judgment, depending on the number, size, and content of her tattoos. Unless it's particularly egregious or she has other blatant red flags, I'll at least attempt to start a conversation.
I really don't get this hate for tattoos and why some of you are such fucking picky, sanctimonious assholes.

>Yes or No? Why?
>Good or Bad? Why?
Yes/good, if they're well done. Because good tattoos look good, and bad tattoos look bad. Same as clothes, or a haircut.
>A Turn On or A Turn Off? Why?
Turn on if they're done well.
>Is there just a limit to how much is ok?
I probably wouldn't like every inch of skin covered, but I don't really care that much, if it makes them happy then go for it.
>Certain body parts off limits?
I don't like face tattoos, but apart from that I don't mind.
>Do you judge the woman if she has any?
No. I try not to judge anyone by the way they look.
>Do you think poorly of her if she has any or think she's cool?
No. And this is a really weird/loaded question.
I’m honestly completely fine with tats on girls,as long as the tats themselves are actually good.I like Margot,but I just think her tats are just garbage, imo.
This is my opinion too, I'm biased though since I'm a hipster fuck with a bunch of tattoos, so it's hard for me to judge them except when they're really stupid concepts or poorly done.

I guess that Frankenstein on her leg is a drawing that John Wayne Gacy did, lol. She seems to be a funny chick, I bet she'd be fun to talk to once you got her warmed up.
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I don't like them on women. This trend of getting them in or on areas that are turn on's for men ( tits, legs, ass) is stupid to me. I used a pic of Margot who has one of the dumbest tats I've ever seen. Her body above her hips isn't all that great and to have this giant tat of a drawing by a serial killer that couldn't draw is stupid. So she only has 1 good leg in my eyes.
The most successful models seem to have either no tatts or maybe one or two that are small in size and in areas that men are less likely to focus on ( arms, back) There does seem to be a trend of large thigh tattoos lately. I fear face tats are coming. The trend is out there for men to do it, women will follow before too long.
I maybe shouldn't think this way but when I see a lot of tats on a woman I think she's dumb. She's a poor decision maker. Mental issues are likely with her as well. Of course any model posing nude online likely has an issue or two.
Everyone is going to have different opinions on this. A couple of you have said tats are a turn on if done well. I don't understand how they're a turn on. Margot's thigh tat seems to be a turn off to everyone so far. Laura Fatty got some tats and has one on her thigh, since then the interest in her seems to have faded around here. But her thigh tat looks a lot better than Margot's. Is her thigh tat a turn on? Why would it be a turn on? Wouldn't you rather see her skin than whatever she's gotten?
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>I maybe shouldn't think this way but when I see a lot of tats on a woman I think she's dumb. She's a poor decision maker. Mental issues are likely with her as well. Of course any model posing nude online likely has an issue or two.

Bro... You're on a board where dudes are both cranking it women who can't walk downstairs and obese cartoon hedgehogs. I get that you don't like tats, and it's kinda dumb for these women to mark up what they're selling, but this is kind of a case of the pot calling the kettle black, no? As for why they are doing it, it's a bunch of women getting a large amount of disposable income all at once, once they buy clothes/etc, the next accessory is a tattoo or a dumb piercing that makes them look like Bessie the milk cow. They're excited about their new money and identity and want to mark that with a tattoo or piercing or goofy hair color. That's about it. That's as deep as it goes. You'll have to either accept it, or start vocally supporting women who don't have them, but that might end up backfiring, so who knows.
I like Margot's and Adeline's tattoos, but I'm a hipster asshole, so they just look like fat versions of girls I'd see at concerts, which I like. I'd probably be more interested in a girl with a genuinely interesting tattoo like a John Wayne Gacy tattoo if I met her IRL, that's gotta be the only version of that tattoo in existence, which means that she's pretty original honestly. I think that's cool, but like I said, I'm a hipster asshole, which is probably what she's looking for if she doesn't already have a BF or whatever. I imagine neither of them care about fans opinions of their tattoos and would probably just get more to spite people. You have to understand that this is a side gig for most of these girls, a fun way to make money and justify being fat, if they want tattoos in their personal lives, that will bleed over into their online presence. They aren't making Maserati money off of this and probably are irritated with annoying online spergs sending them weird messages all the time, so why should they care? That's my question to you, if they aren't making bank and their customers are annoying weirdos who pirate from them at the slightest opportunity, why do they owe you anything?
Not a fan of the tats,but everything else about her seems great.I agree with you on that front
None of them owe me a thing. Please don't confuse me for those idiots who seem to think these models owe them something. All of these women are free to do whatever they want with their bodies. Gain weight, lose weight, tat themselves head to toe if they want. This is simply about are tats considered hot or not, and why one views them however they do.
Don't mind tattoos unless they're on the belly. For example Reiinapop would looks so much better if it wasn't for that belly tattoo.
But if not for jerking off purposes I couldn't give a fuck.
>>12282 (OP)
Dislike them but I can just ignore them if possible

