
(30 KB, 400x400, biblethump.png)
During Uni my gf had gained around 8 stone which is a crazy amount of weight for a girl in the UK. Girls between 18-30 would never dream of being 20 stone. She got comments from parents and family constantly but holy fuck she looked insane, all belly and tits.
The thing that got me early on though was that she fully knew I liked bigger girls, we were in the same friend group during our time at Uni together and on one night out she made a sly dig at me with a huge grin on her face for bringing home a fat girl a month or so ago, almost as if to say "I fucking knew it" and she wanted to watch me squirm. But I kinda just opened up to her there and then, went back to her flat that night and the rest is history.
Both got together and we're now on our 5th year together, got a house and shit going amazing. FULLY learned about the whole fat thing, started to follow Boberry, Roxxie and Plump Princess on Instagram since she thought it was a good idea to have more people that looked like her (Im rock hard at this point) Had great sex, belly rubs the whole shabang. Never was her official "feeder" but she absolutely piled on the weight through being comfortable in a long term relationship.

Only thing is that she's legit skinny now, fully lost all the weight and she's even skinnier than when I first met her. Just woke up one day around when Covid first started and went for a morning walk (never did exercise, would inhale doughnuts and crisps daily) and then it went from there. Whole family is obviously so proud of what she's done and gets constant compliments on how she looks now. Still love her and all the gay shit but man, shit sucks. That whole "side" of us that was there doesn't get talked about anymore whatsoever.
Obviously I have to look at the bigger picture, her happiness/health over me wanting a whale.
Has anyone had a similar story? Kinda banking on having kids and marriage that she'll focus less on the diet and MAYBE get a bit bigger, but I doubt she'l ever be as big as she was.
Give a lad some hope would ye.
My BBW wife is going to try to get WLS and i'm not happy about it but i'm going to have to deal with it. Everyone would think i'm a monster if i told her she can't lose weight or else i won't find her as attractive. She's around 350, i honestly wish she's gain weight but instead i must support her losing it. She doesn't want to get pregnant again unless she loses a major amount of weight.
So how do you guys deal with the (partial) loss of attraction?
>>12207 (OP)

Would you mind if I asked a couple of questions? Just curious. You say that "whole "side" of us that was there doesn't get talked about anymore whatsoever". Did you ever talk about it while she was losing the weight? Does she know that you find her less attractive? (While you didn't explicitly say that, I think it's a safe presumption.) Is this causing current issues in the bedroom or the day-to-day of the relationship?

I guess I'm curious as I've kind of got a similar thing going on. Not as intense a weight loss yet, but it could be. It's a girl FWB I've had on and off for a few years - it's never become a 'proper' relationship due to logistical and distance issues, plus I know for me I don't think I was quite ready to tie myself down (even though making it official would definitely have got me more sex over the years - I'm not Mr. Smooth) before 2020 happened.

Slightly different background. She was always a capital-B Big girl growing, no sudden weight gain, and she was when we first met (and one-night stood). She'd never made a big deal of it, and I always let her know I thought she looked hot. She seemed to accept herself as is; about my height, huge tits, huge round shelf-arse, thick upper arms, large belly and thick second chin that was always visible head-on. (She could minimise it a bit by taking photos about 90° above her face, but you could still tell.) When I first met her, we'd sometimes get dinner at a local American-style diner place, and her tummy used to poke over the booth table; it was cute. Also the best natural blonde colour and blue eyes, and a cute face to boot. Kept herself well groomed too, none of this slob stuff (no offense to those guys who like that).

Anyway, like I said, we'd been on & off depending on circumstances we were in but always kept in frequent touch. Her weight had always gone up and down a bit, generally trending up. She peaked at 21 & a half stone (301lbs for US) at about age 20/21, but we weren't meeting then. She was hovering around 20 stone normally. We met up again for the first time in years between lockdowns last summer, but she'd already lost some chunk from that point since then. (Ate a bit better, took up walking on her Dr's advice, but also weed for sleep and anxiety (caused by IRL shit). Based Dr to just flat out suggest exercise and a Class B drug). She was about 250 or 260 or so, I guess. This was fine for me; the ass was still there, the tummy was too - but the bust had gone down a lot. A bit of a shame for her; she'd have preferred a more even overall reduction in her body & she liked her tits as a feature. But she worked perfectly for me still.

After that reunion, she picked up the gym. Mostly does weights and swimming, aiming to be a size 14 (UK) from Size 20/22. She's on the exercise as a hobby and for health (a friend of hers got Type 2 and that was a fear of God moment), rather than just trying to be 'thin' (she doesn't really care about that), with 'what happens happens' attitude. It blindsided me a bit, but I'm supportive as it's what she wants to do with herself. But I have to admit, I'm a bit uncertain about the future now. Last time we met, I did find it a bit harder to get off, but that could have been any number of things (lack of sleep, whisky dick, wanking too much in the previous weeks, job hunt stresses, etc.) and I wasn't 'feeling it' as much. She's probably like 220-40 tops, and her loss continues to be uneven. More from the back and bottom now than the belly. Her belly's hardly changed. Good for some, not so great for me as I'm more of a legs and assman.

