
(93 KB, 1592x891, Ms MacNCheese POV.JPG)
It's always a question I have been wondering, every month I see a new model who I am interested in, they're posting this, posting that, posting a few vids and all of a sudden they just stop.

Examples of new models that quit despite them only starting: Victoria's Belly, puffgutprincess, Chinky Jawn, Ms MacNCheese, etc.

Can anyone tell me why it happens?
Being a model isn't all fun times -- especially in a niche fetish like this one, you have to deal with creeps, simps, stalkers, the threat of doxing. Especially if you're just doing it as a side hustle, the negatives can easily outweigh the positives. It's always been the case that new models will often disappear from the scene after a short time, even back in the old school BigCuties days, as they realize that it's not all it's cracked up to be. And with feedism/WG specifically, there's always the possibility of health issues showing up sooner rather than later to snap you back to reality.
Potential reasons include:

-It's humiliating/degrading to some of them
-It's a surprising amount of work for very little money
-Their loved ones find out and react negatively
-There are few ways to stand out in a very broad field to improve your income that don't involve going down dark paths of fetishism you may not be into
-Weirdos will constantly message you online

Of course, all of those apply just as much to non-BBW models. So here's a bonus one:

-Because they may not like being fat and everything that comes with it

It's comparatively easy being a skinny blonde pornstar because even if all the things above happened, people will still basically have looked at your content because society agrees you are sexy, which has to be affirming on at least one level. If you're a fat pornstar, you have to very quickly come to terms with the fact most people are only watching you because of a kink and an awful lot of them are going to respond saying "Wow, you're fucking fat, please eat a shit ton and become seven billion pounds, it is my fetish for girls to die of a heart attack while on a ventilator" It ain't a normal field to work in.

OnlyFans has done a lot to disguise the sheer amount of work that goes into creating porn. It's so, so easy to look on OF and go "Wow, you can make money just for getting your boobs out? Piece of piss!" What you don't factor in is the fact you need to be updating your content near-constantly with at least intermediate level picture quality to even stand a chance of a look-in. You need to interact with your fans day in and day out. When people say "Sex work is real work", they don't just mean you should be nice to prostitutes because it's uncomfortable work, they mean it's REAL WORK because you won't ever fucking stop.

And I guess after a while, some models get sick of looking at pictures of their nipples and labia lips and decide they can do without it.
Also, can't remember the exact details or where I read this, but apparently OnlyFans is structured in a way that the majority of women aren't making a living wage off it once OF takes their cut.
Onlyfans could have a 110% payout and that would still be true. Its the principle as creating anything for the internet. Some people put in effort and break even, a few put in the same or less and strike gold. The majority are either lazy people who get upset they aren't the gold members in their first week or do it as a side thing
Women who are in the top 1% on OF (like MamaHorker) make around 10k a month. Casey told an interviewer that she makes 2k a week from a single video on Curvage. In an IG story Kayla recently said she made 2k in a single day on Curvage.
There was a discussion about BigCuties a while back, I forget which thread... But basically there are like 3 people on that site that made enough to have it be worth it as a career. Everyone else was getting a couple hundred a month. You factor in hotel rooms, outfits, props or food, you break even. And for what? Validation of horny strangers that pester you to get fatter?

A good amount of people that start out of nowhere absolutely get discouraged when they're not an overnight sensation. The truth of it is you need to be establishing a presence to build up a market and that takes time. Most of the women you see being successful have been modeling for a decade, and the field was not nearly as competitive as it is now.

You don't even need to start out by selling straight away - Letakelsie was on/off with her online activity on Instagram & Feabie for years and when she started OnlyFans she was set to make thousands a month. She could have modeled full time and do something part time IRL to cover her ass. FatMissT was selling content personally and when she jumped to OF she was eventually making enough to afford a place to live.

The success stories are there, but unless you really market yourself or have something unique to show, you're going to be making chump change. And with a growing base of models that expect to be paid for just being hot - the reality checks are in the mail.
Most of the popular feedee models are making six figures a year, but the ones who make the most money started out thin. Already chubby gainers and BBWs don't make much unless they have unique proportions like Mal Malloy

>Most of the popular feedee models are making six figures a year

Lol bullshit. The minority would be making six figures a year, not “most”.
I would guess for many it's getting slammed with weird fucks demanding them to gain, gain quickly, and gain with the intent to die. We see it on this board all the odd fuckers who don't pay for porn yet seem angry these girls won't fulfill their fantasies.
>>12147 (OP)
There are many reasons, but they all stem from one thing: the reality does not match their preconceptions.

It's not always about the stalkers and the thirsty boys, sometimes they realise that it's not the ego boost they thought it would be, and that not even a horde of obsessive fans can fill the empty void in their hearts.

Also, they get regularly shafted by regulations because profiting from sex-related activity is frowned upon by governments and many unenlightened taxpayers. Too many sites have shifted their goalposts when it comes to sexual content.
Somewhat related, Nadya had an IG livestream and talked a little bit about S31 in general. She said as a model, you get access to the entire site's archives. Because of this, apparently it was recurring issue where dudes would coax their gfs to apply as a model and just dip not long after.
I can say I know and talk to puffgut on a personal level. From what I see and hear from her, she's had her IG suspended a few times before starting up a new page not too long ago. So she's still around...just having to deal with the typical issues of posting such vids and pics on IG like other models do.

Everybody else has covered all the right reasons that apply to all, if not most of the other models that don't hang around long enough....from perception and personal life to the DMs and the effort needed to make modeling sustainable as a main source of income.
Puffgut is great.Her belly is fucking unreal.Hoping she eventually decides to start an of

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