I dislike tats HOWEVER there is one thing i'd like to see, and thats getting a skinny chick, and getting 2 small circle tats a certain distance from the naval and seeing them get further and further apart the fatter she gets. That and maybe something on the lower belly that gets lost completely as she gets fatter and the only way to see is to lift up her gut as high as possible. Other than those 2 specific scenarios I don't want to see tats at all
girls like margot should have to meet the victims families of the serial killer tattoos they get thinking theyre being edgy.
I originally was very in attracted to tattoos, to the point where I wouldn’t even bother with dating profiles of chicks with them for the most part. And yet in a case of irony my girl has several, though at least they’re tasteful and not overly large, unlike how some people tat what seems like every inch of skin they can.
Theu're not attractive to me but they ultimately don't bother me if the girl is hot. I jave tats myself, so its all good. If I met a hot girl with a face tat that might be a dealbreaker, but other than that, I don't see why it's such a huge deal or why it shows "poor decisions", like these girls are at some punk club in 1978. Tats are so stupid mainstream now. Is this whole thing just some madonna/whore complex shit?
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Yeah, she just wants us to know she likes halloween and everything creepy I guess. Thing is if she didn't have that ass no one would pay any attention to her. She's below avg. in looks, face is meh, not bad but it's not pretty or cute. For us fat lovers her belly isn't exciting. She's been modeling for over a decade and hasn't gained much at all. Her tits aren't big. But her ass is wonderful. Found some comparison pics of her pre tats
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>>12282 (OP)
Tattoos are cool, the problem is most people have dogshit tattoos, dont take care of them so they fade out and look bad, are just generic trash, et cetera
Also when the tattoos are just odd or clash together in style, like Tess Holliday's weird Miss Piggy or tattoos of random celebrities you don't know
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Agreed. She's really pretty and seems to like some cool stuff movie/music wise, but Lilliths tattoos are just awful. I hope she can work with an artist to tie them together and finish them up, or cover over some of them. If you're going to get a bunch of them, have a plan and stick with it, in terms of style, placement, and just generally having them finished. Tattoo artists can be flakes, but setting aside the cash to get one thing finished before starting on something else is really important.
Maybe I'm just a philistine, but I don't think her tats look that bad.
She may be a nutcase though. I read a story on here years ago (which could easily be bullshit) that she had a mental breakdown and went into a hospital in tears demanding that they make her skinny
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Naw man, like what you like. I'm biased because I think traditional tattoos look best if you are going to get a bunch of them, since the colors/line thickness are mostly uniform you can incorporate totally different images into a sleeve/section and it makes a cohesive whole. They also don't fade/run together as much since the lines are so thick. A good artist will keep this in mind for the next artist too, ie placing things in a way that additional work doesn't look totally out of place. Bummer that she had some issues, hopefully she's cool with where she's at now, if I was her I'd try and work with an artist to tie all of her ink together, since it looks unfinished and bad in my opinion.
Additionally, tattoo artists used to be very cautious about where they did tattoos, so they didn't ink someone out of a job(hands/neck/etc). It's just me being a snob, but if you are going to get a bunch, you should do your whole arm before the hands/etc because it looks unfinished and disjointed. That's me being a snob though, it's pretty common to see people do whatever/wherever nowadays.
Not for me at all, but unfortunately it seems about as easy to filter out tattoos as it is to avoid seeing women wearing yoga pants or wearing those ridiculous nail extensions, they're a popular "fashion" trend that only seems to be growing.
If you're a millennial or younger, then there's already a something like 1/5 chance that the girl you're dating (or fapping to) will have a tattoo. That obviously changes depending on the circle you're part of, and it seems that women who do sell their bodies on the internet, are disproportionately tattooed.
Personally I see someone with a tattoo as easily influenced by social media. That seems to be the root of the idea that tats aren't just "cool" they're a "must have" expression of your uniqueness.
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>>12282 (OP)
They're a huge turn-on for me, especially if the woman has the confidence to wear revealing clothing so as to show them off. Belly tattoos are the hottest. If your body is a temple (or canvas) then getting fat is adaptive reuse. Same applies w/ tattoos.

I’m not a fan of tattoos, but Bella’s are quite attractive. I actually think I like them to be honest!

That last one is tragic though. Especially because I really quite like her otherwise, but there’s no getting past that gaudy thing plastered across her front.

So it depends. But I do find tattoos of faces, or characters and stuff like that, a much bigger turn off than anything else. If that was something similar to Bella’s tattoo on the last girl then I wouldn’t really mind it.
>>12282 (OP)
Tattoos are ugly, full stop. The human body is an artwork, why ruin it by scribbling over it?

It might be more accepted for men, but that doesn't mean it looks good on men.

I concede that it looks worse on women though. Natural skin is best. Smooth and unblemished is ideal, but natural blemishes are inevitable and acceptable.

Ultimately, if I want to stare at ink stains I'll visit an art gallery or visit DA.