I guess I'm a bit uncertain about the future of her. She goes to the gym 3 to 4 times a week now, enjoys it. While she says she wants to be "curvy af" and build muscle, I do wonder if this'll hold when she reaches that desired size 14 area. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. I don't even know if she can stay her ideal size *with* her current gym habits when she gets there. She wants to lose more belly fat, but as her hormones or whatever seem to be really stubbon about keeping it over everything else, I wonder if she'll even out in the way she wants. I don't know if I'd still find her hot as a much smaller overall person; it's hard to tell when she's in a transition like this and has never been such. I know I've found a variety of sizes of women hot, from thin to fat, at different times although 99% of my porn use has always been BBW or lower SSBBW stuff, and most of the girls I've wanted IRL have been around that kind of 200-280 spot. I don't know if I'd find *her* hot at a 'normal' size. We've never really talked much about porn or preferences; we're not a couple-couple, just a couple of people who gravitate to each other a lot. I had been considering maybe making it more serious and official, but I'd want to get some of my shit sorted first (like find a new job and stop being unemployed again, so I can afford to go to her more, maybe even co-habit; we seem to have got closer and more serious since lockdowns started happening every few months - I guess it put things in focus).

I guess to stop this being just a 'Dear Prudence' letter, I suppose we have to accept that the particular trait we like in our partners here is malleable; it's the results of habits and choices up to a point but it's not fixed like eye colour or height or something. And, even though people will tolerate a lot of bullshit for good pussy or dicksucking, the foundation of the relationship does have to move beyond this kind of initial attraction, because no stays how they are forever. I guess we just have the inverse problem of guys who's wives start getting fat; and even then, a lot of guys still love and make love with their changed partners.

I guess we have to ask ourselves, what drew us to them, and what's keeping us there. But I probably shouldn't be trying to give advice, lmao. Guess I just wanted to vent some uncertainties a bit. Good luck OP.
I remember saying a couple things mid sex and the reaction wasn’t there, I’m naturally very aware of how weird all this fat stuff is so once it wasn’t reciprocated I just stopped tbh. Know the girl too well.
Sex life is still great, just not what it was but that’s life. We’re all going to get wrinkly and bald at some stage so I guess we have to expect change, it’s just whether you want to be with the person because of who the are rather than what they look like. She asks a lot of dumb questions like “would you still be with me if I had no limbs” and the answers always yes.
All i can recommend is don’t get with her on how she looks, yes its important but people change and a lot can happen over the years. I myself would never in a million years want to get fat for someone so I can’t expect her to either.
Best of luck friend. If anyone out there gets 3 wishes, make being fat the standard for women please.
I’ve been seeing a girl for a few years and she more than doubled her weight 135lbs to cresting at 300lbs. She started putting on weight and when she got to 200lbs I confessed I liked fat girls and girls who continue put on weight.

I was living the dream for just over a 6 month period after that and then for the last 18 months she’s been dropping weight and is probably at most 230.

It’s been raised that I want her 300+ but it’s her body and her decision. She will go along with it but she continues to lose weight. It sucks but it is what it is.

To the guy who’s partner is looking at wls, if they don’t deal with the emotional/mental reasons why they’re overeating they will initially drop a shittonne of weight and then begin to regain it. Knowing several people who’ve had it they’d all prefer not to have gone through it all and remain fat.
not current partner but an ex lost all her weight. now she looks like a man lol
I called off a relationship because woman I was with lost weight, I don’t know what her weight was or how much weight she lost (she refused to tell me) but she reached a point where I viewed her as normal person and no longer found her attractive, she was still beautiful but I no longer had sexual desire regarding her. I feel a bad that stopped being intimate with her at most I held her hand, she tried her best to excite me but nothing happened. She was a amazing person when we stopped working we texted each other until late in the night, it was great, she was so talkative-lively.
Semi-similar to OP, I met my girl back when she was a plump 240. She was never a feedee or knew anything about the whole fetish thing, but she did like to eat and got up to 260, which looks fantastic on a 5’3” frame. Unfortunately she got weight loss surgery (gastric) and went all the way down to 140. Mind you I still love her and am ultimately happy she’s down to a weight she’s comfortable in (not to mention it’s a lot easier to pick her up and carry her around), but still…I do miss that plump bod at times. I guess that’s what porn helps with though lol.
>>12207 (OP)
1. Be honest about it
2. Decide if the mental bond is worth the waning attraction
3. Don't presume marriage will change things
4. Don't have children unless you actually want children
5. It's better to cut and run before things get too serious if it's a deal breaker
6. Have you considered RP and/or suits/costumes?
>>12207 (OP)
If you love her sacrifice your preference for her sake. She makes get plump after marriage and kids, but if she was absolutely massive, then yeah encourage her to be healthy even if it is painful for you.
If you really love her the best thing you can do is give her the support she needs. Also keep in mind making a lifestyle change from a bbw or even bhm to skinny is basically a never ending commitment, and it is very easy for a reformed fatty to go back to what they were. So just because she loses weight now doesn’t mean she’ll stay that way forever, unless she gets brainwashed into some exercise cult on social media she will most likely end up regaining the weight plus more

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