*Wears helmet and ducks back into trenches.*
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>If that was something similar to Bella’s tattoo on the last girl then I wouldn’t really mind it.
It's really a matter of style; Bella's is orientalist whereas mercythebrat's is clearly bowery inspired. I get what you mean when you say it looks gaudy, but for some people that's literally the appeal of those those types of tattoos. I wish mercy didn't delete her reddit account; it doesn't look like she has much of a presence online anymore.
Oh and yeah, I wish Bella would show of her tattoos more; she's always front-facing in most of her videos. Inked fat rolls are really something else; just goes to show how pliable skin really is.
It's interesting how there's different views. I'm sure age is a factor for some of us. Me being in my 40's I view them as a negative. When I got old enough to get access to porn tats weren't a thing. Especially any large tats. For younger guys you'd be used to seeing them and it would be easier for you to ignore.

I found this article a while back. I think I agree with this..
"While men see tattooed women as less attractive, they also see them as more promiscuous."

Just incase it didn't link....
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From the article,
>"When men saw the woman with the tattoo, they judged her as less athletic, less motivated, less honest, less generous, less religious, less intelligent, and less artistic than when she displayed no tattoo."
This is dumb as hell. Even the cheapest tattoos are expensive as fuck; they require a lot of time and effort to get, much less exhibit on a casual basis. This is a big reason why tattooed BBWs have historically been so rare. All things considered, most women with tattoos I've met over the years were highly driven, surprisingly hygienic and very cultured individuals—so much to the point it was intimidating at times; that's just how hot they were. These are traits not commonly found in a fetish community that's known for encouraging the kind of unhygienic habits and middlebrow tastes that usually come from a life of morbid obesity. This is slowly changing, however; and I'm glad it is. Gimme some sex positive, inked up fatties; I don't care if they're actually promiscuous. People shouldn't be judged by their tattoos alone.
>People shouldn't be judged by their tattoos alone.
(Barring certain criminal contexts; even so!)
the first girl looks like a book of tacky stickers, holy shit thats bad lol. if i didnt know and she took off her clothes in front of me i might not be able to hold in a laugh and would sound like a total asshole lol. i wouldnt be getting laid and i'd be just fine with that lol
It's the same girl in both photos.
>The human body is an artwork, why ruin it by scribbling over it?
You're already abstracting it by fetishizing obesity, why stop there? If the human body is an artwork, then call me Gaston Lachaise (or Fernando Botero; fuck it)
if anything that really hammers home how much of a negative difference it makes. thought pic 2 was actually pretty hot, and pic one just makes me laugh and facepalm
Again, bowery style tattoos are more than a century old; tattooists pull inspo from old school flash sheets all the time and it's not uncommon to find generic designs in sticker form. I don't understand what's so laughable about it. I mean sure, the ones on her legs could be more uniform and she definitely would've been better off getting full sleeves done, but that costs extra $$$. At her size and in color, I imagine the price was already pretty steep. If she's working her way to that, then more power to her I say.
This entire thread is just a rehash of the last time we had this argument, but I'll reiterate what I said last time: I would fuck the everloving shit out of this chick. That is all.
When she gets "naked" it won't look like it because she's covered in tats. How can one get turned on by large blooms on her ass?
Cost of tattoos and how many centuries tattoo styles have been around do not factor into this. This is all about if tats look good on women or not. I would bet a century ago men didn't much care for tats on women and probably thought those gals were stupid and easy.

"Personally I see someone with a tattoo as easily influenced by social media."
Ok well you wouldn't be the only one to see it that way and who would say someone easily influenced by any media is smart? Wouldn't most think of them as dumb?
No one is arguing the artistic merit of the tattoo. Some of us don't want our girls excessively inked the same way others turn their nose up at excessive piercings. It's personal choice. It's what all this comes down to. I personally hate her tattoos and she does nothing for me as a result.
Agree with everything but the 1/5 chance.
Surely it's got to be higher than that?

>You're already abstracting it by fetishizing obesity
I don't completely agree with this.

>Gaston Lachaise (or Fernando Botero
But this, I can agree with. Time to throw out 'rubensesque' and instate 'lachaisesque' and 'boteroesque'.

>How can one get turned on by large blooms on her ass?
Precisely this. It no longer looks like human skin, it looks like a painted canvas, and I want to fuck humans, not paintings.
>When she gets "naked" it won't look like it because she's covered in tats.
People who get tattoos are interested in how their bodies will look nude (or otherwise intentionally exposed), not 'naked'—nakedness implies vulnerability, embarrassment, and voyeurism (again, things that are closely associated with fat fetishism).
>Cost of tattoos and how many centuries tattoo styles have been around do not factor into this. This is all about if tats look good on women or not. I would bet a century ago men didn't much care for tats on women and probably thought those gals were stupid and easy.
It has everything to do with it! Unless you have no respect for the art form, I suppose. Tattoos aren't the same; does that need to be said? There are people in this very thread sharing their thoughts on individual tattoo styles. More than a century ago, tattooed women in America were seen as low-class freakshows, but I can guarantee you that the tattoos they were getting had much more thought and craft put into them then the ones people usually complain about here. Women shouldn't be so grossly stigmatized for their weight anymore than they were for their tattoos.
>No one is arguing the artistic merit of the tattoo. Some of us don't want our girls excessively inked the same way others turn their nose up at excessive piercings. It's personal choice.
Self-expression is still fundamentally an artistic choice, and people shouldn't be judged too harshly for experimenting with their bodies—especially in our 'social media' age. I suspect people in this community who draw the line when it comes to tattoos and piercings never experimented much themselves (or in my case, never had the freedom to do so growing up to begin with).
>He wouldn't fuck a painting
Surely you can admit there's something really erotic about the thought.
>Surely you can admit there's something really erotic about the thought.
No, I see nothing attractive about the idea, but all that proves is that one man's trash is another man's treasure.

>nude, not 'naked'
Nude is defined as "Without clothing or other covering of the skin", naked is defined as "Bare, not covered by clothing.", hence they are the same thing.

Your comment here appears to hinge on the idea that somehow 'nude' means 'intentionally exposed' whilst 'naked' means 'unintentionally exposed'. Such a distinction does not exist.

Either way, your words (whatever point they are trying to make, it's hard to discern) do not refute or argue against the premise in the quote: "When she gets "naked" it won't look like it because she's covered in tats.", which poses the idea that tattoos resemble clothing and thus 'nakedness' (or 'nudity' - they are the same thing) will not look truly 'naked' for such a person.

>nakedness implies vulnerability, embarrassment, and voyeurism (again, things that are closely associated with fat fetishism).
To you perhaps, but not necessarily for the rest of us.

>I suspect people in this community who draw the line when it comes to tattoos and piercings never experimented much themselves
One does not have to undergo having a tattoo to know that one prefers skin that has not been 'inked', just as one does not have to learn to play a genre of music to know one does not like listening to it.

For that matter, what even constitutes 'experimenting'? It sounds like a euphamism for doing crack.

>(or in my case, never had the freedom to do so growing up to begin with).
Perhaps that is why you see them as being more appealing? Perhaps you see them as a symbol of rebellion against those who denied you the opportunity to have them?
I wouldn't bother, honestly. The stance OP is basing this off of hinges on conditional definitions and the idea that there's intrinsic value to tattoos. That because these women chose to ink their bodies, they are inherently more beautiful due to being able to express themselves. He fails to see that you can enjoy art and you can enjoy women, but they need not necessarily be mixed to appreciate either more. I enjoy a good Tom Collins and I enjoy steak, but I'm not dead set on marinating every steak I cook in gin.

He disagrees with "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", which is the same as agreeing to disagree. There is nothing he can say to get me to like having a face marked onto a gut.
Here are my thoughts on tats:

Tattoos are a (mostly) permanent mark on your body. Most people don't have the foresight to know what they'll be doing in five years, let alone think about how their tattoo will look in 10, 20, or 30 years.

Because of this, I think that most tattoos on anybody, including women, are a bad idea. They're a sign of a lapse in judgement 95 percent of the time, and the more bad tats you have, the worse your judgement skills are.

Are you really going to want that Superman tat on your arm at age 60? Or that phoenix or whatever? What appealed to me in high school in no way appeals to me now over a decade later, so probably not.

There are exceptions. A small, tasteful tat remembering a loved one or honoring some part of your culture will usually age well. But I promise that tramp stamp which was such a great idea in sophmore year of college won't age well.

I won't be unattracted to a woman who has one or two bad tattoos automatically. It probably means she made a bad decision or two when she was younger, and if I ruled out every person who did stupid things in their past then I wouldn't be living a great life. It's just that while the physical evidence of my late night benders is long gone, that tat is a reminder of that one stupid thing that sticks around forever.

All that said, purely from an attraction standpoint, I like no tats (or small, tasteful tats) better than tats.
>because these women chose to ink their bodies, they are inherently more beautiful due to being able to express themselves.
Are words, facial expressions and fists no longer enough for expressing oneself? (I ask rhetorically.)

>There is nothing he can say to get me to like having a face marked onto a gut.
True enough, but I'm a sucker for an argument.

> Most people don't have the foresight to know what they'll be doing in five years, let alone think about how their tattoo will look in 10, 20, or 30 years.
>They're a sign of a lapse in judgement 95 percent of the time, and the more bad tats you have, the worse your judgement skills are.
Sir, your logic is based as fuck.

> that tramp stamp
True story: one of my (female) IT teachers had a tramp stamp. It was visible when she leaned over a computer to look at a student's work.
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>>12571 (Dead)
Are you serious? lmao you want to be picky about words? Nude vs Naked. Go google ffs it's the same thing. Without clothing. In the raw. Au Naturel.

I'm sure they're conscious about their appearance which is why women who are currently following this tattoo trend are being discussed. As the link said, men tend to see women with tats as "more promiscuous" Dudes love easy prey, so the tatted girl gets attention, this excites her leading to her thinking it was a good decision for her. Problem for girl is once dude has had her, he leaves because he doesn't find her to be worthwhile otherwise.

You are wanting to defend tats as an art form when that's not what this is about.
How much a tat costs does not matter as to whether it is hot or not. If Margot spent $300 or $1,000 + on that John Wayne Gacey Frankenstein tat on her thigh makes no difference if it's hot. The tattoo artist did a fine job, looks just like his drawing. Then Margot wanted it framed and the tat artist has done a fine job there as well. BUT it still looks stupid and unappealing sexually. To have it where it's located is very undesirable. Take that tat and stick it on her back shoulder and suddenly she'll have a pair of sexy legs instead of one sexy leg.

You say tattoos from centuries ago had more thought and craft. Ok, so you agree there's bad tattoos these days women are stupidly covering themselves in? Wouldn't that be a poor decision for their sex appeal? Making them *not* instead of *hot*?

I know you'll keep your stance/ argument that tattoos are an art form being disrespected in this thread but it really is just about if a woman is sexy tatted up or not. If you can get aroused with a fully tatted woman, more power to you.
Good post. I'm lost on his definitions. He uses "nakedness" and the definition of that is simply - the state of being naked. Nudity has the same definition - state of being naked. Really trying to twist it into something that it isn't. Like someone is a victim if they're naked instead of nude?
I too would think the number is higher. It's such a trendy thing.
>Nude is defined as "Without clothing or other covering of the skin", naked is defined as "Bare, not covered by clothing.", hence they are the same thing.
In the visual arts, there is a difference between 'naked' and 'nude'—this distinction is one of the first things you learn about in any Art History 101 class, especially on the topic of painting. I think you could have an interesting conversation on this when discussing body art. Even in a 'naked' state a tattooed person could still be seen as 'nude' because they've allowed their bodies to be used as a canvas. Perhaps this is where some men get the idea that tattooed women are more promiscuous. Why get a tattoo if you had no intention of showing it off, right? Hell, some people might feel entitled to see it! It's a potentially scary thought.
>your words [...] do not refute or argue against the premise in the quote [...] which poses the idea that tattoos resemble clothing
I chose not to refute or argue against it because the premise itself is stupid. If you fucked a heavily tattooed woman, will you be convinced that you're fucking her clothed? Skin feels like skin, tattooed or not. If its equally smooth and unblemished, you might as well fuck a doll at that point. Tattoos aren't blemishes so long as they heal correctly, and provided the client didn't go to a shitty tattooist. But say this hypothetical woman was subject to scarring from her tattoos, why would that be a big deal? The sexual appeal of tattoos, for me, is the additional opportunities for foreplay. It's fun (and erotic) to follow the contours of the ink for the same reason why I like to touch acrylic paintings; it's not necessarily something that's meant to be touched, it's meant to be seen. To be allowed the privilege of that intimate moment, well; it's sexy and cool as fuck. Does the idea of the human body not being as much of an essential, immutable subject (trying to avoid the word, 'pure') disturb you?
>To you perhaps, but not necessarily for the rest of us.
No, that's literally what it means. Go to a figure drawing class sometime and insist on calling the model they have posing nude, 'naked'—I dare you, see how people react.
>For that matter, what even constitutes 'experimenting'? It sounds like a euphamism for doing crack.
Stop being obtuse. You know what I mean.
>Perhaps that is why you see them as being more appealing? Perhaps you see them as a symbol of rebellion against those who denied you the opportunity to have them?
Initially yes, like any Midwestern suburban kid who grew up in a socially conservative, Christian household. But now that I'm well into adulthood, I can genuinely appreciate the art form; even some of the bad and mediocre ones.
>The stance OP is basing this off of hinges on conditional definitions and the idea that there's intrinsic value to tattoos.
Ah yes, the moment someone pulls up a dictionary you just know nothing productive will ever come out of the exchange. I realize I'm talking past everyone, so I'll just leave the thread.
>He fails to see that you can enjoy art and you can enjoy women, but they need not necessarily be mixed to appreciate either more.
I enjoy art and I enjoy women; I also enjoy the rare occasions when they're mixed together (especially on a fat fetish basis). OP clearly has trouble sharing that appreciation, and has pronounced apprehension over this 'trend' potentially becoming more widespread.
>He disagrees with "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", which is the same as agreeing to disagree
OP says women are free to do what they want their bodies >>12305 but only as a way of saving face that they would prefer women not get any at all >>12301 — I would place this accusation on them, not me.
>If Margot spent $300 or $1,000 + on that John Wayne Gacey Frankenstein tat on her thigh makes no difference if it's hot. The tattoo artist did a fine job, looks just like his drawing. Then Margot wanted it framed and the tat artist has done a fine job there as well. BUT it still looks stupid and unappealing sexually.
Honestly I'm a sucker for 'abstract' art in ornate frames. If it were up to me, I would've made the frame B&W or ditched the flowers entirely and gone full baroque excess. Either way, there's still a lot to play with there and I'm sure people who don't even know what it is are drawn to it regardless. It's certainly a conversation-starter, and that's the least you can hope for with a tattoo.
>You say tattoos from centuries ago had more thought and craft. Ok, so you agree there's bad tattoos these days women are stupidly covering themselves in? Wouldn't that be a poor decision for their sex appeal? Making them *not* instead of *hot*?
It depends on the tattoos and how bad I think they are! None of the examples posted in this thread so far have been especially egregious or cringey. You'd have to post some real 'People of Walmart' type shit to get as visceral reaction out of me.
>It depends on the tattoos and how bad I think they are!
Ok, so it's ok for YOU to judge because you know art having taken an art history class once? But no one else should have an opinion or thought concerning tats because, we aren't art experts, right?

>OP says women are free to do what they want their bodies but only as a way of saving face that they would prefer women not get any at all
I'm not trying to save face dude. So stop with your shit. Everyone is free to tattoo their bodies and everyone is free to have an opinion about it, about how it looks, etc. A fat woman can choose to lose a lot of weight but when her skin is sagging, just hanging there. I won't be attracted to that. It will be because of the sagging skin, not what the scale says. I'm free to not be attracted to the hanging skin. You don't get to tell me that I'm wrong about that because you once sat in a room trying to sketch a saggy skinned woman who was naked ( sorry, *nude*) or whatever you can come up with.

The only reason you might need to leave the thread is because you have tried to make it into something it was never about.
I can understand how you would enjoy playing with the edges of a tattoo during intimate times. You visually have no issue with a tat so it'd be easy for you. I can respect that. You understand for me though I don't care for the visual of them in/ on areas of her body that turn me on so I'd rather run my hands and fingers on those areas with nothing but plain skin. I know tattooed skin doesn't feel different. I've been with one girl who had a tramp stamp. It didn't ruin my experience with her. But it didn't enhance it either. She was easy, so it only reinforced the idea in my head that tattooed women tend to be easy.
I'm just surprised "intrinsic" was the straw the broke the camel's back. That sentence wasn't even a superfluous display of vocabulary.
Fuck, they're just tattoos. This thread is actual cringe.
it did seem to silence for sure
>In the visual arts, there is a difference between 'naked' and 'nude'
Look around you, this is not some poncy art class. Even if artists consider there to be a difference when the rest of us do not, it's clearly a case of a distinction invented by artists where none existed before, hence the general populace recognises no such distinction.

>Why get a tattoo if you had no intention of showing it off, right?
This makes sense.

>Hell, some people might feel entitled to see it!
This does not. Such a person would be an entitled ignoramus.

>I chose not to refute or argue against it because the premise itself is stupid.
You're not going to win any respect by dismissing people's arguments without even dignifying them with a proper response.

>If its equally smooth and unblemished, you might as well fuck a doll at that point.
As you just said, skin feels like skin. A doll on the other hand does not.

>Tattoos aren't blemishes
To those of us who think tattoos spoil a person's appearance, the term 'blemish' is perfectly descriptive ("A small flaw which spoils the appearance of something, a stain, a spot."). What is and isn't a 'blemish' is inherantly subjective.

To me, something as unnatural as a tattoo is more of a blemish than scarring or fire damage.

>You know what I mean.
I really don't. I can only presume that you've had a more exciting life than I have, but I have no clue what sort of acts you're thinking of.

>It's fun (and erotic) to follow the contours of the ink
To you perhaps, but clearly there are those of us who don't feel that way.

>the same reason why I like to touch acrylic paintings
I've met plenty of people who see some appeal in tattoos, but none who claim to have a fetish for acrylic paint, until now.

>I enjoy art and I enjoy women; I also enjoy the rare occasions when they're mixed together
I also like art and women, and I might even, on the rare occasion, stretch to being alright with art on women on a non-permenant basis for the sake of theatre or events, but permenant tattoos are something I cannot see an appeal in.

Why create such static markings on a creature so dynamic? Clothes and makeup can be removed, and henna wears away over time, but tattoos are a permenant eyesore.

(I should clarify that my interest in art is a purely visual one, not one that involves scratch and sniff behaviour, or anything even remotely sexual. I've never needed to clarify that before, but clearly here I do.)

>the moment someone pulls up a dictionary you just know nothing productive will ever come out of the exchange
Without dictionaries to demonstrate which definitions are widely accepted, we would be at the mercy of any old piss-artist to invent whatever definition he or she pleased.
To all the main anti-tattoo guys posting here, serious question: If your dream woman in terms of appearance, personality, fetish, interest, etc. was attainable and wanted to be yours, but she was fairly heavily tatted, would you decline? By fairly heavily, I mean she has multiple tats, bit no full sleeves or backs, nothing on the face, even nothing on the tits and ass for argument's sake, say like 8-10 tattoos.

I'm genuinely curious, as someone who is mostly unbothered by tattoos, what the cutoff line is.

And you can't just say "She wouldnt be my dream woman if she had tattoos cuz she's be this way politically and like this kind of music etc." The idea is this is a pure hypothetical, so you can even think of her as the most politically conservative trad housewife subby to her hubby type, if that's your thing.
To reiterate, no judgment. Genuinely curious.
(342 KB, 1642x1200, 0htV6M9.jpeg) (119 KB, 1200x800, i-love-marilyn-s-huge-tits-and-round-belly-tsyjy3rsay-1200x800.jpg)
Ok, well if she's everything I want and happens to have some tats I *might* be able to get past some of them. If they're on her back, or arms, it's easier to overlook as those are areas that don't arouse me much. Leg and thigh tats, an ankle tat of a heart I can probably overlook. Thigh tats are harder to overlook. Take the 2 models I've used in this thread, Margot and Laura. Laura's is much easier to look past because it's smaller, it's not something that looks so dumb. It's better "art". So, yeah I guess I could. It's just hard to get excited over these models who have serial killer drawings, grumpy cat, grease, and there's one with a Christain Bale thigh tat who's name I can't remember or find a pic of.
Most of these models Boberry, Cherries, Mal Malloy, Chloe, Alex Storm, Roxxie, Bonnie, Britt are not heavily tatted. If they have any it's usually small and in areas men don't focus much on.
>If your dream woman in terms of appearance
>but she was fairly heavily tatted
These two things are contradictions.

>you can't just say "She wouldnt be my dream woman if she had tattoos cuz she's be this way politically and like this kind of music etc."
It's a fair argument that a person's opinions on tattoos are likely to coincide with other aspects of their personality. It's not necessarily going to signal what a person's politics or music tastes are, but it will be a signifier of other aspects of their personality. You're not going to go to the trouble of getting multiple tattoos unless there's something about your personality or worldview that causes you to find them appealing.

>would you decline?
I argue that if a woman had tattoos then she would be unlikely to be my 'dream' woman, both because she had tattoos (which would spoil the rest of her appearance for me) and because whatever aspect of her personality that lead her to get tattoos would make her unlikely to be suitable in terms of personality too.

But, if we're throwing logic out the window and going on hypothetical scenarios: I'd be up for having a non-serious relationship, e.g. a sex-only or 'Netflix-and-chill' scenario, but I wouldn't put a ring on it or take her home to meet 'the folks'.

Maybe that means I'm a horrible bastard. Maybe that means I'll be alone for the rest of my life. Either way, I don't really care.

I'd rather live alone than live a lie.
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lol I guess all of us are horrible bastards. I tried to be as easy going in that scenario as I think I possibly could be. Tried to imagine she'd gotten some tats at a young age when she was super stupid. But I still have limits of where on the body and what the tat is. She would have to convince me she's not a moron anymore. They need to be in areas that I don't focus on.

Men are visual, we are the reason there's porn. We are the reason women are obsessed with how they look. So anything can turn our eyes away from a woman. The thing with tats is I'm the one who see's it. What I mean, is I'm the one who sees Grumpy Cat, he's upside down to her. He's backwards in the mirror for her views. The person with a tat will say... "this means something to me" Well, it doesn't mean anything to me and I'm the one who gets to see it. Would upside down grumpy cat be better to me? I doubt it, but it would make more sense to me for her to look at her thigh and grumpy is looking back at her.

It's a trend and all trends come to an end at some point. This just happens to be a stupid one imo when legs are sexy things on a woman. Adding tats of animals, bows, bad drawings, a wrecked truck, etc. Does nothing to add to the appeal of a pair of legs.
Again, men are visual. I don't want to have to fuck her in the dark because I can't get past the damn Mr Sparkle tat she got on her leg. I don't want to have my mind thinking of the Simpsons while I'm being intimate. ( I am disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious? Join me or die. Can you do any less? )
If she's heavily tatted, she's not my dream woman in terms of appearance. For me, ink is as much a part of appearance as a girl's face or body. Basically, reiterating what I said in >>12292 , the cutoff line for me depends on the size, location, and subject of the ink. I don't have a hard cutoff in terms of pure number, but I could handle a few, if they weren't in places I would constantly be looking at, and weren't of shit subjects.

At the moment, the closest I have to a dream woman has like 2 or 3 tats, but they're out of the way enough where they're more or less a nonfactor for me.
(3.8 MB, 1920x1414, 2e571b30cd1b6518610dddbf1ae8f39df1385d72dd70033cd75a5a8fe0d13de9.png)
How does one overlook the tatt on the thigh of the one on the left? It's a bear that looks like it wishes a hunter would put it out of it's misery. It has 3 girls riding it. But one girl has a flower for a head. Another has what might be a pumpkin for a head? The third looks like it has Stewie Griffin on it's head. How the fuck is this sexy?
It depends on the tattoo. There's an art to doing them well. One part of it is how loud and attention grabbing it is. A good sleeve is fine, I like little ones like hearts, symbols or animals. My issue is when it's trying to be a Picasso painting or a bunch of scribbles. Then it's too distracting for me.
(503 KB, 1600x900, no bitches.jpg)

I think it would depend on how big they are, what they are and where they are. I know you specified no sleeve, face or back tattoos but like I'd really prefer to not have a big tattoo of John fucking Travolta staring back at me when I look at her thighs, pennywise, some dumb cartoon, bad drawings, Chinese writing or any other writing system that isn't their own because they think that because it's 'ethnic' then it somehow has some 'deeper meaning' even though they know nothing else of the culture (though these aren't as visibly unappealing as other things mentioned on this list to be fair), dumb star tattoos (just like a simple star or multiple blacked out stars i just find them so bad they are like kids stickers you put in your scrap book when you were 8) or a memorial tattoo (it's like you are at a grave site imo) I can't help but feel it really takes away from the appeal.

I think hena as an art form is quite beautiful and can look really good on people mostly due to it being all the same colour and it being a series of patterns, not dumb pictures. It also fades away and it can be changed. I think if it were something like your one in >>12760 i wouldn't mind as much as it is all the one colour and it's like a floral pattern and not a dumb picture of peter griffin. Even though the tattoos are bigger on this woman, id prefer her over someone with a smaller but dumber tattoo if that makes sense. Other tattoos like a small bit of writing or some simple same colour design like the one on Jae and Roxxie's wrist wouldn't bother me that much.

With regards to the argument that her having tattoos will also be due to her personality and therefore not be that persons dream woman i feel does not apply to me as I'm into some alternative rock or post punk music and women who also like this sort of thing tend to be the kind of people who get tattoos so bummer for me i guess.

However, all this being said, if a girl who gave me even the most remote amount of attention and was interested in me who I found a bit attractive and had loads of tats I'd probably take it because I'm soooo starved for pussy and get ZERO bitches so I can't really be too picky if very little is interested so I guess i'd have to take what I can get. But if I was rolling in the bitches then i could afford to be more choosy. Personally, I just feel tattoos can never or at least VERY rarely add any more appeal to a woman and can only take away from it.

Rant over
The cigarette rule. It looks good on attractive people only.
>>12282 (OP)
Love them. ESPECIALLY on bbws. Happy when other assholes hate them. As an oldfag pro photog, I've shot otherwise knockout thin models who were dtf but have always opted for a curvy rockabilly pinup chick with tats. Also, it's entirely false the former are clean (smelling and otherwise) and the latter dirty and bipolar, I've always found the exact opposite to be true.
>>12282 (OP)
Love them. ESPECIALLY on bbws. Happy when other assholes hate them. As an oldfag pro photog, I've shot otherwise knockout thin models who were dtf but have always opted for a curvy rockabilly pinup chick with tats. Also, it's entirely false the former are clean (smelling and otherwise) and the latter dirty and bipolar, I've always found the exact opposite to be true.
I don't care for it but literally every girl has a tattoo nowadays so w/eva.
I do find it a bit funny though, when they take pictures of themselves then have to blur out the tattoos too so no one recognizes them

Every girl has a belly button piercing nowadays too lmfao
I don't care for piercings but they can be taken out. Can't take a tat off lol
I just like the ones that let you know what ship you served on in the navy.
I might be dating myself as someone who grew up when low riders and crop tops were in but there is simply nothing hotter than a belly button piercing on a beer gut.
Don’t mind tattoos on skinny women, but for whatever reason I can’t stand them on fat women. Maybe it’s cause I actually care about their bodies and really I just can’t stand tattoos on women at all cause I’m only attracted to fat girls if that makes sense. But they’re a mega turn off for me. It’s why I instantly lose my boner every time I see something from Ivy, I hate all her tattoos. Same goes for a lot of the BBWs who are covered
Tattoos are bad.
The only tattoo that should be allow is a tattoo of your name,initials on her body provided she is going to be your wife or current is. Anything else is a big no.
As a wise anon once posted, a woman with tattoos is like a house with graffiti.
(99 KB, 960x640, tigbitty.jpg)
I love a fatty with tats. A full sleeve on super plump arms makes me absolutely diamonds. Also helps that I can in no way resist sticking my dick in crazy.
the only reason anyone here and on any other chan hates tats is because their 2013 sjw imaginary friend has them
(45 KB, 725x395, captain-amazing-mystery-men-movie-h1.jpg)
Tattoos are awful. They are a distraction, nay, a defacement of the beauty of a woman. It also shows their immaturity having to mark up their bodies with symbols and images that they identify with. Use your words. Wear a t-shirt.

Women with tattoos come across as trashier. It's like having a branding by the world, showing you are so uncomfortable with yourself deep down that you have to advertise who you are via ugly permanent doodles. And more often than not, I see women get tattoos of symbols of which they don't know the actual meaning; they just think it looked cool.

It takes a lot more strength of character to be comfortable in the skin you are in than to cover it up. On a BBW or SSBBW, tattoos look even worse, covering the beautiful fat with lifeless dull-colored ink. Tattoos stretch in laughable ways and the whole thing is just ugly.

Pic related.
Y'all are some weirdos
No. Tats look bad on the sexy parts of women. Simple as that.

I agree. I see a tatted woman and I figure she's easy. 100% of the time I'm right too.

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